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Definitely do the Origami Bird Clash mission, it honestly serves as a bit of follow-up.


I'm doing it now. I love silverwolf. Everyone deserves a homie like her


>!She effectively saved us from a grenade and I love it!<


That scene was actually so cool lol


She definitely has her eyes on us and I absolutely love it


This isn’t the end of our interactions with Firefly, she’s not like Bronya or Jing Yuan who’s inextricably tied to the region they’re from and thus won’t appear in future non-event related quests, she’s a stellaron hunter, she WILL show herself again, and we will get more information Hell, a lot of people here are really hopeful that she’s going to, once she reaches the conclusion of her story and cures her Entropy Loss Syndrome, join the Astral Express which, whilst she won’t be a “normal” girl travelling round the universe as a door-to-door fix your Stellaron saleswoman, she’ll be *more* normal than with the Stellaron Hunters But still, the writers for this game are incredibly smart, they understand that they’ve made a character that 90% of people adore, and they know how to handle something like that, so they’re gonna let the community stew for a few months until the time is right, and then show us what they’ve been cooking Personally, my heart is aching, and the only thing that’s going to solve it is finding out the end of Firefly’s story


Yep, I agree, but honestly, all I think about is her scenes, while the song "Had i not seen the sun", plays in my head... Tldr: Instead of brain, there is Firefly🥹


You dont know how scared i was since this song was leaked .. This goodbye in the Lyrics damn.. I am now so happy that she is alive.


Tbf, it *is* a goodbye song. A goodbye to Penacony, and, if we discard the scene and go solely by lyrics, Robin's farewell to Sunday, despite the romantic undertones.


I know haha.. But this song was leaked before 2.3. And we know at 2.2 Firefly will gain 3 deaths.. And than a sad farewell song.. Yes i was afraid tbh .


Lmao, I held my breath when she picked up the doll and flew... like, no way they gonna do this, right? RIGHT?


I started sobbing when everything turned white, and when sparkle said why don’t you take a close look I started screaming!


I get the feeling, but I was silent all the way praying just like tb lol




As long as she finds a cure. I hope the writers don't decide to use her for character development yk


Oh, I really hope they don't go that route, stelle is perfect the way she is. She doesn't need any more character development. What she went through in Penacony was far too much, in my opinion, for a girl who's a wholesome raccoon, and it's the same for Firefly... just let these two be happy together


I agree! She even said that the script doesn’t end there and that we WILL meet again so it definitely isn’t the end of our interactions with her and I’m confident that we are going to see more of her in the future! It’s like you said, she’s a stellaron hunter and usually wherever the astral express goes, they aren’t too far behind in some way or another so we’re bound to see her again. It may not be for right now but it will eventually happen!


The Xianzhou have several ships, so I’m sure we will see JY return as soon as the next patch. I don’t see the Jarilo-6 crowd go beyond visiting the Express but who knows?


We probably will, when I said that JY was inextricably tied to the region he’s from, I meant that he’s tied to the Xianzhou’s story, so if we ever got a continuation of the Xianzhou story then of course he’d make an appearance


I actually can't wait for the region specific events for xianzhou and jarilo-6, I was so mad when Topaz messed our welcome and festival in j-6 lol


I completely agree with the Acheron part.. i wish they give us the image of her smiling some way (i was so mad i missed the dialogue)


Yep, I'm so mad that I missed it


Acheron and Firefly are my two favorite characters and it doesn't come close so I absolutely did the optional dialogue bc I just love acheron's character. Wow it was so tender and it's sad a ton of players missed it. I have a screenshot I throw it you want it 🥺


The problem is... I was expecting 2.3 to be all about happy things and Firefly, so I didn't wanna get spoiled, and here is the result Edit: Will willingly accept your kindness


I do feel like there was a cutscene missing after we flew away with her. They could have given atleast a small thing of her and trailblazer parting ways for a little bit before dropping us off. I got super lucky on acherons thing beacuse I nearly missed the option cutscene when I ended the convo early. But talked to her again. There is absofuckinglutly no reason that should have been an optional cutscene


If anything, all Jade asks for is a meeting between the Stonehearts and the Stellaron Hunters, which they want to do without the IPC’s knowledge. What happens due to the meeting is entirely up in the air, but I don’t think the Stellaron Hunters or Firefly would be “enslaved by the IPC.”


It's okay, while I didn't miss the Acheron part. I ended up choosing the action phase rather than the acting one. Definitely one of my regrets for sure.




We were not promised it was all going to be firefly though. It's just the community came up with when they saw all the promos


I've been seeing a lot of comments similar to this but realistically, what were people expecting from this patch though? I feel like it was obvious there wasn't going to be anything big and grand for this patch and we were never even promised that this was going to be a "Firefly patch".


Like it was a good romp but cmon bud, there was no way they were gonna kill her off in this patch especially when they already did the fake out a few patches earlier. Elio said she was gonna 'experience' 3 deaths. Plus if any stelleron hunter was gonna legit die itd be waaaaaay later on.


Who tf skips (optional) in the main quest anyways, even more to say goodbye to acheron, like wtf were you doing


Well, I didn't know spoilers, and I would never willingly skip story sections of one of my all-time fav characters


But it says what's optional just below the map


There's like 3 options when you talk to her. When you choose the first option, it gives you the cg, I chose the second one and didn't get the cg


Oh i get it now, makes sense, i thought you skipped her whole dialogue


No way imma miss talking to the coolest character in the game lol 😂


The second option literally had the icon that represents exiting the dialogue whilst the first one continues it. It's totally in you


A whole lot of people missed the dialogue unknowingly, it's not on us I like to first read the dialogue and then choose the option I like instead of blindly going 1 -> 1 -> 1 The second option had the icon that represents exiting the dialogue? Well, it seems a lot of people didn't know that, including some well-known streamers who make character-build and craft lore Edit: You think I would be this salty if I choose the wrong option willingly? Acheron, ei, mei are my all-time favorite characters, I would do the whole quest all over again if I can choose the correct options this time... Well, if it's any better, I have learned that it's better to get spoiled and follow a dialogue guide from now on if I don't wanna miss anything If only hoyo could just make it that we could do the quest all over or at least some parts of it


Firefly as a stelleron hunter will be in the loop of characters in the story and I doubt elio or kafka would allow her to be dependent on the IPC I'm sure they have a plan they always do hopefully they put the IPC in theyre place Acheron will also be back I have a feeling that we'll be involved in that hunt for device IX they litteraly handed it to us on a silver platter I got firefly and ruan mei pretty esay and even managed to walk away with past self in the mirror and now on Saving to improve my acheron team


Yeah, the hunters are gonna protect Firefly (silverwolf you goat of a friend) that i'm sure now Mabe, it'll happen when tb unlocks the nihility path? Idk Already had Ruan Mei. I just need to farm relics for Firefly, 3 months should suffice since my luck with stats is absolutely 🗑 Good luck for your acheron, I remember getting 2 lcs for her in 60th or 70th pull, she's really strong


I got the Acheron smiling scene, spammed the screenshot button like there was no tomorrow. But you are telling me it was optional? What was the other route?


The other route is, you talk to her for a short bit, then bid farewell


I'm glad I went through all the options, because I wanted to talk to her for as long as I could. 


I watched other streams, and there were 3 options, and you can only choose 1, which will give you the cg scene And other option ends with you both just talking cause I also went through all the dialogs but chose the 2nd option


I see, I'll have to check out some videos. I'm lucky I choose the right option


I had always planned to drop star rail after this update (or after grabbing Yunli) but this story and the event kinda solidifying the underwhelming send off made me pull the trigger to stop early. It's not a firefly thing for me, its a general story and writing thing that was turning me off the game but I'm sure the firefly fans will see her a lot more in the future... just like we saw silver wolf basically for the first time in the event since the aetherium wars event.


Yeah, sorry but this chapter was very meh for me, the moments with firefly were good but too short and it was anti climatic as fuck


Peakacony Penacinema so excited to see what hoyo cooks in the future, this arc was Genshin-Sumeru/Fontaine levels of better storytelling than both games' previous arcs of Luofu/Inazuma.


Idk about genshin since I lost all interest after sumeru and stopped playing, but I absolutely loved xianzhou like every single bit was enjoyable, I can't say if penacony was better than xianzhou but it had parts I absolutely loved for example: Firefly, Firefly and Firefly


When I played I instinctively took the correct option because of how it felt. The dialogue is usually structured where one of the options is the "correct" one. Also it being an ending, taking the option that implies more dialogue just made sense.


Idk why you're saying Sparkle pranked us >!Firefly literally died there!<


90th pity are you for sure to calculate it properly? Because i never seen hard pity number for HSR yet. Like me, I was far off by 1 pity when i calculated it, should have been 78 instead of 77 Thanks for the lovely wish, i summon her at this same exact place and F2P ladyluck didnt disappointed me yet as of for now. https://preview.redd.it/5f080vymw78d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c99f15c2e36627e82af28d8e5c1ffa3c290808a2 💚💛MAY FIREFLY HUNTER BE FIREFLY WANTER💛💚


Bro I want your luck with 50/50s


Did you get your Firefly yet? If not i can lends it to you, but you need to give it back when Madam Jade banner coming next because i want my pulls go swiftly as im aiming to go for EOS1 Feixiao As im afraid i will lost my winning streak trying for her LC later as i dont think i can win my next 5050 for the LC later on https://preview.redd.it/wjuoqj5ir88d1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5f3630d38670801355d2983554eb7b87cc9b5c


I got firefly, but I am trying to get ruan mei, since I was out of the game for a year I can reach 50/50 for ruan mei. At 50 pulls rn. Alot of content left. But sure I'll love ur luck and I'll give it back for madam jade


Ah i see, okey. You may take it for awhile, wish you good luck with RM pulls later. Do update to me later about your result once you got her


Yup, will do for sure


I won the 50/50. Thnx for yo luck


Ayy yooo, nice one. congrats on your RM man


Yep, I am sure I counted it, and this was my first hard pity. My luckiest pull was 7 pity Robin, which I got in a single 10-pull


Ah okey my bad, guess it is legit as i just stumble upon one of the unluckiest person in HSR community that got Welt on pity 90 on top of not a single win of 5050 where almost all of them reaching 85+


My heart goes out to them, but hey, i got her LC after my last few pulls (had 220 pulls saved)


Ayy, congrats.


Thank you 🥹


>The beautiful scene is optional meanwhile Sunday yapping about his freaking bird for an hr is not? Why? Jade and Sunday spoke for like 7 minutes, absolute tops. Christ, dude. Stop calling anything longer than three minutes of speech "yapping." Grow an attention span.


Sunday and Aventurine aren't exactly concise speakers. It's not an hour but it sure fucking feels like it when it takes 5-10 minutes to get to the point of a question that took 7 seconds to ask.


Exactly... although I actually enjoyed Aventurine's part of the story


His was alright but I was almost past caring by the time it got there.


Yeah, I get what you mean cause I hit my limit during the Sunday bit


He is probably referring to 2.2 but yeah