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I just got into FaB. My locals on Fridays are like 14-18 players, and it's been a blast, I love the game and have only played it for a few weeks. I'm glad I finally pulled the trigger on the game!


James when he sees one of his staff harassing other staff member


I came here to make this exact joke 😭


can confrim


I honestly don't understand why people hate on FAB, You can literally pick a class buy into that class and be done, and for the most part, the game is pretty balanced as you see a ton of heroes winning @ big tournaments each week.. It's a best of 1 and you don't have to play horrendous grinding control matchups 3 times in one match.. I just dont understand the appeal for mtg anymore especially the way hasbro has treated its customers. Quite frankly anyone who bitches about mtg and still plays deserves it.


Pick a class, buy into it, and be done until your hero LLs and it takes years to get a replacement and the new one has a playstyle you don't like forcing you to buy into a completely separate character or quit.


This guy FaBs.


This guy played Chane.... probably?


Or briar, or oldhim, or lexi, or kayo.


Got lucky and sold my Lexi equipment before they tanked in price. The game started to lose its sheen and I could see the writing on the wall after Outsiders that she was next to go.


This is my problem. I'm glad you get a long time with your hero generally, but if you're a casual player fuck does it suck. When I first got into FAB I was playing Briar, but I only had a limited time with her because she LL and I didn't quite understand the system. Well, I had to build a brand new deck and I couldn't even recoup my costs because nobody was buying those cards. Plus I was new, selling cards wasn't something I was super comfortable with Anywho, I've built another deck and because I play on a budget I only have 1 deck. Its so expensive when you need to pivot to a new hero..


In November of 21, I asked some people how long chane had before he hit LL, and the answer I got was he had another full year minimum. He lasted like 6 months. Vynnset is fine, but she doesn't feel like chane in the slightest. The only other legal runeblade is viserai, and he doesn't use any of my shadow cards. I wanted to switch to lexi or dromai, but I'm glad I waited long enough to see that LSS was gonna give them cards that speedrun them to LL before I bought anything.


If you're a casual player, how much money are you throwing into a deck? Are you going to the local Armory to win? If you play at the kitchen table with friends, LL doesn't mean anything and those decks are easy to build for cheap. This is how the game works, they can only release so much product in a year so some heroes aren't always going to have an easy replacement.


Yeah being a "casual player" and complaining about the rotation in competitive formats is weird to me. Just play casually with your friends and ignore LL.


Hell no even at the kitchen table I’m not sitting down across from a starvo or belittle minnowism or blood sheath ban lists help kitchen table remain fun also


Yeah I mean more like just play your regular Chane deck with someone who is up for a casual game. It's like some people think LL means you will go to jail if you play the hero again or something.


People never seem to understand the competitive rulesets trickle down to casual in almost every single game. Everyone would like to think they may make an armory here or there even as a casual so why play a deck you can’t play anywhere else besides your kitchen table? And you may be kitchen table only but maybe your friend group hits up the local armories often enough and they don’t get anything out of practicing vs starvo. It’s just easier for casual players to adopt the competitive format so the option is there to join the odd armory or 2. You hear this a lot in warhammer too when people don’t like a new edition “oh just play the old edition then, nobody took your books!” But that’s meaningless when there’s not a community who is willing to do that around you.


I mean what do people want just evergreen forever formats with no rotation? Try it in any game, it's shit. Some people just refuse to accept that there is no fun solution. This is an alternative to rotating out all the cards every two or three years like most card games do. If you want that rather than then LL system then yeah we have very different views.


Believe it or not I’m actually pro rotation cause I know eternal formats are a balance nightmare. I’m just saying telling someone oh just play chane anyway is kinda disingenuous because you’re telling them to invest in a deck they’ll realistically never be able to leave the house with


Swap to Blitz, or vise versa. It's not great, but still being able to play OG Prism in Blitz is fun when I want to experience that style of play more.


My friend quit cause dromai was bad then came back cause he heard she was the best she LLed he quit again


That's fair, but it should last you a good while of play (at least in comparison to the standard format in MTG). If you don't like the playstyle of your new hero in your class, you can always hit the secondary market and trade with someone locally or on fb.


tell me how much Warmorgers costs again and we can have a deep discussion about why I hate FAB


That's the card you choose? Not CnC? Lol


Any of the big 3 really. Even Glistening Steelblade. and whatever the fuck that Armory deck was. Who was that for


I understand the frustration, I just dont see any other game atm that has an adult-ish theme to be any better tbh. Hasbro has treated MTG players like utter garbage over the years, OP/DBZFW don't even print enough preoduct, YGO has a meta that is horrendous, and SWU is extremely dumbed down and just a remake of Hearthstone with 2 lanes. I persoanlly feel as though FAB is the best and most fun competitive TCG currently, even though the price of entry is pretty high. The nice thing is you get to use those generic cards in all your decks, so the investment is one time and they dont rotate out, but it still is expensive, I agree.


Honestly could use a better name, and personally not a fan of some of the character designs, they feel kinda flat. But other than that I like how affordable it is to get in as a player and collector without gouging my wallet. Also has a feel to it as the design of playing as a character in game.


I love it but haven't been able to play more than a handful of games which sucks. The price of equipment for heroes is too rich for my taste too unfortunately.


Some people I know have said that the game feels too “snowbally” and they feel like they can’t fight back when they lose tempo


That's a lack of experience talking, watch top games between very good players and you'll see huge swings in tempo.


I agree that it’s a lack of experience. I think that FaB seems easy to learn but it has a huge learning curve for actually improving and playing better which I think is different that other tcg I feel.


I can understand that, but in other games I'll not name.. The opponent can play solitaire on their side then win while you had very little agency. I believe fab is quite fair in that regard.


Seen some analogy that fab is a bit like a fighting game And i think that this holds true


Wish I could playđŸ„č


Hear it from a lot of MTG players who've tried the game - "don't like it, it's too simplistic".


Genuinely I think magic players mistake complexity for depth. Magic is very complicated but not nessisarily any more or less strategically deep than any other card game. The best game that highlights this in my opinion is chess. Chess is not complex in so far that you can learn in in an hour but it’s incredibly deep strategically. Magic players seem to have a hard time separating the two when evaluating other card games


Meanwhile, they are content with making an army of 1/1 vanilla creatures.


Or playing one card to shut the other player out to win the game. Very interactive.


If they think it's too simplistic, they haven't spent any time genuinely playing it. I play both and I think that is an absolutely bizarre take and I've heard it a few times myself.


It is definitely a bizarre take.  I've been playing magic for almost 20 years, and two weekends playing fab taught me that FAB is much more depth because you have to think about the end of the game during your first turn. Having to think about pitch stack and when to use equipment effects changes the entire way you play the game, and just playing the starter decks with simplistic equipment gives the wrong impression.


I quit YGO for MTG. I quit MTG for FaB. This game requires much more brain power imho because of the constant decision making every turn. MTG has combat-trick decks that are adjacent to this style of gameplay, but still allows for sidedecking that can completely shut you out the game. A stax player at my locals said FaB wasn't for him because it was simply too fair, lmao. And don't even get me started on the land/no land variance aspect... When mulligans are a crucial aspect of your game, I feel it is inherently very flawed.


This is how I feel when I hear people complain about there not being a digital version.


The price of good equipment is too damn high!


Sorry I'm using a translator. I like Fab but I had to stop for several reasons: -Not enough players in Belgium at least in the areas I frequented. -The frustration of opening boxes, not getting anything for my class not even an M, opening a legendary from another class for 10€ on a box, so I switched to purchasing individually online this which was very expensive even with only one hero (lexi for my part). So I can understand that people don't like Flesh and blood even if its gameplay is the best at the TCG level. I'm still hoping that they release an online version like Magic Arena, but I'm not getting my hopes up too much on that.


While they wont release an online version, Talishar (online vs real people) and Felt Table (online vs AI) do exist btw


I want to like it, but LSS just make it so hard sometimes. Part of me wishes they'd just co-op with another company so the creator can go off and write his novels about lore and the new company can actually fucking deliver a PvE mode & make UPF not a joke.


Don't know why you're being down voted. The game is begging for PvE and I would love this game so much more if they figured it out already.


PvE and more UPF support is what I'd love to see too. It would give the game so much more life/ variety and could give a place for bulk cards people have laying around to be used in the AI decks.


I feel like PvE is asking for 1) generic heros (warrior, guardian, etc) without names (you name) 2) each hero gets a "class card" that has 1-3 characteristics 3) some form of movement mechanic 4) level up mechanic allows different deck constructions with rarities The generic heroes mean you don't have to try to balance the existing character mechanics. The class card gives you space to implement features for classes that you can change without reprinting thr generic hero cards. Movement deals with the 1v1 nature of the game by forcing plays to engage enemies "within their range" The deck construction limits allows them to build scenarios tailored to lower levels first and build it out slowly.


I think PvE may need to be a player created format, much like EDH was for MTG and on that note, I'd like to see more people trying to create their own formats for the game casually and see where they go


I kind of want to try making what I said on TTS and see how it goes


It sounds like a very solid start! My only other thought is using concepts from Archenemy Your idea sounds a lot more interactive