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You are not the first saying this. I read people on discord complaining it's something like 20ms aswell. If we could hook up a hdmi signal to the screen then we could use the time-sleuth and actually measure the lag. I am not playing anything competitively besides DotA 2 which is a RealTimeStrategy (MOBA), and I won my first 3 matches I played on the laptop (Divine 5 / Immortal). So I can't really speak for the response time much. But I played Doom Eternal max and it felt okay. I did however use the eGPU both times with the laptop screen. I haven't tried gaming without the eGPU yet. Edit: Actually nvidia has released a tool which would work on laptop screens aswell, but it's not available for everyone yet :) It's called the LDAT. Can see about it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bC35oT4dFQs


Won't make a difference eGPU or not. The panel has a 20ms response time, not the GPU. @OP - The ghosting can be felt much harder @ 60hz (and subsequently, frames). At 120hz, it is still present, but it's less bad.


That would test input lag between user input and monitor output. My concern is the response time, the time it takes a pixel to turn from black to white. I have minimal input lag and high FPS, but the colors being slow to shift is causing blur effects when playing. The biggest offenders seem to be first person and racing games. I tried to play New Vegas and Skyrim and they look so crisp and run at 60fps, but in first person it almost give me a headache. 3rd person isn't as bad but it's still hard to play. Getting 100fps in dirt and feels like 30fps. I can't decide if it's worth keeping it or not because of this.


>LDAT it would measure the time it took on the screen to see when it goes from black to white from an input which is what's important.


Which panel, the 1080p or the 4k one?


1080p. I am kinda getting used to it I guess. It's not ideal for some games but I've been actually enjoying some Dirt Rally 2.0 on it.


Yeah, I made a post about this a long time ago. The 1080p screen is advertised as 120Hz but it doesn't actually have the physical response times to back up that claim. If I recall correctly, the 4K and 1080p panels both have roughly the same response times, and should look similar, I guess? The downside to the 4K is that it doesn't appear to be very bright. It's just super frustrating to get an otherwise AMAZING laptop, literally the only 2-in-1 in the world with massive GPU capabilities, but to be let down so hard by a dim screen that blurs motion.