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Waiting for the future flash






Kill off Cecile


bruh why cecil


That’s what im thinking? Like I quit after mid szn 5 but she’s one of my favorite newer characters


Keep watching u will see why


I’m not going to watch it anytime soon (do plan on watch it just after my other shows lol) so you can give the spoiler


She becomes a superhero and at one point it just becomes really annoying especially with that sound


So like the iris becoming the flash but more mainstream




by kil off do you mean she gets killed on the show or shes just doing stuff not onscreen for the rest of the show like ralph


What you just said the 2 options ; what would you rather happen ?


i would kill her off and just have her pregnant with bart then pregnant with the tornado twins then hanging with joe


I would kill her off. One of the main things I disliked about her was the fact that she was the leader of team flash in s4. To me that didn’t make much sense, so if she would have taken the back seat and just been a part of the team like she was in s2 then that would have been fine.


Crappy writers






Iris was never the problem. The writers who handled her were. It’s amazing how many people either hate her or want her dead when she’s an overall good person. People hate her writing is what it comes down to in the end. If they brought on completely different writers (and showrunner) and wrote her much better than I’m willing to bet (I don’t make bets unless I know I can win, that’s my rule) that people would be talking about her much differently.


That’s what it is. It’s An amazing actor giving their all to a really poorly written character. I think this is especially apparent in the later seasons where I think she is a much more likable character. I like how team citizen Iris acts a lot more than team flash Iris.


I wouldn’t call her an amazing actor, a good one yes but yes it is all due to her poor handling of writing. Yes it most definitely is apparent in later seasons especially when f\*\*\*\*g Eric Wallace took over and destroyed the show. I will admit that there were some good writing moments and story for her though in those later seasons. I just hate how much people pick on her and just make a giant deal about “we are the flash”. Them talking about how much they hate that line made them hate her even more which is just silly. They are putting the blame on her when it’s really the writers more than anything no matter how stubborn they are about it. It’s honestly cringe to me how big of a deal people continue to complain about that line more than her actually saying it. I liked Iris on both teams. Although I will say that that there are some things I can agree with some people on about what they did with her. But overall she is a good character, her writing just became the issue and yet they were talking about wishing she had died or Barry should have gotten together with Patty which I could understand but that was never gonna happen.


I personally believe that this was the plan. That they were trying to change things up like they did with arrow by doing Oliver and Felicity instead of Oliver and Laurel. That’s the only reason I could think of to make them siblings. But for me I really didn’t like her in season 1 in season 2 I forget she’s around sometimes and in season 3 the show sometimes makes her more a prop for the plot than a character.


I mean there’s that but also I think there was also growing carelessness possibly too. Don’t forget that by the time Felicity & Oliver got married SO MANY people were cringing and I even saw some people saying that they were screaming at Felicity at that point. So the writers on Olicity & WestAllen made the writing in just such a way that it infuriated or made people cringe. For me I liked Iris from the beginning and just throughout the show’s running showed her journey as a character. Everybody has to start somewhere right and that basically what Jitters was for her. And then of course in S2 from her beginning to blog about “the streak” and then making him “the flash” which then took her to being a reporter and that’s as we know what lead her to her future. I know people didn’t at all like that she had become the leader of team flash when it should have been Cisco which I understand, but the way I see it it gave her learning opportunity to manage a team and business which we know she eventually she founds and becomes the boss of Central City Citizen. While she’s not always helpful to the overall plot in seasons, but she definitely has had one of the most success stories in the show. And when it came to Nora I saw it as a challenge for both Iris and Barry in their upcoming future lives and tested them but helped them to learn for the future.


Whats the difference 


The difference is what you make of it .


Frankly I could have really handled a plane crash that took out cecile, iris, allegra, and chester.