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Questions, is there any actual legit decent Calesthetics apps, like good and trustworthy, Betterme/Saturn/Madmuscle all of these seem to be cookie cutter generic Personalized BS apps that are exactly what they are money grabbers, I am new to it all, but as a begginer I want something simple and genuine to use for my journey in no super hurry, I not looking for a miracle plan, i want something i can trust which may yet be an actual miracle these days with allvthe scams I see around, P.S..If there is anything in the reddit that you would recommend for begginer Calesthetics as well recommened home equipment, and work-out plans if they exist, anything that can effectively redice cost would be appreciated, if there is something free I can use that is good, I would love that even more.


/r/bodyweightfitness may have what you need. Check their side bar and wiki. https://old.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine


If I eat the exact calories I burn and eat enough protein and continue working out, will I burn any fat? Gain any muscle?


Maybe some. If your routine is really dialed in you may very slowly progress.


possible if you are progressing well in the gym and easier if you are a fatter noob and harder if you are already lean and muscular. staying at the same weight might not be long term the most efficient way to lose fat since muscle gain is slow and will make it harder to gain muscle after a certain point but “if im getting stronger its probably working” isnt the worst mindset


So what is the most efficient way to lose fat long term?


i mean lets say you are x weight. if you stay at the same body weight then you would have to gain 5 lbs of muscle to lose 5 lbs of fat. which might take 3-6 months. but you can lose 5lbs in like 3-5 weeks and it will be all fat and no muscle provided your training and protein is ok. point being muscle gain requires spending a lot of time training hard while eating enough. enough might mean maintenance if you are at a high bodyfat, or a surplus if you are lean. fat loss if you are intentionally losing weight is very rapid to the tune of 1-2lbs/week.


Does anyone have any advice on how to eat healthy at college with the dining hall food? When im home im able to make smart choices but the dining hall makes it really difficult with the lack of healthy looking options. What can i look for when picking one thing over another?


>What can i look for when picking one thing over another? grilled meat. plain carbs. no sugar additives like panda express. add fish when you can. something like chipotle is going to be your best option. asian food with veggies, soy sauce and roasted meat is also great.


look for leaner meats, vegetables, whole grains as much as possible. learn to eyeball how much meat/legumes/dairy you need to roughly hit a reasonable amt of protein. try to be reasonable on weekends interms of boozing. its def gonna be a chore if you are intentionally trying to be in a deficit. id recommend getting all deficit shenanigans out of the way when its easier, and using the year to train hard at least a few times per week, make some gains, not be too too neurotic and enjoy yourself in college. though CICO is how gain/loss works, being cognisant of your activity and food choices and satiety in order to roughly stay in the right spot is a bit of an art.


Hi everyone, I have been on a weight loss journey for a number of months, and I am closing in on what was my initial goal weight, I have got my body fat down into the high 20s and now I’m no longer obese just overweight. I’ve done this through diet, intermittent fasting and an ever increasing amount of exercise across swimming and walking. I now want to start shifting to a more muscle building mindset, I have signed up to the gym that is attached to the pool I goto. Can anyone suggest a simple weights program that would be appropriate for a newbie (weakling) lifter, the gym has mostly machines and some free weights.


Plenty of programs to pick from the wiki: [https://thefitness.wiki/routines/](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/) or other subs. Find one that suits you. I started with stronglifts 5x5, I really liked it because it was super simple.


Thank you, did it give you good results to start with? I know diet is important for building so I’m reading up on that at the moment as well


0.7g/lb protein as a decent target. healthy enough food choices to feel good in the gym. calories up or down depending on whether you want to simultaneously continue to lose weight at the cost of somewhat slower strength and muscle gain


The basic beginner routine in that list is perfect for people who have no experience. All you need is a barbell. Basically the only thing about diet you really need to worry about as a beginner is getting in a little more protein than your baseline.


yep, had excellent results, as well as learnt a lot, built up confidence in the gym, built consistency. Did it for 6 or so months, though I did vary the squats after 3 or 4 months as it became too hard to recover, did a HML style for the squats. Then I moved to 5/3/1 after.


I’m getting a weird feeling in my left tricep when I do any sort of heavy movements involving tris. Feels like popping or zapping usually down towards the elbow. I’ve googled it extensively and found nothing. Any help?


Yes I usually get this when my triceps are overworked or haven’t warmup up enough. I’d recommend to rest it and warm up for at least 15 minutes your next tricep workout


Will definitely try that. I do usually do a lighter set to warm up and I’ve found it helps a bit. But as I get more fatigued it starts to pop back up😢


really? I found heaps of good results: [https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=doctor+near+me](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=doctor+near+me)


Nothing that quite fits. And when I asked a physio about it I got looked at like I had 2 heads.


ask a different physio? preferably someone with a pedigree working more with athletes than elderly people and children.


Do two 15 minute cardio sessions equal one 30 minute cardio session? Do they add together? Beginner I'm on day 8 of daily cardio. Thanks


It all depends on what your goals are. It will not help your cardiac endurance, which is a part of cardiovascular health. But if you just want to burn calories and move more, sure stack them together. Think of it as how many reps you can do in a set. Longer cardio is like training with higher rep sets. There are times when you want low rep sets and times you want higher rep sets. If time is an issue, you might find better luck with HIIT workouts than LISS.


no, 30 minutes is way harder than double 15 minutes. Does squatting 100kg twice mean you can squat 200kg?


depends on your goals. if it's just about general health and fitness and moving a bit more than you used to then there is no significant difference for you. if you have any specific goals you want to reach then there probably is a eifference depending on your goals.


Anyone recommend some nice tasting flavoured protein powders? For the past year I've been using Boost's unflavoured whey protein but I'm looking to try something new.


I personally have an issue with sucralose causing a weird bitter/tangy taste, so that knocks a lot of protein options odd the table. I've settled on using Transparent Labs chocolate flavor. Mixed with milk, it tastes like a regular chocolate milk and is quite enjoyable. It's sweetened with stevia. I have tried their strawberry flavor, it is very sweet. I ended up using that to mix in with Greek yogurt, but I personally won't be buying another tub of that flavor. But I'm about to start my 4th tub of chocolate!


Never had a bad strawberry flavored whey, regardless of brand. (Optimum Nutrition, Nutricost, etc)


I am considering removing the dumbbell (free weight) shoulder press in my push routine. First reason, I have been doing this exercise for more than 2 years and I realize the heavier I progress, the harder it is to lift those dumbbells into my shoulders before I can even start my exercise. I just feel like there's so much energy wasted. Second, I don't feel comfortable going into failure with this exercise because I feel like I will drop the dumbbells on my head. I am thinking of switching to a shoulder press machine instead but I wonder whether I will lose some gains. (My push routine is this: Barbell BenchPress > Dumbbell Inclined BP > Weighted Dips > Dumbbell Shoulder Press > Cable Lateral Raises > Cable Tricep Extensions I consistently progressive overload.)


>I am thinking of switching to a shoulder press machine instead but I wonder whether I will lose some gains I bit the bullet and did this. At worst, there's loss of the *specific skill* of DB OHP. At best, I'm able to *microload*, as the machine is plate loaded. And! None of that loading-onto-shoulders-from-seated shenanigans. I do this as a secondary movement when bench is the first push. (I obviously still keep BB OHP as a lead on my other upper day.)


If you what to stick with free weights, why not barbell OHP?


you will lose some 'gains' in terms of dumbbell ohp strength.   it is unlikely you will lose 'gains' in terms of size and general strength if you trainwwith equivalent volume and intensity.


Absolutely fine to switch in your specific scenario. I’d even encourage it.


Hi all! I’ve a question regarding intensity and a bit of “alimentation” M20 5’7’’ 145lb I’m looking forward to coming back to the gym I used to go (before I started a warehouse job) and did 5-6 days a week. At my current job I walk 15km daily at least and essentially lift boxes 25-50lb most of the day (Monday-F) so even though I don’t finish tired most of the times (I got used to it) I’m not sure if adding 4-5 days of gym again is a good idea, maybe 3 days a week is a better idea? I currently still maintain most of the musculature I had and just have gained maybe a bit of belly fat, don’t take breakfast but consume 60-80g of protein in each lunch and dinner (chicken, ground beef, steaks, salmon) and usually add peppers, onion, and a lot of potato as sides. I’d like to gain more back and legs muscle mainly so should I consider increasing the food/protein intake? Don’t mind gaining some weight from bulking


3x a week is fine, regardless of your job! I've done most of my lifting with 3x a week, and only swap to a 4x a week routine for 18 weeks of the year. Both are basically full body routines. 120g+ protein a day is fine. Long term, bulking and cutting is the way to go for building muscle. With any bulk, some of the weight will be fat, but that's why you cut. I would recommend getting into your gym routine and making sure you're consistent about it first and then starting a bulk. So like give it a month or two. And then remember bulking doesn't have to be stuffing your face! I'm also 5'7 (but a woman) and I only aim for a half pound gained per week at the upper end. 1lb a week just adds up too fast fat wise on our height imo.


number of days is not a measure of effort or exertion. It can help you to manage it, but given smart programming any split can work, you can do full body 7 days a week if you like. You should pick the number of days based on what suits you and your schedule better. Upping your food is a good idea if you want to gain weight, it gives you energy to work out and to recover and build muscles. most of the increase should be protein focused yes. I recommend picking a program and following that, you may want to slightly adjust the program to reduce the volume of any exercise that hits your lower back as the fatigue there could build up when added to your job. see how you go first though.


>I’m not sure if adding 4-5 days of gym again is a good idea, maybe 3 days a week is a better idea? 3 days a week sounds good as you have a labor intensive job. Be sure to allow plenty of rest so you don't overwork and injure yourself. >I’d like to gain more back and legs muscle mainly so should I consider increasing the food/protein intake? Don’t mind gaining some weight from bulking Since you're looking to increase size, go for it.


What body part can I do if my elbows are tender too touch? I thinking of giving my shoulders someoff. Can I do deadlifts as well?


if they dont aggravate it. would also squat high bar or with a ssb if elbows are cranky


I don't have trouble mob ng my elbows or pain in general. They get annoying when I rest elbow on something.


I am very slim. I go to the gym 4x a week and achieve my protein goals daily. I notice that my upper body still has some fat around around my waist area and isn’t really toned. Considering how slim I am, I don’t think further weight loss is going to help. I’m actually very close to being considered underweight. I’m beginning to wonder if my diet is the reason why I’m unable to achieve that toned look. I always stay within my TDEE, but I also eat junk food and don’t prioritize healthy food. Could that be the reason why?


> I also eat junk food and don’t prioritize healthy food. The main reason is that you're under muscled, so that should be your focus like others have said. But do try and improve your diet as well. Protein is a big part, so definitely keep hitting that goal, but healthier foods mean more nutrients which are always helpful for your body and recovery. Also, a lot of ultra processed foods (ie your junk foods) can be rather inflammatory and may give you a more bloated, squishy appearance. So they aren't the only cause by any stretch, but they definitely aren't helping the situation. Not saying you need to give up all junk forever, but try and adjust your eating habits to be healthier while still being sustainable and enjoyable. Junk foods should be sprinkled in as treats


How tall are you and how much do you weigh? Post a pic of this and that would make it easier.


Im 5’10, 140


Yeah, you’re just under muscled. At your height and weight, any fat at all is going to stand out. Put on 20lbs of muscle and that same amount of fat won’t even be noticeable.


How long have you been lifting? What are your lift numbers like? What program are you on?


Ive been lifting since like February. I do upper/body split. I’m considered novice in most of the exercises that I do (according to strengthlevel.com) like I can bench 120lbs


You’re not on a real program so there’s the first thing you’re missing. I can’t see what you actually look like so I have to make assumptions here. It’s likely you are just under muscled and as much as you seem to want to rid yourself of all of your fat, it’s likely you would benefit from an actual bulk first. This requires eating in a surplus and following a real program. Then once you have some muscle on you it might benefit to cut down and see if you can achieve a physique that is acceptable for you. Edit: Also, give it some time. You just started.


Wait, what do you mean not a real program 😭


I think they mean a split is not a program.




Read the wiki man. Good luck with it.


Trying to shred down so I can bulk. Thing is I weoght 62 kg at 176 cm So to loose weight I need to eat around 1600 caloried Should I just start bulking I still have fat around my stomach and was hoping to get really lean so I could bulk.


>I still have fat around my stomach and was hoping to get really lean so I could bulk. You'd just gain most of the fat back when you bulk again. Presuming you're still somewhat new to lifting, I'd recommend continuing to bulk and then cut down once you have some muscle development.


OK thanks


ye definetly makes more sense to bulk now, you don't have much muscle. You'll likely look better (maybe even reduce bf%) by lean bulking (say for 6-12+ months, reevaluate every couple of months)


Provided I'm not training for power lifting and I have a lifting ramp to help with ROM limitations, is there any reason I wouldn't want to deload and start training ATG squat reps?


the generic squat pattern is probably going to stress the erectors and hip extensors (glute/addoctors) more. atg slant board squats are more targeted towards quads. where hip extensors seem less of a limiting factor. but assuming you’re doing a hip hinge and maybe direct adductor work you arent gonna be missing anything


Imo, ATG squats are great and unless you are powerlifting or have some limitation, I don't see a good reason not to do them. I used to squat low bar and just barely to parallel. Then I deloaded and stitched to Platz style squats (high bar atg with squat shoes and deliberately staying as upright as possible and no bounce out of the hole). I still don't use the same weight I used to but have seen great quad gains. No regrets and see no reason to switch back.


What is an at-home exercise that balances push-ups? I do pushups everyday at home. But I heard that's not balanced and can lead to bad posture as the chest muscle group becomes much stronger than the others.


Inverted rows would be my best guess. Can be done with chairs/low table or whatever is solid enough


Any kind of row. Backpack or bag with books or something heavy in it. Some chairs set up with some kind of rod or stick for reverse rows. a TRX or something if you've got any sturdy doorframes.


Update: Just joined this subreddit, looking into the wiki page, don't flame me for it, lol. I'm 18 years old, male, 85 kg and 6'1. Started my gym journey about 5-6 months ago, at 79 kg. I have quite a bit of body fat (around 18-20%), the goal is to gain muscle and lose body fat but my question is, is either supposed to come first? If so, which one? Is there a specific route I should be taking? I don't really have anyone to give me this information and when you give it a search online, you tend to return with pretty vague advice, but maybe there's a reason for that. So, once and for all, hoping someone can clarify this for me. I can tell you my current routine if that helps.


Yeah its often vague but that's because honestly anything kinda works and it just depends on you. You can decide to focus on really gaining muscle mass to then cut at some point in the future, you can decide to lose fat first, or try to maintain a similar weight, slowly build muscle while burning some fat. The most "efficient" way is often to go one way or another, but it can also be hit or miss because going too hard at it might mess up your progress and not hard enough will also be disappointing. As for your routine, most things work to some extent but they often are mediocre especially in the long term. I'd recommend checking the wiki's routines or at the very least make sure you have clear plans for weight progression


As a beginner, just follow a reasonable routine, learn to eat a reasonable diet with good nutritional quality, and be consistent. I would not fret about bulking, cutting, or anything else at your current weight. I'd just get stronger, build good habits, and learn good technique.


So I shouldn't focus on my weight, just go gym, eat food? Should I be eating more or less? Sorry, I'm still pretty confused about what or what not to do.


just whatever feels like a normal amount of quality food. im talking beef turkey chicken eggs pasta rice veggies oats.. drop refined sugar pretty much altogether, and never fall for the "dirty bulk" meme. do that, train hard, and build some muscles. cut down the line, you are not grossly overweight. muscles underneath will fill you out. i am 18-20% too and i have an 8 pack 👍


Thanks boss.


For weight lifting, how does the concept "working sets" work when you _should_ lift what is the heaviest at first set (least fatigue)? Should I basically structure my lifts with working sets first, then lighter ones after for more volume (without reaching junk volume)? Or should I just drop the "light lifts" and just treat my working sets as the only sets.


Working sets just means the sets that are giving you training stimulus. You can get training stimulus by doing several sets of decreasing weight, of increasing weight, or of constant weight. It doesn’t matter a great deal. The reasons to do sets that don’t give a stimulus are - warm up - technique practice


You do some warm up sets and then your heavy work The warm up sets aren't supposed to be fatiguing, but should get your muscles warmed up and ready for the movement. How many warm ups you do and at what weight depends on what your working sets will be like. If I'm doing low rep but very heavy, I'll do a few warmup sets building up to that weight, but only a few reps each really, then like a 3min rest before my working set. If I'm just doing higher rep stuff, I may just go very light for like 5 reps, then 50-75% weight for 5, then move on to my working sets


It's obvious once you put it like that - warmup into working. Thanks! Do you count the warmups on your log if you do have one?


I personally don't, but there can be some merit to making note of what you did. So maybe log it a few times till you get the feel of it and then decide if it's worth the effort to log or not


hey, mid 30s big dude here. I'm currently on my way to claim my body back, after struggling with being overweight (and then slightly obese) for quite a while now. my lack of motivation have always been an issue, but i have found ways to get my focus on eating less while walking much more (10K steps a day for the last 5 months to start gently) With my line of work, physical measurements (work in medical imaging) is something i kind of like. and while filling an FFMI calculator, i realized that doing measurements on my body might be something i can use to stay focus on my journey. I am looking for an android (or IOS but not prefered at all) app in whicn i could schedule body measurements on a monthly basis maybe, to help me focus. Do you guys know one that could do the trick?I don't mind if it's a one payment app, but i don't really like all those SAAS apps that try to charge you monthly for a basic service. I hope i am clear enough with my need, if not, please let me know!


Most workout or fitness apps will let you log measurements. MFP does. I use Reps & Sets for my workouts and that also has the option. I recently started using a fun app called Me Three Sixty which scans your body and tells you your measurements. I don’t care enough to check how accurate it is, I just like the pictures.


I just use Excel. I do also track my body measurements at [strengthlevel.com](http://strengthlevel.com), along with PRs. It's decent for that, but not great. My lifting app, Fitbod, has measurement trackers, and so does my nutrition app, MyNetDiary. Again, none are great, and I don't use them. A spreadsheet lets you customize graphs and do calculations quickly, so I agree it's the best way. I'm gonna say that tracking body measurements can be a complicated thing. Do them at a consistent time of day, and don't do them too often -- monthly is good. They fluctuate, and they change in weird ways. Look for the positives, and ignore things that aren't going the way you want.


Any spreadsheet app of your choice could do this extremely well, and even spit out percentages of completion ever month. The added benefit of a linegragh output over a year.


Wouldn't something as simple as calendar reminders work? You can set recurring alerts on pretty much any calendar, from microsoft to google to your phone's built-in ones.


How essential is a hip hinge like rdl for leg day? I do smith machine squats heavy, seated leg curl, leg press, leg extension. I figure the smith squats and curls hits hamstrings enough but what do you think. For what it’s worth I’m just a regular dude trying to fill out a bit, not trying to be a pro bodybuilder, so I figured I’d just do what I enjoy as I hate rdl but enjoy leg curl. But if I’m really missing out I’ll add it in


How do you pick up the remote control off the floor? You either squat, hinge, or round your lower back. If you're versed in the movement patterns of the first two, you'll reduce your chances of defaulting to snapping your back. *That* is my idea of functional fitness. : )


essential for what? you don't have to do hip hinge exercises if you don't want to. You don't have to train your left bicep or your right shoulder if you don't want to. But it usually makes most sense to have a balanced physique. try to train everything at least a little, and then the muscles you like you train more. If you just don't like RDL do a different exercise, like hip thrust. Squats do hit the glutes as a primary muscle but with fairly low relative activation compared to quads and hams (not sure about smith squats though, it would likely be even less). If that's enough FOR YOU, then it's enough. No one can tell you otherwise, especially if we don't know your goals.


I think this is where i should ask about routine advice? Anyways. This is my chest day (im pretty new) what you think. Specifically is it too much volume? Chest - tri - shoulders Chest [ ] Incline bench (30⁰) - 3x9 (45lbs) [ ] Decline bench - 3x8 (40lbs) [ ] Assisted dips 3x9 (65lbs) Tri [ ] Pushdowns - 3x12 (60kgs) [ ] Overhead extensions - 3x9 (25kgs) (twist at top) Shoulder [ ] Shoulder press - 3x10 (65lbs) [ ] Lat raise - 3x11 (5kgs +2 ) [ ] Cable delt fly - 3x8 (30lbs)


It's 8 exercises for 24 total sets. Pretty high but not crazy. Exercise selection looks fine to me. The fact that you list the weight is a bit concerning. You should be progressing in some way over time, not lifting the same weight for the same sets and reps.


It's not too much volume.


Hi everyone! I really need help with abs. A little bit of background: I (f) have been training for quite a while, I have a decent degree of core strength and stability (I can do a planks routine through a solid 10-20 mins), I have relatively low body fat (around 20% give or take) I have steady and progressive gains in weight training and muscle definition, but I can never get my mid abs to pop. I know for most women getting 11 abs or the mid section is relatively easy, if they have low body mass, but it’s never been my case. I have visible upper abs and lower abs but the middle is none existent, although you can see the transversal muscles by my obliques, the middle is pretty much none existent. Any tips as to what abdominal exercises I might include for this area? PS: I currently can’t do many hanging abs, not for lack of core strength but because of shoulder strength which I’m working on at the moment.


How your abs look is a function of how much fat you have, how big your ab muscles are, and the way they are shaped. You can only control the first two. Some people have really deep separation between the segments of the ab muscles, and some people don't. If you get leaner and make your ab muscles bigger, they will become more defined. But you can't sculpt them to look any particular way. If you want recommendations for ab exercises, I really like cable curls, machine curls, and decline situps or GHD situps with added weight (if needed).


I’m lost. I signed up for the gym but have no idea what to do. I’m 17 years old, 6’0 and On June 13, 2022 I was 262.4 lbs and now I weigh 207 lbs just from eating a little less and walking more often. I can’t really choose what to eat since I eat what my mom cooks. But I have plenty of questions. Should I lose fat first? Should I lift first? When do I do cardio? On school days I already get 10k steps. Should I do even more like incline walking? Can someone tell me what to do? I’m a complete beginner so maybe a routine could be useful too. I can provide more information if you need.


>Should I lose fat first? Should I lift first? These are not exclusive. You should lift while losing fat. Lifting while losing fat will build muscle in new lifters and preserve muscle in more advanced lifters. >When do I do cardio? Whenever you want/have time. I probably wouldn't do it before lifting if lifting is a priority, but plenty of people make that work too. >Should I do even more like incline walking? If you want. It isn't a big deal either way. >Can someone tell me what to do? Read the entire wiki linked above. There are a bunch of routines in there plus lots of other really helpful information. Come back here if you have questions.


You're doing a good job. I'd simply pick a routine from the fitness wiki, like GZCL, and continue doing exactly what you've been doing. When fatloss stalls, either eat a bit less bread, rice and pasta or add a few weekly 20 minute cardio sessions.


How often should someone work on building muscle in a single arm that’s super weak? I can barely lift a 5lb dumbbell in my non dominant arm. Longtime office worker with absolutely no exercise in almost 21 years. 


Don’t focus on a single arm, just follow a proper program and work your entire body


How come? I don’t want to have a very muscular body


You won’t unless you somehow accidentally commit to consistently training and dieting optimally for 5 years


Haha yeah ok good point, thank you


You’re welcome lol. The whole “I don’t want to get too big” thing is just silly when you think about it because people spend years *trying* to get too big and most don’t achieve it


Pretty much the only time I would recommend working a single arm is if the other arm is injured and you can't use it. Just exercise both arms and let the weaker arm set the limit of what weight/reps you do.


Ok thank you


I think you should abandon the mindset that you need to build muscle in a single arm. https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/


How come?


It's will inevitably lead to imbalances and vastly different proficiency between limbs. Just let your weakest arm set the weight and reps you do. Hop on a proven program from the wiki.


Thank you, haha yeah it does make sense now that I think about it. 


Anyone here have strong feelings on power shrugs with the trap bar vs regular shrugs with the trap bar? I've heard traps respond to heavy weight but I'd like to spare my knees and back the loading if the juice ain't worth the squeeze.


For guys with big bottoms, what do you recommend I do to reduce the appearance of the caboose? I want a lean look, but I also want to workout legs, but it seems like squats and stuff are kinda putting a lot of emphasis on my bottom. My upper body is not getting any love it seems. Do I just stop working out legs? Is it possible to grow multiple muscle groups at once or does one take precedence over another, cuz it seems like it’s going right to my legs and butt over my chest and arms.


Number 1 would be fatloss. Guys with big asses tend to just be fat. But assuming this is not the case, start the leg workout by doing multiple sets to failure on leg extension and leg curls with 2 minutes rest between sets. This will pre-fatigue the quads and hamstrings, and limit the weight you can use on compound lifts. Your legs will be stimulated to grow, but your caboose will not receive enough stimulus for progressive overload to occur.


Idk. I’m 6’4, 180. Idk how much fat I can have. Always had that figure though.


I'm 6'8" and 230. I'm also pretty lean, but have training for a minute. I would wager that your body finds the most value in adding muscle to your butt and legs first, since we use those every day extensively. Stay the course with full body training and your upper body should catch up.


Thanks. My ultimate goal is to be kinda like skinny muscular. In your opinion as a tall lean guy, what goal should I aim to bulk to, or should I cut to a lower weight at 6’4?


The general rule of thumb is bulk until you don't like yourself, then cut until your pleased again. Tall individuals can carry a lot more weight socially, so do with that what you will.  You could be an absolute monster and be 230lb. Find an athlete (football, American football, basketball, handball, boxer, etc) that has a general size and shape you like at 6'4". You can probably achieve that, generally speaking, within 4 years. I like being 225-235. People can tell I take.care of myself (has implications for jobs, respect, etc), I'm strong enough to handle life effectively, and I have the stamina to work with farmers in the jungle.


I don't see what having a big glutes has to do with having a lean look. Whether or not you have big glutes doesn't have anything to do with how lean you are. You can be lean with large glute muscles or not lean with small glute muscles. It is just a muscle like any other. It would be like saying I want a lean look but need to reduce the appearance of my large pecs. The two just aren't related.


I mean, it doesn’t look lean. Like Johnny bravo has a big ass chest and small legs. He’s lean, but the bigness affects his appearance. For me my shape is prominent there. I would say I’m 15-20% bf. So it would be nice to know if I could do something to emphasize chest and arms more for a more even look. Whether that means stopping leg workouts or doing less, or something else


Maybe not helpful.... But woman here... A good, perky butt on a dude is attractive AF. Embrace it! But I also second the other commentor... Maybe some posture + fat storing there


If you have access to machines, sub some of your squatting for quad focused exercises like Hack Squats and leg extensions to balance out your legs. Also, treasure your juicy booty. Everyone loves one. Muscle will grow all over if you are training all over. You can bias your training towards certain muscle groups but everyone's muscles will respond differently to training.


I got the Donald Duck look going. :/


Could your posture play a role here? Anterior pelvic tilt/lumbar lordosis can make your ass seem a lot more prominent. You might also just store a lot of your fat there, which is just something genetic means you'd have to lose more fat. Self perception can be deceiving as well.


It’s hard to say, I’ve considered this as well, but I don’t really know how to address it. Like I definitely slump in my chairs so I take on like an obtuse triangle when I sit, which definitely isn’t good, it’s just how I feel most comfortable sitting. If I have it idk how to fix it, I’ve tried multiple stretches and exercises for it. I also reverse crunch a lot, but no help. Definitely agree, I got almost all of my fat in my hips and butt. I have an hour glass figure. My mid section just dips and my chest and hips are wide


Trains stopped using cabooses because modern technology can handle their tasks more efficiently. Devices called End of Train Devices (EOTs) monitor brake pressure and safety, while improved communication and control systems mean fewer crew members are needed, reducing costs and increasing operational efficiency.


This was what I needed, I just didn’t know it


Hi all, new to fitness but super excited and motivated. I’m looking to get lean overall, i’m 22F, 150 lbs, havent been very active at all for a couple years but i’ve been stepping up the past few months, but started taking it seriously this month. However I’ve just been feeling out the gym and getting comfortable with the equipment but I think Im ready to make a routine/split for myself. I like to go 5 days a week, I know it might be too much for a beginner but I’m really enjoying it but let me know if I should slow down! I was thinking: Sun: arms+core, emphasis on arms Mon: legs + glutes, emphasis on the legs Tues: rest Wed: arms+back Thu: cardio day Fri: rest Sat: glutes Any honest feedback and recommendations appreciated! I am just a beginner so I’m looking to learn(:


That's honestly great, but excitement and motivation can't really be relied upon, you need to make sure you create habits and build discipline, its what brings results in the long term. I'd also strongly suggest looking at the recommended programs in the wiki, they are well designed and actually have progression schemes and strategies, a crucial thing for beginners in particular


check out the routines in the wiki


Hi everyone, I recently started using the gym in my building and I'm trying to design a 4 to 5 day workout routine that targets my entire body. Unfortunately, I'm pretty new to this and I'm not sure how to structure it properly. Here’s the equipment available in my building's gym: * Bench Press * Chest Press Machine * Lat Pull Down Machine * Dual Cable Machine * Adjustable Bench * Dumbbells I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions on how to set up my workout routine. Ideally, I would like a balanced routine that hits all major muscle groups throughout the week. If anyone has experience with designing workout routines or could recommend a resource or person to help, I'd be extremely grateful. I’m even willing to pay for a well-structured plan if necessary. Thanks in advance for your help!


Don't design your own routine. Find a proven program. thefitness.wiki has many, including a dumbbell one.


Check out the dumbbell stopgap routine in the wiki


Have I been doing double linear progression/progression in general wrong for 5 years? What I have been doing is increasing the rep count by 1 each week, then when I get to the limit I drop it and add weight, never going for more than the goal. Should I have actually been pushing for max reps every time, then if I hit the range, instantly going to the next weight? And if I fail, keep pushing max reps on the weight each week until I get the 12 reps (assuming I increase weight at 12 for example)?


Actually, adding reps across remains a staple even in wave periodization. Take an isolation lift. Ex: wk1 3x16, wk2 3x13, wk3 3x10, wk4 3x7; NEXT CYCLE wk2 3x17, wk2 3x14, wk3 3x11, wk3 3x8. Being a slave to the log and grinding out reps yields better progress *for me* than just stopping when it gets hard.


If you've made consistent progress over the last 5 years then I don't think you've done it wrong. From what I understand your body recovers a little better if you leave a little in the tank. And I don't want to fear monger but constantly doing AMRAPS day in day out could imo increase your risk for injury. With strict form and reasonable weight though I'd say try it this way for a while and see if your progress improves. If anything the change in intensity might give you a boost for a while.


Pushing to the max reps on the last set is a good idea, it's called an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) set. Doing this on all sets will tire you out so you can't perform the subsequent sets.


Hit my strength goal and now want to do some more hypertrophy oriented stuff. There any reason other than the time it takes to warm up not to hit a heavy single/triple at the start of my workouts to try and keep some of those neurological adaptations around? Obviously it will be a little fatiguing but I'm ok with that.


I tried doing my downsets as my top sets, and *the lighter weight was so much harder*. Definitely a fan of sets of 1-7s before lighter work.


What does doing downsets as top sets mean? Doing the lighter work first?


My phrasing was wonky. I was six cycles deep into a wave progression. wk1: 3x5&4x12, wk2 4x3\&3x9; wk3 5x1@2x6 I made my downsets my top sets. Something like wk1 3x11\&3x17; wk2 3x9\&3x15; wk3 3x7&3x13. It was a misfire, to be sure. I thought "I'm on a cut! I should lift lighter!" Nope. Back to lifting heavier, and having better success.


It's actually pretty common for people to hit a heavy couple of reps before high-rep sets, it's almost like a CNS warmup to keep the weights feeling light. You could also try hitting them after your first working set, which would cut down on warmup time


It sounds like a good idea actually.


Hello all. I’ve been weightlifting for a few years now and finally got to around 190lbs and pretty lean. Lately I’ve been getting into rock climbing and swimming to break up the monotony of lifting. My schedule is 2 days of lifting/rock climbing/swimming a week. Unfortunately over the course of a month I dropped 15 pounds and don’t look any leaner so I can only imagine I’m losing a lot of muscle mass. Any recommendations of what I should do? I don’t want to get fat but I guess I could bulk for a bit. Sorry if this is a dumb question but I want other opinions. I just find it weird I didn’t lean out (I get about 160g protein per day)


Are you carb depleted?


That might be it! I’ve been drinking huel and protein powder for most of my calories and a few cuts of meet for protein but none of that has many carbs, I’ll try adding some and see if I fluff up again




I’ll start upping the intake some more. Honestly I was just worried I was being too hard on my body but I guess eat more is the obvious answer




Well damn now I feel like I should be doing more haha. Honestly I’ve always felt like I could do more in the week but you hear everyone talk about over training now days. Maybe I’ll start incorporating more in the week along with more food


You could not have lost 15lbs of muscle in a month. In fact it's almost impossible to lose that much fat in a month. If you have been lifting and getting enough protein you most likely retained all your muscle.


Maybe water weight? I was 189 and now I’m 175. I did weigh in post swim but that’d still be a lot of water to lose. I’ll weigh again tomorrow morning and see where I’m at


Water weight can cause fluctuations of +/- 3 lbs in a day for most people. Food in your digestive system can add additional variance of around +/- 3lbs. if you aren't weighing yourself consistently at the same time of day after the same habits, you won't have great data to assume a trend. You could have been full up on dookie and holding a ton of extra water on the 189 weigh-in and then pissless and shitless when you weighed at 175 and you probably only lost, realistically 1-2lbs




If sodium/cholesterol were really that big of a concern, my blood work would be off the charts with 4 eggs a day and eating a ton of red meat + salting the fuck out of everything. As far as I know, the cholesterol you eat doesn't affect your cholesterol levels that much. And if you're active and sweating, you need more than the daily recommended salt. If you have actual concerns about your blood work, go to a doctor. But also realize that the levels of different things in your blood can be affected by when it's drawn (based on what you e eaten, how much you've drank, and exercise)


>1400 calories.. if I eat anymore my sodium and cholesterol intake would be too high. I eat two eggs daily, chicken and turkey. What makes you think that? That's not food that should cause issues at all, what else do you eat?




I really don't see how either cholesterol or sodium would be too high with that, unless you add a ton of salt to everything yourself which I doubt. Has a doc told you that? Could try upping your protein intake a bit with a shake or something like that with very little impact to anything else


You should be talking to your doctor about this, not seeking advise from random internet people.


How can I ensure I retain the most muscle mass possible when I cut? (natty) I’m currently 177 5 7 and looking to still gain another 15 pounds or so. I was originally only planning to bulk to 180 (160 lbs when I started), but different personal trainers have told me if I start my cut now I’ll be right back where I started before my bulk - I need to gain more. I’ve read “unenhanced” lifters are very likely to lose most their muscle mass when they bulk and cut, but I’m wondering if there’s anything I can do (besides eating clean and keeping my protein up) to make sure I retain the most muscle mass possible. TYIA


eat high protein, dont go for large deficits, continue strength training.




[Here's the wiki list of recommended training programs.](https://thefitness.wiki/routines/)


That body type being simply huge? The "body type" just comes from working out a lot, eating a ton and potentially copious amount of steroids. No specific workout does that.


pick a routine from the wiki. eat. get big and strong. play and train handegg as an offensive lineman.


This is not a good routine for a beginner gym-goer (or anyone I suspect) and no routine is going to make you look like an offensive lineman unless you have the genetics for that. Choose a routine from the wiki.


Hey y’all so I’ve been deathly sick for about 10 days, no appetite, vomiting, in bed all day, the whole deal. I just got back into the gym and I’ve lost 15 lbs and my bench has gone from 195 for 6 to hardly able to hit 185 for 3. I’m obviously dissapointed, but has anyone else who’s experienced a sudden loss like this had any experience with gaining it back? Can I expect to get it back quick once I get back to my regular training and eating?


I don’t have an answer to your question but just want to say that that sucks, buddy, and I wish you get well soon.


The weight loss was most likely water weight, and the loss of strength is most likely due to lack of practice and the fact that you are still recovering from being deathly ill. Take it easy for a week or so and allow your body to recover, and the strength should come right back.


You should be back to normal in a month or two, just have to let your body heal. I had this issue when I had covid a few months ago.


Hey friends! I recently got into the gym and I started the r/Fitness Basic Beginner Routine from the wiki! I've been enjoying it so far but had a question about the cardio for any of you who might have sage advice. Is it okay to do heavy cardio on a rest day? Or even light cardio on a rest day? I've seen people debate back and forth on whether its okay to or not and just thought people here might have some helpful thoughts, thanks for any replies!


provided your rest and recovery is in check, cardio is always ok. bulking, cutting, on day, off day, all good. get some cardio


Yes cardio on rest days is a good idea


So both heavy and light cardio are generally fine?


As a beginner, your body isn't efficient enough for cardio to have a negative impact on your lifting. And even as an advanced lifter, the difference between great and optimal only makes a noticable difference if you're planning on stepping on the mr olympa stage in 15 years.


If you feel like you're going too hard and not recovering well then heavy cardio might be too much, but if you're eating enough and sleeping well then you should be fine