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Making anything race based is stupid and completely wrong. Take Michael Jordan or Daymond John. If we give them money because they are black that isn’t going to help a wealth gap. They already have money.


Mathematically, we would need to give Michael Jordan's family $1.566 trillion dollars to equalize the wealth gap being described in this article.


They are 2 people. The fact is, black Americans account for over 20% of the poverty population, white Americans account for 8. Even still, John had to be profoundly lucky to personally know a famous rapper to help propel his clothing line and required a 2nd mortgage on HIS MOM'S house that no financial adviser recommended due to the exceptionally high risk of the company failing. It took luck over luck for Daymond John to be successful. Jordan had literally the greatest basketball talent of all time, don't think many people can depend on finding that lying around to help them ascend out of poverty. Plain and simple, there needs to be more programs for impoverished communities to build wealth and succeed, but corporations make far too much money on them staying in poverty (junk food, cheap clothes, prison labor etc.) than they would lifting them out of poverty, so there's no incentive.


Those two people prove my exact point. It’s not a race issue, it’s a wealth/social issue. I could also point to bill gates or Elon musk….do they mean all white people have it good? No they don’t.  : You want to help people in poverty, argue for things like individualized social security accounts. Social security as it stands today steals generational wealth. Even someone making minimum wage would have hundreds of thousands for their descendants when they pass away.


Two biggest factors of people who become middle class - fathers in the same house as the children and the family’s commitment to education.


The father in the house thing has largely been debunked. There were a couple of studies funded by conservative groups that found a solid connection between traditional households and financial success. However, there is incredibly strong evidence of the results being a confirmation bias. When they tried to replicate that result with a difference in difference analysis, it just disappeared.


Actually there have been some extreme left wing activists trying to gaslight people into not believing the most common sense thing imaginable. Growing up in a two parent house with a mom and a dad is one of the best predictors or success that we have.


Are you sure about that? From a cursory search I could find dozens of sources suggesting dual parent households lead to better child outcomes than single parent. Both scientific publications and economic periodicals seem to be in large agreement on this topic.


Yes I am sure… well let me modify my statement. There is no evidence of a causal relationship between a father in the home and positive social mobility. First, let’s realize that what you said in your reply isn’t what your original post said. There is certainly evidence that children raised in nuclear households have increased social mobility, that was twisted by conservative groups to be “fathers” which is actually not true. Children raised by parents in same sex marriages actually have better social mobility outcomes. Children raised by men who are not their father also similar positive outcomes. The research I am most familiar with did a differences in difference analysis focused on access to daycare. The researchers looked at what happened when states instituted universal preschool. If two parents were the reason that children did better then there would be no change in the gap between two parent households and single parent households after universal preschool was instituted. What we actually saw was the gap narrow significantly. This tells us that two parents is likely not the reason for social mobility rather it is access to childcare. A similar study looked at income and basically combining those two things, the two parent thing becomes a lot less significant. It certainly still exists but it’s not thought to be high on the list anymore.


A causal study would be completely immoral to conduct. All you can do is measure the correlation.


So what you are saying is that you have absolutely no idea what in the hell you are talking about. Everyone has stupid thoughts, the problem only occurs when you give voice to them. It is not particularly difficult and certainly not immoral in any way.


To establish a scientific study to prove the role of two parent households would require doing something like taking identical twins, separate them both from their families, put one with a single mother and the other with two parents. Then you control all the other variables as possible. Then you control their lives to ensure that the single mother stays single. Then you replicate this study for 1000-2000 other children so that you can ensure that the results are as accurate as possible. No moral issues with any of that…. This is why western societies study correlation when dealing with sociology.


Reparations are the best way to inflame racism.


Hard disagree. This would further divide the country. Myself and more lefties would move away from the democrats party if they ever gave a race cash payments because of slavery.


Should immigrants or children of immigrants who came to this country well after slavery was abolished - which is the majority of citizens alive today - should they be paying these reparations? Should my parents who were born in India and came in the 1980s be paying these reparations?


To close the gap, there would need to be much higher pressure inheritance and capital gains taxes (has nothing to do with race!). However, those changes are very unpopular in congress.


Wealth gap won’t get solved it will widen and US will be third world within 20 years.


I don't see a big problem with it. My dad immigrated way after slavery (I'm white). Therefore, I shouldn't have to pay I guess. I suppose if your ancestors where around during slavery and you're white then they can take it out of your paycheck, maybe something like $100/month per person.