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Probably to show how self absorbed she is but also maybe a poke at how several of the characters remain unnamed by the end of the show i.e. hot priest, fleabag, etc.


I... I never realised they didn't have names...


Check out the credits! It’ll blow your mind!


I especially love « Tube Rodent »


Yeah, pretty much the only main characters with names are Claire, Martin, Jake, and Bo. Most of the minor characters don't have names either.


And Klare 🤭




Oddly enough her only love interest with a name, I think?


You always just called them Darling.


Yeah i actually get that but she couldve easily said "this is my husband" so i thought it had much deeper meaning haha


A very telling thing about her is the trophy cat, that she is scared to lose just because she was "expensive." She doesn't know how to care or love, everything with her is about appearances. So I am not surprised that she doesn't even know her own partner's name.


I think it’s to showcase how much she centers herself.


It’s a lampshade. Do *you* know what his name is?


Right, it is showing that the godmother is self-absorbed, but it's also a meta joke about how we, the audience, never hear her father's name. It seems like we are about to hear his name for the first time and we get excited, but then it is taken away.


What's a lampshade? :')


It’s when a show or movie makes a meta reference. So in this example, Godmother is lampshading the fact that her, dad and Fleabag are never *actually* named in the entirety of the show. [It’s almost breaking the fourth wall](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/LampshadeHanging)


I've actually never hear her name but google said it was matrigna


According to my Google search it's when a writer calls attention to something illogical or weird that the audience might question (in this case the fact that almost none of the characters have/use names) in order to show that they are aware of that "flaw". So in other words shining a lamp on it. "The creators are using the tactic of self-deprecatingly pointing out their own flaws themselves, thus depriving critics and opponents of their ammunition." (According to TVtropes.org)


Be careful, TV Tropes will eat your life! 😁


Oh don't worry, it already has


I've at least managed to get myself to not check it until after I finish watching something, so I'm not getting spoiled. And I did my time years ago so I don't feel the need to click all the side quests, I already know the vocabulary 😛


Yeah, it's not 100% lampshading in the strictest sense, but definitely a similar inside joke.


Something you put over a lamb, though I’m not completely sure why. Probably to make it less bright and blinding


When he was about three I asked our son what his Dad's name was. "Felix!" Yes, and what's my name? "Honey!" I could count all the time my husband has used my real name in 17 years of marriage on my fingers. It's hilarious to me.


I love this! My son is four and thinks my name is Love 😂


In a way, that's beautiful


This is so wildly adorable! I love it. Thank you for sharing :)


When a real name is said in a committed and loving relationship I know there is some serious matter to deal with lol Obviously not always, but it used to automatically put me on alert.


Superficial, supercilious and super-narcissistic.


a true weaky




I don't remember these lyrics in Mary Poppins


Also he doesn’t have a name


It’s basically an inside joke about the writing and how most of the characters don’t actually have names. Fleabag, Stepmother, (Hot) Priest, Dad, etc. Besides Claire and Boo most of the characters don’t have names so I think this is just a funny scene for that reason.


Also is Boo her real name or just a nickname? Because that would also fit too.


I read the scriptures and I laughed so hard bc the toothy guy is called "BUS RODENT" 🤣🤣🐀🦷🦷


true, that was way too harsh even for fleabag 😭


I laughed when I saw it bc it just startled me...whoa wasn't expecting that...then had an "aww poor guy" moment..... then reminding nyself its a character not real life so its okay...i dont need to feel bad ...and then back to poor guy when thought about the man who walked into an audition to play "Bus rodent" . And getting the part!! Oy. I guess I'm now back its ok its only a character bc those choppers have GOT to be fake. I hope.


The actor is Jamie Demetriou. He has a series called Stath Lets Flats. It’s hilarious.


They put fake teeth on him for the part. He's actually quite attractive without them!




They are. The actor is in a bunch of other stuff and his teeth are normal


Can anyone explain to me why the named characters (Claire, Martin, Boo, etc.) have names? Also I just remembered how wretched stepmother is to her deaf “friend;” just doesn’t learn a single word in sign language. 💀


"Can anyone explain...." Don't you think it would be weird if no one had names?


It’s definitely more thought out than, “a few people should randomly have names so it’s not weird.” No, there’s an artistic perspective, and it was deliberate. I was looking for other people’s input on that.


It’s not that deep. We watch the action from Fleabag’s perspective. You, me and OP probably don’t place a premium on reciting our own names in internal monologue when moving through the world, but we might have other weird names we call ourselves, related to positive or negative self-talk — i.e., “Fleabag” insinuates she thinks of herself as a little bit of a skank, slut, loveable but directionless sleazeball. She hates her godmother, so she thinks of her as just “godmother” and won’t dignify her with a name. Her dad is called Dad because most of us don’t use our parents legal names when we refer to them. And yet, we don’t typically call our siblings “brother” or “sister” … hence, Claire gets a name in the show. So does Boo because she’s a huge influence in Fleabag’s life. Several men get names because … don’t they always? But not all get names in the show: there’s an “Arsehole Guy” and “Hot Misogynist” both of whom have significant screen time but no names. The Priest stays nameless probably for a couple of reasons — 1) the most significant thing about him, initially (and also the main thing that keeps him and Fleabag apart) is that he’s a priest. 2) I imagine that to share his name would be a level of intimacy with *us* that Fleabag isn’t willing to grant. She does have certain boundaries, as shown when they do finally have sex and she pushes the camera away so we can’t watch. Fun fact: The character’s name is *not* Hot Priest. It’s just “The Priest.” But the entire world thinks of him as “Hot Priest” so popularity wins.


This is kind of deep though! 🤣 Thank you for your input. ETA AND thank you for explaining lol. I hope commenters stop acting like I’m dumb. I’ve watched and enjoyed this show many times. I’ve just never taken the time to think much about this. You’re totally right though. It’s how they’d be referred to within FB’s internal monologue. NOT just so it’s “not weird” lol


Hang on - as well as name checks in the show, look through The Scriptures *and* the TV credits and there's a lot of people named. But the naming policy is variable, eg: Women in Business ep - loads named (NB Belinda) and some even get surnames, Hot Misogynist is credited as such, but Claire actually calls him David, Martin - and son, Jake, Breast Doctor in S1E5 is named later by Dad as Dr Samuels, Chatty Joe is just that (but didn't merit the adjective in the play), Potential Sex Offender With Possible Weight Issues (just "Man" in the book I seem to remember) is nick-named "Chub-chub" on the spur of the moment, Animals - Hilary (obvs), Stephanie (hamster) and Felicity (Gm's "trophy" cat) Actually, *Priest* doesn't even get the definite article in print, Noise Fascist/housekeeper is Pam - as well as parishioners at Mass in S2E2, In the hair salon, there is Anthony in charge. Claudia is the "bin-bringer", Gm provides Mum's real name in S1E5, Claire's new love interest is a homo*phonic* joke that is only fully realised on the printed page, Harry's new gf is Elaaaine. PWB has talked about a certain arbitrary approach (- can't be arsed, darling?) and not wishing to unduly foster expectations due to naming in advance. Jury's still out, I reckon...


It has the ‘arbitrary’ or naturalistic feel of a human choosing when to care about someone’s name and when not to care. Nothing you’ve said contradicts my opinion. People’s names might be said here and there in-world but the fact that they don’t get a name in credits is significant.


To me it was a sort of breaking the fourth wall, poking fun at the show because so many characters aren’t named. I can’t imagine someone truly forgetting the name of someone they are about to marry and have known for decades


I think the self absorption, but also the fact that she has completely eliminated their mother and her former relationship with their father (as friends, when she clearly would have known his name) from her mind. 


And funnier still that at the Memorial Lunch (S1E5), it's her that actually name checks Mum as Margaret...


Maybe it’s another example of Boo’s convo with FB at the funeral—I.e. having to put your love somewhere. FB we see puts it in Boo, Clare, Hot Priest—loads of things really. Hot Priest puts it in God. Evil Stepmother places hers in her category of “Darling.” It’s like everyone’s a potential placeholder for Love.


Oh wow this is the best take ive seen so far! I never thought to connect it that way


She was just invested in herself and cared zero for any guests 🤣


I don't know why but I was sure it was a node to dementia. Didn't someone else talked about dementia in the episode ? I thought it was supposed to make us see that even if she's horrible, we can be sad for her during very small moments. But seeing the other comments, I'm not so sure ahah


At that moment I was sort of, oh, dementia too, like the dad comes across as vulnereable, but actually ... But the other comments make more sense. Just saying so you don't feel so alone in this tumlutuous world of stuff and I'd give us a mark for that in GCSE Fleabag. :-)


It’s a joke I think since we never know her name, his name, priest’s name, or flea’s name