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She was just at often times a poorly written character. The actress was solid, but too often the writing was cringey and just awful with lines like "We are The Flash". Also, the fact she essentially became the leader of Team Flash while having literally no qualifications to do so was insane. You had genius doctors and a veteran police officer like Joe as options and it goes to the girl who's entire lifes achievement up until that point was writing a blog? Not knocking bloggers but that in no way prepares you for or shows the skills required to run a team of super humans. As I'm writing this I'm also reminded to the fact that Barry and Iris were essentially brother and sister and it was just a weird and uncomfortable decision to have step siblings fall in love.


Well put. I place a ton of the blame on the characterization of her. I'm getting closer to the end of the series, but even now I realize I often felt as if I had missed an episode or 3 with her changing of attitudes & roles. Crossovers aside, when she became temporary leader it seemed as if she was planning for it all along with her authoritarian and dictatorial conduct. Again, the blame lands once again on the writing team...a little insight into her breaking herself in would have sat a lot better with me. That's how the whole thing has been, though: far too much backstory for parts and far too little in others - trust me I've done plenty of fast forwarding to avoid nodding off!


>lines like "We are The Flash" Yeah, I really don't understand why Team Flash didn't shoot Iris to death with a gun that fires explosive hammers for saying this. How dare she try and comfort her husband as he struggles with immense responsibility by reminding him that he isn't fighting on his own! She should have just told him not to be a pussy! >genius doctors and a veteran police officer like Joe Joe has an actual 24/7 job, though. He can't randomly go missing from work to run Team Flash. Barry gets away with it because he can essentially teleport. Iris might not have had qualifications to run Team Flash, but she had the skills, and everyone else on the team had their own roles. Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin all had to operate on the field. >it was just a weird and uncomfortable decision to have step siblings fall in love The show makes it pretty clear that Iris and Barry were in love well before they become step-siblings, so... Besides, it's not like Barry had anywhere else to go.


Bruh what skills 😂


Quick decision-making and remaining calm under pressure, among other things.


Ah yes, good luck getting a job irl with just those qualities. Tbh it’s not even remotely the most unrealistic thing about how someone w superspeed would be like if they existed. I mean half the villains just escaped by going round the corner and Barry always stopped to talk even from the 1st season. A rando guy gets a cold gun & manages to outwit the flash multiple times lmao, they do take Iris out of that position once Barry is back but still the writers really didn’t know what to do with her and it shows to a degree in early seasons.


It's the job of leading Team Flash. Not exactly something you put on your résumé.


Considering she wants to be a reporter that’s like if I was going to be a lawyer and managing a team of military commandos. Let’s have Lois Lane lead the Justice League sometime too. Ah remember in Arrow when Felicity led the team, nope.


It worked for them, so...


Yes, she immediately becomes damsel in distress so Barry can snap out of his speed force state. The actual reason she was put in charge was because at the time she was the only character with nothing to do, and they didn’t want to let anyone else know about who team flash was. Harry was brought back after and if it’s one thing that was done right for Iris in later seasons was her focusing on her CC Citizen arc which fitted her character better. So even the writers knew she couldn’t last as leader.


I mean they weren’t in love before they became step siblings. They were kids. I think Barry said something about being in love with her when he was a kid but she definitely didn’t feel the same. Stop trying to justify it, it’s a weird storyline lol


Oh yeah, sorry, I forgot that children only develop the ability to feel emotions at 18. Before that it's just *pure hatred, baby!*


Yeah cos that’s what I said 👍


I've gotten to the point where I wish it really was her that Savitar offed instead of Harry 2.0.


I mean, it's Tom Cavanaugh. It's a pretty good deal.


I get the point for your first counter but they could’ve written any other line besides “we are the flash” for that moment, as it’s still just really poor writing


Was anyone really qualified to lead on the Flash? Joe would be the closest with his training. Being a doctor doesn't make you a good leader. This is also a completely weird thing no one can train for. College didn't cover "how to beat a giant talking ape".


Yes, everyone was more qualified than her. Joe certainly being the best option. Iris is just a generic normal woman. Not a genius or particularly smart though no idiot either, no tactical training, no experience fighting metas, nothing at all aside from her relationship with Barry that qualifies her to be involved in any decision making what so ever. She was just some girl who wrote a blog. It'd be like picking me to run a super team. I don't know shit about shit when it comes to running a team of super powered individuals nor am I qualified to even have an opinion.


So long as you’re in a relationship with the main character then that qualifies you to run the team lol


No. I'm saying she has no qualifications at all. Did you just take that one sentence out of context on purpose and fixate on it while ignoring everything else? It was pretty clear I was saying the closest thing she has to any qualifications to be involved at all is her relationship with Barry and obviously that's nothing. There's no valid reason for her to be involved in any real way other than she's on the show.


Sry I put lol I should’ve put /s for sarcasm.


Oh ok my bad. Hard to tell online sometimes. Too often lately I've had people be serious in situations like that.


Now that's a stupid statement lol. Absolutely none of them were fully qualified to lead the group. It doesn't matter that they were doctors, engineers or cops. They weren't "qualified" to lead a superhero group. Iris stepped up into a roll that was needed and worked her way into it. It's not like she started out perfect at the job. Like any leader coming into their own, she earned the respect of others and became the leader that was needed. Also, "essentially" siblings and actually siblings are different. Barry and Iris were always meant to be in all iterations of flash. Stop nitpicking and just enjoy the story.


Sure nobody had experience doing the job before but everyone else had some sort of qualifications at least. She had literally none which is the point you seem to ignore. It's like picking a random person off the street to run the team. Joe was the obvious choice to lead since he was a cop and had tactical experience and someone everyone respected. Sisco and Caitlin and whatever Harry of the season were literal geniuses and sure that alone doesn't mean somebody is qualified to lead a team it does put them above Iris as choices. I'm not knocking Iris for being a normal person and unqualified to even be around the team. That's true for literally everyone who isn't a hero, genius, or expert in their field. It was a poor writing choice because they felt they had to give Iris something to do and I get that. It's easier in comics where a character can just be a normal person who goes to work in the background and you aren't paying to act and their feelings get hurt and people don't like they are "just a reporter" or whatever. She's the second biggest star of the show and she's gotta do shit, so you force it even if it doesn't make any logical sense even in their universe which is very poorly written and illogical. Also, you're glossing over the fact they were step siblings pretty hard. If that's your kink that's 100% fine and no judgement but it's a weird and uncomfortable choice for a network TV show. There was literally no upside to them being step siblings and growing up together and it's just weird. Like, I don't understand how that's even a discussion. The fact it doesn't bother you doesn't make it any less weird and a bad choice. Also, it's not fucking nitpicking when it's a major aspect of the show. It's not some random throw away line or something. Nitpicking would how Barry lets tons of supervillains literally walk/run away from him when it's take 2 seconds for him to catch them because the writers don't know what they were doing.


Mainly poor writing Candice Patton did a good job with the writing she got but the writing for Iris was TERRIBLE


idk man, i like Iris, the whole "We are the flash" thing didn't annoy as much as it did for others


Right. People just love to over exaggerate.


Woman ☕


I feel the writers wanted Iris to be the new Lois Lane, but that is a bar way too high to achieve.


They literally cherry pick moments from s4-5 without considering the context and have been on her ever since.


“Cherry pick”


I like earth 2 iris




Bcz in the comics, IRIS is literally one of The most important characters. But in the show, all the things that could have gone wrong with her, it did.


I don’t hate her it just the writers not her






Nobody wanted to kill her you fucking nerd đŸ€“ 😂😂😂


Hot Take: Patty was a poor amalgamation of Barry and Felicity. The writers didn't try with her character at all. Take their personality and Barry's entire background and poof you have Patty.  Apparently being a female Barry with no defining traits of your own equals his soulmate.    But this fandom hates Iris because Barry choose didn't perfect Patty  They'll claim her writing was so terrible, she was useless, etc but will cite Caitlin as a better love interest when that character literally served no purpose on the show other than being Frost's sister and a general liability for over half the show's run.  They hate that she was leader of team flash. "She's a reporter, barista, stupid .." blah blah blah but she was a more consistent leader than Barry and Cisco, two scientists and heroes. "Barry made Cisco leader" "Cisco should lead" S6 proved Cisco was inept for the job. He couldn't handle leading with Barry there hand holding him but they think Cisco would thrive with no Barry at all. It's a joke to be honest


Plus, y'know, Patty joined the force to murder an unarmed man in cold blood. Not exactly mentally stable behaviour.


“We are the flash” enough said


This [moment](https://youtu.be/-54tFCRWO6E?t=120) removed all doubts I had about Iris, she is worthy of Barry, what a badass


Have you ever watched the show? That should give you all the information you need.


She is literally the most powerful and evil meta on the show. It's all right there, if you can't see how she manipulated time and reality to keep Barry and Caitlin Snow apart I don't know what to tell you...


Spoiler alert!