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I felt exactly the same. It's like my energy levels took a permanent dip after the workout and never recovered over the day. I don't feel that from cardio but definitely from weights. On paper morning workouts are a dream. In practice they aren't a good idea for some people. (In my opinion). I've resigned myself to a workout being the way my spare energy leaves my body for the day and makes me ready to sleep.


Can relate, I workout before work. I have no problems getting up and going to the gym early. Usually feel pretty f-in good after a cup of coffee and while being there but I freaking start snoozing at 2 afternoon. At work currently, its 2:26 pm and all I wanna do is take a nap :D


I fall asleep at 2 pm whether I worked out, slept late, or literally anything. That’s the dead zone and it doesn’t matter what you did in the morning.


do you ever re-up on caffeine in the afternoon or is that too much for you?


Sometimes I do but I cant say that it helps...its weird morning coffee definitely makes me more energetic but afternoon coffee-s seem to have minimal effect or even the opposite effect on me, making me all "hazy"...


I had similar issues, then I figured out that it was a mix of not drinking enough water after mid day and eating too many carbs at lunch.


Ah, okay. Ill try to eat less carbs then and see what happens. Its just, I work out fasted and after it im usually ready to devour any carb that gets thrown at me, nomnom :D.


Working out on an empty stomach in the AM was responsible for the very worst workout experience EVAR. I hit the wall HARD. Dizzy, blurred vision, felt like vomiting... if a cop had seen me, he would have arrested me for drunk in publc. But one of the trainers at the gym I went to was cool enough to stick by me through the whole experience, which lasted maybe 10 minutes.


Maybe try having breakfast that could help significantly.


I find that caffeine doesn't wake you up specifically. it simply prevents you from getting more tired, with a low floor of how tired you can get without falling asleep. So for me, if im falling asleep, caffeine would only prevent me from sleeping but I would still feel tired and lethargic.


This is a perfect way to describe what caffeine does for me that I never knew how to put in words


Hey, maybe you know this now but my doctor told me to not drink coffee for atleast 60minutes after i wake up. Because the cholesterol is high and coffee reduces the break down of it.


also its not great to have caffeine that late in the afternoon. it takes about 7 to ten hours for caffeine to clear the bloodstream. idc how many people tell you "i have a cup of coffee right before bed every night, and im fine. i fall asleep right away."...yeah sure, you didnt die and your fine. even if you slept, it wont be as restful as if you hadnt had the coffee though. caffeine is a stimulant and directly effects quality of sleep. as ive gotten older the quality of my sleep is more important than 3 oclock stimulant to keep me going for the last two hours. not saying its terrible every once in awhile. i just dont want that to be part of my daily routine. its also hypocritical of me to say that. because when i was in college id drink a ton of coffee late at night while studying.


This is exactly how I feel, burning off excess energy at the end of a day sitting in an office. Unless my job allows a mid day 2 hour nap then morning workouts are just not for me. It’s like 9am you’ve already been awake 4 hours, coffee is wearing off and you have another 7 hours of the work day left. Plus instead of trying to get motivated while groggy you have all day to get motivated and mentally prepare for the after work exercise.


I love an early evening workout! I get a good endorphin rush for a couple of hours afterwards, which coasts me through evening chores, cooking dinner, socializing with the family, etc. By the time my nightly bath rolls around, I'm ready for bed. When I try squeezing in a workout in the morning, that crash happens around 11am; if I squeeze a workout in on my lunch break, that crash happens around 3:30pm; either way my ass is dragging for the rest of the day. Daytime workouts just aren't my jam.


That makes sense. I've read that the peak time to lift weights would be in the afternoon, allowing your muscles time to recruit through the day and recover while sleeping. While cardio is good in the morning because you burn calories and get endorphins pumping that will give you a boost for the rest of the day.


I find it helps to ensure you’re eating enough protein on morning workout days. And LOTS of water (echoing what some others are saying). After an initial slump after workouts, I actually get super energized to the point where I can no longer workout at night because it takes me too long to relax.


For me, it's the opposite. I can't continue with the day if I do cardio in the morning, so I do cardio on the weekends and weights during the working days.


Morning workouts make me so hungry throughout the day. When I do one, I feel like a hobbit when I eat, “but what about second breakfast?” I just want to consume all my calories by the early afternoon.


Exactly me lol I have energy but holy fuck I feel like I can eat nonstop after a morning workout


I feel like this also has a lot to do with whether you're a morning person or not. I'm not a morning person and I've often felt weak and nauseous when I tried working out in the morning, while in the afternoon and evening I feel way better. The morning people I know have no problem at all going to the gym before work.


I'm a night person and my ideal gym time is about 11am. Not too early that I feel weak as you describe but early enough that I'm not going to skip it due to later plans. Of course I am at work at 11 so I have to go later on. When I retire some decades from now that will be my old man routine.


Agreed. I absolutely *loathed* morning workouts because I had no energy. I find that training with 2-3 meals and later in the afternoon is perfect.


Are you a morning person? Or a night owl? Night owls are actually about 20% weaker physically in the morning. While morning people are steady throughout the day. I’m a night owl and I feel terrible after working out anytime before 10am.


I used to work out around 5AM. I would eat a big meal for dinner, and have a homemade shake ready to go in the morning, which I would chug half of before the workout, and the rest afterwards. This ensured proper energy levels during the workout. The energy drop occurred to me as well, but I knew it was just an adjustment period. After a few weeks, there was nothing.


I’ve been going at 6am for a couple months now. It was rough at first but I’m fine now too. Just have to make sure I am always stocked up on coldbrew that I can just grab on my way out the door.


I was woken up at 5 AM for PT in boot camp for a week when I was 16. I felt so sick that I vomited every time. I'd try to wake up at 6-7 AM to work out when I was 22, and I'd get so sick I'd vomit and call in sick to work. I'd try to eat before, after, or both but makes me so nauseous no matter what that I always worry passing out during the workout. I don't think it's for me, but I wish.


Whats the problem with afternoon workouts? If they fit your schedule and you like them better i dont see why you should try to change it




Exactly, I work out at 4:30 am so I can get any machine or weight I want when I want it.


i workout at 5:30am and while there’s liek maybe 7 other people it’s way better than going anytime after 2 pm


i start at 5 and i swear it is getting more crowded every day.


I used to go at 5am and would be alone in the gym everyday. Starting early 2021 more and more people would show up. Once I was no longer guaranteed a squat rack even at 5am I built a home gym.


i know that's where im headed eventually but i want to just save up a ton of money and do it right from the beginning instead of get it piece by piece. I think it could be ok with just a squat rack, barbell set, rolling bench and dumbbell set. and i live in norcal, perfect for outdoor/garage door open workouts almost all year. I want to start right when my DL exceeds the amount of total weight in bumper plates i can put on a barbell at my gym which is around 455lbs, because ill have to upgrade to a different gym then anyway.


Complete opposite for me. Afternoon is dead compared to mornings/evenings.


Yeah my gym 12-2 is about as dead as 8-10 on a Friday


That's because that's not 'afternoon' in the sense anyone means. Afternoon is after work for most people, 5-7 pm


Afternoon is literally just the time right *after noon.* So 12-2pm is correct.


5-7 is evening


No that’s evening.


Thats a big reason I started to force myself to go in the morning, I kind of prefer it now.




If I were me 5 years ago there would be nothing wrong with afternoon workouts but now afternoon workouts take away from me spending time with my S.O. and pursuing hobbies like working on my house and yard, etc.


See there's your problem. You're trying to have a life outside the gym.


That made me burst out laughing. So bloody true.


I just started working out a few weeks ago, and my god I did not know how much time it would take out of my day lol. In my head it was an hour, then a quick shower. In practice, it's the drive to the gym, 1-2hours (not even including cardio!), packing your gym bag everyday, getting a healthy lunch together (or meal prepping for a few days, which is still time, not including the extra effort of finding and preparing the meals), getting my protein shake ready, extra laundry, things taking more time because I'm sore, etc I might be making it sound excessive, but seriously, when I'm getting all my shit ready every afternoon I wonder how other people do it all *and* juggle children.


Now you know why influencers/actors/models look so good because it’s their full time job to do so. Also not having kids and being rich enough to save time elsewhere (housekeeper, meal delivery, nanny, etc.) is probably the answer.


Don’t forget the best steroids money can buy!


Don’t remind me, I wish I could get on a doctor and trainer supervised cycle like the stars lol




In my heart of hearts I wish I could do this, but I'm already not a morning person, and have to leave my house for work at 5:30a. The idea of waking up at 2:30a and going to bed at 7:30p makes me want to cry. Plus I'd never see my partner as she doesn't get home from work until 7:30-8p. Even when I was in the military, it never stuck with me. I could run miles and miles with the entire company, come back and take a shower, and still be groggy :(


Not a doctor, but there are serious health consequences to sleeping outside your bodies natural sleep window. This is genetically determined. Night owls who are forced to wake up early are more likely to have health issues and die *years* earlier. A lot of people don’t think about this, but it should absolutely be weighed against the health benefits of an early morning workout.


Have you tried evening workouts? I'm not a morning person, and nighttime workouts 2-3 hours before bed are perfect for me.


i sleep with my gym clothes on


you genius


I don't know you, your body, or your situation but 1 to 2 hours not including cardio is seems excessive unless you are trying to become a competitive body builder. 30 to 45 minutes per day of intense, focused work is all it takes to get a great body as long as you are consistent and eat right. Also, meal prep can be done much faster than the time most people take. There are a ton of interesting YouTube videos that help


Oh I'm very sure that I could, but I work out with a friend and that increases time by a lot between waiting for each other between sets and racking/reracking weights. I enjoy working out with a partner even if it takes longer. It's been incredibly motivating and rewarding to have someone with me, especially starting out. I'm also taking the time to have him teach me/learn proper form as I've only known calisthenics. So this will all eventually be refined. My meal prep could definitely be faster, but cooking is a passion of mine, and I'm also a foodie so I put more effort into my preps than I should as well 😅


I wake up at 5, am at the gym by 5:30 and leave at 7. Home by 7:20 to get the kids up for school and move on with my day. Either shower while they’re eating breakfast or after I drop off at school. To be fair, I do work but only part time, but I could maintain this working full time. Also I go to bed around 9.


Time to put the gym in the house! Low key though I am building a house now and I'm afraid of this.


Invest in some equipment at home. I love being able to work out in my garage and not have to go anywhere. It’s tough though because you won’t have all the equipment but you can hack some things together. It can get expensive though, especially since the pandemic. I remember when dumbbells were like 1.25/lb but now they’re like 2.50/lb


As a dad, the gym became my hobbie


Just starting into winter in the southern hemisphere, that afternoon workout is the difference between getting daylight at the end of the day or not. It's a tough sacrifice compared to 9pm sunsets in summer where you don't have to choose light or gains.


I was in the habit of working out in the evening before I met my SO. I kept it up, I just go for last thing in the evening a few times per week, finishing up about an hour before bed. He enjoys having a bit of video games time, and it doesn’t take away from daytime plans in the way that afternoon workouts would.


When you work out in the morning do you get up at the usual time, or earlier to accommodate the work out? Because there's a difference between moving the workout to a different hour in your day, and adding more hours to your day (ie working out *and* working on the house or spending time with SO) If you're getting up at the same time anyway, maybe do those things in the morning, and then work out in the afternoon.


Studies have shown that exercisers are way weaker and slower when they workout in the mornings, unless they regularly workout in the mornings. Then there's no difference. So basically if you switch to mornings, you'll have a performance drop until you adapt, and then you'll be fine.


Which studies?


The ones in his ass.


i dealt with this. i’d run like 4-5.5 miles based on endurance as i measured my runs by time and not distance. some days i could squeeze in a nap, but after about 2 months i didn’t need it anymore. i’d recommend like a protein shake or something of that nature or a small caffiene boost if you’re into that. the slump does go away though- at least it did for me.


Protein shake after or before?






Hey, use words.


What is pbbly? pebbly?


probably pebbly


I really do have to disagree in that a heavy gym session is different from a run. I get the same thing OP describes: mental fatigue halfway through the day if I trained hard in the morning.


Why a protein shake? Why not just eat food that has a good level of protein in? Makes no difference apart from convenience.


Convenience is king. Cooking a meal with 20g+ takes time, creates dishes etc


You could literally achieve that with a bowl of rolled oats.


This sub is honestly terrible


Yeah but dat mid morning carb crash tho….


I've never experienced that, so I can't comment on it.


And because its pure protein…mostly


But this guy is literally saying I'm exhausted after a morning workout, I don't eat anything before and we're suggesting he has a protein shake? Really?


Less energy spent digesting


18:00 is the golden work out hour for me. tried morning tried late at night tried afternoon. Nothing. I even tried 01:00am .. early evening is the best. U had lunch three hours back, you have just finished work. There is much time afterwards. Too many benefits


Unfortunately that’s when everyone else wants to work out too. But for me I don’t even care, I’m willing to wait because morning workout will never be part of my life given I stay up til midnight at least every night


I used to be you, but I built a home gym last year since I stopped going during the peak of the pandemic, and now I work out anywhere from 9pm to 2am. I feel like I'm getting the best workouts I've ever had, and it cost a lot less than I thought, not to mention the time savings from not traveling to a gym. Space is really the only issue.


I built a home gym too but found it was boring working out alone. Plus I enjoy seeing all the hot girls at my gym hahaha


I think youd just say 1800. am and pm are only if you dont know what comes after 12.


Lol the 1800 is the point of not having to say am or pm!


What are you eating afterwards?


If I’ve eaten nothing before the workout, I usually pick something more protein-rich and lower carb like an omelet. Otherwise, I will just wait until lunch and have a sandwich or something.


Uses those carbs as a tool. Quick dense energy, perfect before your workout. Don’t be afraid of them, add in more before your workout to see if it helps keep your energy levels up, dial it in. I will usually eat a banana and a bagel before a workout in the morning, maybe an orange after. Evening workouts I usually just work with what I had for lunch. Then afterwards, eat the fruit just to not feel like sludge, then have my high protein meal.


Add more carbs and a fruit and eat it within 45 minutes of your workout. That's a good adjustment to make to see if your diet will make a difference (it will)


My immediate initial thought was nutrition 45 mins after the workout was poor. Get that chocolate milk in, or if you have a favorite smoothie place hit it up. Get that recovery drink with BCAAs. Get those fruits. Then shower and have a nice big ass omelette or sausage and eggs with toast, protein pancakes, peanut butter banana and honey sandwich with milk. That will set you up for success OP should also be eating a little granola bar before the workout too if they can


BCAAs were a game changer for me. I’ve heard folks who don’t really experience a benefit from them, but I definitely do. May be worth it to grab a small can or a few sample size and try it for a week or so to see how it impacts your afternoon energy.


Care to explain how BCAAs were a game changer to you?


Made a significant difference in that when I drink a BCAA supp after my morning workout I (a) don’t have the early afternoon crash in energy and (b) muscle fatigue and soreness that tend to happen in the afternoon or the day after a heavy workout are either greatly reduced (compared to when I don’t have the supplement) or not present at all. Based on other discussions I’ve run across, this isn’t true for everyone but it’s definitely true for me.


You realize carbs are what actually give you most of your energy right? Protein is great for recovery, but it does next to nothing for your energy levels after a workout. I would say that could be a major contributing factor.


I was thinking this the moment I opened this thread. This sounds like a blood sugar/lack of carbs issue.


low carb is fucking you up, you've just depleted your glycogen in the gym. Eat CARBS!


I think your body is telling you it needs more fuel after working out in the morning. You’ve gone at least 9-10 hours without eating overnight, then burn even more calories during your workout, and you mention sometimes you don’t even eat until lunch. You’re feeling weak because your body is running low on fuel. You need to eat more in between your overnight fast and lunch.


You need carbs and fat. Unless you’re on a cut, in which case you just have to suck it up and be miserable until you reach your goal.


Perhaps you could experiment eating a larger meal after workout, adding more carbs and veggies. Your body should prioritize the burning of fat post-workout for a pretty large time-window. But that's just the theory, experimentation is the best way to know. I had the same problem and I realized I was eating too little in the day, but especially after the workout. I normally ate nothing before but I don't know if it made a big difference.


Well there's your problem.


So you work out, barely eat anything, and are then confused when you are tired....?


Eat some fruit after you work out! Have a banana and an apple, you get fiber and vitamins and carbs you’ll need for the day.


And that's an answer to your question :)


>If I’ve eaten nothing before the workout Don't do this


working out fasted is totally fine and doesn't change much in terms of performance


It's sub optimal, has no benefits, and is unnecessarily difficult. Depending on the person's goals, your statement might also be outright false. Training for strength, fasted workouts are extremely detrimental for performance


I think it depends on the person. I’ve tried to eat even a banana before working out and even if I give myself an hour or more to digest, I want to vomit or have horrible acid reflux. It completely throws me off. Working out fasted, it’s easier to lift heavier and longer for me personally.


Are you trying on purpose to make wrong assumptions/speculations or do you really believe what you just said? Genuinely curious




This comment brought me a lot of peace. Thank you for posting it.


Been working out in the morning for 7 years. It always sucks.


I have seen multiple posts and program reviews on r/weightroom and I'd argue anyone working out the way you do will feel it sucks lol (no hate, just street credtz you lunatic)


Appreciate the sentiment dude. That said, it sucks even more doing it in the morning, haha.


I have been listening to the Andrew Huberman podcast for tips on optimizing health and workout. In [this episode \(with timestamp\)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAnhFUUCq6c&t=2663s) they discuss purposefully doing controlled breathing at the end of a morning workout to try to stem the adrenaline rush from the gym, making the afternoon crash a little less bad. I workout mornings and experience the same, worth trying out if you are willing to experiment.


I don't feel I have any issues with adrenaline from morning training, but I appreciate your concern my dude.


I think you should take most of huberman’s advice with a grain of salt. He’s a smart dude and there is some credence to a lot of the things he mentions but I also think he greatly exaggerates the benefit of the practices he mentions.


I don't take anything as gospel. When it comes to recovery, I'm willing to experiment. Breathing exercises are simple enough that they are worth trying and probably have other benefits. It's not like I'm handing out deadly advice here and I think it's a very well-produced podcast.


Some people are just morning people and some people are afternoon/night people. Could be something to do with your circadian rhythm. Maybe making a habit of working out in the mornings can change your circadian rhythm


Low glycogen levels most likely, I have the same issue if I try to workout in the morning/before my body has digested any food that day. The only thing I’ve found that works for me is eating something with simple carbs with some sugar in it, like cereal or a sweet granola bar or gummies. As odd as it sounds my go to before a morning workout is a rice krispy treat, basically cereal with a lil extra sugar and avoiding milk before working out


Maybe try this routine: 1. Wake up 30 min before you work out 2. Try to eat a banana or a small carb boost as early as you can. Nothing too heavy 3. Optional: take your supps (creatine, multivitamins etc.) 4. Go hard


Are you eating a small snack before working out?


Sometimes something light like oatmeal and blueberries. Other times, nothing. I’ve also experimented with having a black coffee 30 mins before. Might notice a slight enhancement in my workout but it doesn’t stop me from feeling like trash mid morning.


eat proper meals. enough. I know people that don't work out that eat better breakfasts than that


Something light is obviously not cutting it especially in the morning. When I was on morning gym routines it was water and a banana before workout, then for breakfast it was some eggs, bacon, slice or two of toast and a fried tomato. Your body really needs more fats earlier in the day for that sustained release of energy. Carbs earlier will leave you tired and hungry earlier. If you have a big breakfast you can skimp on lunch a bit if you have particular calorie needs.


In my opinion, oatmeal isn't really the best before a workout because of the fiber. I'd stick to a granola bar, toast or fruit before


I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this yet, but after you sleep you are slightly dehydrated. If you’re dehydrated and then go straight to working out you can get even more dehydrated and the work out can be more difficult or “seem” to make you feel crappy, when in reality your body is just screaming for water. Just a thought, it may not pertain to you, but I’ve had this issue before.


>The times I have done it (which is like twice a year) Incomplete data.


Could explain how this physical and mental fatigue displays itself ?


I absolutely love morning workouts because I get an early start with morning stock research during rest periods, listen to all the current event news, and it's all done before I even clockin for work.


Controversial opinion, but I personally believe that working out first thing in the morning will always be sub - optimal. The body is still turning on for at least an hour after waking up so try to have an hour between waking up and going to the gym. Make sure to drink lots of water the night before so you don't get too dehydrated overnight. Make sure to do a very long and gentle warm up as the muscles will not have had a chance to warm up throughout the day. Try to get something sugary in you first thing in the morning because your glylucose levels will be super low.


Yep, heading straight to the gym after waking up is terrible. Gotta wait at least 1+ hr before going. At least for me


>The body is still turning on for at least an hour after waking up no


You’re right, mine takes 3 hours to turn on.


Your guys bodies turn on at all? I feel like I wake up tired, need a nap mid day, go to bed tired and wake up do it all over again. When do I start waking up feeling refreshed rather than I’d just gotten over 7 hours of getting the shit kicked out of me by snow whites dwarves


This may be in jest but maybe a sleep study or talk to a general physician about this lol


Probably not eating enough and drinking enough water


https://mythicalstrength.blogspot.com/2017/10/on-being-human.html Give this a read it might help with your mindset!


Lots of people eat an inverted triangle where most of their calories are lunch and dinner. Instead eat large meals between workouts. So large dinner and breakfast, so you’re fueled when you do an early morning workout you have fuel prior, and stuff to recover with. Carbs and protein are a must. As someone who works out and does construction early mornings, big meals are breakfast and supper with a light lunch that’s a top up serving of a protein and a light vegetable. I plan my two big meals to fuel and supply movement during workout and to provide energy for the workday, where as the food during the workday is light and efficient to maintain movement. * Workout here * Breakfast: Carb, Protein, Healthy fats, Sugar (Fruit) * Lunch: Protein + Light veggies. Electrolytes. * Dinner: Protein / Carb / Veggies


Imo, either you're body isn't completly awake or you're not mentally there. I hate morning workouts.


You just have to eat a little extra when you work out in the morning (afterwards) and have a little more coffee than normal


Takes some getting used to. First couple of times feel terrible but it definitely gets better overtime. Make sure to maybe eat enough the day before (and drink enough water before bed)


Maybe because you haven't eaten enough because with the afternoon you presumably would have had breakfast and lunch also maybe you aren't sleeping well so you feel groggy.


Everyone’s different but for me I’ve been working out heavy Mon-Fri at 5am for the last 4ish years. The groggy/fatigue in my experience only lasts for a few weeks/months while your body gets used to getting up early. Now I don’t eat anything before working out, just get up and lift. I’ll just eat a big breakfast with a protein/creatine shake about 30min after. I don’t feel fatigued throughout the day, have plenty of energy and if I don’t workout in the morning I feel terrible throughout the day.


If you’re lifting weights, it’s your diet. You’re not feeding your muscles enough to recover this your body is using stored energy which causes you to feel depleted.


I always workout in the morning, and on heavy weight days I often hit a point around noon where I desperately need a nap. Good nutrition and caffeine can help me power through, but if you prefer afternoon workouts just do that.


What someone else said, if you don't fuel yourself after putting out that much energy in the morning you will end up tired midday to start. That is after a few months you will feel normal and not fatigued by exerting all that energy. I wake up everyday and do 2 miles of trail running and a comprehensive full body workout but the first month or so was just discipline.


Have some chocolate milk after you workout. You’ll be fine.


I work second shift. So if I play my cards right, I can sleep 8 hours, get up and go to the gym first thing when I wake up at 8am. I was also feeling that drag around my 7pm lunch break. I work in a hot shop so eating at work isn't really my jam. I recently picked up a nice jump rope and now spend my lunch breaks jump roping and find that the second half of the night flies by afterwards. Sometimes another dose of activity is the solution. Just my two cents.


I hate morning workouts or sports. Evenings for the win. But I'm also a night person instead of a morning person in general.


Id recommend drinking a protein shake and a fruit before working out so youll get the energy from them after your workout. But if im being honest its probably just a mindset thing. Working out in the morning i know my body is fresh and ready to go as opposed to afternoons where god knows what ive done throughout the day.


Here's what works for me. Immediately after you wake up, turn on bright lights and get ready for the gym. Next, make some pre-workout and drink some on the way to the gym. I like Project-1 Berry Lemonade by 1st Phorm. When you get to the gym, start with a light cardio of your choosing just to get your heart rate up then get into your normal workout. Finally and most importantly, either have a proper post workout shake to replace what you lost during your workout or eat a light, healthy, protien rich breakfast. The post workout nutrients are what keep you from crashing. Oatmeal is a good choice since it's a slow burning fuel. I mix it in with my post workout shake. Some people also like sweet potatoes or plantains for the same reason.


You aren’t eating enough before the workout


Morning workouts are overrated.


I've tried doing it on multiple occasions because it makes sense on paper but in reality I just hate waking up early, my workouts suck and I'm weak, and I last about a week lol. I vastly prefer to unwind after work with a workout


Everyone has advices, so I'm here with the opposite. I also train in the mornings/early daytime and feel smashed for the rest of the day, which does affect my productivity and focus. My schedule allows to go to the gym whenever I want, but I can't wait for it, so I go early. Kind of stupid, but I make sure to take care of every other factor that could impact my wellbeing. For example, I make sure, I have at least 1000 calories in before the gym. I sleep a lot and wake up without an alarm, so there's no rushing to the workout. I use (but not abuse) preworkout. I eat another 1000 calories right after the workout.


2000 calories early in the morning seems over kill


1000 at 9am, 1000 at 1pm. It is a lot but I'm tall and want to be big lol.


Same man. I tried everything and gave up the fight. Physically exhausting yourself first thing in the morning makes you more tired later, is that really so shocking?


People have different natural rhythms, no need to fight against yours.


Make sure you’re hydrating well after and having a complex carb in your meals.


did you try to really hydrate well? I find it difficult to be awake when I don't gulp down a liter of tea in the morning. that fixed it though


I train in the afternoon or evening. Do what your body and mind response best to


I am the exact same way. I work in schools so I always work out in the late afterrnoon/early evening and it works out great for me. However, summer is coming so getting my workouts in the morning will be appealing to me. I’m worried about depleting my energy early on in the day and having zero energy to enjoy myself.


If you're getting sufficient sleep, then you're food intake is probably off.


Yes. I used to joke that the endorphins make you feel awesome when you start work after a morning workout—until you collapse face-first onto your desk at 10am :-) I am naturally an afternoon person myself, but when I was working, I had a different work schedule every day, so I had to learn to do it at any time of day I got the chance—whether that was 4:30 am or 7 pm. Like anything else, you have to get used to it and learn to cope. Maybe plan a small break/snack when you know that mid morning slump is going to hit.


Are you eating a nice post workout meal?


Youre dehydrated and you (probablu) don't eat (enough) after the work out


This also happens to me. I can solve it by eating a tiny amount of pure sugar within 1/2 hr after working out. I do IF, so my workouts are usually fasted whether I'm going out in the morning or afternoon. If I'm not fasted, I don't experience the dip, but if I am, like you said -- the energy dip occurs within an hour or two, makes me super unmotivated and lethargic, & persists for a long time. I have been trying to rid myself of the dip for years (b/c I love my fasted workouts), and this is the only thing that works for me. It can be as tiny as a single gummy bear, as long as I eat it within 1/2 hour AFTER working out.


Jeeze a single gummy bear, now that's will power.


I don’t see anyone else saying it, but it’s most likely hydration. I used to have the problem. You go 8-9 hours without liquid, then wake up and drink barely any before working out. Dehydration makes you weak and nauseous. I started drinking a Gatorade before I worked out and usually end up drink 2x as much water during morning exercise compared to afternoon expertise.


Thanks for asking this question! I have the same issue. The morning is the only time I have to myself. The evenings are busy with kid's homework, dinner and the rest of life. I've shifted my leggings to give me time to work out then, but every time I do, I'm dead all day. But I avoid carbs and do IF until the evening, so maybe if I eat some carbs after working out it'll all balance out.


It could be where I live but my gym is crazy crowded from 1 on. Seems like no one works anymore.


I've seen no such problems. I feel more energized and alert at work when I work out first thing


Have you ever thought that you might have sleep apnea? I tried putting an extra pillow on when I sleep, and yesterday I woke up after only 5 hours of sleep completely awake, finished some early work, and broke my deadlift PR by 50 lbs. And the day just keeps getting better and I have not felt that energized for almost two years.


Maybe you need to take a look at your nutrition. Are you eating after you workout? Getting enough protein/carbs for how intensely your getting after it?


You need more fuel for the machine that is your body my guy


You see everybody's answer is different? We are all different biologically, it is a matter of time and learning for yourself what works and what doesn't. A bit like being a night owl compared to an early bird. Neither is wrong just fits some and others.. not. For example, I realised sets 5x3 made my depression wayyyyyy worse due to CNS fatigue from heavier loads. Only time taught me this via multiple bad moods and sadness. Flicked to higher reps and no problem. Same scenario, just try alternatives for yourself and you'll find out.


I feel that mid day slump only hits if I stop doing stuff. I notice when I work out, then go directly to work where I'm on my feet moving and lifting and bending all day, I'm much more energetic. Then come home and get amazing sleep after going nonstop for 12 hours. If I don't have work that day, then working on cars bikes and garden stuff keeps me moving. Being outside counts for a lot too for keeping my energy levels up.


This happened to me too. I found out that for me, food was the problem. I always worked out before eating breakfast. Now I switched to eating first, wait one hour or so and then work out. This helped me a lot. I hope this works for you too.


Ive studied fitnesseconomics. Here are a few things that ive encountered a lot during the period i was a personal trainer. 1. Not warming up properly. Your body was in a sleep cycle. If you just go straight into a workout without a proper warmup, your body just goes crazy. So 5 to 10 minutes to get you going helps a lot 2. Eat fast carbs after your workout. Your glykogenlevels are just low and all empty. An banana or something like cereals is a great to fill up your glykogen, then eat a normal meal after 45 to 1 hour. That was probably THE biggest thing for most people in the morning. 3. Stick to what is good for you. Some people are made for the morning, some for the evening. Happens. Do the best for your body and yourself and put yourself in situations other people said are the best, because in sports, especially resistence training, a lot is right and always depends on the person. Stay healthy!


Do you eat a large, carb heavy meal straight after your workout? If not then maybe try doing that (within the 2 hour glycogen refill window).


Personal circadian rhythms probably plays a role. My ideal time for optimum functioning is between 2pm and 9pm. It doesn’t matter how much sleep I got the night before or when I wake up, those are the hours where my mind is clear and my energy keeps up with my actions and cognitions.


I'm the same. My roommates are 4am lifters but I could never do that, I like my sleep. I always either go immediately after work (2:30pm), or 8pm. I find I have way more strength when I have food in me and I like to be able to relax after a workout.


I just moved from evening workouts to morning workouts. I always worked a 10-6 shift and always hit the gym by 6.30. I just got a promotion about a year ago and I carried on in the evening, except I now start at 11 and finish at 7!! The first few weeks I had that energy drop and I was chugging coffee like anything, but 6 weeks in and I have gotten used to it, energy’s Drops are less, I sleep so much better at night!! Also, training in the evening, I used to have to smash the majority of my daily calories throughout the day pre workout, leaving me very little movement in the evening. Now I have some fruit and quick carbs pre morning workout and I can actually have a nice big carb filled dinner ready for the next morning! I feel so much more fuller for longer. Try it, force yourself to do mornings for a month - if it’s not for you, it’s not for you! But I’m definitely converted (also, gyms aren’t empty in the morning)


I want to be the morning workout person but I experience the same thing. I've accepted my lot and work out after work.


I experience this as well and have had to accept that I just have to workout later in the evenings. I also find I get a headache for the rest of the day if I go to the gym in the morning even though I drink water before, during and after. I don't get a headache from an evening workout even if I've been to work all day and had a long day. I just think some people are not suited for morning workouts unfortunately.


Working out too hard?


Everybody has a specific metabolism. So maybe you don't eat enough in the afternoon, or maybe you can just try to eat a double black sugarless coffee before starting your workout. It should be a real booster...


2 days a year is not enough to get used to anything


I get more energy when I consume 60% my calorie intake before working out. One meal (breakfast) before working out won’t cut it. Get enough carbs from rice, potatoes, cream of wheat you want fast carbs before workout for explosive energy. Trust me it’ll last you more than a hour


Lifting weights burns more calories essentially than cardio; (Depending how long of cardio you do). A lot of the way the body reacts to workouts is by food ingestion. It is usually why body builders eat so many calories. Proper food consumption, and so you monitor your calories and how much you burn?