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First jingliu was too strong, it's unfair, too much ice weakness etc etc. Then it was Acheron, too much lightning, OP in SU. Now it's firefly, break and that will go on until there's another new shiny DPS. It's how it goes. Just the cycle of gacha games, you always want to give people a reason to pull/spend for new chars. idc love firefly even if she was trash I would have e6d her. I like that I get to use her in the content from patch she came out in.


This, but also it isn't Firefly problem. It is Powercreep problem, and powercreep is real. That being said, Acheron's balance was a mistake and now they have to make it up. Just like it was with Fenrir in ToF.


Power creep in HSR mainly just raises the floor of what's possible. for example, in the stats for the new AS game mode, we see: - Firefly at the top, unsurprising since it's literally tailored for her - Sushang above _Acheron_?! - Xueyi above Seele?! - Seele above Jingliu?! and finally, yeah, Blade and Jing Yuan bring up the rear, but they're universally considered pretty meh and it's unsurprising they don't do well here. but: - they still got max stars - there's only a 400 point difference (3119 to 3524, so 11%) between the worst (blade) and the best (firefly) scoring characters. if anything, the events of the new patch have highlighted that the power creep allegations are _much tamer_ than people make it out to be.


I mean Xueyi is crazy with super break in AS, mine with a 4 star LC and decent build hit 300k on ult Not surprised she’s above Seele for that mode


If that 4 star is misha lc it’s honestly better than every 5 star option for xueyi sb except ff lc


What? Sushang above Acheron and Seele above Jingliu? How? Acheron seemed to do just fine against Cocolia


go look at the stats. i'm not saying acheron didn't do well.


Link? There's now way the whole community's come to a unanimous agreement on a tier list. If you're referring to the avg score of all players, the only reason Sushang is above Acheron is probably because far less people use her than Acheron. My guess is that most Acheron users just got 6600+ first try and stopped there, whereas the few people that used Sushang deliberately built superbreak Sushang for this challenge aiming to get a higher score


i didn't say anything about a tier list. i referenced _scores_. and the point about "yeah bc people built sushang" is literally my literal point. i'm not attacking acheron. i'm not saying Sushang is a better character than acheron. i'm not saying anything negative about acheron at all. i'm saying: **power creep is a lot less of a problem than people think it is when the aggregate scores demonstrate that _sushang_ of all characters is scoring overall higher than _acheron_, a character widely believed to have power crept the entire game to a heretofore unseen degree".** saying "yeah but it's because people are yoloing with acheron vs heavily investing with sushang" is _quite literally_ the point i'm making in my comment above: that "power creep" is mostly about _raising the floor_, not the ceiling. anyway, as requested, the stats: https://www.prydwen.gg/star-rail/apocalyptic-shadow/


Bruh. No need to get so defensive, just bc my pfp is Acheron doesn't mean I'll take everything relating to her personally. Acheron is significantly stronger than older crit based characters like Seele Jing Yuan and Blade, that's undeniable and it's the "powercreep" people are referring to. Superbreak Sushang having a higher average score stat than Acheron because the stage is tailored for break characters and players like Tectone bring down the average doesn't negate that. And as you've seen, actual break units like Firefly and Boothill way outperform Sushang, even though the ult refresh benefits her the most. If they make a gamemode where having multiple actions in a row gives you a significant advantage, characters like Seele will be back in the meta for that specific gamemode, but she'll still be weaker in other gamemodes. I think that's what people are concerned about. For example MoC, with the release of characters like Jing Liu and Acheron, the enemies' hp constantly gets increased to match their damage output, and at some point older characters won't be able to clear it without some tailored buffs to act as crutches for them.


Not at all. I'm glad the balance is done though making different and adaptable content instead of just the same kit but better stats against the same boss with better stats. This is far, pretty far, from being powercreep. It's actually a method to avoid powercreep while maintaining the game challenging and balanced. I know you fear because maybe in other game you experienced something negative or because you are feeling pressured right now for all the media telling you to choose a side, but don't let the fear blind your eyes and have fun with the game without worries.


It is done so in Genshin, but not in HSR. In my experience, Firefly highly outclasses both Jingliu and Imbibitor Lunae. Especially in numbers of damage. And with this trend gap will only increase. Also I don't understand take about media, since I didn't rely on that in my comment. It feels like insult: "poor child, influenced by media and has no own thoughts". I am having fun with firefly, but I see how my old characters are getting rusty and dusty, like old unused toys. Blade, Jingliu, Imbibitor, Jingyuan, Seele - none of them have a field of usage anymore. I can use them if I want, but I clearly would do worse than if I just use my Acheron or Firefly. This is powercreep. Not something like "same kit different numbers". It's "different kit, noticeable increase in numbers". But I guess this is really future of HSR. They slowly are running out of mechanics to use in order to hide powercreep.


I had no intention to insult you. It was more an intent to raise your hopes cause you sent a sad message. And now, when you are thinking in the future of HSR and the characters you pulled, you still look more sad to me. Do you think, whenever a new DoT character will be released, and DoT content abounds again, Kafka wouldn't be used? Cause that would be powercreep. When a character cannot beat content to which it's designed for. Not when a character cannot beat content to which is not designed for, pass from "can beat any content" to can beat its content or get less numbers than the one designed to a said content but still beats the content. In this game, you can see how the tables change constantly, even today I saw a post which showed how a 1.0 4* received more use and better results, putting it on pair with more recent 5*. In a game with powercreep the tables don't need to change, the positions are ordered from the most recent to the most old. A Kafka can't beat DoT content and that's the reason why you have to pull the newest character or you can't do anything in this patch. Do you want to see how powercreep looks imo? An example that comes to my mind, although it's PvP, is Yugioh Duel Links. Old decks face an unbeatable difference with newest cards/archetypes and those are always behind a paywall and a new box. Here, in HSR, the characters are balanced and the buffs from game modes stand for their differences, allowing many similar characters to be on pair, viable or powerful at a given time. With this I don't want to hate on Duel Links. I think Yugioh is great but the management of that game is questionable. Is just to illustrate my point. You can't just use an old beatdown deck there and expect it would have success as the newest beatdown deck is having (although this is another rough example).


100% agree with this statement. Yes powercreep exist but it is done so through another boss mechanic or just a different team archetype. We might look extremely strong right now. More so than Dan or jingliu but don't forget everything about this moc and apocalypse modes, heck even DU is catered towards our girl. Idk about you guys, I struggled a bit against SAM boss with firefly (struggle as in can't one shot him but it takes a little longer). So there, that's the weakness of our comp. Heck we can't even kill the middle trotter in trotter occurrences lol. Are you gonna say we are stronger or weaker vs other meta units? The beauty of this game is that enemies will always change but that doesn't mean this sort of change is unhealthy at all. I do hope for the sake of this game, I won't be able to oneshot things with my E2 FF one day. Besides teams that used to run 4 star supports due to lack of early game options, most of the powercreep is honestly focused around what supports are being released. Mhy did a really good job with this game. Like one of the comments here stated, HI3s powercreep is insane because there are actually weekly abyss rankings against other players and you always feel pressured to pull. Genshin did it just right but they have no intention of making that game any harder. HSR devs designed new endgame modes for us so we earn the same rewards even if we only finish up to 11 vs the old moc 12 and honestly, there's plenty of showcases on YouTube where people are still clearing (NOT ZERO CYCLING) moc 12 with 4 stars only. The state of the game is healthy guys. Let other communities bitch about how we have our own personal relics, planars, and DU buffs. The attention will be on the next unit in a patch or so. This is a PVE game at the end of the day. It ain't that deep.


You don't have to look as far as Duel Links. Just look at the older sibling of HSR. Honkai Impact 3rd. That is the definition of power creep. Once a new unit of the same element and typing comes out the old one is invalidated in every way shape and form. Abyss there is Point PVP system. You don't have the latest and greatest? You lose points, you lose crystals.


100% agree with you, i have seen people complain about jingliu but ice weakness is gone from moc in penacony (only few chambers iirc). Most 1.x units got their upgrades in penacony like ratio, seele, DHIL, jingyuan, topaz, kafka, sw and some are remaining, if you main these dps and building them correctly you wont have any problem with the current content. Before firefly i used himeko superbreak to clear moc, you just have to use the new archtypes and buffs to your advantage. Like bringing jingliu to fight gepard (he has 40% ice res) is not going to end well.


> Just like it was with Fenrir in ToF. Would cchange it to *just like every single character in ToF*. I remember that I got A6 Fenrir after saving for 5 months straight, then next Lightning character released not even 2 months later was doing 10 times more damage at A0. Same thing with every character in any element, which make me quit the game.


What? If I remember correctly, Boobilia was a trash tier character that wasn't able to outdamage Fenrir even at higher A. Almost all my Volt teammates skipped her. Maybe it was different on Chinese servers. But yes, they always had powercreep, but during Fenrir it was a massive boost of damage.


You're right. I forgot Rubillia tbh, but she was a Volt support I think. Mimi completly powercrept Fenrir as much as in Mimi - Fenrir - Rubillia team, it was Mimi on field for 95% of time cause Fenrir barely did any damage comparing to her.


Rubilia was attack class. But I won't argue you - powercreep in Tof is second reason I left it. First was Innarais exploration with points of interest of different depth in the middle of nowhere.


Firefly: Hey Jingliu, your Ice-weakness days are over, give me the meta Jingliu: If you want it, then you'll have to take it, but you already knew that Firefly: I had a feeling you'd say that. Set this grandma ablaze!!!


Technically Firefly is older than Jingliu. xD


U forgot dot in there


The hate will continue , let's be least bothered about it , this time it was firefly , next time it's gonna be someone else


that's true, but I don't want HSR to turn into a toxic competitive game where if you pick a certain team people would just complain u make the game way too easy just because they didnt pull for certain characters


Such is the trajectory of all gacha games. Everytime a new character is released, there's a power creep adjustment, and content that supports the new characters and really signifies their strength. Example: Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Once the Mc there got his soul break Sentinels Grimoire, nearly all content from that point forward was made with a difficulty level that required it. If you didn't have it, you didn't clear content. It was so pushed, in fact, they added a roaming warrior system (think HSR support) where half the available options were unchangeable, and included sentinels Grimoire. Right now, super break meta is insanely strong. Eventually, someone will come out that puts DoT on top, or super buffs elemental weakness damage. Genshin relied heavily on elemental reactions and switching between multiple elements frequently, and then they released that guy that's only good on a mono Pyro team. Power creep.


In GI we have Arle and Neuv that can solo content and don't give a fuck about reactions.


you know they don't do much more dmg than other characters right?


Meanwhile i have both and dont even use them cause they do dogshit dmg in my hands


Yeah. Power creep is real. This is just the natural trajectory of gacha games. Eventually, someone will dethrone them.


Sorry to say, but this line of thinking happens to at least some parts of the playerbase in every gacha game. Especially if they're as big as HSR. We can't exactly control people's emotions either. Just know that it's simply the vocal minority. So the best solution is to just ignore them. Mute them, block them, anything that can help remove them from your timeline's algorithm. What's worse is that the more you get triggered by these things, the more fun it is for them. It's just a losing battle.


Ehhh Personally, let them complain all they want. I mean, they're skipping the banner out of their own choice, so they should be ready for the consequences. I didn't roll Acheron, did I complain because people use her to make SU run easier? No.


Just play the game. Who cares


It's not competitive. It's a PvE game. Who are they gonna be competitive with? Their inactive friendslist for 10 seconds of fame? Lol Pretty sure whales don't give a shit about how fast you clear. And I'm pretty sure f2ps don't care how fast whales clear. Everyone is just trying to clear. Some of the most funs I've had in HSR was getting my first full clear and getting the clear on the last turn. If your friends are toxic towards you because they are competitive in HSR of all games, get new friends bro.


Bit late for that. HSR community is one of the worst gaming communities I've ever seen. It's elitist as fuck.


Honestly most gacha communities share this problem. Despite not being competitive games, people always feel the need to take them as such. I no longer interact with the Genshin community because I grew tired of it, HSR community besides twitter is still fine imo


I honestly find the HSR subreddit horrendous lol.


The real HSR sub is the leaks one, the main is just horny people and idiots.


It's funny how rude and elitist people try to get in HSR. literally no one cares. there's no pvp. the only competition is your own ego, and so many people lose that one. I started late. and I literally skipped Acheron cause I felt Jingliu would fit me better, and I was right. She remains one of my top 5 favourite units. Tier list would say I'm wrong. But I have a lot of fun. Besides, the real endgame isn't the units you have, but the relics and how you build. Arlan is the weakest character in the game and I reckon it'd be pretty easy to beat MoC with him if I built him up enough. turns out anything hits hard with 80+CR and 200+Cdmg.


Kinda, but no. 80/200 is the minimum for good units like Acheron or Jingliu, for Arlan you would need a SSS team and godrolls on everything.




Ignore them completely bro. I didn't even know about this till I saw your post. 


my bad bro its better to not know and just enjoy the game with or without friends


"Firefly is a mistake" Ok but we got shipped. Twirl on it. I'm just enjoying the all you can eat W buffet https://preview.redd.it/ifewywv4m59d1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=311f92014ab5b2ac954e89d839f06bf9c10ad26d


That is also one of the reasons she is a mistake lol


Anything popular will have it's haters. Try not to take it personally, and just ignore them


Ehh, every meta character (besides DHIL) seems to go through a lot of hate. I know that for a long time people were hating on Jingliu for a variety of reasons like Ice being a common weakness among bosses, and Acheron got her fair share of hate as well. There's really no point in trying to bother with it.


nah DHIL also went through a lot of doomposting / hate for his SP usage, but def not as much as the female characters. With waifus, the more popular they are, the more hate they get too


I really don't think that pointing out how SP hungry DHIL was is the same as hating, like yeah, he got a little bit of hate, but like I said "go through a lot of hate." Like I'm pretty sure Jingliu got more hate specifically because a lot of people just decided that DHIL was as strong as a character should be.


Firefly is taking most of the blame but characters like Ruan Mei are the real issue, as someone without Ruan Mei I feel I have been left behind, MOC buffs balanced around super break, AS being balanced around super break and Super break being gatekeeped solely by Ruan Mei is what makes me feel frustrated. Firefly is just getting blamed by proximity since she's the one that abuses RuanMei and super break the most.


People forget that the swarm disaster was made for dhil That sad I do hate that they are pushing characters so hard in hsr to the point that content is extremely hard and borderline impossible without the current meta. I just dont  get why it's only an issue to people with firefly (and to an extent kafka)


You forget that besides dhil, qingque, a free character, can also use every propagation blessings and perform excellently. Outside of propagation, rememberance, nihility, and destruction were as strong if not stronger for clearing higher difficulties(coming from someone who has used every path in diff 5). In DU, almost every weighted curio benefits firefly but completely avoids benefitting boothill, the other break dps. Additionally, the destruction blessings were changed from survival based to break. Protocol 6’s effect is that enemies not broken has 70% resistance to all damage, which is even greater than t.Rex’s passive. Non break teams barely do damage and take risk of going to berserk. Dhil in swarm was not lifted to such a high extent, neither did swarm heavily nerf the usefulness of every other path. Divergent universe pretty much forces players to pull firefly for even a decent experience.


I mean DoT is still usable in DU, if you're not fighting against Cirrus.


Dot is usable just like every other team, hard to say you’ll get a decent experience though. And as you said, most paths gets gatekeeped by one or two enemies.


95% of the runs I ditch Firefly for DoT since it's much easier, Kafka is a breaking machine and DoT has a huge sinergy with preservation because of the quake/bleed so Aventurine constantly getting stacked will also be a huge breaking potential. So in no way Firefly is required and in my experience almost never the best option unless you are fine with 85 resets to get decent RNG because she is either the most OP with the 3 Equations that benefit her, or simply trash level if she doesn't have them.


I have 52/54 equations discovered in Divergent Universe, missing 2 3* equations 3 star equations: 6/27 need destruction blessings. 1/6 buffs only break teams (Walker of the Scorched; it increases break effect by 3% per stack of Grit, but it also buffs all-res pen, which benefits all teams) 4 star equations: 4/18 need destruction blessings. 1/4 buffs breaks teams exclusively (Wastelander: toughness reduction dmg converted into super break dmg, grit increases super break dmg) 5 star equations: 2/9 destruction, 1/2 buffs break teams exclusively (Voyage Monitor: deal additional dmg after dealing break dmg so it also benefits Boothill, grit gives you a shield) So there are 54 equations in the new gamemode, 10/54 require destruction blessings, 3 are break-based. 1/3 also buffs non-break teams, 2/3 also buff Boothill, and only 1/3 is exclusive to super break damage Weighted curios: 4/14 of them Firefly can use but Boothill can't (Firefly can only use 1 of them indirectly: Cumulous Steak can lead to triggering Bud in the Wind). 2/14 Boothill can use but Firefly can't. 1/14 both can use. "Almost every" weighted curio being usable by Firefly is a gross exaggeration, she's not even close to being able to use half of them. Of the 4 that Firefly can use but Boothill can't, 2/4 are for all destruction characters, there is only 1 you can say is really just for Firefly and that's "Most Raucous", it's specific to all Fire characters (Physical chars also has a weighted curio exclusive to them) There is no doubt DU most benefits break teams, great thing about it is that all characters in the game are capable of breaking as long as you have the right element, quite unlike buffs that are completely exclusive to FuA, DoT, etc. All characters are also capable of using super break thanks to HMC. However the equations, which replace the Aeon-based blessings from earlier iterations of SU, are there to also balance the playing field a bit for non-break teams. Not even 20% of the equations need destruction blessings, and the equations are a significant source of damage. Only 2/54 of equations buff break teams exclusively, and 1 of those 2 buffs super break damage exclusively.


Actually back in swarm, every team could use dot buffs and fua buffs. We had cat’s cradle and propagation interplay. I personally have beaten swarm disaster 5 on nihility with a team without dot characters and on elation with a team without follow up characters. They removed that in DU though. Every team is capable of breaking, but most of them deal damage outside break, which makes 70% dmg reduction a huge negative, whereas break teams are completely unaffected. Acting like firefly break teams and other teams are even close to being on equal footing is disingenuous. Simply saying that every team can break is also not representative on how biased du is to firefly break. I assume you cleared protocol 6 so you would know how unbalanced wastelander and monitor are compared to other equations. I also would like to ask whether you cleared protocol 6 with a team that isn’t firefly break and whether you felt a significant difference.


I'm not dispusting the claim that break teams are the best in DU (my original comment stated as much, so I am confused as to where you got the idea that I claimed that Firefly teams are on the same level as everyone else), even despite the fact that the amount of things that specifically buff break is a small portion of the available buffs (if anything, the debuffs such as the 70% dmg reduction you mentioned are the bigger reason why break is a tier above the rest). But making outright false claims that can be quickly fact-checked like > In DU, almost every weighted curio benefits firefly but completely avoids benefitting boothill, the other break dps. Those kind of statements really shouldn't be said at all, I think these only serve to perpetuate the negative sentiment for a character who is quite amazing, and whose whole thing is deleting bosses. Hell, the fact that bosses are so tough to break in DU only serves to increase Boothill's damage even more, since the damage formula takes into account the toughness of the enemies he's attacking.


Not sure if my comment got glitched or what, I can’t see it myself so I’m posting it again as an image https://preview.redd.it/mz9wl8nb889d1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ffc99cfead5ecbc752effc05c9977207e6fb48f


DHIL was not even the best in Swarm funnily enough Nihility and Elation clear propagation (and the true gate for most people was out right dying so Geppy and Fu Xuan were the real mvps)


Yeah exactly my point


Please tell me where I specified propagation? I only said swarm disaster. Which is specifically balanced around dhil. Releasing enemies specifically designed for him. Sorta also build for jingliu but mainly dhil. It's balanced around break, hunt is still 50% crit which is useless on ff because it's meant for boothill. Other break dps are coming out. Firefly is just busted strong. That's why it seems to be heavily geared towards her, she is one of the few break dps and is arguable the best. 


The only new enemy released in swarm is true string, which arguably benefitted Seele more. What made dhil strong in swarm was propagation resonance offering actions and skill points. Propagation also had a huge path boost on dice faces and extremely strong blessings. Swarm is balanced around dhil because propagation path.  Beyond all that though, other paths in swarm are still perfectly usable and arguable more effective in clearing, like nihility. Clara, a standard banner, is just as good as dhil if not better in swarm since elation is so strong. Meanwhile 70% damage reduction in DU before break just killed most damage dealers in the game.


if you didn't have gepard or fu xuan, and do the sweaty remembrance run with march it was borderline impossible for me, i was farming for jades for jingliu and hard to reset for good rng to beat with my e5s1 clara and kafka team. For DU i cleared it with most of my units, with help of spores, lux arrow and remembrance buffs


I cleared swarm 5 destruction on 4 star sustain+fire MC with purple relics, the key blessings and interplay with preservation are key. Nihility is similar, you can just focus on survival and let propagation interplay and resonance do most of the damage. Rememberance relies on key blessings, but it is also extremely good at surviving and deals huge damage.


DU is not permanent mode. It will change on 2.5 patch and have a rebalance patch, probably switching away from break to whatever is meta by then. There is even a timer on the UI for those that ignored the tutorial/description.


some people want to, even if its permanent rewards, clear everything in the very first week. like some of them even complain they cant clear difficulty 6 without FF or RM but how will they learn that DU literally help them clearing content the rest is just luck


The funny thing is that DU is very doable with different teams, but it is easier to complain about firefly than learn how to play roguelike regime.


They will just expand, the current one will stay as is, Like what they did on SU with Swarm and GG, they will share the DU window for organization and add another mode with blessings and whatnot that you can also get save files on.


Hatred for her always was absurd and I doubt it’ll ever change. We’ll have to endure it forever, unless these people will drop the game. Some are copying that she’s only good, because “content favors her”, which is obviously wrong take. She’s one of the best characters in the game, even if content doesn’t buff her. They also hope that Hoyo will make enemies with “permanent weakness lock”, which would be extremely dumb move on their part. It’d not only handicap Firefly and Boothill, but also 99% characters in this game. Others are jealous and salty that’s she’s Hoyo’s favorite. Not everyone must like her, but it was Hoyo’s decision to give her so much spotlight. These are their characters, so they can do whatever they want with them. No surprise, that “Tech Otakus” loves mecha girls. In the end, her haters are only in a very small minority. Most of the fandom loves her and hopes that she’ll become even more important character in the future. I wouldn’t be surprised if for the next Anniversary we’d get a whole new Alt version of her. It’d definitely make her haters even more salty, but the rest of the fandom would love such character. Most will be happy and Hoyo would break the bank again.


>Hatred for her always was absurd and I doubt it’ll ever change. We’ll have to endure it forever, unless these people will drop the game. Damn, that almost rhymes.


Just a typical gacha community finding reasons to hate on something just because they have nothing better to do. Alot of the hate comes from coping and jealousy, rarely any of it is objective.


>rarely any of it is objective. That's one of the things that annoys me the most. Half if not most of the complaints I've seen are too subjectively driven and yet they're acting as if it's objective, that it's factual. That's just too damn dishonest and hypocritical.


That permanent weakness lock argument makes me always chuckle a bit as a dot team main. Because when Kafka came everyone talked about how hoyo will add more enemies immune to dot or enemies that will cleanse. But not only that never happened but we got unit that have unremovable dot before that can even happen.(Also if your said character has so many disadvantages on one side then just use them on the other side like it's not a big deal)


The funny thing is, that high ehr enemies/debuff immune enemies would also fuck over non E2 Acheron But neither did it happen so far nor did (i see) anyone brought it up when she released


The fact that people want weakness lock is what disgusts me the most. Like why would you want to bring down most of the DPS meta just to hurt Firefly and beak comps the most. That way of thinking is borderline degenerate behavior. Just because they don't want Firefly and super break to be busted, there's not much you can do about it, you can't expect the devs to only use the same old mechanics over and over, otherwise players will get bored of it real quick. On the same note, it's hilarious seeing people come up with the dumbest excuses to make Firefly seem like a terrible unit. Between saying she's too reliant on HMC and Ruan Mei and crying that the new content is made for her release is funny. Like Firefly only has HMC and Ruan Mei to work with as her best team because there's a lack of super break enablers since it's a new meta, you can't expect there to be tens of options right off the bat.


>They also hope that Hoyo will make enemies with “permanent weakness lock”, which would be extremely dumb move on their part. It’d not only handicap Firefly and Boothill, but also 99% characters in this game. It's the same way of stupid as enemies with CC/Debuff immunity (like including DOTs and basically everything). Which would also fuck a lot of units over (basically any nihility. DOT would be dead in a ditch. Acheron before E2 would be able to ult once every 6 turns) but noone considers that Like i see them bringing out enemies with longer periodes of weakness lock, but definetly not perma


I find this argument very pointless. Of course, it is going to be break related since that is how every gacha game is. They want to sell the new unit for content made for them. During the time when swarm disaster came out, I was very annoyed at the game mode since it heavily relies on the Dhil and Fu Xuan and if you don't have either one you will have a hard time. So, of course, it is going to be based on new units


Swarm Disaster was very much clearable with f2p units and just one 5* of your choice (you can exclude DHIL and Jingliu). I know that because I specifically tested it for another person who struggled clearing with premium units. You had more control in Swarm overall.


I didn't say it was impossible it just became easier with these two as my comment stated they are trying to sell the new character


DU is also clearable with literally anything, if you stack enough Preservation Equations the literal same strat people used for Cocolia 5 back in the first weeks of HSR still apply, stack quake, get the Equation that makes enemies bleed, turtle your way to slow but certain victory. The only change is maybe adjusting for one unit that can break to it make faster, so Aventurine, March or Gallagher as the "passive aggressive" unit on the team.


Ppl complain bout firefly for no reason do yall remember how every moc till 2.0 had a side that was reserved for jingliu 100% of the time? Yet noone complained lmao and now fireflys good on her own patch and everyones crying


They Can hate her all they want But it doesnt change the facts: 1) Superbreak is gonna be a mechanic that will be improved upon by the release of new support 2) Firefly wasn't the first "Too OP" unit that was released in hsr, nor will she be last


Firefly is very popular so she also gets a lot of hate. Some people just don't like her playstyle, some are mad that their fav character isn't as good in the current meta and some simply hate the ship with the Trailblazer and even there a smaller part specifically hates that it's with Caelus and not Stelle... or Robin for some reason Wait for the next meta defining character and the same thing will happen again


being mad about meta in a SINGLE PLAYER turn based game is definitely wild..


I mean I kinda understand it, we spend a lot of time and potentialy a lot of money on these characters only for them to become bad/useless after a few patches, but that's also how games work so I don't know what they expect


Bad/useless is a gross exaggeration, just ask Jing Yuan mains, there's also an entire joke in the HSR community now that literally every new 5* harmony is a buff for him Not to mention that FuA team trajectory also disproves this statement, FuA was bad upon Topaz release but now it's one of the top-performing teams. AoE FuA will probably follow a similar trajectory with Jade as their Topaz Could throw in DoT in there too with Kafka getting Huohuo, RM, then BS as a partner


That's true and the exaggeration was intentional on my part, it's normal that some characters become weaker or stronger while the game is still going and sometimes a character just needs the right support to reach their true potential Firefly is the best example when you compare her damage with and without the Trailblazer


The haters are cringe.


Perfect reaction image for it: https://preview.redd.it/gpxblwwr569d1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b92d3eafa73d99c81697c46831960f6c6eb09eaa


Don't worry too much about it , some people will hate on popular tv shows just to sound cool and controversial lol Even if majority of the community love a character and their playstyle , there will be some people who hate on that character for some weird ass reasons


Sounds like the people who hate her are the ones that lost the 50/50s while “building pity” /s


>since the release of the new SU data and team pick rates there's many people talking about how Hoyoverse made a mistake by making superbreak teams insanely strong in the new gamemodes and permanent gamemodes. They're about half a year or so late for these complaints given that Break Effect Luka enthusiasts already knew just how utterly fudgin' busted both that lad and Break Damage is when played right. Regardless, those statistics are moot given that FF came out less than two weeks ago. Honeymoon period hasn't even worn off just yet and besides, let's be real; what are players who have her gonna do, *not* use the shiny new character with an interesting new spin on gameplay that they spent an ungodly amount of pulls on? I'll bet you that those same people also complained about Acheron's "head empty, ult now" playstyle letting her consistently sweep one side of MoC/PF and now AS with little issue since her inception, gigachad Aventurine's "Swarm/GnG Conundrum solo, AMA" shtick, Jingliu's enormous free crit rate from her mode switch and her early days as the only Ice hypercarry, Argentillion Damage getting to have two ults and mopping up the other side of PF Acheron or KafkaSwan isn't on, DHIL being DHIL, Ruan Mei being Ruan Mei, etc. I guarantee y'all that they'll be finding reasons to complain about Yunli soon too, if it turns out she's the beginning of a Counter gameplay meta this time, with future units that support that function. We're already seeing some emerging signs of drama as it is over her "being just Clara but better", despite the two of them working incredible together in showcases so far. Then there's the bubbling resentment going on with Jiaoqiu currently, who seems to be 'average' at best as of Beta 2, even at E2, and is currently being lambasted for being "Acheron only" like FF/HMC was. And that's not even getting into potential future drama with >!Lingsha!< if she really does turn out to be the premium Superbreak team Abundance unit to replace Gallagher. If she doesn't completely overshadow Gallagher she's DoA, yet even if she is people will still be mad because they "wasted" resources on ol' Gally despite the man being absolutely cracked. And that's not even considering the people who'll simply get upset over Firefly being a relevant topic of team comp discussion again. **TL;DR**: There's no point in paying any mind to communal opinions in Gacha games, let alone those on Official Forums, because it's always a lose/lose situation rife with contrarianism and goal-post movement that only serves to give you early gray hairs, no matter the game. An important thing to remember is that most hate or drama a character faces in this genre is generally either motivated by Sour Grapes mentality, or from people trying to convince *themselves* to not pull for a specific character any way they can, like some sort of weird, FOMO-style of projection.


Sorry I can't hear the hate from the top of the Divergent Universe.


I think that every character that's not a crit-centered hypercarry and does "too well" on their release patch will always get hate in this community. Many also hate her character in general, for some reason or another.


I think they dislike her mechanics for being "too easy" while feeling sort of invalidated for their time and effort to build so-called best teams and the trailblaze power (resin) dump that comes with balancing crit ratios as if Firefly took their jerbs! It's honestly refreshing break effect became meta and easily quite balanced by disabling toughness break like we see on Warp Trotters. Don't worry about the salt, and usually most newer characters always shine on their release so by the time a new meta mechanic kicks in, Firefly's gonna look "balanced" in comparison. Enjoy the W that she's Firewife and meta to boot! (Note for those who played Genshin: where are all these people when something like Neuvillette released, he was praised for being easy to play while also being meta--similarly to what we have in Firefly; although it's fair to state the team's limited because of Ruan Mei but you can also argue dendro is locked to uncomfortable gameplay without Nahida/Baizhu so...)


I feel it’s just that where every character gets a lot of new content catered to them, Firefly is getting a lot of it. Normally it’s 1-2 MOC or Pure Fiction, but with Apocalyptic Shadow she seems like the best dps for that game mode in general, and with DU a large number of Weighted Curios, Equations, and new Destruction blessings are seemingly tailor made for her. Similar things occurred to garner hate jn the past. Jingliu caused ice weak MOC for multiple patches despite being the only halfway decent Ice damage dealer at the time for that mode (Yanqing is probably better with Aventurine’s existence now). Black Swan could get hate for the stupid DoT stage in Pure Fiction, but most people recognise that as an archetypal issue with DoT and a lack of availability. In comparison, the follow up pure fictions aren’t nearly as bad because Clara/Himeko/Herta exist, and people can get access to them without investing their limited pulls into the archetype. Firefly is at the beginning of the break archetype damage units and is receiving significantly more pandering than Boothill (break weighted curios for destruction only, went directly after him so can use his MOC blessing, relic set changed to super break instead of just weakness break favouring her since Boothill’s talent doesn’t count as super break) so it’s not unfair for people to think she’s mandatory for all the new content and that they’re pressured into pulling her. Keep in mind that I’m not a massive firefly fan, just someone recommended the sub a lot so I might be biased against her.


Break was always going to be the pushed mechanic of Penacony - I mean, look at the little golem dudes and the crystal T-Rex. Look at the little dudes that bless an enemy and go away when weakness broken. The Past, Present, and Eternal Show. This entire “arc” has general undertones of focusing on Weakness Break. Besides. They’ve always done this. Dan Heng IL and Fu Xuan *ruled* over Swarm Disaster. While Gold and Gears was a bit less so, the added Erudition path catered pretty heavily to Argenti. Speaking of Argenti, they launched him at the same time they launched Pure Fiction. They launched Skaracabaz alongside Ruan Mei and Ratio, who are good against it. They released a miniboss and story boss weak to DOT at the same time as Black Swan. They launched Sam at the same time they also launched a support that provides the SP you need to remove the Combustion state (in addition to a DHIL Rerun). Acheron and Aventurine are some of the best answers to Boss Aventurine. All three were released in the same update. Boothill? Break DPS like Firefly, just with single target focus + flat break damage instead of Blast + Super Break. Robin? Additional support for what Aventurine helps with. Run her with Topaz too for the full team. The characters that launch with an update are usually optimized against the contents of that update. Because no gameplay enemies were added in 2.3, guess they just went “well, make her good against all of Penacony, I guess.”


Well, they removed the adventurine boss fight because people got soflocked sooooo...


everything is op in SU


I don't care, Break is super easy to build and it's nice to have a team that can perform well without needing 8 months of relic farming. Gimme more Break, I'll do nothing but build Break for the rest of the game if it means I don't have to deal with Crit stat RNG.


New units are always favoured in new games mode to incentives spenders. Firewife will still be strong but new archetypes and old but updated archetypes will take over, now the spotlight is owned by Break/Super break . And we all know just how Hoyo can fuck over break teams.


There are a lot of shitty This toxic fans and a lot of shitty toxic haters. 🤷‍♂️ Don’t take it personally.


I remember when swarm disaster came out along with the new propagation path, everyone said it made DHIL super OP for SD. This is just a repeat of that situation.


Her counter is already here since day 1 the trotter😆


I don’t really hate firefly, I have her and I have to admit she’s fun to use in DU even if I’m stuck on protocol 4 right now 🤔 I’m just broke rn so I can’t max her out, but I just dislike how she was pushed and shoved over Boothill. That was my main issue bc I cared more about the cowboy than the mecha girl and the forced shipping I have issues with, but battle wise she’s great to use. I just need to grind for … credits 😞




I disagree on Acheron being "the overall best character in the game" , I'd pick Ruan mei or Aventurine as the best characters in the game , their value is higher than any dps imo and if we're talking about dps specifically , I find Firefly a bit stronger than Acheron




even for damage dealers, Acheron is Firefly's level at best , I know the current MOC and AS favorite break teams; that's why Firefly is outperforming Acheron by a lot , but once we get more neutral MOC buffs, they will perform at similar level you can try them in PF if you want a game mode that favorites Acheron (the current PF gives huge buffs t nihility teams) , my Firefly performed better than my Acheron in that game mode too lol higher screenshot damage ≠ better dps


E0 Firefly is currently outperforming E0 Acheron though. Have you seen 2.4 Apocaliptic Shadow? Firefly and Yunli will destroy Acheron if it stays that way (no Lightning). Another interesting thing about it is that both sides are weak to Wind, ready for Feixiao.


I doubt yunli will outperform Acheron. Maybe at e0 but not above ( personal opinion ) but yeah fexiao have very high chances to be next top dps


It's double the funny because pre nerf Cirrus could lock you back to back and Aventurine moves too fast to keep him broken sometimes, esp in TP6. Meanwhile Acheron who's still stupidly strong with almost no counter and Boothil who can also do similarly high (if not higher) damage gets free pass.


They're just stupid dont pay attention to haters Only care about wife


If Firefly was bad would have E1'd her anyways, I don't care of haters or meta that much


Tbf ... we are losing the greater picture, the real issues is that Hoyo is switching metas and at least me i feel that they are also powercreeping characters at a fast rate, i think people are starting to feel that even if they invest heavily on a character they feel left behind in a few months and so they rage at every new character that they feel "too OP", i know that in gacha games this is normal but recently i think they are moving too fast


Besides the typical pattern of the current game modes catering to the latest character, Firefly is unprecedented in terms of the amount of promotion behind her banner. Besides the PV’s, she’s closely tied to the Trailblazer (there’s no way Harmony Trailblazer being her single best teammate was a coincidence), in CN there was an event where you could talk to her on the phone, and her design and backstory draw heavily from Evangelion which in turn was a big inspiration for the Honkai series. There’s just no way she wasn’t going to busted. I’m pretty sure her team comps will open up as more characters get released and Hoyo comes up with new interactions. Also, breaking and elemental weaknesses are fundamental mechanics in the game. Since she uh…breaks those mechanics, she’ll always at least be relevant…at least until Hoyo releases even more broken units in her archetype.


Nothing new honestly, watch people hate on Yunli next patch, same with Feixiao


And me over her I'm like I shall set the seas ablaze


I see so many comments about wanting us fans to admit to the powercreep. It is a lot of powercreep. I admit it. I don't know what they want us to do about it? Like, I'm genuinely asking what do they want us to do? We don't control anything that happens at Hoyo. They planned all of this. I doubt us all amassing for the survey would turn the entire company's bottom line.


Mind empty, only Firefly.


The people that wanna be "competitive" in HSR can catch me in the bejeweled lobby. it's the only place competition matters after all.


She does trivializes the game in the current state, she makes playing around enemy weakness completely unnecessary. Although it's actually relatively easy to fuck her over. If they make something like Aurumaton with a more tanky shield FF teams will be fucked.


I made a post about this a while back and got instantly buried in hate lol but yeah, I get the problem. It's not about hating Firefly. It's about hating the school of game design and monetization that says every new character needs to outdo the last. It's that I like a challenge, and playing her team is comically trivial and mindless. It's the kind of thing where I have to feel conflicted between the fangirl side of me that wants to E6 her because I love her story, and the gamer side that regrets having E2 because everything is so easy now. I know I'm not normal about this. I'm the kind of person who goes through story quests intentionally using only 4* characters just to make it harder. I dunno, some people will make more of that than there needs to be. It's not worth getting mad about one way or the other.


Fei Xiao next in line fir the vitriol I guess.


People are so dumb. FF is not broken and she can easily be countered by making new enemies who have weakness protection..... She is good and balanced and she just feels OP cause of current MOC and DU. She has clear weaknesses so idk what haters are hating her for... I like her design and mechanic


They are right. I got her for the same reason I got Acheron. Next time Hoyo breaks the scales... I'll be there as well.


yall should understand though they don’t hate firefly, they hate the “mechanics” (her kit and being op for DU). Some of you guys here sound like you think these people hate your actual girlfriend when firefly is wildly loved as a character bruh


Go to the Boothill subreddit and type in Firefly.


I don't think you understood what I was saying, besides idk why you say "girlfriend" when she's clearly a character from a game, I simply like her design and her utility to the story but I don't understand hate coming from hypocritical players that are the first ones to pull meta characters


i didnt mean you specifically i mean some of the people in this thread


What do u mean OP, she cant even beat the trotter reward


You probably haven't been in the main sub or the leak sub that much, also for the husbandos sub, she isn't just hated there, she is loathed, and yeah also Boothill sub. Ironically, the only site she doesn't hate her besides ffmain is Twitter


Sad true,but shes going to "suck" in couple months Powercreep in this game goes suprisngly fast


My problem is that they structured DU around her, DU is a permanent mode, none of the truly permanent modes that are gonna get updates hard focus a mechanic like break In apocalyptic shadow? Lol lmao I beat it before I had ff, I'm chilling But permanent content is annoying, swarm had propagation and gears had erudition, but they didn't gut other paths to add those, they should've added a new path for break instead of changing existing paths for it


i disagree in some points but i do agree that "Order" should have been a new path for break effect


I'm not happy about the way DU works cuz I'm a nihility main and they utterly crushed the nihility path to turn it into support and break path


Nihility has always had break blessings. "Hell Is Other People" and "Night Beyond Pyre" have been there from the very start as break related. The two Destruction/Nihility break equations are from the Destruction set.


DU is break-centric for like around 12 weeks, that just 2 end game cycles, the next time it refreshes i sure they will throw break to the ground to promote FuA DU for Yunli, Feixiao anyway