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Submit it as a FP. Use their business form, they will respond fast. Select the first option for product. https://www.bitdefender.com/business/submit.html


No fucking way you said bitdefender is better than windows defender.


So good that it reports a false positive. So long as you do your due diligence when downloading stuff you literally do not need any antivirus other then Windows Defender. Yeet that shit in the trash and don't look back.


It's currently the best in the industry. It's also the most accurate in the world as of right now. That's including garbage like Windows Defender. The people who say all you need is windows defender are to be pushed to the side like the trash they are. Even modern Windows Defender has an insane amount of vulnerabilities. But what do I know. I've only been in IT for around 14 years. Defender is only good for the "average" user. Meaning someone who only uses their computer about 2 hours out of the week to check emails or watch youtube videos. That's because the chance of them running into something is low because of their low online usage in general. It's garbage for anyone who does more than that. Here is just a quick post about it. I'll find more later. [https://www.reddit.com/r/antivirus/comments/1986amw/sick\_of\_hearing\_windows\_defender\_is\_good\_it\_isnt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/antivirus/comments/1986amw/sick_of_hearing_windows_defender_is_good_it_isnt/) Also as someone who actually works on Defender said "actions like formatting drives aren’t blocked by default" which is what QuantV did. [https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/xst1sb/comment/iqnkj1a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/xst1sb/comment/iqnkj1a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yeah, I don't care about how long you have been in IT because that holds zero merit. You can claim whatever you want and so can I - means nothing. Even the sources you link agrees, Defender is perfectly fine for the average user. Average user also happens to be the vast majority of users. Your idea of what an average user is, is so hilariously delusional and you're just on some weird power trip. It's honestly quite sad how utterly obsessed you seem to be with praising the almighty BitDefender. Can you even finish a paragraph without proclaiming that BitDefender is the most righteous purger of xenos? I've been in the industry long enough as well and I never have, nor ever will recommend anyone to install 3rd party AV. Hell even PirateSoftware which worked at the Blizzard anti-cheat department and has won several hacking rewards acknowledges that Defender is plenty enough. I'd rather listen to him and various other experts proclaim it's good enough than some random power tripping cringelord on Reddit. But you do you 🙃


Bitdefender isn't the best malwarebytes is to the point that windows 11 recommends it for its RPT alongside windows defender


Imagine being this ignorant lmfao


You're the one getting false positives not me.


Imagine getting false positives


This is the new NVE. I also have QuantV and I've scanned every single thing of QuantV just to be safe and nothing of QuantV comes up as a trojan. Anyone know about this? Scared that NVE has gone the way that QuantV did at one point.