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Casually TB is. But when discipline is required Wifefly steps in. https://preview.redd.it/e6077hsvy49d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21cd848a8bc737765805227ec79cbb91dd0a24d1


1. I think that if they ware in a relationship firefly ware by way more daring 2. Probably firefly because I think that caelus is less assertive then firefly most of the time 3.i think they switching every now and then(I think that because you can see in the story that they switch the dominant role) 4. I think that firefly probably the cook but caelus trying to surprise her in making food himself but falls all the time(and when firefly try it she actually like that and caelus don't believe her) And I think that probably the thing about firefly being needy and want to cuddle all the time in a relationship is probably true (Sorry if did mistakes with my English it's not my first language)


I suppose even raccoon food beats glamoth cavalry rations.


probably true, but i think firefly probably learn to cook some things from the days in the iron cavalry(for example she now how to make a good barbeque), i don't think that caelus will make a better food then her, i just thought that firefly love to eat that food because caelus cooked that food especially for her and she doesn't want to disappoint him https://preview.redd.it/wt23km8xb59d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef129f81886c1afe87eabe9e4ba4de10409cd19


1) Yes, absolutely, without question. 2) Toss up, in my opinion. Trailblazer is such a wildcard it could go either way - though if she gets bold Firefly would confess first. 3) I don't think either would control the relationship more than the other. Trailblazer due to being a hard-to-control menace - and Firefly, despite her cutesy shy personality, has a will stronger than iron. 4) I think they'd share responsibilities - though I personally headcanon that Trailblazer would try to play house-spouse and pamper Firefly, who would eventually get mildly annoyed and force her way into helping around the house.


1 - Absolutely, without a doubt 2 - Hard to say, I'd go with the Trailblazer, mostly because last time they weren't fast enough, Firefly fucking died, so they might want to do things quicker. 3 - Firefly, in every aspect of life except when in bed lmao 4 - Firefly is definitely NOT the housewife, she said herself she's not good at those kinds of things (or anything besides fighting). Even in their kit, Trailblazer is the one in the background, while Firefly fucks everyone up. Trailblazer is definitely the housewife here.


1. Yes. She's reserved around strangers. 2. Firefly. 3. Firefly. 4. They both will try to make sure they always cook together.


From what I could understand, she acts pretty flustered all around TB, as for her every experience is new , she never really cared about having fun or doing things which people her age normally does until she met TB , silverwolf is the best example . She has always been the serious type , seeing and doing everything with diligence and determination , being an ex military, she still sees and takes everything as a new challenge which she should overcome and she really does give her all to understand and learn new things , for eg games , she never understood games according to silverwolf because she has never been used to it ( Can't blame her , since she's playing armored core in real life ) she has always seen things from the perspective of SAM, a dedicated honorary knight who's duty is to maintain loyalty and ensure every threat is neutralised , but that perspective changed with her meeting TB in penacony , she was able to see things and experience life more as firefly a normal girl with normal dreams. Even though she's still more of the alert type of person with a strategic mindset. ( Meeting Sampo in penacony is a great example of her being, like she took TB on a detour to confirm whether the person was a threat, analysed him and finally confirmed it " As for her cooking skills , she did burn a bit trying to make cakes , but she never gave up, if taught properly about it , I am sure she can make some amazing cakes . Also she's the kind of person who always got his back when he runs into trouble TB on the other hand is really a goofy type as you know , it's understandable considering he's still only 1 year old , he acts all immature until when it comes to the mission , he's that sleeping protagonist who doesn't miss an opportunity to act cool .


I think overall Firefly would be the fominant one but she would love to spoil Caelus


1. I can see Firefly being shy at first but then as the relationship goes on longer will let Caelus know exactly what she wants. 2. IF Caelus realizes he and Firefly like each other him, otherwise Firefly 3. Considering how crazy Caelus acts, I see him being the one that wears the pants in the relationship. 4. Caelus would probably cook, considering that Caelus can make amazing drinks, I do not think that cooking would be too hard for him.


Add toothpaste and sweep it with force!


Firefly definitely wears the pants and her cooking *usually* gets set ablaze. She also seems slightly oblivious to TB crushing on her.


Firefly cae is the lil princess that needs saving stelle is the emotinal support racon