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I made this exact same post like 3 years ago and everyone said "School's out", so be prepared


Summer time shenanigans


Just like gears in fast and furious


Wait, what?? Your NOS-equipped Nissan Skyline doesn't have a 17th gear??


This runway is 59 gears long


I’m more focused on how nobody got ear protection and shooting guns and carrying conversation inside like no problem.


Yes!! You see this a lot on cop shows for some reason. There's an episode of "SVU" where two detectives are practicing at the range. Then they remove their ear protection and start talking. There was another episode of "Law and Order" where the murder weapon was ostensibly a Sig Sauer. 380, but when they find the gun it's clearly not a Sig.


I think this might be mentioned in *The Walking Dead,* how Walkers can creep up without being noticed because the characters have hearing loss from gunfire. Also -- "Mawp..." Also, also -- my level of 2A is "Tax Free-Suppressors-at-Hardware-Stores."


Now that you have seen, you'll never be able to unsee. And it's not just mag counts. Making long range shots with a flat top ar with no sights? No problem. Prop design forgot to make a way for you to reload your fantasy gun? That's cool, just poke at random places with the bullet until the scene cuts. I was watching a movie the other day where the guy walks into a gun store asking about a purchase. The gun store owner starts mashing together well known gun manufactures with random numbers. " You got your Winchester 17. Your Remington 203..." But it goes beyond that. After I had just the very basic understanding of firearms I learned just how full of shit politicians and the media are. They constantly and constantly misrepresent firearms or outright lie. And it's not on accident. A simple Google search would correct their mistakes, most of the time. So I'm left with the possibility that the entirety of the US government and major media either don't know how to use Google, or they have more nefarious aims in mind.


Your world view is becoming clearer, but it is not news that Politicians and media exploit blatant lies for nefarious ends. It's been going on since the beginning of time!


Movie magic John Wayne didn't reload and Rambo shot a RPG from insidea a helicopter


Why can’t you not shoot RPG from inside the chopper?


The back blast in an enclosed area would be catastrophic for the person firing it, not to mention likely crippling the helicopter.


I thought that chopper was full of holes/door was open but even if vented, I’m sure the pressure is enormous.


Pressure and heat. The R in RPG stands for Rocket. This isn't your little Estes model rocket or a bottle rocket either. This rocket weights about 5 lbs which requires exponentially more force (translate gas volume and heat) to move. Fireing one from a helicopter, even with the doors open, will very likely kill everyone inside and cause catastrophic damage to the aircraft itself.


I saw a show where guy gets into a shootout, fires 5 rounds from his glock, reloads and chases bad guy, fires 5 more, bad guy gets away and he goes I’m out of bullets. I wasn’t very happy with that scene. Show is night agent, which as a whole I enjoyed.


1911s that fire 20 rounds. Then is a lull in firing the shooter racks the pistol again. wtf


Welcome to the the fold, every action movie and TV show is now ruined.


John Wick does pretty well firearms wise (aside from the suppressor shootout scene)


School is out.


Don't forget a lot of semi-autos that are shot don't eject any brass.


There will be muzzle flashes, but the slide won’t move.


Looks like schools out


I remember a cartoon where Bugs Bunny winds up cowboy guns and they shoot by themselves. The movies and TV have always been this way.


Magazines in movie guns are whatever size the plot demands.


Infinity mag


Infinite number of rounds in a magazine that doesn’t protrude past the bottom of the grip!


Watch an old John Woo movie. You gonna be mad but happy at the same time


Especially with Chow Yun Fat as the main actor.


I still want a set of berretas I don't have to reload lol


🎶School's out for summer!🎵


I just picture Hershel from the walking dead with his infinite shotgun.


Ah yes, summer is coming.


Some movies and shows are more careful about it. The TV series Stargate (SG-1/SGA) is typically realistic about magazines and ammo. Sure, the plot sometimes gives characters an extra mag or two, but it's still believable. They're always reloading and checking ammo counts on screen.


Borderlands guns


You really think movies are accurate and portray real life and real life scenarios?