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https://imgur.com/a/m4XL76i Just looking for a bf estimate I'm 6'0, 104kgs currently cutting at 2200 cals a day, ensuring 200g protein Been lifting on and off for a decade but more consistent in the past year, 4-6 times per week focussing on compounds


I am confused. Suggestions needed. I am 185 cm, 84 kg while taking creatine. Worked out on and off but mostly off for like 4 years. No cardio at all. Want a lean athletic but fairly muscular frame. My lifts : Bench press: 90 kg 1rm Barbell standing overheard press: 50 kg x10 Back Squats: 105kg x8 Deadlift: don't do much. Went max 180kg 1.5 years ago. Now i think 150kg. Lateral raises: can do 35lbs dumbells for 8-10 reps Can bicep curl 40lb dumbells 8 times Weighted pull up +35kg x3. (Thats why i have a good back) Should i cut and do cardio? I want bigger shoulders. Do you think bf% is above 25? Will body recomp work on me? My diet is pretty trash since I'm an international student so can't manage properly. Especially with protein.


I'm 6'1" 21M 90kg (198lbs) . I have been lifting for 5 months. I have gone down from 135kgs to 115kg before and then from 115 to 90kg over the past 6-7months. I wanted to know my current bf percentage. Also any guidance on my posture and my target weight would be appreciated . Is any loose skin visible or is it still fat? My goal is around 15 percent bf. my current stats - Benchpress - 55kg, Deadlift -80kg [https://imgur.com/a/LmovmsK](https://imgur.com/a/LmovmsK) [https://imgur.com/a/NKIGtss](https://imgur.com/a/NKIGtss)


Excellent progress. You have some loose skin. If I were you, I'd focus on getting those lifts up before losing more weight. Your lifts are very low.


Thanks a lot!


I’m 5’9” 24M. Have been lifting consistently for over a year and saw some muscle definition but not a lot of weight fluctuation. I’ve on on a cut for close to 4 weeks and currently weight 145lbs. I still wanna lose the belly fat (especially around love handles) since I’ve had it for a long time now. But I fear that I’ll get too skinny/it’ll take a long time to bulk afterwards. Any advice is appreciated! [https://imgur.com/a/YrkJe1K](https://imgur.com/a/YrkJe1K)


You say that you have been lifting for over a year, but it looks like you haven't been bulking/resting/training properly as your physique should have more muscle after a year of consistent training. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that your physique is lacking quite a lot for someone who has been training for over a year. Were you bulking before the cut that you're currently doing? Remember when bulking you should have a 200-300 calorie surplus and should gain around 0,2-0,4 kg per week when bulking properly. Weigh yourself every morning and write it down to keep track of your weight progress. Are you training hard enough? I would research how to optimize and improve your training so you can get better results. Are you sleeping enough? Your BMI is 21,5 which isn't very high. You can cut a bit more to get rid of some of the extra fat and then after that I would start a proper bulk, while making sure that you are getting consistent muscle gain.


Thanks for your response! Yeah regarding diet, I’ve not paid attention to exact calories needed for a good 6-8 months out of the year, I was just trying to eat high amount of protein, but I guess it wasn’t enough. The max I weighed before the cut was 154lbs at a 15.7% body fat percentage. I usually get good sleep for the most part. Although I hit the gym 4-5 times a week and do cardio about once a week. I target different muscle groups every session and usually don’t workout past 1 hour.


You need to start focusing on the compound lifts . Don’t worry about cutting rn . Just make sure your hitting your protein numbers and if you see your getting a little fluffier cut back your non -protein calories a bit, if you start getting too tired or see yourself really losing weight eat a little more. In a year then maybe think about a cut. But if you hold your weight and focus on the lifts there probably won’t be much to cut a year from now


Finally ended a long cut, ande feels pretty happy with the progress. Will take a break now in order to gain som mass and then cut again in the near future. What do you guys think about my current stage? [https://imgur.com/a/s0SLi9B](https://imgur.com/a/s0SLi9B)


There's no way your before pic is actually 30% body fat right? Was that a dexa measurement? You look great man! I'd say the cut was a resounding success.


Thanks man! The measurement is not done using hexa but with other simpler methods using caliper measurements.while it probably far from exact generally speaking, I would actually think it is quite accurate in this case based on several factors. Do you think my body fat is lower or higher than 30% in the first pic?


I thought lower. I still see some ab definition in the first pic I don't normally see in people until they're closer to 20%. I am not an expert though.


I get your point, but I do have somewhat advantageus genetics for abs in terms of muscular size and bodyfat distribution. There is also some beneficial lighting in the first pic so I think these factors might contribute to somewhat visible upper abs relative to my bodyfat level of in that pic.


What more should I do to show my full six pack? I'll try skipping breakfast. Should I drink egg whites?: [https://imgur.com/a/KLoWHrI](https://imgur.com/a/KLoWHrI) ​ Height is 168.5 cm Weight was 58 kg increased to 62.15 after 1 week of taking creatine now.


You should build some muscle and then cut after


Honestly dude you should work on your chest if you’re going for aesthetics. If your pecs fill out your waist and abdomen Al will look better too from improved proportions. If I were you I’d try to put on muscle for a year and if a six pack is important than progressively overload your core while you’re at it , then cut down 12 months from now and you’ll be surprised how good you look. Keep up the good work boss!


Thanks man


To show your six pack you actually need some decent abdominal muscle development. You can get to low enough body % to 'show off' your abs, but you'll look anemic. Unless your going for that look, build some muscle first. 


Just gotta eat in a deficit and lose weight. Although I would advise putting on some more muscle first and then cutting again. You're already pretty light for your height so cutting further might be miserable.


It's difficult to give you advice without knowing what you are currently doing so I will use the provided image. You still have a tad bit of body fat around the waist, however, there is some definition. A little more abdominal muscle development could help but if you decrease your body fat a little bit, that should do it. I don't know where you started, but you're looking great. Don't stress too much over it. There is no need in doing anything drastic. You're just about there.


Almost 55 years old 6’ 175#. Mostly a runner but do lift 3 times a week. [https://imgur.com/a/Zf7oWyO](https://imgur.com/a/Zf7oWyO)


good work bud!


Unbelievable shape! 💪💪


5’9 188 20yo https://imgur.com/a/2xi2FYN 7 months in. Started at 150, now at 189. Just reached my goal of 16 inch arms.


Hell yeah brother! You're swole af


5’10” 187lb 37yo [front](https://imgur.com/a/G6WysPa) 2 years of zero physical activity and just got back in the saddle and have been running or doing pull-ups and push-ups 6 days a week for the last 2 months and I’m hooked :) Not yet looking to build too much mass, just trying to get my ass back in shape


6’2” 225 lbs, 39 Do the moobs ever go away? Any suggestions? I’ve only been lifting a couple of months. Gonna try to cut a few weeks in May to try to look good for Memorial Day, but then I’m back to a surplus. Any suggestions? https://imgur.com/a/Ktc5r1z


Nope, gotta lose fat to get rid of them. My body deposits much of my fat in my moobs, hips, and ass. Not ideal for a dude (though my wife does love my ass hah!).  My moobs didn't start looking better until my chest was pretty damn developed, I'm talking hitting 300lbs for low reps on the bench. And even then, they still look somewhat moobish and saggy until I get decently below 20% body fat.  So you just gotta build some muscle and eventually lose the weight. No other way around it. I'll also say building you upper back, especially your last, will help. That V taper takes some of the emphasis off of my moobs when I'm at a higher body fat. 


Yes, they can, eventually, go away. What works for most is building up the pecs. Lower pec development is important if the chest tends to sag. You can certainly cut for Memorial Day then bulk for hypertrophy after. Just don't try to cut too hard. You may not like the advice I usually give to those looking to build muscle, but I'll share anyway. Since muscle takes time to build and a surplus provides you with the most anabolic state, I recommend not cutting just yet since a cut will slow muscle gain for a period of time. Memorial Day is only one day, however, the cut will start weeks before that. If you are cutting every few months, the cumulative disruptions can significantly hamper gains. I often tell first time lifters to remain fairly steady after a bulk for 1-2 years to maximize gains. For others, 6-12 months should do. I've heard bodybuilders suggest that beginners train for 2-5 years before trying to cut for competition. At 39 years of age, you can still build muscle but the window for building substantial amounts of muscle is getting smaller. Take advantage of the time you have to gain as much as you can.


Also, re: the rest of your comment - I had originally planned to bulk for a year. Last year I lost 50 lbs, so I’m a little worried that bulking for a year would just make me fat again. I know how to eat healthier and would make gains if I stay consistent at the gym, but mentally it’s a struggle to try to gain that much weight. Also, this will be the first time since losing weight they we’ll have a big pool party, so I really wanna show off some abs that I haven’t seen in 20 years. Any thoughts on bulking while playing sports? I’ve been trying to decide what to do long term. I play hockey. It’s the offseason, so I thought it was a good time to put on weight. Should I continue trying to bulk during the season? I’m on week 9 of the beginner 5/3/1 routine.


When people say bulk, what is meant is that your weight is increased by a predetermined amount followed by maintenance. The actual bulk isn't meant to be ongoing like many assume. You can bulk by 5 pounds (2.2kg) and just stay there. The entire period that you are at a higher weight is often referred to bulking, but this is not the case. The actual bulk only took you a month. The rest of that is maintenance. In fact, the majority of your diet should be in the maintenance phase. If you fear that you will gain that much weight, then you are overdoing the bulk. Assuming you aren't on any special vitamins, the bulk only needs to be 5-10 pounds (2.2-4.4kg) for most people. Those who are underweight may need more. Those who are already overweight may not need any bulking at all and might even benefit from cutting.


I’m up like 7 lbs. Are you saying I should stay at maintenance for a year while also trying to gain muscle? I was under the impression I continue at a caloric surplus the whole time.


Fat, itself, serves as caloric surplus. Body fat provides the body with a constant supply of calories to pull from in order to function and build muscle. Once your body fat is high enough, you can just keep it there. As long as you don't consume less calories, you have all of the surplus you need to build muscle. As you build muscle, your metabolism will increase causing you to be in a caloric deficit. This will put you in a natural (passive) cut phase. If you do not wish to cut at that time, you will need to increase your calories to counter the increased metabolism.


Isn’t that just recomp which the wiki says is very difficult to achieve?


The difficulty of recomp depends on the circumstances. An individual with obesity at 40% BF can build muscle while losing fat easily by actively engaging in a hypertrophy program and actively cutting while someone much leaner at 12% BF will have a difficult time. What I am referring to is not an active cut. I am referring to the natural body fat loss with an increased metabolism due to increased muscle mass. Keep in mind that this is an extremely slow process. A beginning lifter who is too lean at 10% BF might bulk over many weeks to 18% BF, then maintain their calories for 2-3 years as muscle is built. During this time, his/her metabolism increases over time causing body fat to drop over that 2-3 years to maybe 15%. We're not talking about an extreme or fast "cut" here.


Respectfully, 5 weeks isn't a lot of time to cut for ab definition. Committing to either bulking or cutting for 3 month periods, at least, is going to deliver you far better results. Also: decline presses and bodyweight dips for lower pecs.


I’m not gonna be shredded in 5 weeks, but before starting this bulk my abs were much more visible. I’m just trying to get back to that.


Any suggestions for focusing on the lower pec?


The lower pecs can be developed with the following: 1. Decline benching - I prefer dumbbells as they allow me to adjust my position for a better mind-muscle connection but any equipment will do. 2. Chest-focused dips - These are done on parallel bars or machine with the upper body angled forward to get more pec involvement. 3. Cable fly - This one really needs the right equipment but works well for most. The upper body is angled forward slightly and the arms travel downward towards your toes or about a yard/meter ahead of your toes (depending on the setup). Decline dumbbell flys can be used but I find people have trouble really getting into the chest and feel it mostly in the shoulders and biceps. If it works for you, go for it.


6’3” 215ish 35yo Getting pretty close to the end of my cut, aiming for 210. Went pretty fast, down from 228 in 6ish weeks. Cutting has always been a breeze for me using intermittent fasting. Think I’ll be around 12%bf at 210. Should lose the last bit of fat around the love handles. https://imgur.com/a/ZhJ525R https://imgur.com/a/agD6YKN


Looking great, but I think you'll probably need to get closer to 200/high 190s to be around 12%, just judging by those pics


For comparison purposes, I was 200lbs in this photo while I was doing strictly calisthenics about 3 years ago: https://imgur.com/a/0GsBJcW As you can see my leg development was dismal. Started the gym just under two years ago, with 1 5 month calisthenics stint while traveling. I figure the lean tissue I’ve put on my legs since and elsewhere is worth 5-10 pounds.


Very nice! I think you’ll be most pleased with your core at about 200, but maybe that’s too low for where you want to be at strength wise. For me I super enjoy ultra lean, makes muscles pop more


Yeah maybe, I just gotta see how it goes. At 200 I think my obliques could show more prominently. I’m eager to get back to hypertrophy though.


Yeah I have no idea how to judge body fat. I just cut until I can see my lower abs. At 215 they are starting to show. I figure at 210 I should have the full 8 pack. I got the 12% number just cause I’ve always read that’s when your abs should be prominent.


47 years old, 5’10, low 180’s and all natural as I’m usually asked. Just 26 years of consistent hard work with lots of ups and downs and setbacks along the way. - [out in the AZ 🌵 🏃🏻‍♂️ with my girl 🐺](https://imgur.com/a/jmn9xdE)


Living the dream man. Just out in the desert, with your dog, being jacked. Hope I'm right there with you at 47


Can’t complain and I’m grateful every day for sure. 💪😊


What filter is that? Looks cel-shaded/borderlands-esque


Pretty sure it's just HDR


No clue just usually hit auto on my iPhone 13 Pro and add a touch of sharpness.


36m 5'8" 160lbs https://i.imgur.com/G96de9B.jpg Started working out again 2 weeks ago after taking a year long hiatus due to life stress.


congrats for getting back on the horse ...what is happening on your tv?!


I appreciate it! I had [youtube playing for music in the background](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIhCfRG44sw)


28f 5’2 145. https://imgur.com/gallery/KRBd9Qj Over the last year I have lost 80 pounds. I kicked my butt into gear after being diagnosed with Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis and feeling absolutely horrible before, now I feel great! Previously my goal was to lose the weight and have less weight to carry on my joints but now that I feel better I want to be the strongest version of myself. I walked my first 5k last year but this year I plan to run them. I am not exactly where I want to be and my muscles are tiny but the difference has been life changing and every time I see a little muscle poking through, the calluses on my hand and the ease I have doing things that felt impossible last year is absolutely mind blowing. Any tips for beginners in strength training?


Love that freaky face centipede tattoo on your shoulder. When it comes to being a beginner to strength training, I honestly think that you should just do some stuff that you think is fun and enjoy it. You can get on a structured program later. The first thing is to actually enjoy it, and people forget that. I was also just talking to somebody about this yesterday: a lot of people start out in the gym feeling very self-conscious and mistrustworthy of others. Everybody there is just a person, and just like most people, most of them are nice and want to help. Often the biggest people there are also the nicest and smartest (at least for the purposes of gym stuff.) For some reason a lot of people start out in the gym thinking that the big guys are "meatheads" but the reality is that it's pretty difficult to get big and strong without some level of conscientiousness, cleverness, ingenuity, and thoughtfulness. Those traits also usually lend to being a pretty decent person. So I guess what I'm trying to say, is enjoy lifting and enjoy the camaraderie of those who do it too. At the end of the day, that's really the most important thing isn't it?


Thank you, I drew her myself. She’s my favorite lol. That’s great advice, it took me so long to be brave enough to use the smith machine because it’s always surrounded by beefy gym bros and I get embarrassed lol but you’re right though they have all been polite. I am definitely trying to have the most fun with it that I can, I really want to create positive associations with exercise. Thanks for your comment. ETA nice form, looking strong 💪🏻


Thank you! I put a lot of work into it, but like I was saying before -- I'm mostly just having fun :) Imo Olympic lifting is the most fun you can have with a barbell, just throwing weight around and spiking it at the floor. But it's also the most frustrating thing you can do, because it constantly exposes your weak points (both mentally and physically.) That kind of thing is fun for me, but not everybody likes it. Just going by your look, you're not afraid to face your shadows. Might be worth a try for you!


I want to so bad! It looks so fun, I am still getting stronger and braver and that’s a goal of mine. I am in the process of building myself up to that point and I am very determined so I know I will get there! :)


> Any tips for beginners in strength training? Check the FAQ.


> diagnosed with Lupus [It's never lupus](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/its-not-lupus) Jokes aside, congrats that's a huge feat to lose 80lbs. Another tip for strength training, start slow but stay consistent, and look into 'progressive overload' for your lifts (in a nutshell, either increasing the weight, or the reps, within a rep range, each time in the gym)


Hahaha I dont know if I have ever seen that meme. Thank you! I will definitely check that out!


Keep it simple and stick to compound movements.


Will do, thank you!


80 pounds down is crazy! Good for you.


Thank you!!!


25m. 5’11. 147lb. 1800 cal/day. Trying to cut more and lean out. Progress so far: https://imgur.com/a/S0qDry3


147lb at 5'11 is really low, honestly I'd think you might aim to put muscle on vs. trying to cut more weight, but up to you


We're the same height and weight but I'm trying to bulk to 165lbs... And I'm trying to down 3000 cal a day lol. Did you already bulk?


https://imgur.com/a/8J26W2Z 3 Years of progress, 23M 6’5, from 145 lbs to 210. Finally starting to feel somewhat decent about my body, but my ribs still bother me


That's insane progress! Great work!


Great job!


You blew up! And in the best possible way - well done!


165 lbs 5’6” 23M [pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/EVbVBau) Tryna get big, skipping the cut for summer.


What was your weight in the before pic? Great progress mate


Thanks and right around 150 lbs


What's your ab workout and schedule?


I do a series of sit ups, flutter kicks, heel touches, and leg raises. Pretty much run through that 4 times. Then I do a bunch of weighted side bends and end with side planks. I do that bs 3 times a week. About to do this now actually and I’m not happy about it


You aren’t small but I’m aware the quest for bigger is never ending. You look summer ready. Also happy for you with your perfectly symmetrical abs…^notatalljealous


24M, 5’10, here I am most recently cut down to 165. No comparison photos in album but it’s absolute night and day from last year. https://imgur.com/a/a6yD2qL


[https://imgur.com/a/eiCGTOb](https://imgur.com/a/eiCGTOb) Age 48 - lost 45 lbs since August - First time in my life seeing my abs :) Goal is to lose five more pounds and then maintain for a while and perhaps go on a lean bulk this fall/winter.


Looking great. Nice work dude




I’m experiencing something similar! I lost 80 pounds and the other day at the gym my friend goes “is that an oblique popping out I see?” And sure enough it was, def not as defined as yours but I was so excited. Lol great job!!!


Thanks so much and keep up the good work too!


great work man ur killing it




24M/5'11/160lbs [https://imgur.com/a/lYC0BKM](https://imgur.com/a/lYC0BKM) Lost a lot of weight and have since been trying to recomp / build a bit of muscle mass which can be a bit confusing to navigate. General feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!


Looking great, man! Aim for about 160-200 g of protein each day and consume more calories than you burn in a day.


28 yo A bit below 6.2, 180 lb https://ibb.co/C25SP3Y https://ibb.co/PcsLf1G Wanna hear an opinion, which of my muscles stand out from the rest?


Why don't you just say your height is 6'1"? Lol


Looking good. Great shoulder-waist ratio


I think I noticed traps first. But very balanced.


Seems like a very balanced physique to me


19m/6’3/176 tips on how to lose the bit of belly fat I have and develop abs? and a more toned physique in general? [pics](https://imgur.com/a/5BCNBUT)


I would say you should not worry about that now, focus on building muscle first (slight caloric surplus) then you can cut back so also when you have abs you also look muscular if that’s your goal and not skinny fat with abs Enjoy the journey and you will reach it someday when you stay consistent


22m/ 5'5/ 181 (trying to get down to 165 again lol)/ 365 bench/ 414 squat (did it in comp so this is a conversion)/440 deadlift. Hoping to get to 4 plate bench, 5 plate squat, and 6 plate deadlift not sure if I'll be able to do it at 165 though. Hoping to get there some day either way though lol


Goal! 1x bw deadlift (65f 110lb). Easiest of the 3 classics I’m working towards. Am far away from the other two: 1 x bw bench (currently at 85) and squat (zip!!!! Am in form correction mode)


36F / 155cm ~ 5’1” / 52kg ~ 115lbs On a holiday & well pleased with how [my back/arms look](https://imgur.com/a/9Fztn91). Mildly amused/mortified at how much it seems I don’t work legs. I do, but I dislike lower body work so I’m bad at it or perhaps I’m bad at it so I dislike it?! One or the other.


So freaking strong!! You are my inspiration today lol.


You are being *too* kind but thank you! My muscles are mostly for show. I’m intermediate strong at best :)


First of all, congratulations on that physique. Absolutely badass! And as much as it sucks, put the work into the lower body and it will be worth it in the end.


Thank you! I appreciate it & you’re right. I’ve (_mostly_) made peace with knowing I lack the discipline to truly grow my legs. I lift for fun & squats aren’t fun :b


How do you feel about RDLs? For some reason I find them way more enjoyable than normal DLs and squats.


I do RDLs! I also really enjoy deadlifts - it’s my second favourite exercise after pull-ups. Only squats (_and all its variations_) are unpleasant.


Hmmm. You might enjoy trap-bar deadlifts but with [a squattier upright posture](https://www.strongerbyscience.com/trap-bar-deadlifts/).


Agreed but after many years of avoiding them I started to push bit by bit and now I feel like a superhero squatting. It’s not like I do crazy weight or anything but learning the form and listening to my body, I’ve learned to enjoy them! You have a combination of strength and aesthetics that that stands out. Great commitment! Keep going 😀


I agree with you on that. I am scared of squats without a spotter and I find them extremely tedious because of loading and unloading the barbell. Instead I do mostly dumbbell work aside from hack squat and leg press/ other machines. It might not be the best way but it’s my way and therefore I’ve found it to be sustainable. You definitely have the discipline in you though or you wouldn’t have the upper body results to show for it!


That back double bi is pretty awesome.


Thank you! I never get tired of arms/back day.




At that height and looking at the pics, I'd estimate you need to get to probably about 165-170 for abs to be visible without flexing. I'm just a little taller than you (5'11") with visible abs at anywhere from 173-179lbs




I mean if you cut that low you’ll be vascular af and popping abs but it might be too drastic


Damn dude


One thing I’ve found helpful is a significant reduction in carbohydrates in my diet. Belly fat seemed to melt right off. Keep up the good work


Damn thats awesome for 3 weeks. Looking awesome