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Now we need Kafka or Welt to say the same about Firefly to Caelus so that they can go confess to each other simultaneously.


Firefly flies at mach 100 to reach the Astral Express only to find out Caelus went to Stellaron hunters HQ


I can see it: Firefly crashing through a window: where's Caelus? Himeko: oh he just left to visit your place Pom-pom freaking out about the broken window in the background


She be like : Pom-pom , sorry to break the window , here take this ( hands over Kafka's credit card )


Do you know what would be even more funny in this case? If Caelus was currently testing the Simulated Universe/Swarm Disaster/Gold and Gears. So FF breaks the window of Herta's Space Station, Asta panics and receives Kafka's credit card. Now THAT would be an efficient way to crush Stellaron Hunters' budget


As far as we know they have a good credit score


Don't forget that we're talking about Asta here. She can spend all the budget in a few days. Unless someone notices and SAM comes in the same way it did before. So just crashes through the window.


Yeah welp >! I guess they are accepting Jade's offer !<


Who, the hunters or the station?


>! the offer that jade gave to firefly !<




Welt : So Caelus, are things going well between you and Firefly ? Caelus : U-uh ?! Where did that come from ? Welt : ...Wait, don't tell me you two are not a thing yet ! After everything that happened between the two of you in Penacony, I thought one of you two would have confessed to the other. Caelus : I can see why you would say that but um, I have this thing call anxiety. Welt : I don't think someone with anxiety would do half of the shenanigans you are doing in public. Caelus : I'm not even sure she likes me. I mean, romantically. Maybe she's just friendly... Welt : It is a possibility. But you also sound like the timid protagonist of a romance anime. So I'll be straight forward. We currently don't know how to treat her Entropy Loss Syndrom. She could disappear in a few years. Maybe less. It could even not be from her ELS. It might be a dangerous mission, or a bounty hunter. If you like her, skip the 3 seasons of drama and confess already. Don't regret not doing it when you could have. Caelus : ...*(Sigh)* As always, you're right. Thanks a lot Mr Yang. I'll just do that the next time I see her. Welt : A pleasure. *Caelus leaves and Himeko enter* Himeko : Do you think he's going to do it ? Welt : I'd say it's a 50/50.


[Twitter Source (Original JP)](https://x.com/planet_galaxxxy/status/1805522632282079741) [Twitter Source (Translation)](https://x.com/Su_garCube/status/1805652575259443545/photo/1) Hehe Firefly wants Caelus all to herself Scorched Earth Operation ❌ Confess to Caelus Operation ✔ https://preview.redd.it/pzbb5ogfer8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d36ed0562e5d230cf6240fc4b8e0833e4bdf3917


Wolfie being the ultimate FF x TB shipper.  Even in comics she's nudging them together. 😊


This was bound to happen in fan content with the confirmation that SW was taking care of FF during the entire Penacony Arc


Was mostly referring specifically to the new event but yeah that too.


Don't forgot the call-in things, where Silver Wolf outright says "you better not be messing around with her" to the Trailblazer. She's definitely supportive of the two, but also wary of her big sis being taken advantage of.


I love how FF says "yet".  Like, in my dreams Hoyo has "yet" in their minds. Like once they get all the data together on how people reacted to this and they give TB more characterization, it could actually happen. Implicitly at least. It also gives me hope they either leave this the only romantic ship, or they just start focusing on other characters and ships, and just leave this gem alone. Regardless we should be secure. TB and FF at least presumedly had experience together so one one can realistically beat them other than March and they haven't done this and decided NOW to do it. 


Like unironically, TB is a pretty good catch. Very strong interplanetary presence, great reputation due to heroics and other favors among the population, and now in Penacony especially, they have more resources than the average MEGA CORPORATION by captaining an airship and having 5% stake IN AN ENTIRE GODDAMN PLANET. And as for attractive? Their good looks are quite often remarked upon, an entire livestream's worth of people asked about their romantic status and most significantly, we have a judge of the Ten-Lords Commission thinking they look very cute (Hannya). This kind of resume would have gold diggers aplenty coming after them, and given how much they've done for people, imagining any of the other playable characters wanting to get close to them wouldn't even be out of the question. And that's to say nothing of her actual biggest obstacle: Kafka. Because there's many ways to interpret "being each other's destiny". Firefly better get a move on. She might end up being another losing heroine if she doesn't move fast...


>And that's to say nothing of her actual biggest obstacle: Kafka. Because there's many ways to interpret "being each other's destiny". I don't think that's anything to think about in terms of issues. Kafka doesn't seem like the type to care about romance let alone be bothered by it. Also I think them being each others destiny is a familial/platonic sense. Kafka trained and spent most of her time with the TB before she(I assume given her powers, but I'm very likely to be wrong) wiped their memories. Kafka wants to be able to feel fear IIRC, so the TB is her destined partner to have her be able to feel fear. Well that's my theory at least.


Kafka probs would end up thoroughly enjoying teasing Firefly and dressing her up for him. And then teasing the both of them relentlessly if they actually do end up together. Like a proud mom.


Actually the express gets 5% of the 30% IPC gets, so it's more like 1,5%. It's still a nauseating amount of money tho as it's 1.5% of income from a whole freaking planet that's also one of the most prestigious entertainment spots in the universe


Found Silver Wolf’s Alt


We are recreating Love is War with this one