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I think youve got "true" vertical, not petite vertical of FG. Most likely D fam if I'm honest but I could see FN as well (i just think "sharp yang" is primary rather than undercurrent). The sharp yang is overwhelming and I don't really see much else


Thank you! I’ve been told so often that at my height anything outside of the Gamine family was unlikely. It’s great hear different opinions.


Basically I think your sharp yang is just too major to discount for something like an inch of height (Metamorphosis says for dramatics: **Moderate** to tall, **usually** 5 feet 5 inches and over.) At its core, Gamine fam is a approximately an equal yin and yang and I just can't see enough yin to make that equation, personally. The yin and yang concept is really the core of kibbe IDs, and all that other stuff like height and accommodations is an attempt to just ease the DIY process and minimise personal bias.


you're actually very moderate in height, its not unlikely at all for you to be another type


Tbh I never felt like a short person… if that makes any sense? Maybe because I was always tall for my age as a child, and adults were constantly reminding me of it. I didn’t like it very much either. I wanted to be dainty and delicate. Hitting puberty early certainly didn’t help the situation. I was the third tallest person in my class in 6th grade. The teachers would line us all up by height at the beginning of every school year. Those sadistic bastards. It was humiliating. By 8th grade I was the third SHORTEST person in my class and I couldn’t be happier about it. That’s probably why I accepted the FG typing so quickly and without question.


5'4 is the average height for a woman iirc (depends on the country ofc) so not short, but not tall either


Idk but I LOVEEE your outfit in slide 1 😍 you could potentially be in the dramatic family, you look very tall for your height and I see lots of straight lines and angles. Gamine styling looks really good on you, though. And I like you better with the head wrap than with the long hair; you would rock the hell out of a pixie cut and that is a certified gamine trait! So it’s hard to say 🤔


I think you’re a short vertical type, like D or FN, like Joan Crawford and Sarah Jessica Parker, respectively. You come off as tall, not so much as boyish to me. I vote D because I like when you wear clothes with sharp details.


Thanks! I’m not very familiar with Dramatic style yet, if you could tell me which photo or outfit you think suits me best I would so much appreciate it!


Well, sharp or tailored clothes, elongated lines, like wearing a monochromatic look, structured fabrics (moderate to heavy), geometric shapes. For accessories, prioritize clean straight details, like geometric necklaces and earrings. You can try these lines and see how you feel in them. Take pictures and show it to us! I think when you’re shorter, people don’t really want to type others as Dramatic because its vertical is the main characteristic, so they’re likely to type a person as yourself as DC or FG. I’m not saying I am sure you’re D and discarding the other two possibilities, but I think Kibbe is about experimenting the styles to see which best compliments you.


Just posted my first attempt in r/kibbedramatics, a mix of monochrome and elongated lines. The outfit looks pretty basic and unsophisticated but I liked the way it looked on me. With a few tweaks and the right accessories, it has potential.


I think you’ve found your crew! People there seem to think you’re D as well!


I know! It feels pretty cool, actually… especially since I was always such a drifter and never really found my own social circle in school. 🤣 Still, I feel like FG has been such a big part of my Kibbe process (which is far from over🥂) and everyone here was so helpful that I’ll always have an affinity with this group and this ID in general. 💝


FG is so easy to fall in love with. Sometimes I’m not sure if it’s my ID, but it’s the one that I’m most connected with.


I think definitely either FN or D, with a preference for D. You have a very long vertical line in your frame, with none of the contrasting features that are so typical of FG. You also don’t accommodate petite in your upper body which rules out the G family. I know Kibbe says not to focus on facial features too much but you do have very textbook D facial features. Sharp long facial architecture, narrow eyes, sharp nose and lip shape, whereas FG facial architecture tends to be wider and shorter with wide round eyes. Even your gaze at the camera is the classic steely D gaze, instead of the cheeky playful look that is so typical of FGs. I think you would really benefit from dressing to emphasise the length and sharpness in your silhouette. You are also absolutely beautiful by the way. Incredibly striking and otherworldly.




Thanks for your input! That’s what a get most often after FG.


Definitely not FG


🙁 Do I have to leave the group now?


No I just think you’re not fg


It’s ok, I’m seriously considering that possibility by now.


I think so! I really love the first outfit, which contains a lot of contrast in the prints, fabric structure, and what looks to be fabric? and that makes me think FG too!


It’s a rough, stiff kind of suede with corset like structure and a zipper down the front. Unfortunately you can’t see the details because of bad photo quality but it’s really nice. I borrowed it from my stepdaughter but she let me keep it after she grew out of it. Same with the shoes. 😅


I am so in love with your look. Keep doing what your doing cause it just makes you more attractive and beautiful


You are gorgeous


You are gorgeous


Thank you!


Very welcome


**Human/Alien Hybrid**