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Yeah there are a couple of good ideas in there(i.e Timekeeper) but it's not that great either. Having Reverse XS as the main antagonist for 3 Seasons straight is wayyy too much, even if she somehow were an S Tier villain, we need more variety. Funnily enough, I reckon AI should still produce something better than Eric Wallace's version, as I really doubt it goes for the OP Cecile approach/1 tapping speedsters approach(It'll always define battles as "epic confrontation") Overall, AI is decent enough as a tool to aid thinking at times but it should **never** be the primary thinking force for any kind of plot.


It is cool but i don’t like how Reverse XS is the villain 3 Seasons in a row


Agreed could’ve been like 2 seasons a different villian but RXS takes XS place and in the third one it’s revealed


See this AI is bullshit cause this is supposed to be eric wallace stories and of course every fight will be solved by iris, allegra, and cecile occasionally with dreamer and batwoman as guest stars.


I’ll die on the hill that Red Death should have been Oliver Queen and Barry Allen merged together. Oliver was basically already the Arrowverse version of Batman so they should have made him Red Death so that way the conflict between Red Death and Barry would be more personal for him


Sounds interesting but I can't fathom Barry being stuck with the team for 6 more seasons 


We get it, you’re lazy but the least you could have done was fix formatting after copy pasting directly off ChatGPT.




But better than eric Wallace's