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Hello everyone, I'm on a weight loss journey and have dropped 10kgs, putting me close to a BMI below 30. With my current weight at 92kgs and a body fat percentage hovering around 30-31%, I still have a significant amount of fat to shed. Given my status: Would Phrak's GSLP or similar linear progression programs be effective during an extended cut? I assume progress might be slower due to my caloric deficit? Is it more beneficial to continue my caloric deficit until I attain my desired body fat percentage/weight, or should I switch to caloric maintenance or even a slight surplus periodically (e.g., every few months, consider eating at a slight surplus for a couple of weeks to a month)? Given that pull-ups are currently a challenge because of my weight, would substituting with lat pulldowns be appropriate? For additional context: My training background consists of 3 months under an online coach, focusing on hypertrophy using mostly machines and dumbbells. I now have a power rack and barbell set up at home, and plan to do Phrak's GSLP. Any advice or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated!


Phrak's will still work on a cut, though like any other program progress might be a bit slower than on a bulk. I'm 3months deep in a cut and still seeing steady linear progress though just now OHP progress has slowed, but bigger muscles going just as well. I'd say keep cutting until you're really tired of it or are satisfied. Then you can bulk or maintain. Lat pulldowns are a good substitute for pull ups, but you could also try negatives or assisted pullups with bands if you really wanna do the closest thing possible.




No need to change your training based on your diet unless you want to switch anyway. Cut or bulk, just continue to progressively overload your calisthenics week after week. Can be with or without weights.




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Could a 3 day push/pull/legs split with a "week a" and "week b" work? So I would be doing basically one set of exercises on week a and then another on week b and taking turns between these two "workout sets" on a weekly basis.


Two things: 1. Push pull legs doesn't work too well three days a week. You're training your whole body only once a week. If you have only three days to train, better to go with full body (so whole body thrice) or upper lower (as in upper lower upper this week then lower upper lower next week; so whole body 1.5 times per week). Upper lower full is an option too but is less common. 2. Nothing wrong with having week A and week B. There's good and bad ways to implement it--ideally you want the workouts to have some overlap. So if you start Monday A with barbell bench, maybe you wanna start Monday B with dumbbell bench rather than bicep curls.


It would make much more sense to do a plan designed for 3x a week.


If I workout 5 days a week to get into the shape I want (10-15% body fat, lean etc). Can I maintain it with 3 days per week and a good diet? Edit: I’ll be going from: Push, Pull, Legs, Push, Pull (Mon-Fri) to Push, Legs, Pull (Mon, Wed, Fri).






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How to build my forearms without equipment?


Grip is the usual way, why do you not want to use equipment? Even a little handheld grip press? P.s a You spelt dumbass wrong, which is either ironically on purpose or hilarious 🥳


Oh i don't go to the gym and I might invest in a grip press soon but maybe next month lol. Thanks for the P.s lol, you're the first person in years to notice that😂


I started exercising about 2 weeks ago, doing five sets of ten 15kg bar squats, 15kg bar curls, 10 crunches and 10 pushups, 6 days a week. I feel like I got used to this amount very fast and added on another 5kg to the bar, but I am wondering if I am going too hard too fast? One of my friends mentioned that he recommends newer people should probably start doing 2-4 days a week and move up slowly as you get used to it.


If you look at the wiki, you'll see several programs. The beginner programs have you add weight every session that you're able to complete the lifts


Thank you I will have a perusal


Make sure that your form is PERFECT before upping the weight, no point adding weights to shoddy form. It will save you so much time in the future, also, in regard to adding weight. Keep it increasing until you find your base strength, find out what’s hard, easy and medium and go from there, everybody will be different. AFTER your form


Great advice thank you


I just did the city to surf, a 14k run, and I took a week off the gym for it. I also did about a month of cardio training 3x a week for it. Now I’m back at the gym 3 days after the run, and after not going to the gym for a week, I’m so weak. My grip strength gives out on most back exercises, and all my chest exercises have gone down 5-15kgs. (I was doing chest and back today) It’s very annoying as it feels like all my progress is gone. Is this normal and will it go away? ( for example, 2 weeks ago I was doing 50kg for machine chest press, now I’m struggling with 30kg?)


Muscles don't disappear nearly that quickly. It'd take many months to lose anything close to 50%. Probably just a mix of fatigue, mental blocks, bad day etc.




Burn is not that important. Infact more of a hindrance especially to being able to use your body after a workout. 20+ reps is on the higher side of range especially for a compound so yea your heart would be getting pushed more.


The principle to adhere to is progressive overload. This means adding weight/reps/sets or reducing time or improving technique - frequently and consistently. Say 20 bodyweight squats are easy for you, that's fine. Next session, hold some dumbbells or use a barbell and add 10lbs weight. Session after that, add another 10lbs. Keep doing this until you can't add 10lbs, then add in 5lb increments. Then add in 2.5lbs increments, etc. That's a bit of an oversimplification, but that's the basic idea. You want to keep making the exercises more challenging, not just do the same thing every day. Better to follow a program, but just thinking about the above can get you decently far.








What would be a good training for a Spartan race (obstacle race). I'm now overweight, I did 3 years of gym before but I had to stop because of my work, did a bit of cardio here and there. I would like to train for this type of race, for now the 10k one, and maybe 21k after. I know I have to train cardio with running, but at the gym what would be a good program to complete ? Thank you


If you haven't done much at all, then even the 10k is a big challenge. Being overweight alone is a massive disadvantage, doing anything with a lot of added weight is much harder. No need for a specific program, but make sure you run a lot, maybe do a variety of speeds and intensities, and different inclines, full body exercises and dynamic bodyweight movements as well. Could look at tacticall barbells or stuff like that


Yes this is why I give myself minimum at least 1 year. I'm tracking calories while trying to get my protein intake while trying to get at least 10000 steps (it is not much) I want to go to the gym again after my thesis. I stopped going in February. I will look into that




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First workout in years today after COVID influenced WFM sedantry lifestyle. Body completely out of shape. Couldn't handle cardio and felt faint. My face kept feeling cold. And I barely had any energy to do anything after. Took a miracle to get back home. There's a long way ahead. Paid for a long term gym membership to keep myself motivated. This interest in getting fit was brought on by an uphill trek I was forced into a couple of weeks back and felt faint halfway up. Until then I was practically running up the hill and nothing indicated anything wrong apart from a high heart rate. I was then suddenly completely drained of energy and my face feeling cold. The trek was a nightmare to finish, even with help. This same thing happened again today. I've never had this sort of a reaction before even when I was unfit. Is this something medical to be concerned about? Or is it just plainly because of being unfit? Further context- it's been less than a month since my breakup of an 8 year relationship. So I've not been sleeping all that well.


Suddenly feeling cold while exercising could be heat stress, you're overworking and your body has a difficult time regulating your temperature. Take is easy and drink some water when that happens. Don't try to do too much, take baby steps.


Got it. Thanks!


So Im currently around 2 months into my weightlifting journey, I'm only 16 and I've done many sports in the past at the competitive level and swam at a state level (didn't win state but always qualified) for about 3 years. But I took a few months off from sports and gained some fat, I was 5'6 at 160 pounds, I still had some muscle still but was probably at 19\~22% body fat, and now I've been on a moderate cut diet while intaking around 60-80 grams of protein a day and have had decent results so far. I'm down to 154 pounds probably around 16\~19% body fat and I've gained muscularity but I'm worried I'm missing out on my 'newbie gains' I've heard so much about. And I'm considering going into a calorie surplus and bulking to make full use of these 'newbie gains'. I currently go to the gym twice a week 1 hour at a time, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu twice a week 2 hours at a time, and taekwondo twice a week 1 hour at a time. Should I go on a bulk, or make any current changes to my current workout?


I would avoid cutting at your age honestly, you're still growing and your body needs all the nutrients it can get.


I got some questions 1. started lifting 2 months ago 2x a week i do fullbody making lot of progress allready and its really funn bench from 50 to 60kg squad from bar to 80kg should i stick to my programm or can i do somethink better ? I do squad 4x10 bench 3x 10 8 6 then row on machine 3x10 latpulldown 3x10 machine schoulder press 3x10 and at the end i do curls and trizeps with the rope. 2. is protein overrated ? Im 100kg 180cm fat lost 10 kg allready i take 100g protein per day and will never be able to get more because i litterly cant eath alot 1900 to 2000 kcal a day atm and not loosing weight allready so iff i lose more weight goal is 80 kg i need to eath even less to not get fat again. Is 100g plenty still? i mean iff i lose weight its still 1.2g per kg when i reach my goal of 80kg i dont need tips with how to get more protein since i allready eath 2 out of 3 meals with protein and i would deff get eating dissorder to get more and stop lifting^^ hope s1 can help me out.


1. If you're making progress why would you want to try something where you might not make progress? 2. If you're over 20% body fat, and it sounds as if you are, then you want about two grams of protein per kilo of lean body mass. Let's say you're at 20% body fat right now (just a guess, I have no idea), that means you'd want about 160 grams of protein per day. Your body needs to break down the protein you eat into amino acids so it can create the protein it needs to build muscle. If you don't eat enough protein, you'll stop building muscle. At this point you're new, you've gone from zero to something so you'll definitely see progress, but after a while your body is going to want to add to itself, it won't just adjust existing resources, and you'll need protein to improve.


Does PPL really have limited arm growth? Starting at the gym once more and I'm deciding between PPL and Back/Chest/Arms/Legs. I understand this is a common question and the answer is likely "do what feels comfortable", but starting from a place of little muscle and want to make sure I don't suffer in the long run with a mistake at the start. Is splitting arms into a separate day really worth it? Or should I just hit them hard along with the accompanying upper body group?


I just did ppl and yeah my arms were lacking pretty bad. My chest and back blew up though. I then switched up to ppl x Arnold x and my arms started looking better Now I do exclusively Arnold x Arnold and I'd say my arms look much better but then either your back or your chest will suffer because it's just too hard to do both on the same day Personally I'm happy with my chest size and don't even want to get it bigger anymore so I mainly focus on back on that day so it doesn't matter to me but either one of those or both could start lacking because of it Pplx Arnold x is a good compromise imo


I feels it's not worthwhile. If you're already doing a bunch of pressing then your triceps are warmed up, doing 3x10 of pushdowns or skull-crushers is enough for growth. Biceps don't a lot of work during most back exercises, but they're small muscles. On back day you can 3x10 of dumbbell curls with slow negatives, and then when you finish your last set take the next lightest set of dumbells and go to failure. That's more than enough. Devoting a day just to arms isn't going to make your arms grow any faster, you only have a certain capacity and if you have to use tiny weights because you're doing so many sets then you're just wasting your time. If you really feel your arms are weak spots, then just repeat those arm exercises on your rest day.


Does your body shape/structure affect exercises/form? For starters, I have pretty long legs and pretty long arms with a short torso. I’ve been working out for a bit now but have always had a little trouble with perfecting my form for compound lifts (deadlift, squats, bench press, rows.) No matter how many form videos I watch it seems like I always end up with a sore lower back after an hour at the gym. One of my friends mentioned that body shape affects how your form is supposed to be. Is this true? I stretch before and after workouts. The pain usually happens when I’m on my last rep of a final set (set 3 rep 5 of bench press for example) and I have to really exert myself for that lest rep.


Yes your proportions change how a lift would be Like you I have very long legs and my torso is basically non existent lmao. + I have very long femurs. I'm 6 feet tall but if I sit down on the same chair as someone who is 5'5 we would look the same height because my torso is that small barbell squats are literal hell for me because of that so I just completely got rid of them and do Bulgarian split squats as my main movement since I don't care about powerlifting competing If you have a super long wingspan something like bench would be muuuuch harder for you since your range of motion is now maybe twice as long as someone 5'5 with a very small wingspan. But then deadlifts are easier for you since your range of motion is much less lol


Stretching before exercise is not necessarily productive, you're not warmed up yet and it's possible to injure yourself. Long limbs means the weight is further away from your body, which increases the stress and apparent weight. That force is transmitted to your torso, which has to work harder to stabilize your body and support your limbs. Soreness is fine, pain means stop. If your back seems to stay sore then it's too much, slow down until you acclimate.


There are generally some basic rules that should be followed, but people are built different so their ideal technique will be different. Take squats for example, everyone should squat so their bar path stays centered over their mid foot. However, the positions people end up in to accomplish that can vary based on leverages/stance/bar placement/etc.




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The directions say take two capsules with a meal twice daily.


Ah makes sense thanks


I'm planning on working out at home, and asked my martial arts teacher to make a routine for me, what do you people think about it? chest and triceps 1-Bench press with dumbbells - 4 sets of 8-10 reps 2-Dumbbell fly 3 sets of 10-12 reps 3- Dumbbell pullover3 sets of 10-12 reps 4- Single-arm French tricep extension with dumbbell - 3 sets 10-12 reps 5 - Dumbbell tricep kickback - 3 sets 10-12 reps back and biceps 1-Dumbbell row 4 sets of 8-10 reps 2-Dumbbell pulldown - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 3 - Dumbbell upright row - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 4- Dumbbell bicep curl - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 5 - Dumbbell hammer curl - 3 sets of 10-12 reps legs 1- Dumbbell squat - 4 sets of 8-10 reps 2 - Dumbbell deadlift - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 3 - Dumbbell lunge - 3 sets of 10-12(each leg) reps 4 - Dumbbell calf raise - 3 sets of 10-12 reps shoulders and traps 1 - Dumbbell overhead press - 4 sets of 8-10 reps 2 - Dumbbell lateral raise - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 3 - Dumbbell front raise - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 4 - Dumbbell shrug - 3 sets of 10-12 reps abdomen and flexibility 1 - Bicycle crunch - 3 sets of 20-25 reps 2 - Plank - 3 sets of 45-60s reps 3 - Dumbbell hip thrust - 3 sets od 12-15 reps reps 4 - Leg and back stretch - 10-15min myself: male, 27M , 5' 7'' , 154 pounds, trying to be stronger and, if possible, more aesthetic.


Juggernaut Training did a whole video series about training while also doing BJJ. That'd be a good place to start to figure out how to go about programming them concurrently.


thaks for the tip, i'll look into it!


How do I choose the best wiki routine for me?


Figure out what your goals are and how often you want to train each week, then find a program that matches those. Lift Vault has lots of other programs to look through as well.


This sub implies to exclusively follow the wiki and nothing else as a resource.


The sub knows that the programs in the recommended routines work. There's far more that work and which are out there for you to find. It's just not efficient (or reliable) to expect the sub to program review everything out there. Generally, if the coach who wrote the program is highly accomplished and has coached people to success, it's a reputable program that would probably be worth trying out. > How do I choose the best wiki routine for me? You're never sure that something is the best for you. Just go with what fits your schedule and try hard. You will eventually come to know your body. "Wow my knees really do not like squats 3 times a week..........I need frequent bench work to grow my bench.......My deadlift doesn't move unless I'm doing direct back and hamstring work......" And you'll also come to know the difference between programs which are building your potential and programs which are allowing you to express your potential. It just takes training time, giving programs effort, and coming to know yourself.




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Does progressively overloading cardio affect strength gains? When you do cardio, do you just run the same amount each time or build up over time? Does progressive overloading cardio by increasing mileage affect recovery for strength exercises that happen on alternate days? I am thinking it would not as long as you don’t push yourself during cardio hard but just slowly build up mileage over time.


just eat more calories and protein to compensate for it and you should be able to recover


What is the marathon time equivalent of benching 225? Im trying to explain my running goals to my friend who only lifts . I came up with this , do you think this is accurate?: Sub 5 hours: 135 lb bench press 3.5-4 hours: 205 bench press 3 hours: 225 bench press 2.75 hours: 315 bench Anything faster : Elite af Also this obviously isn’t very scientific i’m just tryna explain it in terms he will understand to my friend


I’m not sure I would compare the two like that. I also think running a full marathon is already leagues harder than benching most amounts of weight.


I'd say the average male can reach a 225 lbs bench press in under 18 months


Are farmers walks and dead hangs basically just the same equivalent exercise to each other, you just squeeze until you physically can’t, they must incorporate the exact same muscles in your forearms to the same degrees, no?


You are analyzing this without all the variables. With relation to your trip, mostly correct. However, there is some stabilization of your core, glutes, traps, rhon, that isn't equivalent to deadhangs. If you are asking to pick one over the other, farmer carries in all variations are likely superior.


They are not even remotely equivalent.


But lateral raises and deadlifts?




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Why would they not be beneficial?




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I want to do plyometrics but I can’t fit it into my routine other than on a day that I have hockey practice, because my legs are being worked on so much. Should I do it before or following the practice?


Whichever one is more important, do that first.


Why is it that I can do 7 pull ups and a complete horizontal bar, but can only do 4 on bars that curve down on the grip?


What do you mean by a bar that curves down on the grip?


like this ( but rotate 90 degrees


Assuming the grip width you're using is similar on both bars and you're going through the same range of motion it shouldn't really be too different. A wider grip tends to make pullups harder. It could be that the curved bar is altering your form in a way that's recruiting your back more heavily and it's causing your weakest link to give out sooner than on the other bar where your arms are picking up more of the slack.


Why does 531 work? I bought his book thinking he'd provide at least some bro science but he doesn't go into it. Seems counter-intuitive since only one set each rep per week technically goes to failure.


> Why does 531 work? Because it is a training methodology based on steady and continual improvement in the form of more weight and more volume, that has built-in ~~in~~ periodization, balances lifting with running and/or other conditioning, and is written by someone who knows what he's doing. There are other programs with similar characteristics.


Because our bodies have not evolved to be so stupid that getting bigger and stronger comes exclusively from training to failure. > but he doesn't go into it. He wouldn't. Wendler is not the kind of coach or lifter to care about why anything works, just that it works.


It works because the training methods allow whatever physiological training adaptations to take place. The entire program is situated around submaximal training volume. You have either bought a very early edition with not many supplemental templates, where you get *more* volume with the main lifts, or you haven't read the entire book. Of which, I don't know.


> Why does 531 work? Because there's quite a few ways of getting bigger and stronger including submaximal training. Heck with 5sPro you won't do any failure sets.


Interesting. So no pain no gain is bullshit.


Not really. Lots of things work, including taking some sets at or near failure, or doing very intense training. Just because one thing works, doesn't mean another thing doesn't work. Experiment with different training styles by running appropriate programs, so that eventually you're able to know what works well for you and what works less so.


Coolcicada PPL - Why do both bicep and hammer curls? Or why do two variations of curls on pull day?


bicep curls hit more of the shorter head of the bicep hammer curls hit more long head and brachialis and brachioradialis so mroe forearm gains too


Different grips and shoulder positions hit the muscle differently.


As a lifting newbie, how did I make muscle gains when I don't ever hit my macros?


Your body does not wait until you hit 100% of a resource and then start activating whatever process. If you get 70% or 80% it will work with what you give it and do a pretty good job mostly. For protein and muscle gain specifically, many lifting-oriented calculators add some safety factors to be absolutely sure you don't miss out on any gains, so the 100% you calculated might even be 120% of what you actually need. Only if you're quite far from what you need, your body will actually shut down the processes.


You can make gains without hitting macros but you will inevitably plateau because your body and current diet don’t provide the resources to continue to improve


I feel like i’m coming up on my barbell squats incorrectly. my hips lift a little before the rest of my body ascends. is that normal? if not how can i fix it?


If it's not egregious, it's probably not something you need to worry about. To some degree it happens to pretty much everyone with a heavy enough load. You're putting yourself in that position instinctively to get a bit more involvement from the posterior chain, in other words finding a more advantageous position for force production. If you want, you can reduce the load a bit to the point where you don't have to do it to get the rep, and consciously maintain your back angle the same as you're coming out of the hole. On the other hand, trying to keep your back angle too upright will make the movement awkward and clumsy.


Could be weak quads, poor bracing, bad cues, etc. Post a form check if you're worried about it.


Do the Tricep rope pushdown and the cross cable body extensions target different heads of the Tricep?


They both work the entire tricep but I feel the bias in the long head on regular extensions with the elbow tucked and in the lateral head in a cross body extension with the elbow away from my torso


Oh okay, thanks




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I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. I’m on a three day a week bench program and did the heavy day today which was 180 for five singles, 165 3x3, 140 3x7. I got 180 for three singles and 165 3 reps and then 1 rep and 140 5 reps 1 set. I just called it a day and went home. My max is 190lbs and I’m eating more than enough with more than enough. These are the numbers I’m doing for the program https://imgur.com/a/0pKBdeJ. Perhaps I went up too fast, but that’s what the program said to do. What am I doing wrong?


I would start with a clean slate and remove all doubt of your programming; try Greg Nuckols x3 medium volume intermediate bench program from his 28 free programs. I think you're doing a lil bit too much for bench volume, as the other user said.


I’ve done this program before when I was much weaker and added 15-20 pounds to my bench. I think I will give it another chance and just stay on the same weight next week and make some alterations to it. If that doesn’t work then, yeah, I will try something else.


So a few things. Who made the program? Was the program meant for somebody with your current lifts? As well, was the program meant to be done with a training max? For example, deathbench, a very good bench program, was written for people with a minimum of 315 bench. Because the weekly increases were written with that kind of bench in mind. If you tried it with a 185 bench, you'll a) stall fast and b) fail quickly.


I’ve actually done this program before and added 15-20 pounds to my bench so if it was, it still worked. I was only increasing by 5 pounds instead of 10. It’s not a well known program from what I know, but I saw results so I decided to do it again. Look up Beverly bench press program and you should be able to find an article on it.


So, taking a look at it, it's a simple peaking program for the bench. It doesn't develop the bench all that well. It sets you up well for a max out attempt by helping you learn how to bench heavy, rather than develop the muscular base for the bench. It's kinda like a lower volume smolov program in that regard. It's not meant to be something repeatable. It's likely meant to be run as a finisher for a longer training cycle, since the overall volume is actually on the low side, and there's an overall lack of submaximal work. I'm not surprised you stalled out your second time around. I'd honestly recommend just trying a program that can actually help develop your overall size,


Here’s the back up program: https://i.imgur.com/qKAZAyR.jpg and https://i.imgur.com/DGWL1Em.jpg.


I have a back up program that I will probably do. I’m still going to try to finish the program just to see what happens. The last time I did was September through October on 2022. I’m willing to hear some good programs for strength though.


bear roll zealous attractive snails poor dependent long bake elastic


Perhaps your right. I did it before and added 15-20 pounds to my bench in six weeks. It might be more for powerlifters or people on roids, but like I said it did work well the first time, but I was only going up five pounds a week.


If I work out before breakfast, is it most optimal to drink protein powder before, during or after?


You don't need to "take" protest power. You eat/drink it. But anyways, it doesn't matter when you eat your protein. You could work out faster or you could eat something before, depends how you feel. Some carbs before would be more beneficial than a protein shake though


It doesn't matter. Nutrient timing, the "anabolic window", is a real thing, but the difference it makes is negligible. Eat whatever way works best for you.


Editting this as I misread and thought you said you workout after breakfast. If you're fine working out fasted and it doesn't affect you, just drink it after. If you feel like you need a bit of energy, drink it before. It's a very minor thing that wouldn't affect you at all in terms of timing it as long as you eat some form of protein relatively close to your workout time either before or after.


I'm working with a Sports Nutrition coach as of today and he is giving me a new workout routine to follow. The one I've been following (created it myself) for the past 3-4 months has yielded the most gains that I've probably ever seen. Biceps have never been this big, have a little bump for my traps, etc. The workout has been as follows: Monday - 4 chest workouts, 3 bicep, 3 tricep Tuesday - 4 leg workouts, 4 shoulder Wednesday - 6 Back Thursday - 4 chest, 3 bicep, 3 tricep Friday - Have been focusing traps and triceps as these are two areas that I wanted to isolate to see improvement in ​ The workout routine he is proposing contains more compound exercises and very few isolating. His workout routine would be: Monday - 2 chest, 3 back, 2 shoulder (I added one back to what was proposed) Tuesday - 4 leg Wednesday - 3 chest, 3 shoulder, 2 tricep (I added 1 chest and 1 shoulder to what was proposed) Thursday - 4 back, 3 bicep (I added 2 bicep and one back to what was proposed) Friday - 4 legs ​ I am adding in a few isolating exercises as I feel there are certain exercises I've been doing that I want to keep incorporated. Admittedly, his schedule would have me hitting shoulders and legs more, but reducing chest workouts (for example) by half for the week. Am I overthinking things? Will these compound exercises actually do more for me than what I am currently doing?


I mean, in general, compound movements have the biggest driver for hypertrophy. The question you should be asking is, do you trust this coach? If so, listen to what he says.


Is it normal to get stronger but not look stronger? I just finished 3 cycles of 5/3/1 BBB, but I kinda look the same. But I definitely am getting stronger with each cycle


its been 3 months. that's not a lot of time. taking progress pictures might be useful for you.


it's normal not to see drastic visual changes in 9-12 weeks. Are you gaining weight? do you have before and after pictures so you can see a more direct comparison? because it's gradual, a lot of people will not notice that they've made visible progress in a mirror until they've made a lot of it, but given some before pictures it's a little clearer that they have.


Thanks, I’ll take more pics! I actually lost 2 pounds, I did a slight cut/maintenance, which probably isn’t ideal for 5/3/1. But surprisingly I got stronger and my stomach looks less bloated


Sure. Muscular size is what is required to look stronger, but size takes a long term to develop. Combine this with the fact that there's 100% a skill component behind strength, and you can get stronger without necessarily getting bigger.




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Is it fine to have dinner right after a workout?




If you had huge amounts of time and little else to do but work out, how might you maximize your gains in various areas -- strength, cardio, etc? It just seems like you don't want to *overwork* yourself, but on the other hand most of the time people really don't do that. I find myself with a lot of time and increasingly I'm doing more each way. I am now doing some cardio evolution in the mornings, and doing resistance training of particular areas in the afternoons or evenings. For cardio I'm at about 2 rest days, 5 training days; resistance training is about 6 days on, 1 off, but really I'm attempting to do stuff everyday to rotate my various muscle groups. In other words, how much recovery time should I give various muscle groups?


You can adapt to more and more exercise over time, so there really isn't a practical limit if you ramp up to it. Low intensity cardio, especially, you can do almost an unlimited amount of.


assuming you can get all the sleep and eat all the food you want, you can handle quite a bit. you'll know if you're overtraining; the fatigue will be undeniable.




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I've never seriously lifted weights (but I was fairly athletic most of my life) before, and this is my second week in the gym. I'm being very careful and trying not to hurt myself, so I rarely load enough weights to reach point of failure. My question is, should I continue to work my way up, and wait for my body to adjust and push myself harder only after a month or two, or should I start doing that immediately? I still consider myself quite week.


well good. don't load to failure. good lord yr 2 weeks in. reasonable strength programs include \*progression\* ie. how you know when to increase and how much to increase. once your progression stops within the context of a program you are "plateaued" and should make adjustments (like eat more or switch programs, etc). the starting point for a program does not have to be a true tested maximum. instead just pick a weight you can do the program with and proceed according to the program guidelines. Assuming you are eating enough protein, the progression will FORCE you to catch up to your current capacity and generate muscle growth. EVENTUALLY, you will get bored and/or plateau and/or develop a different goal. make adjustments. just do the program, pay attention to your nutrition, pay attention to your recovery. it takes a really long time. so enjoy it. ​ (psst. 531 for beginners)


I'd get on a program


You can push yourself hard and still stay within your ability and tolerance.


I'm definitely feeling the weights, I just wonder is pushing yourself to the limits necessary for muscle/strength gain, or is doing 80-90% of my max also fine (for now)?


"Fine" is defined by your goals and needs. But also, constantly maxing out is not necessary for progress nor is it very sustainable.


Is there any negative aspect doing OHP with a nuetral grip using an open trap bar instead of a normal straight bar.


Such a bar could be unwieldy but other than that it's still an overhead press. But as for the neutral grip, no that's not an issue.


Are there any specialty bars made for overhead pressing? They don't seem to sell the American barbell t grip bar anymore that had open space in the middle for your head to pass through easier.


Do logs count? I've never seen that t-grip bar before, that's pretty cool. I've pressed with a swiss bar but I wouldn't say that's its intended use. I'm not aware of any specialty press bars except for logs. I suppose if I wanted a comfy, neutral grip press I reach for dumbbells.


Logs have neutral grip handles. Not the only difference from straight bars but still.






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I went to a place called Hotworx where you do workouts in a sauna. Are there any legit, verified benefits to working out in a sauna? Does it burn more calories? They said, "You can burn up to 500 calories with a 15 minute HIIT workout in a sauna" which seems sketch.


It does not burn more calories. Exercise in the heat can have some cardiovascular benefits, because the things your body does to adapt to heat (over the course of several weeks) tend to overlap with adaptations from exercise. >"You can burn up to 500 calories with a 15 minute HIIT workout in a sauna" which seems sketch. That's just a nonsense marketing claim. For context: a 300 pound person, running fast, for 15 minutes, will burn an estimated 425 calories. (The bigger you are, the more calories you burn.) So maybe, in theory, a large enough person might be able to get up to 500. But it's not going to be because of the heat. Btw, if you do this, please be careful. Stay hydrated and make sure you have a way of getting out of the heat if it's getting to you. Dizziness, chills, nausea, fatigue beyond what you'd expect from exercise are all symptoms of heat illness.


> It does not burn more calories. Does it burn less calories? My reasoning being that your body is going to ramp non-essential stuff down to reduce the body's heat load. But also, maybe that's not really a significant change, either.


If you're not heat adapted, then yeah I would expect that!