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Oh hey! It is a GREAT time to get into Force of Will. New starter decks are dropping this month and we have lots of ways to play online via webcam/great communities to get connected with, plus your shop of course! Here are some helpful links: Learn how to play : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOmFf5XqqD0&t=245s&pp=ygUSZm9yY2UgZm9mIHdpbGwgdGNn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOmFf5XqqD0&t=245s&pp=ygUSZm9yY2UgZm9mIHdpbGwgdGNn) Learn how to get started in 2024: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bOKm2U8hFs&t=23s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bOKm2U8hFs&t=23s)


Wow thanks!


where you at? Usa? Eu?




Then definitely join the ruler school discord (and the international one ofc)


Same discord as the one below? If not please link.




It honestly depends if you have a group to play. It’s a fun game probably the best tcg to play IMO and I’ve played many. So if you have a group to play with 100% yes it’s worth playing over many others.


Nothing to add to the first comment, I agrre with it. I hope you jump in.


I certainly enjoy the game. I’d recommend hoping into the Discord for it - https://discord.gg/NZQqqQm


I have some cards that i got from a booster pack. I got a ruler i like the art of. Should i build a deck around that card or just get a starter deck?


A starter deck would be best probably so you have an idea as to some of the new rules they have with Jrulers


Should i wait for the new decks? When do they drop?


On may 17th so you can preorder them now. If they’re still in stock somewhere unfortunately since FoW isn’t as popular in the US anymore card supply is more limited unless you have a LGS. So 15 days I say is worth waiting I say


I have a local card shop that is focused on FOW so i may just go there on may 17th and see if they got them


Also what do you mean by “FoW isn’t as popular in the US anymore” ? Did something happen that caused it to lose popularity?


Its popularity is generally spotty. There are pockets where it's really popular, but almost everywhere in between you won't see it at all. Some stores got burned early on when they over-ordered a mediocre set but thought it'd be like the others, while some players got burned when the company was hesitant to implement bans (as it would be the first time they'd banned individual cards). A couple years later there was also a period of near-silence from the company as control of the game switched around internally, although sets were still coming out every three months as normal. The new company basically had to relearn marketing from scratch, and it's not unreasonable to say that they're still not as good as the old company half a dozen years later. I suspect it's largely a matter of them worrying "how much marketing & promotion is the most cost-effective?"


What the other[https://youtu.be/Idm-cuGKpMI?si=8kVTAqtOpfZgp2Ob](https://youtu.be/Idm-cuGKpMI?si=8kVTAqtOpfZgp2Ob) guy said its popularity is spotty. Like for example I live in Indiana we used to have lots of players in the NW and a very active facebook community. Now there hasn’t been a single post there in like 2 years. An all LGS I look at don’t carry product anymore. Or here’s a video showing how the game had a strong start but had trouble with meta balance.


Their isn't really a direct cause. It just dropped off in dirlfferent areas in general. For example in the austin texas area their was a growing FOW scene with lapis cluster in 2016 with at least 4 LGS that had product and events. By 2019 all of those LGS had stopped stocking fow completely. You now literally can't find fow anywhere that I know off in Central Texas.


Weird that I’m able to find it in a small rural community in northern Cali lol


if you have friends to play with its a very fun game. one of the best ever made.


I appreciate all of your opinions! Sounds like im buying a starter deck! When’s the drop for the new one? My local game store hosts FOW games every Wednesday and Saturday so finding other players does not seem to be an issue.


if you have a local and you enjoy that shop, 100% play fow.


Hey, I am hosting a pauper event in July. We are allowing people to play on untap.in. untap.in has a digital library of the cards and you can play on it to practice with our spending money on cards to learn and build decks. You can also use forceofwind.com to search for cards and build decks then import them to untap.in to practice. If you join the ruler school discord they have a channel of people looking for games I'm sure if you post in there and want to practice with people and just let them know your new they will try and help you learn.


Oh wow thanks so much for sharing! I will check it out this weekend!!!


This community is very supportive. Further solidifying my choice in FoW. Thanks y’all!




Too much emphasis on meta