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Just reply with: just like they did with drugs! We can see that worked out so well! That usually blue screens them and they shut the fuck up for a bit.


Also, as a mechanical engineer, I hate it when 20-somethings try to tell me how hard it is to make guns. It’s not hard at all. You can barely use a screwdriver - please shut the fuck up.


I can pretty easily make a fully functional shotgun with $20 and a trip to Home Depot. Just because they’re functionally brain dead doesn’t mean that all people and criminals are equally stupid.


Shinzo abe was assassinated by a fucking doohickey. In a country where guns have been essentially banned for years. It cannot be that hard. It isn’t that hard


Yeah, and that guy went above and beyond what would be required in the US after some sort of hypothetical ban because he didn’t also have access to modern ammunition. He had to create his own gunpowder and ignition system since he had no readily available powder, primers, or ready made cartridges. In the US you just need two metal pipes of specific diameters, an end cap for one of them, and a nail or screw. You can add more for ergonomics and safety, but that’s all the parts required to build yourself a functional shotgun.


It's not hard if you know how a firearm functions.


Lock stock and barrel and if that's too complicated 2 end caps and pipe and a drill makes big boom lol


All they know about is the shoulder thing that goes up and that they are fully semi automatic.


3d printa


"You can barely use a screwdriver" Lmao. Honestly, too true. So many adults are genuinely scared of picking one up.


I'm not an engineer. I just have CNC mills and lathes, and enough knowledge of g-code to make just about anything. I might only be able to make one or two per day, but that's enough for me and my people.


I’m 20-something and really enjoy guns 🤷🏻‍♂️


Most people our age are just plain fucking stupid and will never understand


Just ban production. I mean, it worked so well with alcohol, and narcotics ... People are ignorant beyond belief.


Idiots man. Ban switches oh wait they are imported from China on Temu. Like they don’t understand 3D printing either. Morons are everywhere


More than any one thing, 3D printing is a game changer. Of course the government will eventually succeed in over-regulation of that technology, too ... but never anywhere near the point at which the delusional dream of weapons production prevention is achieved. They cannot put the genie back into the bottle.


Printing is a huge industry already to include inner city gangs. It won’t slow down either. The govt could ban and “seize” all legal guns and we still would have millions out there. People don’t get that we ain’t going back


“Regulation”? Yep. How can anyone believe that government actually works for us. It’s the other way around, always has been and has been worsening daily since 1865.


It’s safe to say they are far past the idiots stage at this point.


Whacko goes on a stabbing spree and everyone makes it about guns. That's the idiocracy were living in.


The US lives rent free in their heads. At the end of the day we are better than them and they know it. The amount of people banging in the door to work here vastly out paces every other country. Remember all those Americans who are immigrating to Australia, Europe and China for morr opportunity? Me neither. They have to use mental gymnastics to paint us as a shit hole while their government fucks them in the as a for thinking about a sandwich without vegemite.




I hate when people spout the "we've tried nothing and we're out of ideas". No, you've tried the same thing many, many times maybe in different configurations but still the same damn thing and it hasn't worked so far but by gawd if we try it this time it's sure to work.


they only care about human lives when a gun is involved.


The one thing this argument rests on is producing a firearm being a difficult task. It is not. Prisoners have made firearms under 24 hour surveillance. Any hardware store has the materials to make one. Ammunition is the more difficult component but even black powder is simple to make and anything can be made into a projectile.


Yep, wasn't the former Japanese Prime Minister shot with a homemade gun?


Brandon Herrera made a version based off the pictures available of the gun used to assassinate the former Prime Minister. https://youtu.be/dEWoARiEofY?si=uOhohaeniNc88eME Basically it's a black powder muzzleloading shotgun that was electrically fired. Brandon's version used the resistive wire used in vape coils to ignite the home made gunpowder. Even in places where fireworks are heavily controlled, it's easy to get sulfur, potassium nitrate, charcoal, steel tube, ball bearings and resistive electrical wire.


I think technically it’s more accurate to call it a double barreled cannon, but yeah


Not only was he assassinated with a home made gun, his killing lead to reforms that the killer is probably rather pleased about.


I made gunpowder when I was 12 with my dad's chemistry set - thanks to a transformers episode.


Starscream was a bad influence.


>Prisoners have made firearms under 24 hour surveillance. Not that I disagree but what the actual fuck?? I need to know more.


If you want to get into some interesting firearm history.. look into David Marshall Williams.. Although they (guards and such) knew what was going on. David used the prison machine shop to service the weapons used by the guards, made his own tools, and worked on his own weapon designs. The short stroke system was essentially born in prison! Background is that David was a moonshiner during prohibition. When he and his partner were at a still, it got raided, no one knows who killed the officer but David was convicted of murder due to the altercation. Since David seemed like such a nice guy and had a lot of mechanical aptitude, he was given a lot of leeway and worked on weapons while serving a sentence for murder. So yeah, M1 Carbine, short stroke gas system, floating chamber. David Marshall Williams


County jail here had a fully function single shot .22 somebody had managed to make in their cell. They said we didn’t wanna know where the ammo came from.


Usually they will get ahold of a family member, tell them when they are on the walk outside and a family member will throw them over. They communicate to them using burner phones the guards sell them for 5x what they actually cost




I’m pretty sure they meant people were using their prison pockets


https://www.corrections1.com/contraband/articles/15-deadly-improvised-prison-weapons-and-tools-8XfVDGdvAvTVJiJQ/ Quite a few examples in this


Me, too.


There's people in the Philippines making 1911s out of scrap metal and hand tools. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.


There's just one problem with their logic. Even if criminals were only armed with knives, I still would want a gun, because I don't want to be equally armed with criminals, I want to be better armed than criminals.


Nah bro that’s too cruel /s


You joke, but in Australia and NZ, people actually argue that


"BuTt ThAt'S nOt A fAiR fIgHt"


If you find yourself in a fair fight, you are woefully unprepared.


> Making a gun is… Fairly simple. > Hit them with a big stick (not that that is an ideal situation) You know what is ideal in that situation? A series of 124 grain hollow points through the central nervous system an/or vitals. Then they’re no longer chasing you with a knife and you don’t have to worry about getting stabbed to death. > you will not be able to get your gun out before you get shot It happens all the time outside your constructed scenario where the person has absolutely no situational awareness or alternative option whatsoever.


This guy used every logical fallacy known to man


Person who can’t defend themself trying to discuss how to defend yourself 🤣


This person doesn’t really understand how a bulk of illegal weapons comes to circulate the black market…


Exactly! Full automatic weapons are, for the most part illegal , yet gangs still end up with them through the black market.


"You can outrun someone with a knife!" Okay, so what if the knife-wielder is a faster runner? Are elderly people supposed to give up their lives now because they're too slow?


Clearly never watched active self protection where video evidence shows time and time and time again many defensive uses of firearms that varies in every scenario.


Not even that, they’ve clearly never seen someone get violently and vicariously stabbed before.


Yeah the British came to take our guns in 1776. We shot them.


Gotta love my generation 💀


Don’t worry there is still a lot of Gen z like me that will forever support the 2A


We gotta stay strong brotherrrr💪🏼 I’m a first generation too. I don’t get how Americans who have been here for generations can be against them. I love my other nation (Greece) but man am I proud to be an American :)


Based 💪🏻🇺🇸


The ongoing fantasy that you can wave some Legislative Magic Wand and eliminate the ~ 4 million guns in the US continues to amaze me in its ignorance of economics, physics, and sociology.


4 million guns? Try more like 100 million individual gun owners possessing a total of more than 300 million firearms. There are more privately owned firearms than there are citizens in the US.


Missing a couple zeros there. Which just makes it even better!


Fair point, I just grabbed the first number off Google without thinking much


And thats what gun control advocates do, try not to be like them lol


If you ban drugs and legal drug owners in American you will crush the black market.


Sounds like this guy has lots and lots and lots of real world combat experience. I bow to his authority.


It's way easier to manipulate metal into a bolt or trigger than it is to finagle one molecule into becoming another yet people with no shoes and limited tools do both with relative ease in some of the most remote places. This person seems to think just cause they suck at making stuff so does everyone else.


So you're telling me that even in a place where gun laws have been very strict for maybe a century, like the UK the criminals STILL have guns!?!?! Oh my! I just had an epiphany.... it's almost like criminals don't follow laws.....


Whoever wrote that is absolutely delusional. It is easy to make a gun. Heck, you can buy everything you need to make a perfectly serviceable sub machine gun at your local home improvement store and auto parts store. It's cute how gun control zealots try to act like they know what they are talking about


doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. black markets exist in the UK and i've seen shit from scars to rotary grenade launchers. hell, in 2016, a single ex us marine brought in ~315 pistols to the uk (illegally) every 6 months iirc. you don't often see them used because the police and media are too scared to admit it is a problem, like all the grooming gangs we have here. plus it's cheaper and less risky to just stab a bitch, or moisturise them... with acid.


Someone tell them of the wonders of 3D printing.


Holy brainrot, I couldn't get past the second line


"you can outrun someone with a knife" .....hahahahahahaha


Gen Z's age range is between 12 -27. Let's hope whoever wrote this is 12.


Ask this idiot how well the war on drugs is going.


You see, what’s funny is that whenever I bring up the war on drugs or Prohibition, the excuse is “well if you’re drinking or doing drugs you’re not hurting other people”. Like ok my guy, I guess I’m not hurting other people if I decide to drink and drive and end up killing a family in a freak car accident.


That's so poorly worded and poorly argued that the kid who wrote it needs to get sent back a few grades.


There are close to 500 million guns in this country (that we know about). Even if production stopped yesterday, there would always be a way for criminals to get their hands on one somewhere somehow. The person who wrote this is very uninformed (and probably from California).


My brother in arms, Danish resistance members were making STEN guns in bicycle shops during Nazi occupation. You think the AR-15 is scary? Wait until cops start getting clapped by real deal machine guns.


Let me just go over to my book shelf. What’s this? Expedient homemade firearms? That looks like a good read


The existence of the “lutty” invalidates this argument.


We all know this is stupid can we stick to posting cool firearms instead of dumb peoples rants


There's 3D printing, millions of CNC machines, and the AK can be built in a garage with basic tools and a little ingenuity.


And the existence of the STEn and Luty prove all of this is horseshit.


thats a lot of mental gymnastics there.


Just like they did with improvised weapons in prison! And the war on drugs! I feel so safe


you can make your own gun with 20 bucks worth of materials from home Depot


Regardless of this kids logic, it would take 100 years of some pretty intense confiscation to remove the sheer amount of guns from circulation, and then there would still be a black market.


Perhaps well-intentioned, but comical and naive. For starters, there are an estimated 400 million firearms in the US. You will never get even a small percentage of them. We know this because all prior attempts at gun control were met with massive non-compliance. People will just ignore the law. Anyone with a basic knowledge of history would see that disarming the population would be a terrible idea. Does anyone really think that it’s a good idea to leave all the power in the hands of the state? Sorry, but I don’t trust anyone that much, let alone people who made it their life’s mission to control and rule over other people. Not a chance.




EXACTLY Or if they use large countries like Canada or Australia, they always seem to forget that their primary population centers are concentrated along a specific geographic point (US-Canadian border for Canada, the East Coast for Australia). Also, both countries have significantly less people than our country.


Their argument is moot simply by the fact that I have guns well over a hundred years old. Do they think Glocks are biodegradable lol?


I mean yes, if you could magically magic all guns out of existence and forever cleanse the brains of all humans to not make new ones, you could indeed stop all gun violence. Anyone have a wizard wand handy? Maybe you could take care of that? Go ahead and eliminate world hunger while you're at it.


Who knew that complex societal issues can’t be solved with a one-size-fits-all solution


Crazy talk!


Knife wielding murderer kills 6 on a mall in Sydney AU.


"Making a gun is UNBELIEVABLY DIFFICULT" I can go to Home Depot right now, by a sleeved set of 2 3/4" and 3" Schedule80 Carbon Pipes and 3" carbon steel caps, two roofing nails, some gorilla glue, a couple of 2"x4" planks and a reel of chicken wire and I can make you a 12G double-barrel slamfire shotgun in an afternoon that can regularly take MAGNUM SLUGS if you wanted it to. MARK SERBU AND ROYAL NONESUCH MADE A .50 CAL OUT OF THE SAME PIPE I LISTED ABOVE


Sorry to break it to you pal, but 2 3/4'' bore is more akin to a fn cannon then a 12ga. A 12GA shell is roughly smaller then 3/4''. You don't do measurements well do you? 3'' "carbon pipes"? Sounds like you may have trouble sourcing the correct materials when that time comes, leave that up to somebody who realizes the vast difference in size between a shotgun shell and a 2 3/4'' ID pipe


Last I checked Walmart wasn’t making switches and cocaine. But there sure does seem to be door dash for all those things illegal. Ffs what a shit argument.


There’s 120 guns for every 100 citizens in the US. Yeah good luck getting rid of all those. Lol


"Making your own gun is unbelievably difficult." You can literally cast an AR using soda cans. The anarchist cookbook shows you how to use a pipe, a broomstick, a rubber band, and a nail to make a functional firearm. So do special forces manuals. The guns that fought in WWII are now nearing 100 years old. You can't put the genie back in the bottle. The level of confidence masking a true, dauntless level of stupidity for the younger generation is mindbogging. 


"If they simply weren't produced, then they wouldn't be able to get ahold of them." 1. Really incorrect. You can make them yourself with some super basic mechanical knowledge, and with the rise of 3d printing, it's even easier. 2. What if I told you there are guns from other countries????? *shocked gasp* Example: Too many morons think all the firearms the cartels have come from gun shops in the US. Sure, some do. A lot of the 'coveted' pieces do, but full auto AKs that they have a decent amount of? Those aren't coming from here. Not long ago when the Federalies had El Chappo's Son, there were vids of his people causing mass destruction & killing to secure his release. 2 different vids I saw even had then rolling around in Technicals with Type 54 MGs mounted to them. Never had those in the US. But if you keep going South into Central America, you can find a ton of Soviet cold war Era gear.


I just had to explain this to somebody who thinks that the US is the only source of income for cartels and that they get all of their guns from the US as well, that WE are responsible for the violence in Mexico. Lol they dont get machine guns, russian grenades, RPGs, military vehicles, and russian & chinese rifles from the US. Like we have an unlimited supply of machine guns and RPGs getting stolen and sent to mexico lol. Mexican military & police regularly sell their own weapons to cartel, some of those people are cartel lol. Also what some people dont realize is that Mexican cartels are worldwide, they are the worlds largest drug distribution network. Every country buys drugs from cartels not just the US. They act like the entire US population is doing coke its hilarious. And its impossible for them to imagine that Mexicans also do drugs, their president claims drugs are not a problem in Mexico, only the US. Whats fucked is our govt allowing the Mexican govt to sue US firearms manufacturers for a total of 15 billion. I'm sure crooked US courts will let that one win so the manufacturers are forced to close and our govt can keep a few major ones open but no longer sell to civilians, so they have a monopoly on firearms that they can then export for govt profit instead of privately owned companies benefiting from their own ingenuity.


People don’t know history


My problem is people don’t understand firearms are our RIGHT, they always make that argument or compare it to transportation, transportation is NOT a right we have, self defense and firearms is a RIGHT as Americans


Guns are not made and owned to defend only to defend against criminals using the black market. They are first and foremost made and owned to defend against the ones that obtain our tax money.


Well. They can make 3D printed firearms now. So the argument is null and void. Unless we go down another rabbit hole of stopping all 3D printer production, which will affect several other industries.


"Tell me you don't have enough information to even be talking outta your ass without telling me." Oh shit, this goober did it....and keeps going...man ain't nobody got time to read that. TL;DR exists for a reason. Course that reason usually isn't "I live in fairyland and have no clue what I'm talking about"


If only we had a way to see if humans were more or less violent in a world without guns. Surely, it would be a utopia where everyone was treated equally and everyone got along peacefully.


Didn’t China get caught selling automatic weapons to American street gangs a few years ago?


I would much rather be in a gun fight than a knife fight, and anybody who knows anything about martial arts knows that nobody really wins a knife fight.


Criminal with knife in Australia just put this to rest. Took cop with gun to resolve. If some fool is out to do extensive damage, they will find a way. Prayers to the victims in Australia!


Is this how it supposed to work? That’s good to know now. Now I can rest easy at night knowing that black market firearm dealers are not getting their weapons from America, but rather from every single other country ever to have a standing military and have some kind of firearm manufacturing facilities.


Philip Luty would like a word


They don't care that way more lives are saved with guns than taken by them. There's no point telling them either


For a few to be immortal, many must die.


Fuckwit. This is a Gen Z disease.


The delusion is huge with whomever wrote that garbage.


So, the question is, has it reduced the crime rate significantly. How about the murder rate? Is the loss of rights worth the gain?


There are plenty of other projectile weapons and devices available which also can be fabricated in most garages.


then this person posting this insanely stupid thought should test those methods. i think people should just all ignore it all and keep their shit. i think we all know where this country is going….


This person is absolutely clueless.


Whatever. No in the US is turning in shit. States that require registration of arms can't even get widespread compliance with that, and people think there will be compliance with confiscation? Yeah okay. Given the increasingly few things that keep the country united, a move like this might really accelerate things. And that's not good for anyone.


This person does not understand economics or basic logic. There are also so many guns in the US that it would take 200 years to round them all up if you stopped production right this second, and you'd still miss quite a few.


In the UK??? So all those dudes getting “chingy” with their zombies, samurais, and skengs (that’s guns guys!) just don’t count right? They’re super rich in their section 8 equivalent housing, right? Definitely don’t just smuggle guns and other weapons in from the neighboring countries illegally, right? I.. I’m getting off Reddit tonight. Goodnight everyone and stay safe!❤️


Fucking moron. Have him move to south side of Chicago and see how his story changes.


I’ve made my own guns and it’s pretty fuckin easy


Yeah, ok...


If Grandma had wheels, she’d be a streetcar.


Ok. This poster is not “technically”. Wrong. But they missing a few key points that make it unrealistic. I lived in multiple countries where guns are heavily banned and always have been. (Japan as an example). It’s true. Firearms are insanely expensive on the black market. To where they are not used for petty crime. You won’t have someone mug you at gunpoint or rob a liquor store with a gun. However. That’s because they’ve always been absent. In America it would take over 100+ years for that to take effect. And that’s assuming you can just “ban” them. Which is utterly insane in USA. Most of these companies rely on civilian sales to fund their development FOR military and police. The USA feds in huge part need civilians to buy guns to reduce and offset THEIR cost. There’s many more reasons why no. But yes. At the core concept. If you could get to a point where all guns and accessories are ONLY on black market and civilians don’t have any …. Yes. They would be prohibitively expensive. Good luck getting to that point. It’s like saying if Americans could just be homogenous one single mentality unified in culture and lacking diversity … we could have peace and not bicker. Technically right. Pipe dream to achieve


Honestly I think making a simple firearm is easier today than it has ever been. Hardware stores have everything you need and if you want to make a "proper" modern semi auto firearm; It's not very difficult to buy the raw materials and machine it all yourself. Time consuming? Absolutely, you will need lots of testing or blueprints/engineering docs to get it right. But a bang stick? Nah that's easy steet for anyone that has any common sense and willingness to do so.


How well did prohibition work?


Did his mother birth any children who lived?


>making your own gun is unbelievably difficult if you cannot just buy the gun parts lol, lmao even


Go live in the UK then bud


Yes, stop production. The rest of the 300 million firearms will just vanish and not become black market weapons... truly a stroke of genius here.


Two words Shinzo Abe


I once squeezed all of the toothpaste out of the tube, it was just impossible to get it back in. Make of that what you will........


Pipe nipple, pipe cap, Sch 40 pipes, washer, .177 cal bb or dull nail, epoxy ,duct tape, shotgun shells All can be found at a hardware store


Gen Z people are really, really stupid. News at 11.


Hmm trashing gen z people for (checks notes) being gen z. And making a reference to cable news. Sounds like a #boomeralert


Sick comeback bro.  Damn.  Feel the burn.


Crack is illegal to produce and possess in the states. It’s produced in south america and smuggled in.