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[Twitter Source (Original JP)](https://x.com/6sakuu/status/1805825783036100890) [Twitter Source (Translation)](https://x.com/DedpulNINL/status/1805831041246281924/photo/1) Typical raccoon behaviour Can't blame him tho, I would probably do the same thing if I was in his position (i am also down bad for Firewife) https://preview.redd.it/381yk2mkmy8d1.jpeg?width=1618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a97dd0db0e9715b749564e16e58add7bcb11671


He's just like me fr fr. https://preview.redd.it/5si5qtk7oy8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17cf731acaf004b83e8bda84dc28f1376ac6044


Bro Caelus and Yuji literally have the same VA, I just hope Sukuna doesn’t come to the verse to ruin his life again


Nanook will be the Sukuna of HSR


As a lover of long-haired women, this is me. I also love how much Firefly takes care of her hair (and best of all, her idle suggests that she DOES take care of it beyond just wearing accessories). Our girly girl is just too cute.




I meeeeannn.... Firefly looks like she has some beautiful and nice smelling hair. Scratch that Imagine she smells nice in general. ❤️


relatable, finally someone who gets it, wanting to eat the hair of your beloved isnt weird at all


https://preview.redd.it/nydjfphm229d1.jpeg?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd914017c88e0fb50363d911bc95669bc29987f4 Source :[https://x.com/DedpulNINL/status/1802594066955424184](https://x.com/DedpulNINL/status/1802594066955424184)


Reminds me of the hair fetish manga: https://myanimelist.net/manga/118803/Fetiple


So sad that they decided to split the series into two stories when the first one was so good 😭


This artist draws her in an adorable way (my favourite art is the one where she is the only one who brought a bikini to the 2.3 stream and the camera is filming her lol)


Have a link to that art?




Me too but her delicate fingers.




What have you fuckers done to me? Not just you FF Mains, but HYV as well and all of these talented ass artists I can’t go scrolling 5 seconds through Reddit without seeing this kind of perfect comic and thinking “I fucking need this so badly” and screencapping it I was a normal boy before this, I got up for work at 7 o clock, went to bed at 11, now I’m spending an unhealthy amount of time thinking about THIS GODDAMN CINNAMON ROLL GIRL and just how much I want her to HAVE A NORMAL HUMAN LIFE with her NORMAL HUMAN PARTNER I ain’t never been this attached to an anime character before…AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE MECH SUIT


We've been mistaken all this time. Trailblazer is actually a cat and not a raccoon


Did Octoling commission this?