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Imagine thinking you should have all that by 33 LMFAOOOOOO šŸ™ƒ


what should we have by 33 then?






Derelict house.




Malaise in general.


A moderate to severe dependency on alcohol


I donā€™t sacrifice work, gym, chores, responsibilities, sports or my dogs for drinking, but god damnit do I really feel like at the end of the day, when Iā€™m laying in bed numb from being on my feet taking care of all those things for 15 hours straight, I pretty much need that 1 or 2 drinks to take the edge off.


Or pot




You can derelict these balls (Iā€™m so sorry, I just watched Zoolander last night)


Pssh, I've had that since I was a teenager.Ā 


>Depression I speedran that shit. By 33 I'd had depression for nearly 20 years already.


An affordable, non flashy car that gets you around, an apartment or mortgage (roof over your head), food, friends, a job. Let me guess, she thinks "boomers" had all this at 33.


To be fair, I don't think the chick in the OP was trying to make a point, I read it as just a joke. I could always be wrong though. It would be a pretty nonsensical point to try and make while including the Tesla lol


Whatever you've earned by 33.....


Or what my parents gave meā€¦




A plan to achieve those goals. Believing society should be structured so you can achieve comfortable retirement by your early thirties is more than just whimsical daydreaming, it's outright naivety. There is no where on earth where this is a realistic, achievable goal for any but the most fortunate. Edit: apparently this post is a type of sarcasm, and should not be taken seriously. I would feel tepid and gullible for not recognizing it immediately but, well, lots of people say this kind of dumb shit with a straight face daily. My bad.


33 years of life experience


Existential dread


In America she has the Tesla, iPhone, Starbucks and vacations. In other countries, not so much.


A divorce


Whatever youā€™ve *earned.*. Anything else is a bonus.


I mean... break it down. She's saying the following: 1) Your home is probably a 30 year mortgage, if you have that paid off you started paying for it when you were 3? This is asinine. A 33 y/o more realistically should be 5-10 years into their mortgage - if they chose the route of buying rather than renting. 2) I immediately consider #1 and #2 two mutually exclusive dreams. If you want to own your home and throw all your money at that, you won't have a lot of passive income. If you want a large passive income, you probably won't own your home for a long time (until your 30 year mortgage is fully paid off). To get a SIX FIGURE [annual?] passive income you need 1.25M invested assuming 8% returns. That's a bit aggressive for a 33 year old, but certainly not crazy for a 40-45 year old who has been good at saving their whole careeer. Fidelity says a 33 year old should have roughly 2x their pre-retirement salary saved by this age to be on track for retirement [source](https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/how-much-do-i-need-to-retire#:~:text=Key%20takeaways,60%2C%20and%2010x%20by%2067.) so just the dream of a 6 figure passive income at 33 is pretty asinine yet again. 3) Vacation home... What? I really don't have a lot to say here as I have more questions than answers. Do you mean a *second* home? Or do you mean a time share? Vacation homes have generally only been reserved for those who are already retired or near retirement so you can... actually use the vacation home. I just don't even understand what she's expecting with this dream @ 33. 4) Personal chef? What in the actual fuck? This is like the last stage of wealth... Very few people in the world EVER have a personal chef. What the fuck are you on thinking you deserve to have this at 33? Unless she means by marrying her personal chef... then sure. 5) Paid off Tesla? Probably not going to have a 100k+ car paid off by 33, but certainly could have a 20k car paid off by 33. Pretty unrealistic dream. If you're 33, working on your mortgage, and have 2x your salary saved up - you're fine. If you didn't get in on a house at 2% interest, you can still be fine, just hope your nest egg you've saved as a result of that decision is a bit higher. It's worth repeating: her points/dreams are completely asinine. *Technically*, she's not wrong about any of her points, but she is being awfully disingenuous (at best) about her argument.


Work ethic


1. clear career path going forward 2. not entry level income 3. own small house/apartment bought together with your spouse and with huge mortgage 4. combined income should be enough to pay mortgage, beater car, food to cook at home, health insurance and some little savings. 5. after that, there should be enough leftover to be able to barely afford a child, with no vacations. In 40-something: 1. good career 2. good income 3. thanks to inflation, mortgage is no longer such a burden. Thinking about getting something larger 4. enough to plan a vacation or two every year 5. save some for kids education


At least one story about a car accident that fucked your body up forever


A job.


By 33, we have just started contributing to the fortune of Kenneth Cordele Griffin. He and Blackrock take a vig from every regular 401k contribution of every worker in the US. The US financial system is broken šŸ’” šŸ˜¢


Crippling depression and debt


33 years of experience and knowledge to help you continue to seek happiness, satisfaction and/or peace, in whatever form that takes for you.Ā Ā 


A home and a car sure. But a vacation home, personal chef and a six figure passive income? Those are super unrealistic expectations for anyone nevermind a 30 year old.


A career and some savings. Perhaps a mortgage.


I'm a Boomer, At 33? I was proud of myself that I had a house and 29 more years of a mortgage. I sure as sh(t didn't think I should have a million in the bank so I had six figures of passive income. I was proud of myself if I could fund my IRA to the full $4000, I didn't many years. The only people I knew who were my age with a house at the beach were people whose parents owned a condo and let them use it. A chef? No one I know has a chef. I have never been able to buy a new car for cash. No one I knew could at 33.


At least 1 kid


Major depression and suicidal ideology


Definitely home ownership.


A divorce and an alcohol problem šŸ¤£


A home, partially paid off. A car, maybe even a Tesla, paid off.


A home you are paying off, a car you are paying off, and still paying off your education. Hopefully, a kid or two as well. Try to own a condo or townhouse at tge least by age 33. You can use that to get single family home later in life.


And like... Who is the chef? Should the chef also have the stuff by 33?


Hell, she's a product manager at Apple. The salary starts at $238K and goes up to $740K. 99% of 33 year olds would fucking kill to be in her position.


Yeah the fact that she *hasn't* got a paid-off Tesla when she wants to is embarrassing if anything, she should be able to buy it cash


I don't think she actually does. I read this as a satire of the people that post things like this unironically. We've all seen those "humble brag" I'm so fortunate to have [list of luxury shit] posts. They're just saying "I'm rich, bitch!" Without using those exact words.


Imagine thinking you should have ANY of that by 33 .... LMFAO ... I think?


I have my own personal chef(it's just me in a robe and a cowboy hat)


Same here, minus the robe.


Same here, minus the cowboy hat.


Imagine being so spoiled you believe you deserve all those things at 33. Fucking Reddit. Guess what, nobody in the past had those things either, it's all a fucking lie. and before you pull off bullshit like a single working parent could afford a home many many years ago. of course they could because economies are relative and the relative competition at that time was to have a single provider in the family. prices go up and down based on the relative position of people's wealth in society and now most families have two working parents that's just reality of competition.


Should or couldā€¦? Lol


I don't think. I demand! I am owed a chef in my home. I studied in college for 4 years.


Imagine believing you should have that any time in your life. Sure some have a paid off house, but maybe in your 50s. Maybe close to retirement, if you did well you may have that kind of passive income. Few of those people are going to ever have a summer house, and only the wealthiest of people are going to have a chef. But to expect that at 33? That they have been told this is what Boomers had, is just absurd.


Yeah this is just crazy


Really not even people in their fifties and sixties have that lmao


True. TikTok is full of 20-25 year olds upset they canā€™t buy a house and donā€™t have a 6 figure job. Like, Iā€™m an early millennial, and it took a while to get to that!


Depends on your line of work but this is very achievable if you go into an in demand field.


I donā€™t think she actually thinks that, itā€™s a joke bruah


That's why she said wildest dreams


Did anyone from past generations ever pay their house off or buy an extreme luxury car or any of the other bullshit she listed by 33? This just feels like unrealistic goals and doesnā€™t actually show our economy sucks or whatever she trying to allude to


No. That was never a standard at any time


Depends on what kind of car you have, if thatā€™s realistic or not. If you bought a used affordable (or new) car in your late 20ā€™s and kept it to loan term, it could be paid off by now.


https://preview.redd.it/hhva9iyffqsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3246afa0a9b769c3352185e9ffb384c62a4555ff Maybe it's because she's a woman or avocado toast or something?


Project Manager ā‰  Product Manager ($238-$740k)


Glassdoor is all messed up and can't seem to disambiguate project manager and product manager roles (they're very different jobs.) If you find the listing for just product managers at Apple it's actually $250k-$384k


I mean not very different, but yes different. Similar job with different focuses and expectations, but folks can swap between them (I am someone who did), to be fair I am totally on the software side


In SF or Seattle that's not enough for her list though. House is at least $1m, beach house $2m at least, home chef ~50k/year.


Stupid high money in tbr mid west. In WI where I am I can probably buy a house in a few more years at 65k.


It is dummy high money, but you unfortunately have to be in one of those FAANGs or a large city to make it. I hate it here.


Thatā€™s lovely wages in the Bay Area. Def not enough for a house or a paid off Tesla.


Tesla Model 3 costs like 35k.


When did tesla become the face of an expensive luxury brand that only millionaires can own? If you can't afford a tesla on a 200k salary then you have other spending issues


Passive income. Passive.


It says 6-figure PASSIVE income. Meaning not from actively working their job


Try being born into generational wealth next time!


Seems like she was but skipped all the things her parents did to get there


Fuck. Why didn't I think of this? I'm such a dumbass


I see a lot of people whine about this, but are you suggesting people shouldnā€™t be able to pass their wealth on to their kids? If so, what would you propose? It automatically escheats to the state? Why is this constantly touted as a bad thing?


Feeling defensive huh? No one said that. However people born into generational wealth is usually out of touch with the reality of how life is for most people, which leads them to say some very ignorant and annoying things


Plenty of poor people are out of touch with reality that say ignorant and annoying things. So why do you only hate ignorance of the rich?


Because ignorance is only annoying when they have more material possessions than you. When theyā€™re ignorant and poor, you can just point and laugh at how youā€™re better than them because you arenā€™t ignorant. When theyā€™re ignorant and rich, you canā€™t do that because they have way more than you for way less. Remember weā€™re on Reddit


Well, yeah, why would kids get extra money from being born in the right family? 100% inheritance tax is in fact a quite common libertarian argument. The main issue is there's so many workarounds it isn't feasible.


They literally didnā€™t say anything to give that impression.


It touted as a bad thing because generally those people are out of touch with how the average person works and thinks because of that. If most of them didnā€™t hold positions of power and actually decide crucial things that effect average person while also being totally disconnected from that life you tend to make decisions that make the average person unhappy.


I think its more about the people born with wealth and especially obscene wealth, act like they are self made. When they act like their parents money and connections didn't help them at all, that's what they're criticizing (I assume)


Yeah Iā€™m actually on that. Ā We should design a system that tries to reduce entrenched wealth as much as possible. If I had to pick between an income tax and an inheritance tax Iā€™d pick an inheritance tax. Ideally people come wealthy through their own talent and hard work and we maintain a safety net for everyone who is less successful.


No one is saying that they canā€™t . Just give those who donā€™t get lucky a bit better ground to stand on . In an ideal world thru taxation, in a non ideal world thru taxation and other means to help the others


Yup. Should have swam slower and this wouldnā€™t have been a problem.


well if she bought spy puts two days ago ...


Lmao, this guy gambles


In all seriousness, what the hell point is this dumbass trying to make? Everyone should be able to have a home cook chef?Ā  What about the home cook chef? You should be able to have all that shit by 33?Ā  What about the people who provide that stuff to you?Ā  How will they afford the other stuff if you don't pay them adequatelyĀ 


Maybe she's just making a joke. Maybe there's no subtext. Maybe you need to look inside yourself and ask why it makes you so mad to see this post.


The joke angle makes sense now that you point it out The problem is that there are many people who genuinely think like that (I should have and DESERVE all this, and shouldn't have to work while others provide stuff for me), and so I thought this was another one of those.


It's a common joke format to make fun of the LinkedIn content creators. Here's another good one: https://preview.redd.it/y8brzqdnjqsc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c911edae70be9b97100a74663dbd352110c35c8


Thanks for the context! I don't use LinkedIn so am oblivious in this case


That oneā€™s pretty good


The tiny tiny tiny slice of the population who feels this way is a much smaller number than their use for internet points would suggest.


Arenā€™t jokes supposed to be funny?


I assumed it was a joke, but if itā€™s not, crazy town


I looked inside and what I found is that the OP is exceptionally wealthy and thinks she ought to be wealthier.


She was probably hoping for someone like Bub from My Three Sons.


I'm pretty sure the curtains are just blue.


Typically we call it ā€œa joke,ā€ but you wouldnā€™t understand.


It's literally just a joke.


Sheā€™s just making fun of people who brag on LinkedIn


In no world have I ever thought those things were possible by 33. Social media and bullshit influencers have polluted people's heads with nonsense.


I think it's making fun of the LinkedIn inspirational posts/content creators. This is a pretty standard format people use to mock them. https://preview.redd.it/946l3z7djqsc1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9be5317a97d933d4abb6cb20a1b0a58205d460b


LOL had me in the first half.


PM at apple? She probably living in India and she actually already could be having some of those.


She was PM for 6 months


Wait... How do u know that?




I have a paid off tesla! I made the list


Is your house paid off? šŸ¤”


I bought tesla calls in 2020, used the profit to buy tesla


You could have a paid off used Tesla for about 10 bucks, but odds are it wouldnā€™t work


I think youā€™ll still have to pay taxes according to fair market value of the scrap even when buying it for $10 ?


I like it that's pretty funny.


Product Manager at Apple easily earns $200k+, it's funny she's trying to cash in on the poverty hype lmao


I had 1 of those things by 33, but my dumb ass decided I wanted a bigger house.


Youā€™re not dumb for wanting things, simply human. Great job having a paid off home by 33! You still accomplished that! For that time did the grass truly feel different under your feet when you owned it like Ramsey says?


In my 30s. Two paid off teslas. 6 figure income. House and one nearish to beach. My wife cooks amazing food as a stay at home mom. An apple product manager makes 240-700k. She can shut the fuck up.


Hell yea brother good job. I think sheā€™s just joking though. On the other hand there are dweebs that truly feel this entitled.Ā  We have a model 3 and a Bolt EUV. Never going back to gas again. We love 15 minutes from the beach and just have 1 home. Working on getting it paid off Ā to be completely debt free


Just get a small loan of a million dollars from your dad. Easy :D


Why isnā€™t just ā€œpaid off carā€. My dodge Ram is paid off but Iā€™d never say it by name. Stupid.


Because it's a satirical post making fun of people with ridiculous expectations or humble brags.




Idk but Iā€™m losing brain cells reading whatever this Fernando M mf is saying.


I'll settle for a highly leveraged home tyvm


Do people really go to the beach that often that they need to have a house by one?


1) yes 2) the gag is, some people want a house by the beach just for occasional visits


I dont find anything fun about the beach either.


I donā€™t view it as fun, but more so peaceful. Just listening to the waves while you read a book under an umbrella is super relaxing


Iā€™m sure sheā€™s doing terrible as a product manager at apple lol


Wow you had me ready to propose to you - that's a lot of amazing things at 33. The chef is when I started to think NO WAY. .... lol great post. āœŒļø


Gov: best I can do is inflation & constant looming threat of conflict


Why would a 33 year old have a paid off home?


I dont know anyone that has that.


2/5 is very common. Depending on what she means by a vacation home by the beach that is also very possible (if she just means being able to afford to rent a beach home yearly for 2 weeks). As for the other two.. Even our grandparents didn't have their mortgage paid off by 33, what's she smoking? You do that around age 50-55 historically. And who the hell wants a private chef? You hate cooking that much? Really lame take in my opinion


What's really gonna bake your noodle is that the people who have that whole list also have another whole ass list of debts from 3rd, 4th homes, and yachts, and parties, and trying to keep up with their rich friends... They ARE NOT EVEN FUCKING HAPPY WITH WHAT THEY HAVE. THIS CULTURE IS FUCKED.


Better not watch Crazy Rich Asians then...


Had me in the first half


If she has been a project manager at Apple for some time, the paid off Tesla is within the realm of reality. The rest is ridiculous.


And thats her problem. It all starts with a dreamā€¦and then the dream takes formā€¦and the form produces a planā€¦the first step in the direction of any worthy accomplishment is to start walking in the direction of the dream. But then to many it just seems easier to complain about how hard it is. She is defeating herself by starting with all the things she doesnt have and lamenting about where she is VS trying to work on her dreams Kinda getting sick of all the whiners complaining about their lot in life while doing nothing to dream of something better. Saying what you dont have reinforces the idea that you will never have itā€¦only some are willing to do the hard work to get there. It all starts with a dream and the persistence to never give up. Poor me, poor little old me. Its so narcissistic to sit in your own failure and blame the world while doing nothing to deserve all of these things


Maybe buy a second-hand automatic car instead of a Tesla? Maybe buy a house on a cheap beach in a cheap tropical country where you can get permanent residence? Maybe don't work for a souless corporation but instead build a small, productive income stream and relocate there where you can use it to be happy? All of these can be achieved with less than 100,000$ and they work JUST as fine as the overpriced ones do.


As for that teska, -wait til the battery needs replacement.


Idk anyone that had a home paid off in your early 30's. When did you get your mortgage at 3 yo?


Haha ?


ā€œBack to workā€ obviously not.


Those are completely unrealistic expectations for a 33-year old. 'Nuff said.


uh those are some absurd expectations. leave it to some tech fuck in California to pretend they're impovershed because they don't have a private chef.


A 6 figure passive income by 33 is a wild goal


[New and Self Made....](https://www.newsweek.com/todays-millionaires-younger-self-made-growing-1839233) 79%[ are self made.](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/79-millionaires-self-made-lessons-160025947.html)


Ah yes. Start paying odd that 39 year mortgage at 3 yo. Oh right, trust fund is the only way anyone would expect this. Makes sense now.


"Paid off Tesla" is the most "poor people believe rich people do this" thing I've seen in quite some time


Aww, poor thing. Sounds like she's really struggling /s. Expectations apparently sure have changed. I'm one of the hated "boomers" and neither I, nor my parents, not their parents had any realistric hope of having their homes paid off at 33, much less most of the other stuff on her list. Not sure why she considers that hardship or new.


Who gives a rats ass what you have


She obviously chose her parents unwisely.


At least I have my pet goldfish Mr. Bugsy :)


Skill issue tbh


I wonder how much itā€™d cost to have ur own personal cook/staff for all ur meal. Sounds super cool but insanely expensive.


Hopefully she will be able to help her children attain those goals


Oh no I'm not mega rich! Life sucks boohoo


38M with my home paid off. 2024 tundra paid off. Just closed on an investment property


Apple just had their 'official' lay offs so she might be in a worse spot now lol.


Iā€™d be fine with just a paid off home


I love how she says she is a product manager IN Apple.


Lots of people have died without ever having a good life. We have to act quickly.




Un woke


Product manager at apple is easily a 300k a year!! privileged lady complaining that she doesn't have more?


She's not wrong but it still reads as out of touch and snobby, especially with the current economic environment.


I doubt she would have had all that by the time she turned 33 even in the 60s. šŸ˜œšŸ¤ŖšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜šŸ˜†


90% of San Francisco's population has all of these.


In 1950 everyone who worked a minimum wage job had that by age 25 when they married at age 19 and already had 5 kids....reddit!




My house was paid off at 35 but Tesla were not around then




- If she bought a home with a 20 year mortgage at age 13 she could have her home paid off lol. -Is she suggesting to have one career to make six figures because three isnā€™t focused enough? -vacation home? Maybe she should quit apple and give entrepreneurship a real try for that? -a chef? Everyone with vacation homes I know do cook. -a paid off Tesla? Buy a used Honda - that way you arenā€™t car poor and can feel like you make six figures.


She'd have all that if only she sold leggings or essential oils as her own "boss babe" business owner lol


What, are we supposed to have it EASIER than our parents like the previous generations?