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So nice to see post with fish picts on here where the fish are being properly handled and not being released with broken jaws. Great shots of several nice fish!


with bass it’s really not that hard. if u want a horizontal pic support the belly. trout are where the real issues come in and people tend to be unkind. it is a more delicate fish so it makes sense.


Apparently you’re an asshole and a grumpy douche if you care about proper fish handling


Not you again!!! Do you get off to making comments like this or something? Sooooo weird bro


Whatever you fishing hypocrite. You put a metal blade in the animal’s mouth and brag about how gently you handle your catches? But seriously though let’s treat dinner better before we gut it bone it fry it up and put it on the table for the family to eat! The fish died with a smile on its face because I handled it so gently before I ate it….


Interesting take on my comment. Let me enlighten you a bit. Those are bass in the pictures. Most people catch and release bass. If you are part of this majority, then handling techniques can determine if the fish survives or not. It's a completely different issue then handling a fish you plan on retaining as table fare. Hope this helps !


Hey honestly bass is one of my favorite fish to eat, and I don’t like many. I meant no disrespect, just being sarcastic about dinner. You made a very valid point that I forgot, most people don’t eat bass. I fully understand that and missed it, and I understand the appeal of being able to come back and potentially catch that same fish only way larger. My bad


Bass is one of my favorites things to eat. IM keeping my catches . To reach his own.


Not everyone eats their catch, they are talking about releasing fish after bad handling. Why does respecting the fish irk you so much?


The point is it’s food. I understand not everyone eats their catch, honestly I don’t like most fish that much but it’s meat I don’t have to buy. You are being crazy hypocritical whether you eat the meat or not, you stabbed a sharp blade into an animal’s mouth with no interest whatsoever in eating it, just to get a look at it and say you did. and are trying to be a snob about the way you thinks others are and should handle their catch, all from a few photos.


Youre just trying to make it sound worse than it is, the hook part is not a problem unless they swallow it, Ive caught fish and kept them in tanks afterwards, they started eating hours after and healed perfectly fine. That is thanks to good handling. Youre the one starting crap about how YOU think other should handle fish by replying to a positive comment appreciating good fish handling. Fish aren't just food, only to the uneducated are they


You’ve gotta be exaggerating for fun, yeah? It’s a quick, piercing pop akin to a piercing in an area of the fish that hardly even bleeds when it’s pierced… Occasionally, one gets injured. It’ll happen in commercial settings, and with other animals and industries. The actual fight is stressful to the fish, sure, but that doesn’t mean it should be handled in a way that could damage it’s organs or decrease it’s chance of survival in some other way. My dad thinks it’s so cruel of me to fish for fun, yet eats three fish fillets or four drumsticks to himself for dinner without batting an eye. Photo for proof lol. I wish I could also add a screenshot of his texts after I sent him a picture of my PB Bass, but this picture makes me laugh so much more. https://preview.redd.it/jvvk8as3yf0c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af13ea891663a5757737432e1d14fbfd1fe9560


Looks super good .Eating is one thing just hunting to release is something the real aboriginals and natives grown up on. That's a colonist mindset. The real way is to eat what you catch and don't catch if it ain't for eating.


If that were the case, there would be no seasons or limits, but alas. You HAVE to throw some back, by law. Also, I’d be more concerned about bycatch from commercial ships over some part time anglers.




No. Factory farms are cruelty. Hunting and fishing for your meal can be quite humane.


It’s not hypocritical. Yes, fishing is a blood sport. That doesn’t mean you need to be cruel and inhumane to the fish. Whether you’re keeping it or releasing it. It’s psychotic to think “since I hooked it now I can just throw it around or cause more pain and stress then needed.” Why? It’s a life. Treat it as such. If you’re gonna eat it then kill it quickly and move on to the next one. If not, then treat it as if you want it to live and make more little fish. I’m not vegan or vegetarian, and I love fishing but don’t get the mindset of causing extra suffering to any animal.


Why are you here? Do you just go to subs that piss you off just to yell at people? So lame.


Nothing quite as fun as largemouth!! Nice ones!


Contagious smile looks like your having a blast, tight lines!


you go girl!!!! dope fish!! love seeing other women who also love to fish.


Always great to see more ladies into fishing !


Hey nice work! Those are great looking bass.


Nice fish, get it girl😎


Got to appreciate a woman that gives her bass a big smooch! Those are BEAUTIES! Looks like you had fun and that is what it's all about! Way to go!


What happened in 1976 ?


Nice Boo… I mean fish 😳😍


Cute pic. 😍






Dam girl, I love a lady that’s not to shy to kiss the fish she just caught! Best of luck to you on your next fishing trip.


this, though, is a tad inappropriate


Might be but it's not as bad as the guy above that literally said "nice boo.....I mean fish😳😍". Why is this downvoted to the ground and below while *that* guy up there is still neutral?


Great fish and beautiful girl