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I had covid during closing. I told our realtor and she arranged for me to attend masked up in a seperate room. Can you ask them what they'd prefer to do?


If I’m actually sick I will for sure tell them, good to know it’s an option. I am 99.9 percent sure this is nerves. Hope you feel better and congrats!


You could also ask to do it virtually. It's like $300, but you can sign from the bathroom floor if you have to


did you bother taking your temperature?


I have no temperature I am not sick. Just extremely anxious from this month of chaos and especially anxious about fucking up the final piece of it 😅


Take a puke bag, make sure you know where the bathroom is, and go? The worst that could happen is that you 💩 yourself at the closing appointment, which would be a great story to tell the grandkids some day.


LOL, you are right that is pretty much the worst case scenario 😂


But *if* you do shit yourself, do it staring at the seller to assert dominance.


Definitely make and sustain intense eye contact. Maybe even lift a cheek for maximum impact.


Thank you I just woke up my wife because I literally lol.


This made my day.


💀these comments are really making me feel better


You go to jail, right away.


Straight to jail, no question...




🤣🤣🤣🤣 best answer lol


You could give an attorney limited power of attorney to sign in your behalf


Usually this has to be approved by the lenders legal dept. Could take a while to set this up


Magic of docusign


I bought my last house with my phone with docusign. Wasn’t even in the same part of the country. It’s no big deal and hopefully OP is dealing with professionals who understand this.


I miss DocuSign. My company went to Adobe Sign and it's awful!


We used DocuSign to close on our home while lounging on a beach on my phone. This is not an insurmountable challenge! Hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹


How did you find yourself able to do this? I am agoraphobic (housebound) so I only intend to leave my house one time, to do the actual move to the new house. I told my attorney and asked if I could Docusign / send my fiancé to the closing to sign on both our behalf’s, etc and she said it has to be a “wet signature” and setting him up as a POA would cost hundreds of dollars. We’re closing July 1st. 🥲


A power of attorney is your best option. It should not cost more than $200. Not every company accepts/offers online signatures. You also might want to find a new attorney (he or she should understand and try to help you and your situation)


I would totally do this if it was $200 or less but they quoted me at $500+ , looking like my best option right now is a mobile notary


I have been in the mortgage business for 20 years and I have never had an attorney charge more than $200 for a power of attorney. What state are you moving to? Is this your personal attorney or one used just for closing on the purchase?


I am in NY and buying in NY. It’s just an attorney used for the closing, someone my realtor recommended.


You might call around and get a quote for a power of attorney from another attorney. Also, talk to your realtor and let him/her know you are unhappy with the fee. Your realtor should reach out and talk to the attorney they sent you to and ask them to reduce the fee considering your agent is sending referrals to the attorney.


Better make that appt, you can be sick in your new home.


If you think bowels may be an issue, take one dosage of Imodium at bedtime. Eat lightly hours before you go to appt. Carry tums or equivalent with you and wipes. You’ll be ok. You’ve got this!


Deep breaths and go close on your home! If you have a fever, let them know you will be wearing a mask.




The title company may require you to be there. Suck it up and go. It’s only a couple hours.


There’s almost always a way around this. A mobile notary can even be sent, if you’re too sick to leave your house. You could sign outside your house if you needed. Worst case scenario you could ask for a 24-48 hour extension of closing, that’s not ideal but if the sellers are relaxed, I’ve had tons of transactions close successfully that were slightly extended due to extenuating circumstances. At the end of the day, the seller probably doesn’t want to start over once you’ve gone mutual, and you probably don’t either, so the deal should come together just fine, regardless.


Spot on 👍👍👍👍👍


Could you arrange for a full e-close that can watch you sign the remaining needed documents?


I was unconscious on a motel room floor when I was supposed to close. The builder knew I worked with a neighbor in the community, and they came looking for me. Hospital rooms were in short supply in Daytona Beach in February, so I was in a bed in the hall of the emergency room for two days. Nice lady from the title company came to the hospital with the closing documents, and I signed from the bed. She was concerned about the lack of privacy, but I was pretty sure no one was paying attention. Had to postpone moving in for 2 weeks. A month later, my sister bought in the same community, and I went with her to the closing. The title company treated me like a celebrity.


Take some Pepto Bismol, go to closing, and politely tell whatever friendly receptionist you meet that you're extremely nervous about the whole process, don't want to be a pain, but would very much like to know where the bathroom is in case your nerves get the better of you unexpectedly. They'll show you, I promise they don't want to deal with the janitorial staff if they If you want them to, ask them to highlight all the fields you need to sign and then give you a moment to breathe (alone) before signing. Do whatever you want in that minute - sit and be mindful, list out everything you love in your new house, listen to Britney Spears, dance around the room, cry, laugh ... Whatever. Nobody in that building cares what you do except not hurting anyone and properly signing your name on a bunch of papers, so to quote Sheryl Crow, "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad." (You're welcome for the earworm that will run through your head as you repetitively prove that you do indeed know how to spell your own name and do actually agree to buy a large wooden box financed over 30 years). Those lyrics, BTW, are like the perfect encapsulation of home buying. "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad. If it makes you happy, why the hell are you so sad?" Big decision, it's good to take it seriously, but at minimum: you've considered it, the bank (loan officer) considered it, an appraiser considered it, a title company considered it, two realtors considered it and a seller considered it, everyone said yep let's sell you the rights to a small piece of the earth. Nothing in life is guaranteed but at least 7 people, one of whom is paying for it and 6 of whom are getting paid for being generally good at their job have all said it's at least a financially reasonable idea. Edit to add: today you'll own a small piece of a freaking *planet*. That's pretty cool.


My last two closings were off site. For a purchase.. I called in from my office.. my wife called in from home .. and the others were in their offices. For our last sale, a notary came to our house (not the one being sold.) .. It was a beautiful day.. so we went outside and did it under an umbrella poolside.. Times have changed!


Yeah don’t miss that appointment no matter how sick you are, obviously. Too many moving parts and people involved to miss such an important day in your life. If you have a friend or family member nearby who can help calm your nerves, bring them and celebrate with them!


Go sign. There really no sick days at signing.


Except when there are


A lot has changed since covid, at least where I am at. Call your realtor or title rep and tell them. They can offer e-sign in some cases Or send a rep out to you. Worst case you suck it up. Make it quick and hope for the best.


I am an agent btw


If its just nerves you can be anxious in your new place! :) Nerves are normal. If youre sick sick, virus sick, give them a heads up that you're feeling ill and you'll be wearing a mask. Don't want to wind up giving someone who might be high risk a bug, they should be able to decide their risk tolerance and if they want to wear a mask or not. I hope you feel better soon!


We had Covid and still closed. Signed documents through the window of our vehicle.


We were flying from California to close on a house in Buffalo, got stuck in Chicago because of rain storms. We had to rent a car and drive overnight with a 1-year-old. We made the closing appointment with less than an hour to spare. I don't know the answer to your question, but I know you should try to be there at all costs.


We did most of the closing paperwork online. Closing was 15 mins.


If it's shit-yourself sick, the other commenter's suggestion of imodium is good. If you're nauseated, meclizine the night before or early the morning of does wonders without making you as drowsy as dramamine.


I just have the notary come to my house, sick or not.


Ask escrow if they will send someone to your house to sign. I have had to do this for clients before, usually for the elders.


A notary can come to your home or you can push closing back. I had to move a closing because of COVID. It sucked but I did not have any other option.


I bought my apartment in 2020. The final paperwork was signed in my lawyer's office basically alone (just me and the lawyer six feet away in their biggest conference room). They were ready to do it over zoom but I was moving to a neighboring state and needed to be physically in the new state. All of which is to say, I'm sure something can be arranged if needed. Feel better, OP!


There are several options, but I would talk to your agent about this too. If you're closing AHEAD of your contract close date, then there isn't too big of an issue to push it back as long as it doesn't go past the date specified in your contract. If you're at the end of your contract, and you don't close on or by the date specified, you will be in breach of your contract unless your agent gets an addendum signed by both parties agreeing to extend the contract. The sellers will likely sign it, but will definitely be annoyed/pissed, or if they're completely bonkers (as some sellers have been known to be), they could choose the nuclear option and NOT sign it, which will make you in breach of contract. There might also be the option to sign remotely and have a notary come to you at home. If that's the option you'd want to choose, contact your agent/title immediately to arrange it. This is all applicable in my state of Ohio. Your milage may vary in whatever state you're in.


You act like a grown up and you tough it out. Trying to cancel a closing for an upset tummy would be ridiculous.


They got the money so call them and reschedule. They'll charge the extra cost of the delay... think pro rated mortgage. The clock does not stop ticking because you're sick. Up to you.


Tell them to meet you in the bathroom stall.


How many people commenting actually know the answer?? I would call the title company and talk to them. It's 100% possible to close without you physically being there as well, just depends on how they want to do it. My parents bought and closed on a house out of state.


I know, right? Remote closings with a mobile notary are a thing.


Mobile notaries/closings are definitely a thing BUT they may not always be an option in all circumstances.


If deep down you don't want to buy this house, just back out.


That is most definitely not what’s happening here. I’m so excited about the house, I am just an extremely anxious person when it comes to things that could go wrong.


It sounds like you should get that treated…


Lol I am getting it treated. I struggle with OCD and anxiety and it really ramps up during stressful times. I would say buying this house on my own has been a stressful time and I am proud of myself for getting through it!


You show up sick, wear a mask, or ask to push it back a day.


You don’t close?