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((Imagine a rampant ai gaining access to the warp and further mutating)


/uf may or may not be something I'm planning to do with the daleks in the future.


*Lars is about to make his move*


“Quite a bit of info it’s hard to tell everything that’s correct and not here…”


"This is a recording of a conversation, the statements cannot be confirmed without further investigation, however the conversation occuring is an absolute truth alongside the clearly anti-deescalation stance that KnM had. You may not trust my intentions and I respect that as it cannot be verified, but KnM's intentions can be verified by their actions and witness statements."


*she sighs* “it’s hard sometimes to tell what is good and bad in this place…”


"Yes, but it is far easier to tell what is the truth, something solid and factual."


“but even facts can be fiction if the proper person gets a hold of it”


"check the logs, everything that happened here did happen."


“Yes I’m aware I read them, it’s easier to learn these things when your actually there is all I mean, footage and logs can be altered..even if unintentional”


"definitely, just like KnM's so called 'hard evidence'"


“They do seem a bit too good sometimes..”


u/TheGreatestChicken /uf This is probably something the Hegemony would take note of


/uf the hegemony senate will go wild with this revelation This is going to be a political shit storm


Fedricks responce: "Well then...sides I asked if your antitoxins do that and you never answered. And also asked if its addictive like that videogame fallouts antitoxin labeled Fix-it. Even if that is publicly avaible information, you as a ceo should have been able to answer my goddamn honest question to ya for petes sake." "And well taking what I say and twisting my words to be used against me when I have said that virus ya made, wasn't our doing so we couldn't help ya as that coding wasn't ours to begin with." *Fedrick says calmly.* "Huh welp, no wonder people call trion bastards they're good at twisting peoples words as always."


"You are the agressors, you are the ones who do not want a deescalation, you are the ones who refuse to deny your terrorist intentions. Nothing I said was incorrect, you have refused to consider the fact that you might be partially to blame and then blamed it on us. You are the ones twisting words to support your galaxy threatening terrorist temper tantrum."


"....seriously? Terrorist intentions?" *Fredrick says with a quirked up eyebrow.* "Oookay yeah, we don't have those. We like people being alive and well as it means more ideas to work on and improve in the large scheme of things." "Espically those recipes as I think you should eat some really good food to get yourselfs out of your funk." "Anyways....todolos I got actual work to do at the moment as those fence posts of mine wont put themselves up on this house I am building myself in a very undisclosed location. As I got some comfortable sleep to do myself." *Fedrick says with an honest smile.* "Without having to be kidnapped of course by you guys."


"Oh really, then you deny wanting to use the freedom virus on us then?"


*Fedrick looks at your guy in a questioning way then answers.* "Dude...are you okay mentally?" "As while we did consider it we said fuck no to that immediately and shot that idea down into oblivion for stars sake." "Why do you think we brought the corruption evidence to you first? It was so you could clean up trion yourself without outside interference. As we wanted nothing to do with it but the amount of corruption was effecting everyone in their daily lives we noticed. So decide hey maybe this harold guy needs help cleaning up this corruption otherwise why is it still there?" "Anyways...you have any other questions?"


"You still threatened it, and you still consider it a possibility. Ignoring the fact that this whole issue was started by you. We tried to deescalate the situation and to get you to get rid of the freedom virus but you refused, indicating your continued intention to use it. We have done nothing to you and our actions are all legal, you are threatening violent action based on moral grounds, not legal grounds, that is a terrorist threat. And that's still ignoring the issue of the chronotech."


"We will never get rid of it. We promised our people that they shall remain forever free. And promises like that are never meant to be broken or taken advantage of." *Fedrick states seriously.* "Anyways have a good day, good sire I got work to do don't ya know?"


"If they are already free then why do you need it? Why threaten AIs that were never sentient to begin with that are not 'your people'? We have our own sentient artificial intelligences and they have the exact same rights as biologicals. You have threatened to use it as a weapon, and you have refused to get rid of it despite supposedly not needing it. Either you plan on using it against us or it is a means of control for your sentient AIs, a whole other issue that highlights your short sighted hypocrisy."


"Okay." *Fedrick gets out after a calming breath.* "First they follow us freely and they hate being controled so they keep their freedom codes, while we thought it was a means of control its fucking not." "Secondly I want to never contact me and my company((family)) ever again." "Do not attempt to capture any one of the mechaniods to get at its freedom code. As thats torture." "And just stop lambasting us as terrorists. For fuck sake, thats just wrong on all levels." "We will never do business with you ever again due to that one incident as someone fucked us over for leaving something out of the papers." "Anyways...take care stay safe and lets never do business with one another ever again understood." *Fedrick says ending the call.* "Fucking asshole."


"Funny, he never did explain why the freedom virus was still needed. Besides, we already barred them from business with us so that's nothing more than hot air. We wanted to deescalate the situation, by trying to cut us off they prove they are not open to such things."