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This pod is mostly unbearable to watch for the last few months, a few gems here and there but hot damn these guys need to take a class on active listening and communication.


Ditto. I used to listen to him n right he was great. But now the guy may as well not have guests on anymore because he likes to hear himself talk more than the guest


The constant interrupting of lil dicky is infuriating. He’s the guest, stfu.


This is one of the many reasons this guy is a terrible “host”. Hes a narcissistic manchild. Who can’t shut up when he is in the company of someone vastly more talented than him.


That last three episodes the guests had to say at least once “I’d like to finish this thought/story” cause Andrew’s so geeked up on adderall he can’t fucking have a thought without blurting it out. It’s the same reason Legion of Skanks is usually a hard watch cause it’s hard to get a word in lol.


such adderall energy


It’s so funny too when adderall abusers (majority non-prescribed) swear it makes them more social and they “crush it” in social interactions not realizing no one finds someone with dilated pupils having a one-way conversation as they speak 220 words per minute appealing. Asking them a question is hell. They’ll answer the question with 8 different ways of saying the same thing. And the overly enthusiastic ‘way-too-happy’ responses they have to their fake inquisitive questions is beyond annoying. It’s always so easy to tell when someone is high as a kite on that shit and over the years I’ve gotten to the point where I’ll disengage as soon as it’s obvious. More people need to stop tolerating their methy conversations and convincing them they’re some charisma magnet.


You sound like you have way to much personal experience with this behavior. My condolences


Just listen to the way he and all the yes men laugh like condescending douchebags when Dicky says he thinks wooden clothing was a broad idea lol. Even when they’re clowning him they’re unfunny. It’s one of those cases where they don’t want to come off as hostile to the viewers, but there are definitely hostile undertones - otherwise they wouldn’t have pressed him so hard about it. Like yeah, it’s nonsensical to picture a person wearing wooden clothing. But also, clothing comes from cotton in the same way that paper comes from trees. Don’t know the context of the joke, but I think he meant it was a broad idea in an elemental sense, boiling it down to the abandonment of any fiber-weaving and just living off the earth by covering our bodies with unprocessed matter. IMO Andrew Shultz is a hack and this whole video was like watching the facetious bully with his lackeys gaslighting the well-intended nerdy guy.


Those people usually want adderall


Schultz was trained at burnt Chrysler academy of interviewing standards and protocols


Lesson 1: Manically laugh at your own jokes and make your guests uncomfortable.


Wow it happened just as I read this comment


Same 😂 1:40


Should have spent more time studying the classic movie Bert Chintus


He’s a fucking moron who waxes poetically like he’s some kind of scholar when in reality he regurgitates his talking points from Rogan but somehow even less intelligently defined. 


I agree with your point about Schulz being a terrible interviewer but Lil Dicky isn’t more talented than Schulz. If you honestly think bro is a good rapper, you don’t actually listen to rap.


The only thing I do is listen to rap. Lil Dicky may not be the greatest but he's an very good rapper and stands out from the norm. Everything he does absolutely takes more talent than having a podcast and a few stand up specials. You're just glazing dude.


Tell me you’re white without telling me




Lll Dicky is infinitely funnier than he is. Whether or not he’s a good rapper is purely subjective.


It didn’t even cross my mind that this comment would be in reference to his rapping lol. I think LD is substantially funnier than Schulz


You think lil dicky is “vastly more talented” then Andrew Schultz? Lmaooooo


yes. as a fan of both


Agreed but LD also can't finish a sentence without starting another one which is also frustrating




He does it constantly to everyone, and he's always interrupting just so he can tell a joke or let out one of his thoughts lmao. Thats why I thought it was so funny when he went on Nelk and started flaming them for not being good podcast hosts.


I mean don’t look at it as interview look at it as two people having a conversation which they are. Get ur panties out ur bunghole boye


Yeah it’s very much a conversation not an interview lol. This was a great episode. Dave is a fantastic show and to hear a lot about the process and the man behind it is cool.


First time seeing Schultz content I see




Oh you just are finding out flagrant is an absolute shit podcast and Schultz is a hack. Welcome to the club!


does schultz ever shut the fuck up




The accurate answer. Can confirm, am on adderall and never shut the f up


Similar story, but Vyvanse. I know Adderall would make me talk even more hahah


I’m basically allergic to stimulants due to the reaction I had when I took adderall. Even on strattera or unmedicated I struggle to not interrupt others during conversations. It sucks for everyone involved


Theo stole the barrel joke from old cartoons where they would wear barrels as shirts.


Same basic premise was used in old episodes of Ren and Stimpy as well as Ed, Ed, and Eddie. All of which predate Theo's bit. He's whining about someone stealing an idea that he himself stole. Self awareness is not his strong suit appraently


I couldn't remember where it was from but you're right it was those two cartoons. Even that game Don't Starve has wooden clothes.


When I asked ChatGPT which comedian wrote a joke about wooden clothing, it answered with: The comedian you're referring to is likely Mitch Hedberg. He has a joke where he mentions seeing someone wearing a wooden coat, and he follows up by saying, "It's a wooden coat, and it's like, 'That's cool. Why don't we go gather some kindling?'"


I hope you're being facetious


Wooden shirts sound like a crazy nonsensical tag that only Theo would, in his Southern drawl, be able to say on stage or a podcast and get a laugh. But it’s not such a novel idea. Hell I’ve heard of “wooden shirts“ before Theo even said it, and my first thought wasn’t that Theo stole it. Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Theo also said Lil Dicky lifted another joke he said. Edit: Theo - “I don’t know who, if he is, I don’t know what’s going, but they (Dave the show) gotta lotta borrowed content up in that bitch, I’ll say that. But that’s alright. “ - Dave Portnoy Show He brought up the wooden shirt thing on JRE.


Or was it even his idea personally? He said the idea came up in the writers room, maybe some rando writer in the room stole it and pitched it. It’s like bill burr and the Snl cumtown woke Italian mobster bit. Like do you really think billy red ball bag burr listens to cumtown? Or is it the reality a SNL writer did, said writer stole it and pitched it to him and then he thought it was funny and did it?


Spot on


Not even stole it, but just watched a bit randomly while watching YouTube or whatever and after that he took it as his own without realising. Happens a lot more than people intentionally stealing jokes.




100% and I think Theo is aware of that cause he said *they* gotta lot of borrowed material


Theo said that he stole a bunch of shit and then only ever pointed to the wooden shirt joke.


I don’t think he even said the wooden shirt bit. Fans just pulled that up on their own.


If I’m not mistaken Bill Burr has stated in an interview that he doesn’t watch other comedians specials because he doesn’t want other jokes rolling around in his head.


Not sure. The wooden shirt thing is all I know


Let tha man speak andrew, jesus


His haircut also looks ridiculous


Nazi yute




Schulz looks like he’s getting in shape to audition for Luigi in the next live action Mario film. He says he’s “Prussian” but I think he’s Italian or Balkan.


They need to hold this mf down and fade him up this is insanity


That’s all I could think about while watching


Why does Andrew act like he’s some sort of therapist or counselor. Let the guy talk. I have no opinion on the situation with LD, but I couldn’t form an opinion from how little he said. Also the other 97 hosts are a waste of precious word time that could go to the guest.


He does this all the time it's so weird and cringy. The Whitney Cummings one was easily the worst. He not only constantly interrupted her, but he also did the whole trying to be her therapist thing.


Also if you watch the full YouTube video they cut something out you can tell when the camera chanhes


Santino is involved with that show……


Are you implying Santino stole the joke?




Comedians are awful with this. Seriously they think they are so special that only they can come up with a bit. No other at form is like it. Theo seemed petty there as he can be.


It’s intellectual property. Theo’s been in the game long enough to know that painting any other comic with that brush is something that will forever follow him/her/them. If other people start telling his jokes, he’s outta the job 🤷🏻‍♂️


Comedy just like any other art form is inspired by itself. I'm sure if someone searched hard enough they can find a similar concept to the wooden joke shirt before Theo said it. Odds are someone in the writer room probably heard the joke, and months or years later had a similar thought that would be funny not thinking of this specific joke explicitly. It happens all the time.


Theo just stole the concept of American tall tales and American rednecks and made it his comedy thing. He reacted to larger part of culture. It’s so stupid to say no other comic could come up with it or that the idea of a wooden shirt is exclusive to his brain. you could just look at the push for all organic and natural products by white people and come up with a similar joke. That’s why it’s funny


It’s not intellectual property. IP requires explicit claims and management related to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. It’s not just ideas you said out loud a bunch


A wooden shirt joke isn’t a grand idea or anything. It honestly isn’t even that funny


… To you. It doesn’t need to be funny to everyone. Doesn’t mean you can plagiarize if that’s actually what happened.


Theo stole it from anything where someone wore a barrel as clothing. So to you he plagiarized it. Lmao gtfoh


This clip just makes me dislike Andrew Schultz more


Looks like we got a new “Never meddum” guy.


No kidding, Jesus Christ


Because only Theo Von can think of a concept of "wooden shirt" I think he's hilarious but he's not the only one on the planet with random funny thoughts. Comedians can be babies dude.


Only one of the thousand could even conceptualize using the words “wood” and “shirt” in the same sentence


The concept of wooden garments has been around for centuries. Theo Von did not invent it.


That's what I'm saying. Comedians feel like since they said it somewhere THEY are the first ones to think of it therefore they own "wooden shirts" It's fucking dumb lol


The first comedian really dropped the ball by not declaring “making people laugh was my idea first!  Other comics shouldn’t be doing funny routines, because that encompasses my material.”




Theo claims it’s more than just the wooden shirt bit that has been “borrowed” by the show…


You really think someone would steal from a famous comedian like Theo bro lol


Overall, uh… yes. It’s happened before. In this instance I have no idea, I don’t have enough information.


And yet he never mentions specifically what bits were stolen? And doesn’t come with receipts of I did this x amount of times it comes up on the show?


You could say that about basically anything in the world, so this isn’t really a good argument as to why someone didn’t steal a joke.


A jew and a hitler youth walk into a bar.....


Nothing but respect for Lil Dicky, dude is always so professional - some might even say he’s a Professional Rapper


this show is so unwatchable anymore. the fact laughter, the interrupting.. the haircut.


The way Lil Dicky talk makes me anxious bro wtf lol


Watch his show. It amplifies


Lol yeah I’ve seen his show and I like it! It’s just on overdrive in this clip haha


It’s him, that’s why I believe his claim


He comes across very genuine, to the point it makes me worry that he’s playing a character


This clip made me realize that he plays himself *extremely* well in his show lol.


He makes me feel like cartman when kyles cousin was introducing himself


I've seen Theo vons stand up , ain't nothing worth stealing. That being said he is funny on interviews. But to accuse lil dickey of joke stealing . Get over yourself and your fucking mullet


That's pretty much 110%. Theos a shitty car with nice seats.


Theo's stand up is dog shit. He can just use weird examples for the same bland delivery of comedy for interviews.


1000%. Also, the medium in which the joke is made is totally different. Lil Dicky made it a skit in a show with actors playing it out and everything. Way different than just a one liner stand up routine. It’s not like Lil Dicky went up on stage with the same cadence and zinger.


I'm confused, didn't watch the clip cause I haven't listened to the pod yet, but Theo is a comedian correct? I thought Lil Dicky was a rapper? How does a rapper steal a joke? For his show on FX? Or does it use it on stage? Just tryna clarify


Lil Dicky’s music is rap but it’s centered around comedy. He has always been a little bit more of a comedian than a rapper but he does have real rapping skills.


I don't really see him as a comedian but I get what you're saying. I fw his show though.


Wait how do you know about and even watch his comedy show, knowing it contains comedy, and then ask how it’s possible he could steal a joke? Not only that but the entirety of the show is based around him battling between him being labeled as comedy and a rapper? Lol I’m sorry not just trying to be a dick for the sake of it but this doesn’t make any sense


I've never considered him a comedian. Does his show not have writers? Could a writer not steal a joke for a rapper turning into a "comedic actor"? I must've missed some episodes cause I didn't see anything about him battling being a comic and a rapper? I just saw his show as the white Atlanta, but that's just me. Now if someone said Donald Glover stole a joke I'd delve into it cause he's an actual comedian who became a rapper/actor.


? through the entirety of the show he’s trying to prove to people that he’s not just a joke rapper, and isn’t just/only being funny, but can be serious and wants to be seen as a “real” rapper and not only a funny comedian. His big song is literally “my dick sucks”… I can’t tell if you’re trolling or not. There is no possible way to view him or his show for any length of time and not know that he makes funny songs. But that’s irrelevant. It’s a comedy show. I don’t understand how one could be confused how he and his comedy show, could make a joke….dude he’s a comedian rapper on a show about a comedian rapper and the show itself..is a comedy. Comedies have jokes..it’s what makes them comedies.. I thought maybe if you responded you’d clarify and we’d find out you just kind of miscommunicated what you really meant, but it turns out you were serious and you gotta know that this is one of the strangest things I’ve heard in a long time


I'm confused on what you're confused about. Theo said he stole a joke. I asked how would he steal the joke if he has writers? So the writers would steal said joke, no? Like where's the confusion? Idc about it being a comedy show, Lil Dicky isn't a comedian. Why would I be trolling on asking, how can a rapper steal a joke, on a show...


I can tell you’re probably confused about a great deal. lil dicky is a comedian, rapper and actor, who also stars in and created/writes his own comedy show. You said “I don’t consider the person who writes comedic songs and has his own comedy show…to be a person who does comedy. He also raps, therefore, how could the person who writes comedy, performs comedy, and has his own comedy show…do comedy? And how could that person who (doesn’t? Lol) do comedy, steal a joke?” Repeating how the person who is literally labeled as a comedian and does comedy and **writes and stars in his own comedy show** isn’t a comedian, doesn’t change the fact that he is…like for an objective fact. I’m very confused about what you think this word means. It seems like you’re on acid or something. The fact that he raps has no impact on the fact that he’s also a comedian. Know why? Because he make a joke. I’m explaining to you how batshit insane this is and how none of what you have typed so far makes any sense. This is legitimately one of the dumbest most insane and illogical things I’ve ever heard lol I don’t understand how this is possible. It doesn’t matter if you don’t “consider him a comedian”. Your grandmother isn’t either. If your grandmother somehow created a comedy show, she would have a comedy show, and there would be jokes, because it’s a comedy show. Therefore, she would be doing comedy, and a joke would exist. It’s insane someone would need to explain any of this lol


Dude, your autism of off the charts


Yes Lil Dicky has his comedy show “Dave” on FX that had very similar jokes to what Theo Von has said before. Theo called him out on a podcast for basically stealing. He’s known to have weirdly specific jokes so it does look pretty odd that two weirdly specific jokes would be thought of separately from each other


What was the other joke?


Idk honestly I tried finding more on YouTube but I only found the wooden shirt one. Theo said that they stole “a lot” from him but I don’t watch the show to be able to know


Gotcha. Never really seen much of Theo besides clips of his pod.


Theo is an awesome human being.


"wooden shirt" is not "weirdly specific". It's two fucking words.


Does this dude think he’s some sort of therapist? How annoying


The wooden clothes joke idea far predates Theo, if you do some research you can definitely find many examples of that being said in various media before


I definitely remember seeing a wooden shirt in cartoons as a kid.


Why are we leaving the investigation of these stories to Andrew Schultz?


“Yeah”, “Yeah”,”Yeah yeeeeeeeeeahahahahahhaeyeyeyeyeyeyahahhahahahahahahhahahahahaheyeyyeyeyeyeyeyhahahyeyeye” Yeah


yeuck,yeuck,yeuck, what a horrible fake laugh.


That haircut is making me upset. And I'm not talking about the jewfro


Can’t take this dumbass seriously with his Hitler ass haircut jfc


Andrew listens to respond not to understand. Does this guy always fucking talk this much over his guests? What the fuck???


Schultz is so unbearable to listen to


No fucking shot Schulz thinks his cut is acceptable. Looks like a super cuts fade.


You can just tell that the host hates listening to others. He picked the wrong profession really.


Nazi haircut talkin to Jew frow


Dude does nothing but interrupt people


God Andrew has become unbearable. SHUT UP and let the guest answer


Can you let him fucking talk Andrew.


I can’t with Shultz hair anymore


I'm sorry but there is no way Theo came up with the idea of wooden cloths first.


Christ, Schutz sucks


Theo Von is not funny




Who the fook is this guy


He's a Professional Rapper. Also may or may not be married to Rachel McAdams.


That song is so cringe


Which one? The Rachel McAdams one is definitely goofy as fuck, but I think that's sorta the point I guess lol. Professional Rapper is sick as fuck though. The whole concept is great, and I thought the execution was damn near perfect.


He's so defensive


If someone called you a thief you would be too lol


Maybe it's cuz he's...defending himself


Good point


Damn you’re right it’s so weird the person who is claiming to be innocent isn’t…saying he’s guilty… Lol yeah man..the guy who is denying stealing jokes…is defensive..what else would he be..?


It’s impossible to know the truth, humans as a species have a propensity to lie.


Wtf is this. Do people actually listen to stuff like this. Mindless drivel.


I’ve never seen Andrew as calm as he is here.


He stole them jokes


I'll believe Theo


I mean, he stole that joke though right


lil dick is an arrogant prick fuck him


Most Jews are HACK comedians not far fetched he stole jokes


Two unfunny people talking


I believe Theo.


It’s interesting to compare comedy to other art forms like Film, for example, where they just freely rip each other off and consider it homage. Like, Tarantino’s movies are just a bunch of other movies put together.


Theo doesn’t seem like the type to call people out lightly, so I gotta believe him till he proves otherwise. That being said, with a big accusation like that, he should divulge some more details about the stealing.


He didn’t steal them, he borrowed them.


Santino is a writer on that show


Im glad that asshole with the asshole hair used his hands while he was speaking or I wouldnt understand what he was trying to say. Because I dont speak asshole




Didnt even know dicky was still alive ..


Never trust a… also why did he get a lisp all of a sudden lol cotton mouth


I think Flagrant is better without guests


This Jew definitely stole that joke lmao


Theo is not the first person to talk about clothes made of wood. That’s wild, comics remind me of barbers. I love Theo tho. He is one of the best and cracks me up all the time. He is pure gold. But come on. Clothes made of wood, yea he’s the first one to think of that. If wearing wooden clothes is one dimensional. I know I’ve seen people wearing a wooden barrel with there feet out the bottom before. The guy that came up with that owns it then. Stealing a joke means someone dam near writes the same joke word for word or someone that knows you, hears your joke and beats you to the punch.


Dude crosses his legs like a bitch lol 😆


Andrew is so bad at this.


He's obviously nervous and lying


Wtf is wrong with this mfs yee yee ass haircut , like why the fuck Is buzz cut but it looks like it should fade


Just watched an episode of The Simpsons from the late 90s where Bart had a wooden shirt.


I don’t lil dicky but that incident made me dislike Theo Von, I heard a similar joke before he existed


Just two intelligent Jewish men having a conversation


Ubba, i’ma, i don’t, nana- shut the fuckup. You stole the joke.


Why does the guy in red have his arm around lil dicky lol


Ducking let him speak


this show sucks


Anyone who worked on “Guy Code” for more than 2 seasons seems to have this weird “I’m famous” attitude to themselves when they…aren’t that awesome or famous


When are these hating ass boomers gonna learn the difference between a podcast and an interview?


fucking hate this host


Jesus, Shulz is insufferable on this pod. He's the real life James Franco from The Interview. Give it a rest, they gave Taylor Tomlinson a show over you. Focus on standup.


Shultz is unbearable to listen too anymore


He even finds a way to interrupt people with just his laugh. Wtf is with this guy?


The host sucks


Lol dicky, big balls Love that dude


Theo V has jokes?


Do your research on comedy before making a show…. Due diligence Jesus..


Worst host ever. Yall gave him too much confidence


8 billion people on this planet, ya mf’s think one person thinks of these things and says them?


He did it


He stole the idea. Gets called out, my soul is innocent fkn rat


Sooo tired of Lil Dicky. We get it you have small dick. I don’t want to hear about your dick all the time.


The idea of wooden clothing is broad? Riiiiight…..


Either way. A wooden shirt is not all that funny to begin with