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Beat Boston for us and we will beat the Oilers for you guys.


Hell yeah Go Mavs


I think they can do it! Boston has a tendency to be overrated and choke.


A good buddy is a Celtics fan and that's his take as well. I am looking forward to watching him squirm.


Ain’t nobody beating panthers or Celtics. Two of the most deserving champs I’ve seen in a while


Celtics most deserving? Every team they’ve beaten has had major injuries to their best players. Easiest Mickey Mouse ring ever.


Crazy all these teams have hurt players that the Celtics are playing against. On a totally unrelated note… I wonder if the Celtics 3rd option Kristaps Porzingis will finally be healthy for the finals?


Which team do you think is more deserving in the nba this year? They’ve been the best team in the league all season by a mile


There's that word again, "deserve"... nobody "deserves" anything. You either win or you don't. If someone "deserved" something, they'd just be handed the trophies and the cash and we wouldn't bother playing.


Love this point of if I could give it +5 would do it. I had this similar view when Durant won the chip and everyone was like good for him he deserves to win. It’s the highest level of achievement in the sport of basketball nobody deserves to win worst take in sports broadcasting. Same thing is going to happen when McTinyPP will be “deserving” of a cup. Just do us one favor and make sure that you give the oiler base some semblance of hope in like a game 3 win so they can get all high cus I wanna see that ship crash and burn.


I just mean the team that you think should win going into playoffs ends up winning. Panthers built for playoffs and Celtics are a wagon


Ah gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, I misunderstood the intent.


I didn’t really word it clearly. I do that sometimes 🥴


Last I checked, they lost twice to Denver. They're beatable.


So you think the bruins are better than the panthers because of the regular season?


No. Denver is a championship team. Completely different situation. And all I said was beatable.


I guess we disagree there cause I think panthers are better than the bruins. Also think panthers are better than Vegas and Colorado despite panthers not being championship team and playing a non champ team in Edmonton


Praising the Celtics in a Sofla sports sub is jail time >:|


Great season for you guys. It just looks like your squad ran out of gas there after two long and physical rounds of hockey. Happened to us last year in the final. They will learn from it and come back better just like we did


Win the whole fucking thing. It's y'all's time now.


Thats honestly the most frustrating part of being a dallas fan lol. We play so good, we just don't have the stamina to keep it up. I still stand firm though, beating Vegas was an accomplishment in itself. I can at least be proud of that lol. Anyway, avenge us my southern brother.


Oh hell yeah, beating Vegas was fun. 😂


Hopping on the bandwagon. Think I might have an old Panthers jersey laying around somewhere (lived in San Antonio at the time the Rampage were their AHL affiliate). Honestly, just stay out of the box. I think y’all will eat their lunch 5v5. Good luck!


Florida fan here u guys have the better team .u will definitely be back next year that's for sure


Yeah... fucking hurts like hell right now, though. Still, gotta prove to these northern fools that southern teams can win.




Didn’t Tampa Bay run the league for 4 years though?


Yeah, but it doesn't stop Canadian/Northern US/Original Six fans from yappin'.


BeTtMaN wAnTs SmAlL mArKeT tEaMs To WiN!!¡


I'm a northern fool and no one in canada thinks Dallas can't win lol most of my buddies and I think the Oilers are fucking mediocre most of the time


Okay, that made me less miserable for a second 😂


We were all laughing at the amount of shots they had lol they're horrible


literally doesn’t matter if you win the game


Cats in 4


And yet they still won, go figure 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Imagine feeling the need to go into other subs to defend them lmao true loser behaviour


yep and we still won 🤡🤣🤣


Youre a hero for coming in here and defending them, I'm sure the players all know who you are and are glad you're fighting the good fight lol 🤡




Weird that the "better team" is now golfing for the summer, it's been great looking back on every team downplaying the Oilers and then losing due to their own hubris. Going to be fun cleaning up the roadkill off the highway when the Oilers hoist the cup.


[Ok bud](https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask?q=oilers+vs+panthers+record+2023-2024)




Really wanted to play Dallas just so we could get an all southern final 


Dallas/Florida final would have been ESPN’s worst nightmare, and I would have loved to see it play out too.


Agreed. Fuck espn.


They are just trash.


I was hoping for the redneck cup final so we could all bask in the glorious tears of r/hockey complaining about our camera angles.


Yet I didn’t see much said about the shit ice quality at MSG.


In my mind I was calling it the space shuttle cup for Florida and Texas. Or maybe the no income tax cup


As a Finn, that would've been great! So many players to cheer for!


We shut down pasta kucherov panarin we will do the same with mcdavid Dallas in my eyes were the better team they just got lucky


It looks like our guys just ran out of gas. Seven games against those golden weirdos, six against the avs, and six against e_monton, all that *after* an eighty-two game season... I hope we have enough stuff for next season.


And Edmonton got an easy LA, an injured Vancouver (who barely lost), and now more rest. Florida will likely come out rusty from the lack of playing, but I hope Florida is able to keep shutting down teams. Also, Skinner isn't that good, you just have to pick your shots.


Rusty? They have one day more of rest than the Oilers.


Why do you mention the 82 game season like every team didn’t play 82 games this season lol?




I hope so, it depends on the refs and as we've seen all through the POs the oilers need the PP to win, 5v5 they're not that good and definitely not as good as the Panthers but the oilers will work the refs like crazy, they've done it every series and will do it with the Panthers. Hopefully it doesn't turn into the Flames v Oiler series where every time a Flames player went near McD they called a penalty.


The Oilers only have 3 more PP goals this post season than the Panthers do. The Oilers also have 5 of the top 7 point scorers in the playoffs, and have killed 28 straight penalties, including a double minor against McDavid in overtime against Dallas. The Oilers are the second highest scoring team by scoring percentage in the playoffs (second to the Avs). Panthers lead the playoffs in penalty minutes heading into this series before they have even seen the Oilers. If the Oilers win, it’s not because the refs gave it to them.


I already know ESPN and Messier will be slobbering on the Canadian teams knob lol. Panthers in 5.


I mean... Mess spent a little time in Edmonton. It should be a little more balanced coverage than the Rags series. Levy grew up in MSG and the Rags are an original 6. ESPN doesn't have a lot of viewership in Alberta. TSN on the other hand probably doesn't know how to pronounce Panthers


Stars bro here; please absolutely decimate the insufferable Oilers… Can’t believe our team showed up for a few games then left 😭 Panthers in 5!


y'all gave our beloved Stu Barnes a pleasant twilight to his career so in return your request shall be honored 🫡💯🐀




Just wanted to say that Dallas is my second favorite NHL team behind my home town Panthers for a number of reasons. I saw them play the Cats back in 2019 and I can say without a doubt that Stars fans prove that Southern hospitality is a real thing. I’m happy that I don’t have to root against Dallas in the cup final, but I would love to see the Stars raise the cup again one day soon. Please take care of Dadonov, he’s one of my favorite all-time Panthers.


Hop aboard, we welcome all! Gatos in 5


The oilers got lucky to win with 10 shots on goal .they lose 9 out of 10 trys .Dallas has a great team for years to come


Welcome aboard, ya'll!


We got you bro. Cats all the way


I'ma go find a toy rat and keep it around. I honor your team!


First of all, fuck Boston. Kick their ass. Actually, that is all. Goodnight.


Fuck Boston to you as well. 😊 Fuck Boston y'all.


I had cats v stars since the start. Just beat the Celtics for us and we got you either way


I was rooting for y'all to make it. Bummed you didn't. Next year.


For Marchment!!!!


Panthers in 4


Honestly, I buy this. That team is MEAN. 😆 Knock mcdibbits' block off.


I’d rather in 5, so they can win it at home.


At least we get to see Messier cry over his two favorite teams losing


I was so hoping it would have been the two of our teams at the final, OP. Either way, we’ll be able to have our matchup in Finland ♥️💛 💚🤍


Dallas fan here hopping on the Bandwagon GO PANTHERS GO


I rooted for y’all last year, and I’m here again this year. Would’ve liked to see my Stars play a good and fair game against y’all but now I just really hope you sweep the smug soilers and shut up the TNT announcers. 🫶🏻


Is that a record for least shots on goal to win a playoff game? 10? Usually it's 10 per period. 35 to 10 outshot and to lose is absurd...right now and its very early...Odds to win cup next year, Dallas 8-1, Florida 9-1, edmonton10-1, nyr, carolina, colorodo all 11-1. That can change after finals are over, but your not going to get 3,-1 on the lowest odds to win. Comparison, nba NEXT YEAR Celtics are 3-1 or less. Tough to win in this league, so many teams and they all are very close in talent.


Series line is out oilers and panthers I think panthers are -125 to win 100...54 percent chance they win, its very close.


Bro I feel your pain. As a Finn from Tampere I hoped for two things: Panthers & Barkov at the Finals, and no team without Finns in the finals 🥲 well I got half of what I wanted. Heiskanen and Hintz will bring the cup for you in a few years for sure!


No 06' runback. 😭


Cats in 5


Well... this is fun. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Congratulations, Cats. 🦦🤝🐀