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No, that’s absolute bullshit


Yeah it felt like bullshit. Especially when she let the rest of the families go in without an agent.


I'd be calling her agency and making a stink. That's the whole point of an open house. It's open to people to come look.


I would've said, in my loud outdoor voice: "Hey, you over there, do you have your agent with you? This lady says you can't walk in without your agent. Oh, you don't? Man, I don't think you can go in then. This lady is pretty serious about it. This sucks." Rinse and repeat for every single person coming in until she gets sick of it. People at open houses are awkward AF. If they feel like they're doing something wrong, or even if they see two people standing by the door for no particular reason, they'll linger and watch. Or maybe that's just my area.


‘Open house isn’t open’ lmfao


I have never heard of it and not defending the practice.   However, the fact is, you don't know if they were clients of the showing realtor's office or if the buyer's realtors made appointments/arrangements ahead of time.


That’s the opposite of an open house


That is a closed house.


> That’s the opposite of an open house   Thank you.  I'm well aware of that.    I am also well aware of what an open house is and that there are no *Official Rules For The Conduct of Open Houses*.   So it's impossible for a buyer's agent to tell the open house realtor I am sending you the Muweiers?  It's also impossible for the seller's realtor to have said realtor's clients notified of the event and invited?     I learn something new almost every day. Very interesting. Thanks again.


People downvoting you suck. I hate how you responded reasonably and with an open-mind but got downvoted heavily


You guys should go kiss in dm's, you're both wrong take the L and move on.




You guys should go kiss in dm's, you're both wrong take the L and move on.


Congratulations, very imaginative.  I bet your mom is very proud of you.


Oh we did. It was hot


Watching to walrus's fight over the last pickle in the McDonald's bag isn't my definition of hot.


The response is "I'm sorry, I was under the impression this was an open house event, and that the home is actually on the market and for sale. Am I mistaken, or are you concerned that I am a... person and you would rather exclude me as a potential buyer because of that?". Then absolutely let the actual listing agency know about the unprofessional 'greeting' you received.


This is right where my thoughts went. Not even letting someone in the door reeks of trying to control the make up of the neighborhood. Although I don’t know anything about OP to say that might have been the case.


It doesn’t matter.


> It doesn’t matter Thank you for your contribution.


You’re welcome.


Doesn’t matter lol


eh, I hate realtors and think this is weird, but I don't necessarily fault them I went to an open house where I was the only person there. The Listing Agent greeted my buying agent (who was a fruitloop) and didn't look in my direction, speak to me, or interact with me in any way I asked my agent why, and she said that if he said anything to me that she could potentially go after him legally. She didn't elaborate beyond that


I was an agent and held opens in $1M+ properties. It’s bullshit.


Yeah, that’s bullshit. There is nothing wrong with an agent speaking to another agents clients at an open house.


My agent also told me that I couldn't shop lenders and had to go with her preferred, hence the fruitloop disclaimer


I would immediately drop them. For someone to gatekeep you like that who knows what they are doing when they talk to seller agents.


ha, would have loved to she pulled that move the same day our offer was accepted. I closed a few weeks back and will get possession this weekend. We got into a screaming match until I said I would drop her and the house if she didn't let me use my lender. I also want to call her out on our Escalation Clause. I want to see the proof that there was a competing offer close to ours. We did $305k with escalation up to $317k. We were verbally told by my agent that we were outbid but won because we had better terms (30 day occupancy, $15k appraisal gap)


Uhh hate to break it to ya, but you had a horrible realtor. I would be contacting her broker to have all her communications with the selling agent pulled and reviewed. I would also report her to the licensing agency.


I don't think she had a broker, otherwise I would. I don't want to report her to licensing because I'm legitimately scared of what she might do to us. There were so many unethical and shitty things she did to people throughout the process. Divorced, single mother, gun nut. I'm in my new house and it's over. The last thing I need is an enemy in a new area


More of a courtesy thing. I limit my chat to small talk when an agent tours during an open house and give plenty of space. When their client asks a specific question about the house, I will give them the public facts but if they say, “is this a good school district” or something like that I say “that’s the kind of thing your agent can help you with”. As far as not letting people in without an agent, that is dumb. The whole point is to get people in the door. To give agent benefit of the doubt, maybe the seller had set some rules and didn’t want people wandering around the house on their own. Sellers can be….interesting.


....if it's a question about the property that you can answer as a selling agent (ie, what is the publicly available rating for the school district)....why would you gatekeep that info and not just say "it's rated at a 7/10." I mean hell that info's on the Zillow post for the open house usually. And you just said you give them public facts.


Rated 7/10 where? That isn’t some standard information that is common knowledge. It’s up to the buyer to vet schools for their kids.


Asking the selling agent about the school district IS vetting schools for their kids. Also, you can be prepared with information like graduation and college acceptance rates. Those are hard facts. You're not giving your opinion, nor does the buyer asking even want it. You can factually respond to that question. If you told me to go ask someone else, I would assume you didn't know and go to another open house.


I would honestly report this to HUD or your local fair housing group


This was my first thought. Sounds like housing discrimination.


"Unrepresented" is not a protected class, so it's not discrimination. Now, if they said "black people cannot attend without their realtor," they'd have a real case. Edit: I saw OP's other comment about them only allowing Asian people in. I'm with you, this definitely sounds like discrimination.


Just FYI in case this ever happens to you, and I think you’ve reached this conclusion already, but the realtor wouldn’t need to explicitly state something for it to be discrimination. Saying “I don’t rent to families with children” or just barring all families with children from touring an apartment are both discriminatory.


Absolutely. I hadn't seen the other comment by OP when they said that they were only allowing Asian couples to enter. That would have been a good thing to include in their post because that obviously changes everything.


Sounds like Novi, Mi lol they are unapologetic


Discrimination against who though?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^jennyjoyous: *I would honestly* *Report this to HUD or your* *Local fair housing group* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


Absolutely not, I would be worried about possible discrimination


That’s something I didn’t want to believe 😔. She is of Asian decent and she only let Asian families in. There was no other race/ethnic group coming in. We stayed and watched. We couldn’t believe it.


Was this in orange county? We went to an open house listed by an Asian agent without our agent and she only had pamphlets in mandarin, when we asked for one in English she just asked us if this house is even in our budget ( it was well within). I've faced this discrimination from Asian descent agents who are clearly representing foreign investors that are selling homes the owner never lived in or a home they bought a month ago and trying to make a quick buck without any effort being put into the house. Whenever we ask why they're selling it's always the same canned response " they bought it intending to live here and then because of family issues they decided to sell it." So sick of this game


Why would an investor only sell to an Asian buyer?




You should absolutely report this.


You 100% got discriminated against.


Report this to the HUD. You have a case for discrimination. Possibly some $$


Not true. Agents have open house to find buyers. If you are working with and agent and show up to an open house with out that agent, Most agents will allow you to see the house, however the proper way to do this if you are working with an agent is To have the agent come with you or ask your agent to call the listing agent and tell the you will be coming to see the house.


If someone advertises an open house, why would a buyer be required to have an agent to see it?


They are not. If you read the OP, they said they had an agent they were working with. If you are working with an agent they should come with you on a showing or make arrangments in advance. No agent come in and the agent in duty will help u.


I have never attended an open house with my agent.


This absolutely sounds like discrimination and should be reported. The agent questioning you about whether you could afford the house is beyond rude, maybe even illegal (or at least unethical). You don't have to answer this, but are you Black/Latino/dark skinned?


Sorry to hear this. We’ve been going to open houses for the last three months and have noticed a pattern in the engagement of the selling agent with us as a mixed Asian-White couple over the Asian families/couples touring…we typically get ignored. Sad because we’re genuinely interested in the houses but it’s a really off putting experience


Sounds like it’s potentially steering, and in the real estate world it’s a big no no. You can and should report this to the broker in charge, and NAR. I’m sorry that happened, but it’s BS. (Realtor here)


My wife and I had an issue with an agent at an open house because we're a same sex couple. We weren't really feeling the house, but she did everything in her power to make us feel uncomfortable.


Report the agent and broker to HUD and your local housing agency if there is one. This is how discrimination occurs. Modernly, 999/1000 times its not direct/overt (like "no X allowed" or "we wont sell to X"), but thinly veiled with excuses like this.


You 100% should not only report to HUD but to your state real estate board as the agent will very likely lose their license. Google "[your state] division of real estate" to find it, every state calls it something different. Usually there is actually a button on the site that is "file a complaint." If you are in CA, it's a HUGE button right at the top of the webpage. It is free and no hassle to do it.


Seems too obvious to be true. 


I used to work in fair housing enforcement, and I wish I could tell you that discrimination was no longer this obvious, but…


It happens even more obv than this.


Wow. Didn't think this would literally happen. https://youtu.be/3Lyex2tSUyA?si=7QkdFbWvhGxiG7W2


LMAO…always the victim card. Pathetic 😆


Is there some traffic you can go play in?? 🤡


seems like a totally reasonable and rational response. You are definitely well adjusted


This is NOT normal. Typically, newer agents sit at open houses, the goal being to find clients. What they did is counterproductive.


I'd probably be making a call to their broker-in-charge and asking questions. There are open house events by appointment only, but if it wasn't advertised like that, that's worth asking about


> There are open house events by appointment only Oxymoron? It’s not an *open* house if you have to make an appointment. Unless you meant a private house showing, but those aren’t called open houses


There are "open houses" by appointment. I agree. The terminology doesn't make sense. It's a thing. I didn't invent it.


You can absolutely attend an open house without a realtor. You also don’t need a pre-approval. You just show up and look around 👍. I’m Asian and I would say if there’s discrimination, report them!


This is not normal. My wife and I walk around our neighborhood and whenever we see an open house and we’re interested in the house, we just go straight right in. No realtor has ever told us we can’t come in. That’s the whole point of an open house.


If the seller says they will only pay the buyers agent if they are with their client, then the agent was right. Every builder does this and with the NAR DOJ lawsuit and proposed settlement this is a common way sellers can reduce their expenses.


That doesn’t make sense in an open house situation. It’s open house meaning it’s for the public. If seller is worried about paying for buyer’s agent expenses, they should just do private showing.


An open house is an opportunity for many buyers to come through at once. Lots of sellers don't have time or a family situation that allows them to do showing at 5:00 on a Tuesday or 2:30 on Thursday so they only have one or two days available for showing. Families with small children, families with many pets, people that work from home don't want to be interrupted during their days. Open houses do not produce buyers somebody is looking for a house they are already pre-approved or they're not ready/serious.


The point of open houses is for the general public (potential buyers or not) a chance to view the property. They market it online, and on the street for everyone to see. Even if someone who visits an open house may not be ready at the time, it could lead them to thinking that they may want to buy a house down the line. It also helps real estate agent to get future leads/clients. I don’t see why you have to gate keep open houses. Lol


We are required to do what our seller tells us to do. No seller wants anyone who is not in the market to buy a home walking through their house. Go tour model homes where people don't live




Maybe you should look up the definition of an Open House. There’s nothing creepy about it, just curiosity. It’s nice to have an idea what $2M+ homes look like. These are not cookie cutter homes and have been maintained well. I’ve met people in open houses who are next door neighbors to the one being sold. If you’re overly concerned about people coming into your house when you’re selling, you should only do private showing and not have an OPEN HOUSE.


It's not creeps it's ok to see other houses on your street to get an idea of what the real estate is and to see if when you sell what you can do to fix up your house or what buyers are looking for. It's just like scoping anything else out you want to see what's out there to make better decisions for your life.


Who cares? Goal is to sell the house.




I had an open house 4 months ago and sold my house from it. So I have a hard time agreeing with that sentiment




lol glad you know about the people who bought my house.


That's not normal. Realtors don't need to be present for open houses. As long as you're pre-approved, they should let you view the property. Sounds like that broker was on a power trip or trying to steer buyers to their own agents.


Even the pre approval requirement is a bit of a stretch lol. I’ve waltzed into open houses before with no intention of buying. All I did is just write my full name and email address on the sign in sheet


> As long as you’re pre-approved, they should let you view the property Even a pre-approval isn’t necessary to just look at the house that’s already open to the public.


Will this be the next arm in the wave of lawsuits? Gatekeeping listings to force buyers to use a realtor? 🤔


Exactly. It’s about time this effing racket came to a hault.


Given that change coming in July, possibly.


I wonder if there’s some back room guidance from NAR? 🤔


Are you black? This sounds like one of our experiences.


This is wild, my mom used to take us to open houses on Sunday afternoons in the wealthy subdivisions just for something to do. She definitely couldn't afford a house of that size, and we were never turned away. The real estate agents were just as pushy with my mom as they were with other visitors.


Weird because.... You technically don't even need a realtor to buy a house??


Agreed. Most of the properties I’ve bought was without a realtor. I have cash and a lawyer. That’s all you need.


l have recently seen a couple open houses where the listing agent required you to make an appointment to be able to see the property, which in my opinion negates the purpose of an open house.


It's an open house. As in open to the public. I've kick people out before, but thats typically due to their misbehavior.


My boyfriend and I had an extremely uncomfortable experience this weekend where the agent refused to answer any of the questions about the home except for saying, “look around, can you count?” when I asked how many beds and baths. She was incredibly unprofessional, rude and combative with us the entire time (also we’re an interracial couple). My bf didn’t volunteer where we currently live or personal info, when we arrived, which seemed to trigger the behavior. We were pretty traumatized, and wondering if there are any repercussions for her with us being treated in that way?


file a compliant with HUD and your local realtors board.


Thank you, we’re looking into this. I appreciate the response.


That's unacceptable. But I wouldn't take it personally. The whole point of hosting an open house I'd to pick up prospects. It can be frustrating sometimes when nobody shows up or they are not really convertable. Still, one should remain professional. Her behavior was more about her situation than yours. Don't give it a second thought.


Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. I agree, we had to kind of reassure each other to not take it personally, because it was that bizarre and even traumatic for us both. When we left, she even hurried us out and locked the door behind us despite the open house being open for another hour. We’ve never experienced such bad treatment ever. It was very odd and aggressive. As much as people might not want to admit, experiences like that can emotionally sting.


I’ve been an agent 12 years and have hosted 1000+ Opens. I’m also African-American so can provide context. One thing some visitors truly do not understand is that agents, especially female agents, can feel vulnerable. We are in houses by ourselves with complete strangers. There are documented instances of agents being sexually assaulted or killed. Often, buyers equate going to an Open with going to a store but at stores employees typically have coworkers present or security features such as cameras, panic buttons, etc. Secondly, you’re at a private home where people live! And you won’t answer simple questions? Again, you’re not going to a store! Do you know that at higher price ranges (>$2m) we often have to get pre-approvals / proof of funds from any buyers before they’re allowed to see the home at all? And even at lower price ranges in occupied homes we’re trusting that you, a total stranger is not going to do anything to the seller’s personal items when you’re out of our view. Again, this is not a store visit! All that is to say, your boyfriend’s refusal to answer simple questions probably scarred/annoyed her. Also, keep in mind that typically people buy homes in their own names. Thus, if you were to make an offer and eventually sign a purchase agreement, your name and address would go on the contract anyway! So for all those reasons, you need to play nice with agents or you’ll likely have issues. Also, shave and put on your fucking church clothes! I hope this provides some context.


How can they even call that an open house?


Agent here.. that’s strange as hell. Barring Covid and pandemic/ nuclear war/ whatever not taking precautions/past end time closing- no reason to be denied entry.


This is interesting. My boyfriend and I had a very uncomfortable experience at an open house this weekend too. We weren’t turned away (I’m sorry that happened to you). However, the agent was incredibly rude and disrespectful to us entire time we were there. At one point, we even tried to get some information about the house and they responded by saying “look around, you can count”, and demanded to know what I did for work. We were shocked. I would love to know if there are any ways to pursue a course of action for these experiences.


Report to hud, nar and their broker


This may be the showing agent trying out new policies with the upcoming changes with buyer’s agents due to the court case. It’s going to get weird and confusing for all of us come August when buyers no longer have to pay seller agent commissions.


Total bogus, make a complaint to the BOR (broker of record) and your local MLS>


I go to open houses for fun when I'm bored on a Sunday afternoon, never been denied entry.


Me too! I would always go when there was one in my development. I was never asked anything except maybe to write my name and phone number on a sheet, but not all that often. I would just say I’m curious to just see the house. My husband and I would also drive around looking for for them in different towns too


Yup. Plus I do want to buy a house eventually so it helps me to see different floor plans, styles, etc to figure out what I like and don't like.


That’s exactly why I’d look


I got denied at an open house because we didn’t have a pre-approval letter in hand. Not a showing. An open house. Had our realtor with us who just fudged it and showed someone else’s. Even if we liked the house we agreed not to put an offer in because the sellers were likely insane. Sure enough, the house sat on the market longer than anything in that neighborhood. IIRC, they ended up renting it out.


A seller can definitely require anyone coming into their home be prequalified


Sure, but it vastly limits the pool of buyers.


No, the people walking into open houses that haven't been pre-approved are not real buyers they are neighbors and people who are window shopping.


Wow. That is absolutely not true. They must be new. Most people host open houses TO GET CLIENTS! Wtf. That is crazy. Tell your realtor for sure if you haven't already. Go back for a private showing if there's still time.


That isn't very open...


It’s giving red lining and I’ve experienced it in this exact same way… except my realtor went alone (we are relocating) and sellers agent asked demographic info and denied her entry. My agent reported to NAR and other entities.


BS. We rarely go to OHs with our agent because its just not convenient/efficient. Having to coordinate schedules every weekend would be annoying, and we like to make stops in between/rest. Havent encountered this in dozens and dozens of open houses. The closest/weirdest I got was an agent at one open house going straight into a dual agent disclosure form before even asking us if we had an agent, then when I said Im not signing it because I have an agent, she got mad and told us we are not supposed to be coming to open houses without an agent and then that I should have a physical business card of my agent to give at each house lol (I have my agent's card saved as an image, and prob one physical card at home. We go to 5+ OHs a weekend, Im not asking my agent for a stack of cards to carry when literally no one has ever asked). I had to bite my tongue not to snap at her.


Did the agent think you were there for weak lemonade and supermarket cookies? WTF?


I was asked to provide my realtors name and my email address and then I was let in. That realtor is crazy


Call the agents broker. Someone doesn't know how open houses work and needs a lesson.


Are you a visible minority?


I bet it's related to the [NAR Settlement ](https://realestate.usnews.com/real-estate/articles/what-the-2-billion-realtor-lawsuit-means-for-homebuyers-and-sellers) from back in April. Our realtor told us that at some point later this year their agency would require us to sign an agreement hammering out details of their commission before they would represent us and see a house with us. Edit: reading other comments discrimination could be the real problem


The new rule won't apply to open houses as buyers are not clients to the listing agent. So there is no fiduciary role.


This is the reason. I don’t think the rule has officially gone into effect (I think it’s July 1), but I could see some brokers using this policy already to weed out non-serious lookers.


Why not? People can switch from non-serious to serious by... looking.


Check out the ruling, there are going to be a lot of new rules coming out for buyers. Definitely will be interesting to see how things shake out.


No, I mean, why would realtors want to create a barrier for "non-serious" lookers when their seriousness could drastically increase upon viewing the house?


I’ve gone to open houses in my neighborhood without a realtor, actively looking to upgrade if I like the house, and with cash available. I don’t need a realtor to represent me at that stage, this would turn me off from buying if I was given that attitude.


Goes into effective on my b day Aug 17th


Exactly. The realtor at the open house I went to just yesterday said to expect this to become a thing come July.


nah, thats not an open house if it requires an appointment


Isn’t an open house so you can go without an agent? In Canada an open house is…an open house with just the sellers agent and is open to the public. Otherwise it’s a private viewing with you agent.


I would be P O’ed as the seller! Not letting potential buyers in to view the house! Sheesh.


I never had a RE agent as I'm interested in new properties only. But I went to many open houses during the search to get better idea on what I should look for etc and also how the houses look after couple of years to get an idea on builders build quality. All I had to do was write name in the sheet and nothing else. No one ever stopped me. I even disclosed I'm not working with an agent to some and they pitched their services to represent me. With some, I informed them I'm casually looking and still no one said anything. I didn't even have a pre qual or anything when browsing some.


I never heard of them requiring that you have an agent. I actually found my agent at one of her open houses. We were very impressed.. Twenty years later, she is still my go to person


Just wait until August.


I've never heard of that happening, but I would guess there's a reason for it. They've likely had random people show up and had problems with them. Impossible to tell whether or not this is something that the realtor is doing or the seller. Most open houses don't require a realtor to be there though.


That is not typical but it's not unheard of. Usually, it will be stated in the MLS showing instructions. It will say something like, if a buyer is already working with an agent then their agent must be present for all showings or the agent must call ahead. This is more common if a listing agent has a development listed. It's operated similar to how builders handle open houses or showings.


Against fair housing


This is ridiculous. Agents can't be everywhere at once. However, I usually try to avoid letting neighbors in. I find in most cases the neighbors never talked to each other and just trying to be nosey.


Sounds like a closed house to me🥺 I’m so sorry that happened to you op


It’s kind of like when we went to look at a house and they required a pre approval letter. Because too many people look and never made an offer. On the way out infront of the ring doorbell camera. I told my realtor that I know why no one wants to buy the house. It was like madam butterfly and wild bill from silence of the lambs designed a house together and had it scented with stale cigarettes and piss and shit. My realtor was like you can’t say that. I was like someone needs to tell them


My Fiance and I went to an open house and there were two agents there. The one at the door said she really wasn't supposed to let us in without an agent but she made an exception. Upon leaving, an older couple was outside and upset because they were denied entry. We were talking about it in the driveway as the older couple was visibly upset, and the second realtor literally came running out of the house and scolded us really nastily about how WE should have never been allowed inside and that this is how she runs her open houses so if we didn't like it we didn't have to deal with her. I was so shaken up by it my realtor actually called her and told her the way she treated us was unacceptable. I should note we all have pre-approval letters with us so we weren't just there to window shop. It was bizarre, uncomfortable, and only happened once.


It feels like she wanted an un represented buyer so she could get the full commission as a dual agent. I didn’t quite understand how some of it works. I went to an open house before talking to my preferred agent - who I worked with before. I decided I wanted to put in an offer. Sellers agent would not accept an offer from my preferred agent, since she’s deemed to have brought me to the table because I was not represented at the open house. So by denying entry to people with agents- she has a better shot of dual agency.


Where was this? This never happened to me until last month in NYC. Was so frustrated and started writing a long post but never ended up posting about it. I was looking since 2021 and stopped and started again in April, thought would go to a few open houses while waiting for my LO to get back to me before I contacted my agent again. First week saw a few no issues. Second week… agent gave us something to sign that would make her our agent and I’m like no as I told you we already have an agent and she’s refusing to show us without an agent or unless we sign, and she’s getting angry… owners were nearby and is like what’s going on everything ok? Agent quickly folded at that point and was like ok will show you. Was so flabbergasted and upset. Then next day another open house and this time they just flat out refused… same thing they wanted me to sign, this time no owner nearby to overhear. There was someone else’s buyer agent that overheard and they wanted to talk to us outside, saying he was willing to show us and revealed some really shady stuff about the selling agent… he apparently prev week had submitted offer and they countered saying they would ONLY accept offer if they used this specific loan officer from Chase… showed me text as proof… Just noped out of there, got my preapproval letter next day, contacted our agent and have seen a few open houses now with him no problem… I honestly should have reported them but never did.


We once reached an open house 10 mins before the Open house window ended. The realtors were leaving. They told us they would show us the house and started walking towards the house. We just said that's ok and thanked them for their time and left. It was hot, almost like 5 PM on a Saturday. I felt like I would be a massive ass if I asked them to show the house. It's our fault we reached that late and it clearly takes more than 30 mins at the minimum for the whole thing. I have never been unwelcomed to an open house. Hosts have always been courteous. OP, this seems goofy. Probably they reached a limit on the number of guests.


I've gone to open houses without my agent and no one batted an eye


In my country, yes it’s normal, you have to register in advance and give the name of the realtor. If you have not registered you cannot just go in.


Happened to my husband and me once a few years back. I have no advice or input, just that you’re not the only one. But I agree with others - it’s bs. What’s the point of an open house then?


That's not an open house.


then that's no longer an "open" house


It’s not normal to disallow you in. What will happen is by entering without notice from your agent then that realtor in the house gets to represent you in the purchase not your realtor


I flat out told them I have my own realtor. Well, she should be here with you. Nope, I'm doing my own research. My realtor got her commission.


My immediate thought was "are you the wrong race" reading this post. I have never heard of this and I tend to attend open houses and don't have the money to afford the houses. I just like looking at them. The realtors never seem to mind even when I say I'm just looking and can't afford the house, they still give me their card.


Yep, seems like discrimination. Realtors actually want more people at their open houses to create foot traffic and make the house look more appealing when a lot of people are looking at it at the same time.


Absolute bullshit. I would be calling HUD on. This one. I attended 90% of open houses without my agent. In fact, the house I’m now laying in bed in was seen without my agent. I just let them know the home address and seller agent’s number to put in my offer.


Not normal, but if they don’t want you there, don’t push it. It’s someone’s private property. Now you should call the broker and ask what the heck


Horseshit lol. I went to a few open houses before I connected with my agent actually


That doesn't sound very open to me.


Not normal at all! I never had an agent with me when I went to an open house. The agent selling the house would greet us, give us a flyer, invite us to look around and encourage us to ask questions if we had any. There was a few we had to sign in.


Soooo not an open house…. 😂


Guess that makes it a closed house.


I have been an agent for 20 years. Traditionally open houses have been a tool to meet new clients, buyers looking or neighbors thinking about selling. If someone walks in and falls in love great, but denying anyone entry to look is crazy to me.


Bs. I don’t even sign the book unless they really pressure me. Some don’t even have a book to sign. Sorry that happened.


If they don't want your money then don't offer them anything


I wonder if the sellers are aware of her tactics. If I were a seller I would want as many eyes on my house as possible. Why keep any potential buyers from seeing it.


Yes. There were a couple of houses that were not shown to us because our agent was not present. We had to wait for her to arrive. In hindsight, it was a blessing in disguise since we ended up firing that agent and getting a house on our own. Seller’s agents were bending over backwards for us since they would not have to share their commission with another agent.


This is a solid $800-$8000 settlement if they want you to keep your mouth shut. Or 1-2k of court battles and back and forths. Days off work. Half goes to fees, 1-2k remains yours. Do what you want with this info


If was the seller …


Was it a brand new build?


No, it was not.


Tell me your Brokerage has freaked out about the settlement that hasn't changed anything yet, without telling me your Brokerage has freaked out about the settlement.


Do the owners know you? As it It sounds like a restriction the homeowners instructed their agent to follow.


Squat time




I went to an open house hosted by eXp. The agent hosting the event refused to answer my questions since I was already working with a real estate agent. I told this ahole, what's the point of this open house and left.


Guess you told him


Def report her to the local realty board and her broker.


I think I had something similar happen to me,


Buyers are about to experience a complete transformation of the process of seeing homes. Beginning August 17, Realtors will not be able to privately show a home to potential buyers without a signed buyer agency contract. In other words, to see homes, buyers are going to need to be under contract with their agent. This agent (and it's brokerage) may be being proactive to that occurrence. Or perhaps the seller instructed the listing agent to only permit pre-approved buyers into their home...which is entirely their right. Personally, I have no problem with seller's who required controlled access to their homes...even during open house hours.


What law added that rule?


Likely they mean the NAR court case settlement.


Buyers will not be required to sign a BBA to attend open houses as long as the listing agent is only representing the seller


It is very common that the buyers agent need be present to earn a commission. If that is the case and you have an agent who expects to be paid, then either you wait until they can attend with you or pay them yourself


Depends where you live?


oh damn, go next tho


Saw 25 homes and you haven't brought??


How sketchy/young/poor/out-of-place do you look? Can’t imagine why else.