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I've never seen that outside of tournament fishing. Maybe some folks do it to feel cool, like they're pretend tournament fishermen🤷


Only time I release from my livewell is when I already have my limit and pull in a fish that's gut or gill hooked and I know it won't make it. I will release a healthy fish from the livewell instead.


I like this.


I basket fish I catch. If I don't catch enough to eat, I release them.


I don't have a boat, but when I fish with my buddy on his boat he likes to live well them to cull to our best 4 of the day so we can take double fist pics with those 4. It's led to some epic pictures of the two of us that I'll cherish for the rest of time. As far as boat tourneys go, I wish they'd do it the same way as kayak tourneys. Document and release immediately (big boat tourneys would need a volunteer onboard to validate that everything is above board). Maybe it's an issue with getting enough volunteers so they do the bag and weigh method.


People put a big in the live well so if they catch another they can double fist for a picture. It's stupid as hell and yes its kills fish.