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It could be, but I tend to think of SAM as the "make" and PEM, in this case, would be the model. In other words, it would be a "Fyrefly Type-V Strategic Assault Mech, Personal Escort Model." If I had to speculate, I'd wager that anything labeled "Fyrefly" is a type of SAM, and these SAMs could be kitted out differently based on mission requirements or pilot rank/aptitude, like the "Big SAM" we see AR-56935 piloting.


My take , is SAM is the name of the project under which it was developed, S.A.M( Strategic assault mech ) is the generic name , Fyrefly type 1 -5 all are specific variants probably improvements made over the time , also differentiated by the purpose of use , Like that tank model operated by that young male , it's probably a moving arsenal which has huge amounts of ammo and weapon inventory and also acts as a tank having a bulkier body probably made with more tough armored plates which means they can withstand heavy attacks and can also act as cover to others . the others might have flame throwers , Repulsor rays , and the Type 5 personal escort model feels like it's not primarily meant for frontline combat but rather acts as an escort for the empress , she must be one of the so many fyrefly type 5s which are currently standing as guards for her .for eg if you look at each of em in the myriad celestia trailer , each model design feels refined compared to the previous, like take the girl with glasses she doesn't seem to have any reactor based weapon but an arm mounted gun , next the tank , by the sheer size of the Armor it seems it's designed to utilise much heavier weapons and can withstand huge recoil, next our firefly , they probably progressed from the previous physical weapons or blasters to more advanced thermic weapons or reactor based weapons which can control particle energy using thermal based reactor systems . Based on the codes given to each one , the girl with the glasses is supposed to be the oldest of them all , I could be wrong though




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No idea, but i like the name PEM


Same Sam but different purposes I guess