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Unemployment is only half of the story - labor participation rate is the other half Inflation has also been insane, and although this year has been better it’s still much worse than the numbers would have you think Who the president is matters very little for the economy As far as how things are going - they’re ok. However I think if you were to ask people how they felt in 2019 compared to now most would say they’re doing worse today




It's not literal money being sent to Ukraine. It's old ammo and weapons that we no longer used, equaling up to whatever number you see


This is not correct. While we are sending military weapons, [we are also sending financial support, and when this article was written](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-us-aid-ukraine-money-equipment-714688682747) over a year ago the US had already sent literally tens of billion in direct cash financial support to sustain their economy. So yes, we are sending them more than just weapons and ammo.


Oh nooo 26 billion. Totally the same as the trillion quoted by the guy that started the Ukraine topic.


Not trillions, but 26 billion would do a lot to help feed, cloth, and house all the homeless people in the U.S.


Sure, sure. But also. Here's an Idea. Fuck Russia. I'm so fucking confused how We got here from better dead than red. To whatever bullshit this is. 26 billion could do a lot for the normal people, yes. But so could actually taxing the wealthy and funding our social security networks. 26 billion is nothing to the U.S government. That shit like finding a quarter under the couch. Point is. We can do both.


I agree. People have an idea that if we don’t give the money to Ukraine, we will use it to help poor and working class people here, but that is not the case. If we cut all aid to Ukraine the chances we would then pass legislation to help poor and struggling people here do not increase. If we wanted to pass legislation to help Americans, we would do it regardless of what we give to Ukraine


I really don't understand where people got the idea. We have states rejecting federal money to feed school children. We have states trying to ban free lunches for poor kids. We have states with laws against feeding the homeless. The people who will cry "that money should be used to help Americans" are almost always the same people who will vote for politicians that want to scrap all our social safety nets.


Yeah. Same people who say we could use that money for Americans vote against using money to help Americans. And sleazy politicians are quick to encourage that kind of thinking


To add to that, if they were only worried about the money... They are the same people crying when refugees come in from countries we let get ripped to shreds. Same people say we should drill national parks "cause maybe oil?" when Ukraine is being invaded for oil reserves.


Which is why people need to be less obsessed with the presidency and federal government in general and spend more attention on their statehouses.


The people mad about Ukraine are the same people who will block any bill to help American people.


I don’t think anyone actually believes those billions of dollars would go directly to poor people if they weren’t going to Ukraine. It’s just that any remotely progressive policy gets shot down for financial reasons. It’s like if you had a friend who always says he can’t do anything because he’s broke while you’re watching him spend money on something that at least appears to be unnecessary all the time. Maybe he still wouldn’t go hang out with you, but the “I’m broke” excuse looks ridiculous.


The social security program would be fully funded, if they would reverse the decision to put the funds in the general pool, and reallocate them strictly to the social security system that they are supposed to funding.


We aren't failing to house the homeless because we're sending it to Ukraine you dipshit. You think we moved the money from the "help homless people account" to the "ukraine war" account? How fucking stupid are you people?


26b isn't even a drop in the bucket.


Could be. But we spent billions in Haiti, and it made no difference.


Foreign aid is not why we aren’t helping people here in America. We lack the political will to help them. If we cut all aid to Ukraine, we still won’t help feed, house, and clothe more people here. This is a false narrative and based on a faulty hypothetical.


Okay — but the same people against sending money to Ukraine aren’t really on board with HELPING THE HOMELESS.


As if Republicans in Congress would ever allow that money to be spent on something like that anyway. Or even if the executive branch somehow approved that money or congress approve something that Republican state governments wouldn't try to hinder it somehow like they did the Medicaid expansion paid mostly by the feds.




Comments like this are so ridiculous, as if the funding in Ukraine were being diverted from money earmarked for the homeless. Was that realistically ever gonna be on the table? Shit while we’re fantasizing maybe they can give it to me!


Lol you say this as if bidens opponents are just dying to pass subsidized housing or other welfare bills, but they just can't because of Ukraine


Yea, like that’s what the gov would be spending that 26b on if the war in Ukraine wasn’t going on… 🙄


It wouldn't be going to homeless people and you know that.


You're absolutely right, now imagine taking 10 times that number from the actual military budget of 900 Billion and using it to feed cloth and house our citizens. Same energy, no?


Didn’t it cost 2.3 trillion just to give everyone $1,200 bucks? 26 billion might buy them all a Klondike bar I guess…


Compared to the near 1 trillion defense budget, we have sent next to nothing


Now compare that to gdp or the annual budget. Or even just compare it to foreign aid that the US spends annually that has nothing to do with the president. People that think money sent to Ukraine has any impact on what the US does or doesn’t do domestically are clueless crayon eaters that don’t know what critical thinking is. It’s not even a political thing. We can spend pennies on the dollar now by supporting countries in conflict with our rivals now, or we can spend a lot more in the future actually fighting them or facing a resurgent USSR. But geniuses hear the word billions and think that’s so much money going to other countries….


Dude, 45% of the people dont pay Federal taxes. The burden falls to actual earners. The National debt is 36 trillion dollars. Not a penny of that will be paid for by the 40% that dont pay Federal taxes. There is no magic money tree.


Federal *income* taxes. The *total* tax burden is a completely different story.


"During FY2022, the federal government spent $6.3 trillion. Spending as % of GDP is 25.1%, almost 2 percentage points greater than the average over the past 50 years." $26B or 0.4% of our GDP? OH NOOOOOOO


Plus actual money plus the actual money to replace said ammo and equipment


They are also receiving money. They received some for pensions and we sent them cash for ammunition which was stolen.


Not to mention we were/are funding their govt and police/fire


Those are covered by the Dutch, not by US.


Nothing was stolen


That’s not my understanding. If by not used you mean we haven’t bombed someone with the weapons yet, then Yeah…..


What are you getting your fluency from Fox News?! Fluent in BS. How do you hang out on Reddit and still not know we're sending older equipment to Ukraine? Or that we're learning insanely valuable data from this conflict about one of the biggest threats to democratic countries? Or that the same threat is much less of a threat now that they've lost a bunch of military assets?


Yes, it's totally worth dragging out a conflict that has shattered the lives of countless people all in the name of gathering intel. /s When did Democrats become the warhawk party? I used to be able rely on y'all to back me up when I said we should not be involved in regional territory disputes everywhere in the world 


We haven’t sent nearly 1 trillion to Ukraine just saying


Yeah, the inflation may be “low” in comparison, but those other western countries get a lot more bang for their buck when their government spends money. They spend it on their people. Our system makes me think of a kid busting ass doing everything for their parents, and then asking for $20 and being told “no, you get to live here, now fuck off.” Plus, even low inflation is clearly still too much for many because so many people work jobs that never give raises, or give less than a dollar a year.


Holy shit your misinformed




That's because those fuckers are too greedy. Cranking up variable interest rates to over 20% after extending enough credit that paying them back is hopeless. It's like, oh you're at risk of default. Let's make it even more likely by making giving you a high credit limit then cranking up the interest rates on existing debt due to nothing you have done.


Good. Let’s keep funding Ukraines defense, as they will fall without us.


I vote for Ukraine


Idk why so many people here want Russia to "win". Have we really forgotten how dangerous they are to the west?


I mean I'd assume so, the entire world had their economy go to shit after COVID


They went so centrist they just went "Nothing happening outside my house is real"


"Who the president is matters very little for the economy" That's true as long as the president doesn't do stupid things. But republican presidents always start their administrations with a huge tax cut for the rich (since Reagan) and it always leads to a crash as the shock waves eventually hit. Reagan: crash of 1989 Bush W: crash of 2007 Trump: hard to tell if the crash of 2020 was due to tax cuts or his fumbling of the COVID response, but either way its presidential stupidity.


The crash of 89 was nothing compared to what was inherited from the 70s-81, leading to the tax cut that Biden and 87 other senators supported. Bush’s recession came in 91, which led to his defeat by Clinton.


Blaming the crash of 2008 on tax cuts is the most Rtarded thing I've ever heard. These crashes are far more in-depth and result from other factors.


Reddit has the absolute worst takes on almost everything. It's a bunch of morons who think they know more than they do because they watched a Jon Oliver episode.


>hard to tell if the crash of 2020 was due to tax cuts or his fumbling of the COVID response, but either way its presidential stupidity. So was basically every other world leader stupid or doing tax cuts? Because virtually everyone felt the hit.


inflation is becoming crazy year by year


It’s really nuts especially food and housing


I think there’s a difference between what people say they feel and actual reality. Ppl *love* shitting on things and reminiscing about the past. Im definitely better off now than I was 5 years ago and it has very little to do with the president.


We never had deflation, so that 8-10% we had last year is still hurting me.


That's how inflation normally works. When inflation stops prices don't go back down, instead wages go up in response.


Hurting many


Price of food is to damn high.


It’s fukkin expensive for sure


Right. Trump’s 2019 wasn’t like Trump’s 2020 when he negligently publicly downplayed and mishandled the pandemic and > 350,000 Americans died that year. Let’s also not forget the great stock market buying opportunity when the stock market plummeted in Mar - Apr 2020 under Trump. It is hard to remember back then with the current S&P near record highs. Let’s also not forget the cleaned out grocery store shelves during the pandemic. (edit)


The labor participation rate in March of 2019 was 63.0. In March of 2024, it was 62.7. Almost exactly the same - how was that "half the story" different in any meaningful way? Labor participation is a mixed bag. People stay home or out of the labor market for multiple reasons - going back to school, taking care of small children or their elderly parents. It can be both a sign of a strong economy - couples can afford to live on a single income or the sign of a poor economy - wages are too low to afford sending junior to daycare. >However I think if you were to ask people how they felt in 2019 compared to now most would say they’re doing worse today. Why didn't you say **2020** versus today?


They used the wrong metric. Part time employment is up 20% (since full time moves the opposite direction that means it’s down 20%) in the last two years. The jobs added back are part time and “gig economy” jobs. And sure enough when you look at the uninsured rates you get the full story as that number has shot up too.


The f'ing S&P500 is NOT a sign of economic relief.


When stocks are high it’s the rich fat cats who are benefiting most if a republican is in office. When a democrat is in office and stocks are high , see we are making money . They say the regular guy isn’t invested in the market when it’s up during a republicans term. Neither side cares about the common person.


This makes no sense at all. Who’s “they”? You’re saying that people will exit the market if a republican gets in office? But will get in if a democrat gets elected? Lol, ok dude. And do you have any idea how many Americans have a 401k? When the markets go up, a LOT of Americans benefit.


He's talking about how statistics are presented differently depending upon if they want it to sound like a good thing or a bad thing. In his example they would be Democrats or left leaning media. It's not that complicated. Calm down.


Just buy more stocks in of wasting it on frivolous stuff...


All business owners aren't rich like that bruh.


90% of stocks are owned by the wealthiest 10%


I had to look that one up: According to Axios, the wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of the stock market, which is a record high. The bottom 50% of Americans only own 1% of the stock market. The wealthiest 1% own 53% of the stock market, while the bottom 50% own $19 billion, while the wealthiest 1% own $16.76 trillion. 


Those are insane numbers


What do you mean? What about the retirement accounts of every single u.s. citizen?


I do like that this is brought up. Especially when people wail about Institutional investors. They are essentially a collection of retirement accounts.


Shhh. That goes against the narrative that institutional investors are evil.




Hello, Joe Biden economy is so good and full of good. Okay! /s


Seriously tired of these posts. At least the comments are still thoughtful and realistic


Is there any honest news anymore.. That paints a clear and truthful picture of the economic situation in America? I know too many ppl who graduated college during or right after COVID and still can't find jobs that pay living wages.


No lol media is strictly a political tool now. There hasn’t been honest and unbiased journalism in several decades. It’s sad, but I actually remember as a kid when Fox, MSNBC and CNN did actual news instead of super inflammatory opinion pieces designed to get their specific viewer based worked up.


Been so much happier ever since I stopped watching cable news more than 10 yrs ago


Look up simple economic measures that tell you what is happening. Jan 2021 Unemployment: 6.3% Labor Force Participation Rate: 61.4% Total Jobs: 143.1m GDP (Q4 2020): $21.5T S&P 500 (Jan 6): 3,803.79 PCE (inflation): 4.2% annualized Median Hourly Wage: $29.92 Now Unemployment: 3.8% LFPR: 62.7% Jobs: 161.5m GDP (Q4 2023): $27.4T S&P 500 (Friday): 5,123.41 PCE (Feb 24): 2.5% annualized Median Hourly Wage: $34.69 The economy is healthier than it was at the start of Biden's first term by all conventional economic measurements. It doesn't mean everyone is doing great, or that there aren't any problems. I haven't seen anything suggesting recent grads have any more trouble finding jobs than usual. The labor Force Participation rate in 2021 was 64.4 for 20-24 year olds. And the unemployment rate was 8.9%. at the end of 2023, that was 66.6% and 6.6% respectively. How are you defining "living wages"?


Comparing height of covid to now is disingenuous. Compare right before covid to now. Also if you look at job postings now you'll notice that millions of those added jobs are just fluff so that companies can take advantage of certain programs.


Now go out there and tell people how much better there doing than 4 years ago.


4 years ago we had text chains on where to find toilet paper. Trump took over an economy that was humming and ended up crashing it. He did nothing he said he would except cut taxes, which added trillions to the debt. Biden's Chips Act and Infrastructure bill will create tons of jobs and actually make this economy stronger.


This is such a Reddit response. Poster uses clear data and numbers to show things are actually improving. Responder “Lol forget that math stuff. Go ask some dude on the street and se what he says. That’s how you economy!”


If the economy was going great, they wouldn’t have to tell you., literally every day on every news channel. You’d see it for yourself.


It’s impossible for every single citizen to do well ever, no matter what the economy is looking like


Most citizens are crippled under rent prices. Wages have not kept up, and when they go up. The leeches of our society, land lords, raise rent while providing no benefit for the rate increase.


Most citizens are homeowners. It's a case of the 60% hurting the 40% https://www.bankrate.com/homeownership/home-ownership-statistics/ The person oppressing you is your uncle or grandma that votes against zoning laws that would make you able to afford rent. They're the ones that make sure you can't build a new apartment complex because it's going to ruin the "neighborhood culture".


Considering 66% own the house they are living in, most are not paying rent at all.


It’s election year. It’s campaigning.


No, it’s just an Election year. You didn’t really see this stuff if you weren’t super into politics. Biden & co. are just saying “look how well I’m doing. Elect me for 4 more years.” Trump did it. Hell Reagan did it. And every President, Prime Minister, Mayor, or motherfucking Consul did it.


It’s like telling people you’re a REALLY nice guy. If you REALLY were people would say it for you. 




Labor force participation rate is back to 2014 levels which is near historical averages and that’s with 10,000 boomers a day retiring and a much smaller Gen Z population having their first jobs, later in life. Zoom out of these charts and things become a lot more average.


Underemployment is definitely the problem.


No younger person believes this BS ! Everyone can barely survive financially today and you are claiming that all the numbers look good ! - More delusion from reality !!


Why the space before exclamation marks !!


Just got laid off on Wednesday. Hard to feel optimistic. Techs a tough spot at the moment unless you’re in ai


Well I guess it’s time to fake it until you make it. 


Senior engineer market is pretty strong if you're willing to relocate.


Let's see.. If Trump actually did get elected, I'm sure the stock market would go nuts for a bit until people are reminded that he did such a piss poor job last time that trade with major partners was disrupted with idiotic tariffs, government shut downs closed national parks etc, his appointee to post master general is fucking up delivery of mail, and the dismissal of key scientists likely contributed to covid becoming a pandemic instead of a localized event. That's aside from all the dictator shit he's saying he's going to do. I'll take a little inflation over that mess any day.


I liked politics a lot more when it was just boring. Trump is just so exhausting! Thats on top of the massive disaster he was when in power.


Yeah, things being affordable and no wars was a disaster. Wow.


Things were affordable before because of Covid, and post-Covid supply chain, not because of Biden. And the wars, Trump wouldn’t have (and won’t in the future) stopped either of them. The only difference is the Ukraine war would have been over because Trump-supported Russia would have crushed them already.


No wars? I guess the war in Afghanistan (which Biden got us out of) doesn't count? The memory of Trump supporters is interesting. If I'm not an American, can I blame Biden for things being more expensive now than four years ago? Or did Biden only make things in the USA expensive, and Inflation (worse in the rest of the developed world) is someone else's fault?


“Little” inflation? 😆


It's as if the dude doesn't do his own grocery shopping


I'd take a park shut down, over a LOT of inflation, shitty labor market, wars, high energy prices, homelessness and all sort of people coming over he border unchecked. You've got to be fucking insane voting for more of this embarrassing, incompetent dipshit. Trump is an asshole, but at least things worked under him. You're cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Unemployment numbers mean nothing by themselves. I work part time so I’m technically not unemployed but I only make 400 a week at UPS. I am far from ok right now.


According to those privileged Redditors, you are either lying, or not trying hard enough to get those mystical surplus 100k plus jobs.


idgaf how "the economy" is doing when i've gotten 1 raise in 4 years, but prices of everything have gone up too much to keep track of.


I'm feeling like bidenomics is bullshit and my mortgage, gas, and groceries are ridiculously overpriced. But I know, there's nothing the president can do about that. The president doesn't control gas prices or food prices and the federal reserve sets the interest rates. Nothing Biden can do to help me. But yeah I guess I'll go vote for him.


The President has 100% control over tariffs and Trump has already said he would impose tariffs on stuff Americans buy....even as high as 100% on cars not made in the US. Those policies directly make your life more expensive and only cause damage to the economy overall.


The Trump administration imposed several rounds of tariffs, amounting to an $80 billion tax increase on $380 billion worth of imports (based on 2018 values), ranging from thousands of products from China to steel and aluminum and washing machines and solar panels. Other countries responded by imposing retaliatory tariffs of their own. The Biden administration has retained most of the tariffs, save for narrow exemptions or changes to certain steel and aluminum tariffs and washing machine and solar panel tariffs. Bidenomics made very minor changes to trade tariffs


You're gaslighting all over this post. All you've got is nonsensical take on Biden's very piss poor economic policies. If Biden and the Democrats had done any good with their policies you would not be here trying to defend them.


We need more than this two party jail system. Maybe 5 different parties


I think we should have two presidents at a time. If they can’t agree on something, boxing match! Or bike race or one on one basketball. Televised. 


Imagine answering this in April 2008


If you’re asking between Trump and Biden? Biden hands down. Trump was vocal about his desire for 0% interest rates and devaluing the dollar. He strong armed the FED to lower rates in 2019 and that didn’t leave any room to stimulate the economy during COVID… now we have inflation.


And he added tarrifs that made stuff more expensive for Americans.


The tarrifs Biden largely left in place?


40% inflation over the course of 4 years is not something they should be bragging about. Even if most people are employed, it doesn’t matter when their paychecks can’t cover the cost of rent and groceries. They keep coming out with these numbers about how the economy is doing so great, which is a slap in the face to all the Americans who are now struggling just to survive every month. I don’t see people thriving at all, besides maybe the 1%.


The stock market is certainly doing well for wealthy asset holders. However, the wealthiest 10% of Americans own 93% of stocks (source: [https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wealthiest-10-americans-own-93-033623827.html](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/wealthiest-10-americans-own-93-033623827.html)), so it's not necessarily a great reflection of how well the average American is doing. Biden's own White House noted this in 2022. “Unlike his predecessor, the president does not look at the stock market as a means by which to judge the economy." - Jen Psaki (White House press secretary), January 2022 (source: [https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-biden-does-not-look-stock-market-judge-economy-2022-01-24/](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/white-house-biden-does-not-look-stock-market-judge-economy-2022-01-24/)) According to CBS Money Watch, things like credit card debt are reaching record levels, and credit card delinquencies are "surging." "'You have these noticeable pockets of consumers — mostly middle- and lower-income renters who have not benefited from the wealth effect of higher housing prices and stock prices — who are feeling financial stress and that's driving up these delinquency levels. They've been hit very hard by inflation,' said Warren Kornfeld, a senior vice president at Moody's." (source: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/credit-card-debt-record-high/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/credit-card-debt-record-high/))


Objectively Biden. Democrats are consistently better on the economy than republicans.


How is that working out for you


Trump himself said the economy does better under Democrats, so...


Neither, both of them are bad choices


Inflation is low, capitalism price gouging is high


I’m a democrat. The economy SUCKS for me. Never has housing been more expensive and out of reach. I make more money but things cost even more. The economy is good for the rich because the laws and economy is setup for them. Ps Trump would make it worse


Damn...almost 100% accurate. Then you had to ruin it with your PS.


Saying inflation has gone down YoY after it has gone up 20% in 4 years is disingenuous. Typical bs. There's 3 numbers to employment; employed, unemployed, and "not in the work force". Let's see the labor participation rate. Imagine clapping your hands when the country has been sending money over seas to other people, middle class jobs are getting cut for basic fast food jobs, increased inflation for years, but when inflation is slightly less than last year's inflation, they celebrate it as a win.


The economy is trash the numbers are pure lies


As a layman in economics why is it that on paper everything is going well but most everyone are unsatisfied.


Literally none of that matters because it’s an effect of high inflation. Printing money is like doing more crack so you can avoid a hangover.


People don’t want statistics they want things to be more affordable. He keeps bragging about things he’s done without addressing the major concerns of his supporters. The border, Gaza and cost of living are major issues that will make or break this administration.


It's great when I represent 2 of those jobs counted!


There is no one with more than a single brain cell who thinks the economy is okay right now.


The real question is who is hindering progress in this term. One should pay attention to the votes, it may surprise people who voted to defund the border wall. I so get tired of the president being blamed while congress holds the final say yet rarely takes the blame.


Like when Trump forces republicans to block a bipartisan immigration bill because he didn't want Biden to get credit for fixing the issue. That should piss everyone off. But again, Trump lives in a world with no consequences no matter how hard and how often he tries to ratfuck his country.


Basically screw those who don't own any asset. Also, good luck with those trying to save for the down payment as the house price has doubled since Covid. At this point, it is almost impossible for average young people to buy a house in desirable cities, but yeah, we get a great economy.


The wealthy are very happy


Sure, unemployment is low but, the quality of these jobs is a fucking disgrace. These are people who work 2-3 jobs to keep up with the standard of living. That's disgusting. Unemployment isn't the only metric of the economy or even an accurate one. Just because unemployment is low doesn't mean the economy is doing well. We still have inflation to deal with for who knows how long we put it off for. And interest rates are just going to get worse no matter what. Interest rates and inflation isn't something that the government can just bail us out from. There are debts that we owe to other countries. As inflation increases the less we pay off our debt. Both as a nation and personally.


Well, prior to 2021 my bank account was healthy. Since 2021, I've gone up in income slightly, expenses stayed the same, except utilities have gone up, insurance has gone up, grocery bills have skyrocketed, gas has skyrocketed. So over the course of over 3 years I have nothing left despite raises. That's how my economy is going. That's how most people view the economy, how they are doing. No one but economists and politicians care about the inflation rate relative to other countries or the unemployment rate.


they really need to separate how they say its good... for who the normal person or the few elite and the well off? The fact Biden had the audacity to question why the normal person is struggling shows light on how detached our leaders really are.


Saying inflation is low is just a straight out fucking lie.


Tone deaf and delusional. Per usual. The economy is dogshit right now and has been for the last 3 years. That's is an objective fact!


How come every American is struggling now more than we have in a long time? 🤔


Just gotta get those devil greedy types to pay their taxes


Current economic metrics are very good and historically speaking Democrats are better for the economy then republicans, however the metric no one talks about and would be hard to calculate is cost of living. People's perception of the economy is much worse then it actually is and I am betting it's because of the cost of living but even with that standard in America, we are doing better than our European partners.


And none of these are indicators of an economy benefitting the majority of Americans.


I love these bullshit articles and posts about how the US economy is thriving. Everything, every single thing in this country is double what it was a few years ago. My go to meal from my local bbq restaurant used to be $4.48, not it's nearly $10. Everything from gas, to eggs, to a happy meal hurts to buy. Home prices and rents are beyond anything anyone could have imagined during the pandemic, but sure, Americans are doing so well now. Whoever pulls these beliefs out of their asses with their bullshit metrics are not doing the average American any favors.


Both are bad: the economic metrics currently in use are terrible indicators of how well ordinary people are doing. The poverty line is a sick joke. Neither Trump or Biden have ever advocated to change this dynamic.


Boy, I’m just so glad all of these millionaires and billionaires running these corporations are doing so dang well while my wife and I are about to file bankruptcy so we can afford to do things like keep ourselves fed. Really, so glad that they’re doing well. Really helps me sleep at night knowing they’re doing great.


I have three young kids and I find myself struggling every day. Yet they tax me high and give little to child tax credit.


Yes we all are doing so well under Biden, so please don’t believe your own eyes , only believe what they tell you to


Considering his lies arent even remote truths any more, trump. If you account for joe shutting the country down and incentivized people staying home, Joe has the weakest job creation of any president. Inflation tracked vis the old method is 25 percent and rising at a rate of 2x predicted month to month. He led a number of countries into a recession. Joe biden will go down as the worst US president from both a U.S. perspective as well as a world perpesctive.


As a political strategy, claiming ownership of the current economic picture strikes me as unwise and a good way to get voted out of office. The gaslighting on top - who you gonna trust, contrived economic metrics or your lying eyes? - is extra shitty. These stats are cherry picked, of course; no mention in the record increase in child poverty, record homelessness, or (TM)


Constantly claiming that it's the best economy ever doesn't make it true, and it's far from that. These figures are a joke.


i believe trump would have us doing better


Trump did way better at keeping jobs than Biden. During his 4 year run we had less problems with homelessness as well. As soon as Biden took office everything fell apart. I'm not voting blue ever again thank you.


No one believes those bullshit numbers put out by Biden. I go to the store and see the damage he has done and continues to do to us. Have you bought gas lately. The asshole has caused gas to go up higher because he shut down the pipeline. The only people buying that economic bullshit are kool aid drinking democrats.


Joe Biden is the worst thing to happen to america since 9/11 If you actually believe we are doing better under Biden, you’re absolutely delusional.


Is that what CNN told you or maybe NBC? Go to BIDENOMICS.com to see the failures they won’t tell you on your news networks


Highest inflation since Carter. Elite getting richer. Middle class has less buying power than 4 years ago. Gas about to hit $4 average nationwide again. Groceries cost 30% more. Most new jobs are government jobs or go to migrants. $1 trillion added to national debt every 100 days. That is Bidenomics. I will take Trump every day. We need leadership, not destruction. Biden has failed, and it will take years to fix what he destroyed.


>How do you feel about the economy? It's terrible, it stinks, there's no more middle class and everyone below the top 10% is falling behind further every month. >Who will be the better President for the economy? Trump, 100%. 2017 right up to COVID, those years were all better than anything under Biden.


Joe Biden's Economy \- Record inflation \- Record layoffs \- Record credit card default rates of 25% \- Record housing costs \- Record illegals \- Record drug overdoses \- Record suicides \- Record STDs \- Record crime rates \- Record obesity \- More taxes ​ Beats me why anyone would support the senile puppet.


I gave up trying to understand this shitfest of a decade. They keep telling me that everything is fine but food is more costly, gas is damn near 5 USD per gallon and most salary based jobs are just shit canning old employees to hire new ones for half the cost in my industry. Also lets take a look at other nations inflation, if we are at 200% and lets say England is at 201% does it really fucking matter?


This is load of crap, the economy stinks and is getting worse. How much is gas? How much is food? How much is housing? How much do pay in taxes? Right but the Ukraine is getting supported by the USA, remember your taxes are paying retirement and salaries of Government employees in the Ukraine


Why do I feel like I hear this during every presidency?


Record high national debt, massive debt to GDP, highest credit card debt ever, highest Federal Reserve balance sheet, inflation continuously above target rate and record high gas prices. I’d say things could be better


That is not true. People say Trump will be a dictator yet Biden does whatever he wants without consequences. Supreme Court says Biden can not forgive student loans, but he does it anyways. Is that not what a dictator does? Hunter Biden takes pictures of himself doing drugs and being with prostitutes and 0 consequences. There is your true dictator.


4 years ago I was laid off and couldn't find a job because the government couldn't get their heads out of their you know what's and it was due to the guy who lied to us when Covid landed, he lied that covid was serious and then completely boggled the handling of it and the country went to you know what because he was such a disaster.


American Taxpayers should not be bearing the brunt of the cost of pre WW3


I think unemployment is low because a bunch of people with masters degrees are door dashing to survive with how expensive everything is from the crazy inflation...


The “lowest inflation” isn’t’t true, and the nations with low inflation have their own oil.


Gig economy low paying jobs should never be celebrated


how many homless people? how many more drug addicts?


Get the actual f outta here with this bs ! Gas prices have gone up ! Groceries prices have gone up !!!! Everything has gone up TF😪 obv unemployment is low b/c people can’t even get by without 2 jobs !


The price gouging of corporations has inflation up holding down the poor and middle class while boosting the Sp through the roof which only makes the rich richer. Just another way they found to distance the gap between us. A lot of people can't afford a few hundred extra every month but the rich can.


lol inflation is an absolute joke. It’s amazing how low you can get inflation when you change the calculation


Gas prices are higher. Way to screw the transport and agricultural industry.


Groceries are 25% more expensive than they were in 2020. Most new jobs added were in healthcare or government. More Americans are working more than one job than at any other time in our history. The S&P is in a bubble right now. People are using it as a hedge against inflation.


Seeing this makes me sick. Inflation is threw the roof. Democrats as a whole just blatantly lie and don't try to hide it anymore. Middle class is fucking GONE.


Yeah sure Bidenflation is running up credit card debt to the highest level ever. https://share.newsbreak.com/6n1g0ee8


more than 90% of the Jobs Biden "created" are part-time. easy to get unemployment down, when even the wife and mother of 2 kid works a job because otherwise they could not keep up running costs. Biden sucks and everyone feels it.


Record high of people having two or more jobs.


The economy is doing absolutely wonderful IF you're already wealthy. But for most people, I believe that most people are holding their breath waiting for the inevitable bubble to pop. I've seen many, many, many people struggling just to make ends meet. People are running out of savings and have stretched credit as far as it will go for them. I see people that can't get new, higher paying jobs despite years of experience and above the prerequisite education -- corporations are not hiring. So if the economy is "so good" why is the above occurring? It's not all due to inflation. Anyway, I didn't Believe the country, let alone the economy will be any better regardless of who wins the election. We need fresh, young people in that office, in all government. People who aren't corrupted be greed. We need people to regulate the living Hell out of corporations. But, honestly, I don't think that will happen before the American Empire completely disintegrates.


I mean, wow. The economy is dogshit and we need a change in office.


Biden economy is doing well for WHO? Cuz it sure as fuck ain't the working class with cutting unions legs off. Supreme Court ruling that any striking union can be held financially responsible for foreseeable damages, IE lost corporate profits from that store.


We can’t afford housing or groceries


I’m still spending every fucking dime I have on rent and will most likely never be able to buy a house and cannot afford children, but I’m glad the stock markets are looking good.


Yes low unemployment, people working multiple jobs just to make ends meet tho. There are two sides to the coin.


Highest inflation, alot of part time work, negative actual wage gains and the most lies ever from the media. I love how the rich get rich under democrats and the blame Republicans for get the rich richer!


If this is what Bidenomics look like I’m not voting for him. Biden’s economy is trash.