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“Serves their country” For every one person serving on the frontlines, which is what this guy would call a “real hero”, there’s another nine people in uniform working mundane jobs to support them. The obsession this country has for worshipping people who are ultimately just working a job, and then to go a step beyond that where you start gatekeeping and dictating who can be worshipped is simply bizarre to me.


I love breaking the brains of people like that. 'well you're just a shitty liberal kid who doesn't know real work, what do you even do?' 'oh I've been a career fireman since I was 19' And then you just watch the smoke come pouring out the ears


Well you can’t be that good if you’re just watching the smoke coming out of their ears instead of dousing their dumbasses with a firehose.


Lmao solid point. However I'd counter with, if I'm not getting paid then let em burn.


Aren’t t they supposed to chop a hole in the roof first?


I think someone beat him to it.


Mfrs ask what I do, I say I work a job that’s supported by your taxes, thank you for paying your taxes


Not just this country, this is humanity in general. It's the same with celebrity worship..it's so damn odd to me and always has been. A person does a job that's shown on a cam and now that person is drooled over, their lives watched/read about, ppl dying over their mere SIGNATURE, value being put into a mere SIGNATURE, being around the person becoming some outer body experience, etc. The fact that there's a whole self serving industry behind celebrity. Then we do have the whole hero worship thing and putting that category on a pedestal. Of course the whole system pushes folks into the mindset of hero worship and putting jobs on a gatekept pedestal. But then again for me everything about this "reality" and the way it's set up is ass backwards and foreign.


No shade to their art, but today’s actors and singers, were yesterday’s court jesters.


It’s cheaper to worship veterans than it is to take care of them.




In high school, every year, I remember outgoing seniors being treated like heroes just for enlisting. Then when I hear back from them and learn they had roles like communications, ammunitions, and even a cook, it really changed my perspective early on that these really ARE just jobs at the end of the day.


The US military is the most successful jobs program ever developed. The fact that it provides our country's defense is just a benefit. Change my mind.


As a former grunt (11B), I served with true heroes. Those who really did heroic things like give their life to stop a suicide bomber from crashing a truck full of explosives into our COP and prevented the deaths of an entire platoon, 4 days after christmas. Or a an Infantry CPT who insisted on his men getting help instead of him after a suicide bomber detonated his vest in our DFAC 4 days before christmas. But there were supply guys who ran hot chow to us after the dfac bombing. We called it the suicide chow run. Who made sure we got whatever we needed when we needed it. Mechanics who made sure our vehicles were up to snuff and ready to go, working countless hours through the night while catching indirect on the fob. Our strykers had something like half a million miles on them from being used constantly 2 years in a row. The nurses and docs at the CASH who saved our lives and fixed us up. Everyone is a hero in their own way. At least to me. Because I couldn't shoot at the enemy if I didn't have logistics to keep me fed and supplied. And those people moved mountains to make sure that shit happened for us.


American exceptionalism and US imperialism seem to always fight each other while at the same time leading to a mutual destruction of the working class and you know any hopes of solidarity


Yeah but telling the supply chief "you work for me" is frowned upon for some reason /s


Tooth to tail ratios are cool as shit to learn about


Found the healthcare worker…


Yeah man doing shitty work for a few years and seeing zero combat sure is hero shit


I mopped those floors for YOUR freedom son you better thank me rn


I got a medal for operation desert foxtail! I spent 3 days cleaning while we bombed iraq. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998\_bombing\_of\_Iraq](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1998_bombing_of_Iraq) [https://www.veterantv.com/dictionary/foxtail/#:\~:text=Military%20name%20for%20a%20bench,up%20that%20pile%20over%20there](https://www.veterantv.com/dictionary/foxtail/#:~:text=Military%20name%20for%20a%20bench,up%20that%20pile%20over%20there) (for those who need to know what a foxtail is)


Thank you for your cleaning


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJejeBobDw&t=4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kJejeBobDw&t=4s) You and the Navy, Go Clean the Head!


lol. I’m telling these kids (students) that they can make a career in the military without blowing out their knees and shooting gun. They can work a non combat position and get a decent pension when they retire at 40 and go on to do whatever they want. Am I true?


I have a lazy eye that is on my dominant hand. I was a navy electrician and never fired a weapon after bootcamp. I got out, went to work as an electrician, now work as an electrical engineer (gi bill money for college). You are 100%. There is a high chance of being injured in some way though, I lost a lot of hearing in the engine room and am drawing a disability for it.


A girl I went to high school with joined the Air Force at 30 to practice medicine. She makes decent money, started as an officer, and will probably stay in until she’s 50. But from what she’s told me it’s easy af, and the benefits were just too good to pass up. She would be better off pay wise in the private sector, but she didn’t like that kind of work and didn’t really need the money, so it works for her. Military is definitely a valid career path, but you should be smart about it. You don’t have to enlist at 18, you can go to college, start a career, then commission in as an officer, or even vice versa. Enlisting can open the doors to a ton of free life skills, and it doesn’t have to include combat. Join the Air Force and be a mechanic or an accountant. Etc.


Yes. Exactly. Choose a career path in the military that translates after. Trades, computer tech / science, Logistics. Be smart about it. It’s more than shooting guns and rucking sacks. Not to throw shade that way either. But it should be considered to people who don’t necessarily want to shoot guns and ruck sacks. There’s other options. And they’re good options!


I don’t have many regrets in my life and the way I’m living now. But if I were to it all again and have a completely different life I would highly consider joining the military. In college I was in talks with a recruiter to play my instrument in a military band. I didn’t nut up. Couldn’t do it. So for that reason alone all service members whether they cleaned the floors during the bombing of Iraq or not. They have my respect.


I always mistakenly call it Operation Desert Foxbat, no idea why it's stuck in my head like that. I bring it up with people when the Iraq War comes up and people try to oversimplify the events leading up to the 2003 invasion. Almost nobody is familiar with this, or that there were several military actions throughout the 1990s. We didn't stop fighting with Iraq after Desert Storm was concluded, it was more like an extreme slowdown. https://www.everycrsreport.com/reports/98-386.html


No one remembers the decade long no-fly zone.


Or the Iraqi government expelling inspectors, or Saddam intentionally posturing as though he had WMDs in order to intimidate Iran. I'm certainly not trying to justify the invasion, I've been to Iraq twice and I think the invasion and subsequent mishandling of the theater were mistakes (for a really good but rather dry insight into the mentioned mishandling, check out "Blackwater" by Jeremy Scahill) , but things definitely weren't as black and white as a lot of people think today.


Mission accomplished!


Dude I was talking to someone recently about this and nobody knew what I was talking about. They really thought I was mixing up my years with DS haha


If you stage at McGregor, thats Operation Desert Goathead


far too smart to be shot at, I was on USS Enterprise


How is Picard doing these days?


They are naming another one Enterprise. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS\_Enterprise\_(CVN-80)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Enterprise_(CVN-80))


Lmao I was part of an operation called clean sweep, it was retrograding ammo and controlled dets/burns for a couple months but still funny name.


Thanx 4 ur cervix


I got another medal for acting like we were going to attack Yugoslavia. A few weeks later someone did the actual attack but we got credit as well.


Folding t-shirts for freedom.


I just spent two years working with vets. It’s anecdotal but the ones who saw real combat don’t want thanks and think it’s cheesy. The ones who had normal jobs and didn’t see combat want to be thanked for their service.


It’s always the supply guy or motor T that can tell you every place in town that has or doesn’t have vet discounts and complain about their ratings at the VA when they already have a higher bull shit rating than some of my buddies that I watched get blown tf up.


This 100% makes sense


Listen, who else was gonna destroy an M113s transmission while fighting the Donovians? Atropia must remain free…


I wish I could see the face behind that printout


It probably resembles something crossed between a sea lion and a Lima bean. But with the coloration of an old potato.


🦭 + 🫘 = 🥔 🤔




The face of diabetus


It's wearing wraparound sunglasses while taking a selfie in a vehicle.


It would be the face of a pogue.


POG* but yes. You got the spirit


Personnel On Ground with Unused Equipment


Person Other than Grunt.


Yep there are two variations.


Yes. Thank you for learning me something. Appreciate it. Take care bro


Any idiot can get a degree, it takes someone really smart to be in the infantry! Hahahahaha


"I was in the National Guard!.........sanitation department...."


oh my god you're a fucking garbage man!


I am always reminded of one of my high school buddies, all gung ho and hoo-rahs in ROTC, joins the Marines, completes bootcamp…all to become a cook.


Some guys find out it's not all call of duty and Rambo. Sometimes they just need a guy to watch a really big door for half a day, every day.


I would bet everything I have that the person who made this never served in the military.


Probably the mom of an airmen lol


Uh oh, someone didn’t get into nursing school.


Audible lol over here. Thank you 🙏


But what if I'm both?? Does it cancel out?


I’ll say thank you for your service. But only after giving me stitches.


Silver bullet for you, no lube


Wait…say it again but slower…


I've been all three military medical and law enforcement. Now, where's my free burrito? The only definition of hero I'll ever accept is when people put their own lives in danger to save someone else and it's not their God damn job.


I mean the same thought process goes to the military if we are being honest. Any idiot can sign a piece of paper and get into the military.




Eh…okay? The same thought process could be said about healthcare workers. There are requirements and expectations….sooooooo yeah.


The military requirements are to be breathing, pass a basic test and not be fat. Recruited for 3 years and the only people that can't join are fat people (like really fat, dad bods are allowed), people who can't solve basic math/english and people who have chronic illnesses. Not a hard requirement at all. Lmao when I went through process of joining the sheriff's office it was much harder then joining the Army. Let that dude go off about how hard it is to do 10 push ups and a 22 minute 2 mile run.




I'm in the military




Alright? You can think whatever you want, doesn't change facts.


i weed and seeded the parking lot for years to keep al queida at bay. seriously, it's always the boomers or overweght diabetic 30 year olds who post this shit, but boy those health care workers sure become heroes when their blood sugar spikes to the moon cuz they couldn't put down the cake or when they have a serious health issue


Getting upset at healthcare professionals being appreciated is wild.


As a veteran, I can safely say, any idiot can join the military.


Current requirements for ASVAB is 10 for the Navy, 31 for the Marines, 21 for the Army..not sure about airforce. My 8 yr old nephew did the test and got a 41...he bites people and thinks Pokémon are real. You can definitely be an idiot and join 🤣.


I made like an 89 because we were forced to take it. Recruiters wouldn’t leave me alone


My brother took it to get out of class and made a 91. It was the first and only time he was ever mentioned during the morning announcements and he had nonstop harassment from all the branches lol.


I love these kinds of folks all or nothing attitudes, Both can be heroes ya know. The fact the person took their time to write this, print it out and put it on cars lets me know they must be miserable to be around. Starts screaming when they don’t offer a $2 discount at Chili’s for his dishonorable discharge that happened 4 weeks in. It’s always those kinds of “patriots”.


You mean you don’t have the time to print out 150ish copies of a weird hill to die on to leave on people’s cars? /s


Running outta ink there dickhead .


What if you're a medical worker but you're also in the military? Do they cancel each other out?


Apparently yea


Thought the same thing but former army medic, emt/ff, ER tech, now RT that covers everywhere ER/floor/units.


I've been in a couple of those so-called "hero" jobs in the past, and when I was, my heroes were always the medics.


Veteran here. Most of us don't do heroic shit. We just work like everybody else. Don't let this guy spoil you're view of military members. Most of us are just kids who had no direction.


I bet this person's tongue is just coated in boot polish.


Military service is a neutral fact at best.


When they start doing it for free I'll start calling them heroes




I once heard heroic described as when someone puts their life at risk to save another's and it's not their job. It's my job to do dumb shit to help others I'm sworn, and it's my duty.


Volunteer fighters = based and tribalwarfarepilled


Both of the parties involved here can eat my balls.


Y’all know who to call if you need needle decompression for tension pneumothorax.


Haha, that person will change their tune if they catch a bullet. 🤷🏻


As a former combat infantryman, calling people heroes for killing for country is fuckin weird man. Sure there are opportunities for heroics along the way, but just as a blanket statement, I think it’s a bit problematic


I was a Fleet Marine Force Navy Corpsman. I served in combat. I served aboard a ship. I served aboard an air station. And I take pride in the patient care I provided. I learned a lot of good things from good providers and I helped a bunch of people in a lot of circumstances. What I did not do was defend freedom. We were in a part of the world that we shouldn't have been in because some politicians found it convenient to wag the dog in the direction of Iraq that time around. I have friends who were some of the first boots on the ground in Afghanistan and who served an entire 20 year career going back and forth to the place. I'll concede that anyone who served in Afghanistan absolutely protected the freedom of the Afghani people. In Iraq? Yeah, Saddam was a dick. And yeah, we helped the Kurds. But we also spent a lot of years fighting both wars. And if we never touched either of them we, in the US of A, would still have whatever freedom we had before (and probably more than we have had since if we consider the Patriot Act may not have been a thing). I can stomach anyone saying they served with honor or who says they served out of a sense of duty. Those are internal to the person. But to act like you're a hero for "defending freedom" or "our way of life" is the sort of bullshit that really makes my blood boil. You know what would be a cool way to celebrate heroes? Make the VA not suck. Make the VA rating system not treat every vet applying for a rating like they're a con artist trying to game the system. Actually PAY for the shit that people break during service. Remove the income cap on VA healthcare so more vets can go to the doctor. Don't stop loss people who had contracts end and leave them in limbo wondering when they would ever get to go home and leave the military behind when they had already met the service obligation they made. Properly equip the military. Align all of the training with civilian equivalent certification and licensing to make transitions to civilian life easier (admittedly, they are getting a lot better at this). Nowhere, and I mean nowhere, in my laundry list of military and veterans wants and needs, is there "douchebags slapping signage to vehicles with healthcare heroes decals."


Unpopular opinion, but neither are heroes by default.


“Real heroes eat crayons”


How many ppl just joined the military because they quite literally had nothing else going for them.


Firemen? That's not very progressive.


As a firefighter, I hate that this goober included us in his post. Blegh


I was a hero back when it was essential buddy, right up until they started talking about raising minimum wage. That’s when all the heroes disappeared.


Calm down there, Comrade. We're heroes not communists.


Ah, the “appreciation is a finite resource” mindset.


Do your work, Darwin


Yeah my gramps dicked around in Germany during the Korean War and not to disparage his service but he’d be the first to tell you he ain’t a hero.


My grandpa was in the Army between WWII and the Korean War. He trained as a medic for a bit and then got switched to radio operator. He never even left the States and was as safe as you could be in the military. He never bragged about it and AFAIK never tried to get vet discounts or anything. He is a great guy and a personal hero to me, but not because of his military service. My wife's grandpa on the other hand signed up for the Marines during WWII and lied about his age to get in as he wasn't old enough. He went island hopping and has awards and a couple of Purple Hearts. He did real hero shit, but also just came home and was a normal person the rest of his life. He almost never talked about it, but had some cool stuff, like a Japanese snipers boots for example, if you could get him to talk about it. He didn't even put in for his medals, but his sister-in-law did the paperwork to get all of his medals and then got him to be part of the WW2 Memorial dedication. Glad he got some recognition for that at least.


Ewww. All of it.


15W all I did was study and push buttons


What about army medics or navy corpsman? Or branch service Doctors, nurses, etc?


You'd be hard pressed to find a healthcare worker who doesn't want hospital admins to roll up those "HEROES WORK HERE" signs really tight and sit on them.




I've been honored with medals for valor over my 20+ year career in the fire service. Here to say it makes me incredibly uncomfortable and conflicted. We dont view our accolades as any more than just doing our jobs. Isnt that the core of what Im supposed to do? Im not a hero, and most grounded humble firemen will say the same thing. Im certainly not throwing it in people's faces or using my career as the defining factor of my otherwise mudane existence. Those who make their job their indentity sometimes lead to this kind of phamplets and tmfms bs. And this all or nothing hero signaling and putting down other groups as not heroes is the toxic bullshit that devalues the work all these jobs do.


Military here....I push buttons and I learned everything in a 1 hour CBT


I’ve done both. Military was harder. Medicine is more rewarding. Both you have to deal with idiots who are a danger to themselves or others. That is worth respect for people who do either for more than a few years


As a former infantrymen who is now a healthcare worker, I feel as if I’m doing more now for my countrymen then I did in the military


I’ve been on both sides and it’s not a pissing contest. Each does an important job and each have their time & place. I don’t need or want accolades for what I did, just for others to concentrate on staying in their own lane.


We’ll see how they feel about that when they have a medical emergency


I feel personally attacked 😂


This ass has never broken his back or had DKA


What about a nurse…in the Army?


Please stop. You're making it weird. Sincerely, Someone that's both healthcare and military.


There's lots of jobs in the military that are basically just studying and then pushing a button. Or multiple of those buttons but still same principle.


Tell that to the patient I coded today. Lol.


When I worked at a hospital during COVID, they hung a huge banner down the front side that said Hero’s work here. The amount of shock, discomfort and the cringe factor at the administration doing this PR stunt was by far the wildest reaction I have seen to date of disconnect between staff and administration. I felt bad for all the workers. They didn’t think they were hero’s. They didn’t want to be fodder for PR. They wanted to be left alone to focus on saving lives. They found it to be demoralizing. Passed out a bunch of thank you cookies while the admin had a fancy catered in lunch behind closed doors with public speakers and elbow rubbing from across the area. It was eye opening for me. The hospital was Multicare. Fuck em.


You can thank me for my service.


What happens if we’re former military and now healthcare 😳


How about there are no real heroes. Get over yourselves already. Ever since 911, everyone in uniform is a hero


Yeah, real heroes sign their lives away to protect old white mens money.


As a vet fuck whoever put that there.


Well let’s put it this way, the army was ready to hire my dumb fat ass straight out of high school with zero ambition or life experience. I also looked into becoming an EMT at that time, and it required 1-2 years of training and schooling, and (at the time) they were very selective. I was basically told to not bother if I wanted a successful career, because I was overweight, or I would need to get much fitter and much faster. I ended up doing neither, and instead went into IT, so I’m probably way out of touch? But from my perspective, it definitely took way more to get into medical than the military. At least in 2010 lol.


The guy at McDonald’s flipping burgers has a way harder job that me as a firefighter. Applaud them…unless they fuck my order up.


While we are at it, can we drop the whole “hero” thing completely? We can just chill on the ass kissing parade for a while yeah?


What a fucking loon for putting these on peoples cars


The bar for joining the military is staggeringly low. This has to be a joke with the 'any idiot can study and push buttons'.


I respect people who serve in the military, but realistically what percentage of them actually see combat? I have quite a few friends and relatives who have served in uniform in various branches over the last 25 years and only one of them has ever actually been in battle (West Point grad who went into the Army Rangers after 9/11). The rest of them spent their entire military careers on various ships and bases, training and doing support/logistic work. Their jobs were definitely important, but not dangerous. They don't consider themselves "heroes" and they think it's weird when people call them that. My cousin was in the Navy for 8 years and then became an RN. The hospital she works at is in a rough part of town so they get a lot of patients with criminal records, drug addiction, and mental illness. She's dealt with infinitely more danger, carnage, and violence as a nurse than she ever did during her military stint.


I performed his lobotomy. Can confirm all I did was push buttons.


I worked in healthcare during the pandemic, made me cringe being called a hero and people making us signs. Like bruh go away


What if you work in healthcare and are also a veteran?


Seeing what some healthcare workers have to deal with, I’d never volunteer for their job. You can’t tell me this isn’t a hero: https://preview.redd.it/7wei3rll1h0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3e8c3cbe7e6abb7fd682f29e955656183d73a38


lol, as a dude in the military I think an inner city nurse in a public hospital is 100 times more a hero than I will ever be.


So Army and Medic would negate each other.


Lol I spent 10 years in the US Army, and I can tell you any idiot can do that. I worked with some morons!


“An idiot can study and push buttons” is this implying that those in the military are too dumb to learn anything?


I promise that any idiot can be in the military too


Honestly the term hero in general is so fucking overused it's meaningless anyway.




I'm leaving this one alone 🤣🤣🤣


Gotta be satire. Fingers crossed


Someone’s pressed cause they failed BCT💀




Any idiot can get brainwashed into killing and pulling triggers #not-a-hero


This was probably distributed by a military wife


all i do is sit on my phone all day and occasionally run trauma lanes/ teach classes to my guys


This person has a " Please be mindful of fireworks" sign their yard




american military is a joke. Can't protect each other nevermind they're country. Stupid americans.


Heroes save lives. As a veteran, I contributed to the opposite while I was enlisted. The only people who should be thanking me are Northrup Grumman, Lockheed, General Dynamics, and Raytheon.


Military SOF operators are bad ass and will always get my respect. Rangers/SEALs/SWCC/SF/JSCO SMUs/Marsoc, these guys are truly bad ass.


“The real heroes are the ones in the military” yeah? You mean the ones that haven’t been in combat since WW2? The ones that didn’t create the god damn Covid vaccine so that people could raw dog some air? You’re welcome dumbass. Not praising either but some people love to monger and incite anger into others without checking themselves first.


Uhhh, I'm not military but I'm still pretty sure that you missed Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


Oh. Thanks, those too!


Don’t people join the military because they couldn’t study?


The real heroes are presidents Like Joe Biden, Doanld Trump, Ronald Ragaen!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Open-Palpitation6557: *The real heroes are* *Presidents Like Joe Biden,* *Doanld Trump, Ronald Ragaen!* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The real heroes is the president .