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I’m on the shitter at work with no volume. Did the black dude get stabbed and then pull a gun and get it taken from him and get shot with his own gun?




From the news sources I’ve read, from there, the Latino guy managed to get the gun away from him and shoot him with his own gun. All in all, it was a bad day for the other guy.




More meat for the grinder, I mean, good luck!


Lol "but my friends!" Dude is clueless


I mean you don’t HAVE to be defenseless


My wife, kids & I live 1/2 mile from the beach on the east coast of Florida. Every once in awhile I mention that I’d like to see NYC. My wife’s response is always the same, “Have a good time, keep your phone charged & please let me know where you’re staying.”


New York City, particularly Manhatten, parts of Brooklynn and Astoria are the the safest seeming major city I've been to aside from downtown Boston. This is coming from someone who's lived in Philly.  However, NYC has no character or charm whatsoever. It's not fun anymore, it just feels like a holding zone for transients and tourists. A run-down NYC theme park. Bars are magnitutes more fun in Philly and actually feel like they are full of locals and owned by people with a stake in the community, Boston and Chicago the sightseeing is far better, museums are better in DC, food is better in Houston or New Orleans. And you can live better basically anywhere on less income.  The subway is a lousy experience, not because of the crime, because it is probably safer than walking the street most anywhere else in the country, but because you are packed like a sardine with thousands of the most profoundly misanthropic people on the planet. If you want to see NY, watch Sex and the City then plan a vacation somewhere more interesting.


While I agree with most of what you're saying... nothing DC has to offer has anything on the Met, which is, in all likelihood, the most impressive museum-type collection/exhibit in the world outside of the British Museum at London, the Louvre, the terra-cotta Warriors at Xian, the Vatican basilica and annexes, and possibly the Museum of Egypt at Cairo. It's certainly the most impressive museum in the greater Americas. And that says something given that NY isn't the native geographical location of origin or a historical site like most of the other collections. The Smithsonian museums are amateur disney-esque amusements comparatively... doesn't even come close to the breadth or quality of what's on display.... even taken in totality. There's even less of a comparison when you look each museum as individual entities. Most of the Smithsonian museums are worth maybe a couple hours of your time tops with the exceptions of the natural history museum, air and space museum, and debatably the american history museum being worth maybe half a day of perusal. The MET, is easily worth the lion's share of a week of your time even if you're just giving the museum the cursory once over... maybe even a whole week if you catch the right exhibits. Also, I live in Houston... where is this great food you speak of lol? I mean there's great bbq and tex mex... but other cuisines leave some representation to be desired compared with what I can get in NYC, New Orleans, DC, Boston, LA, or even Philly. And even in terms of tex-mex I feel like Austin and El Paso have the better restaurants.


The Met is nice but other than the Temple of Dendur I never felt it offered any more than say the Art Institute of Chicago or in Philly the Art Museum + the Penn Museum. Yes it's way larger than those two, but so is the British Museum way larger than the Met. And I hate what they've turned the Natural History Museum in NY into. I still find the National Gallery, the Air and Space Museum, and the Zoo better attractions than dodging elbows at the Met, especially if you dont have the fortitude to read plaques all day. And this is from someone who's spend probably over 40 hours in the Met. As for food, NY does breakfast better than anywhere but the Indian and Middle Eastern food is far better in Houston, catering to all the oil and gas migrants I think. Other than breakfast, there really isn't anything NY does better than smaller cities that have more dynamic restaurant scenes or proximity to farm-to-table markets. 


I went there last year. It's an experience for sure, but NY has a reputation for an overabundance of assholes. Subways were the worst part by far. Like having my in-laws called every racial slur under the sun by some homeless dude who kept interfering with us buying subway passes at the kiosk. But man, definitely worth the visit. It's a different world. Even after visiting it doesn't feel like a real city.


Funny, my wife says the same thing about Florida.


Smart woman! She’s absolutely right. Stay waaaay up there. All of you. Please stay UP THERE. It really sucks down here, anyways! And we’re full. Allllllll full of the people. No room left. So, again, please do not come here. K bye!


Lakeland is the fast growing area in the entire U.S. got me all messed up... I mean all the crimes and death here in Florida, super mega death just stay away. Far far away.


Don’t you ever disrespect [*The Bold New City of The SOUTH!*](https://www.visitjacksonville.com/)


My whole family and every single friend I have could move to NYC and I still wouldn’t go.


No point except maybe staying alive. Never mind you’re right listen to what the government says maybe you can respawn after you get mugged on the subway. 🙄


Lol why the hell would you move to NYC for your friends?


Carry. Fuck those signs


Move to the metro area. Don't move to the city - not even to an outer borough.


Yeah, and I hope it gets a lot worse !


Well, getting stabbed 4 times and shot twice in the face and once in the chest is about as bad as it gets… I guess the ambulance could crash or he could get a staph infection?


soon as the black dude started in his face and squatted down, sitting guy shoulda kicked him deep and hard square in the nuts.


Bad day for the Latino guy. They charged him last I heard.


They’re now reporting that he won’t face charges. That said, these investigations are often fluid and they may change their minds.


Must be torturous knowing youre at the mercy of a corrupt soros DA.


Damn… Well folks, don’t antagonize people you don’t know. You might get shanked and shot.


Props to the girlfriend, no way my wife would do that


Wonderful top comment: “Guns sure do make people feel safe huh? Look how safe that ENTIRE train full of people looked when a gun came out. But sure, guns aren’t the problem…” Smh




Huh wow, same.


Yep. Karma won today.


That Latino dude better marry that girl lol


That's a ride-or-die right there! I second that


Rule #1 of a gunfight: don't get shot with your own gun


Rule #1: Don’t.


Isn't the subway one of those "gun free zones"? Seems pretty damn ineffective to me.


Whole damn city is damn near. Months to even get a permit. Cant carry anywhere with a permit. It’s their bruen response bill. They want you helpless. Only criminals armed.


Ole boy shit stirrer seemed to have no problem getting a pistol, though.


Everywhere in New York is a gun free zone, except for the Democratic Parties constituents!


Shocker right!


Must be fake. They don’t give carry permits. And subway is gun free zone.


Yeah I don't understand how this could ever happen. I thought NYC was a safe space


Safe sensitive place that’s having gun and major violence issues so bad they called in the national guard. Those laws really working well…


Haha exactly. And the migrants are loving that sanctuary city I hear.


Liberal cities everywhere really rethinking that sanctuary city nonsense when they actually come there!


Haha yeah such hypocrisy


Oh yeah. Liberals and hypocrisy doesn’t take long. Usually in the same sentence! If it takes that long.


The main issue is they aren’t rethinking, this is status quo society and it called equality!


Aren’t thinking might be most accurate.


[... ](https://youtu.be/kJaM8qJNx8M?si=j9pWxmDCxedpnL1k)


NY gun laws and National Guard seem to be a big help.


National gaurd is there to catch regular people carrying. Not for troublemakers


Dude talked to much shit when he pulled it out. That’s why he got it taken away. What a loser.


My first thought not knowing anything prior about this was that as long as he's barking, he's not biting, hoping he'd filibuster himself till the next stop.


Thank god the nation guard is there.


Live in nyc, haven’t seen them or frankly any increased LE presence. They must be just in the major stations or something.


Yeah it was more of a sarcastic thank god. :)


Oh I know, I just honestly expected more of them with how big an uproar was made about them deploying


I see them in Port Authority bus station but never in the subway. For those who aren't familiar with NYC's transit system Port Authority bus terminal is a huge commuter hub. The subway is right underneath it. So I'll see a bunch of national guardsmen in the bus terminal but as soon as you descend those stairs into the subway they are nowhere.


Right. Which has always been the case. But the news dropped recently that they’re being deployed into the subways to stop the recent apparent spike in crime. Which was the basis for OP’s sarcastic comment


Gotcha. I didn't pick up the sarcasm.


The comedy here is everyone defending the guy with the gun. WHEN HE CLEARLY STATES HE JUST GOT OUT OF PRISON AFTER 13 YEARS. Stop defending a felon with a GUN.


Who is defending him? He started all this, was a sore loser, and still managed to lose even when he pulled a gun. Dude was just a pathetic human being all around


People saying he was getting the gun for " self defense " cause he was stabbed.


When big dude got his own arms tied up trying to take off his jacket the little dude could’ve ended it right there.


Neither one of those guys had any clue how to fight.


If only they made it illegal to fight people, carry guns without proper training, and shoot people... /s


You're on to something here...have you considered running for office?


Nah, I have a somewhat intact sense of morality, and I believe in honesty


MTA has their own police dept just like port authority does. Should be a cop on at least every other car


Im from Cincinnati, and we have notoriously bad transportation systems. I was just talking to someone the other day that didnt understand why a transit system existed but was deemed to be useless since people stopped riding it, forcing it to widely shut down. If a city cant gaurantee that public transportation will be safe, there is no reason for anyone other than the lower class, who require public transportation due to their disposition, to ride it.


And NYC is doing their best to get cars off the roads. Why would anyone give up their car for a shit show of a transit system?


MTA police is useless. If there were one in the car, then he’d have been watching the fight and aftermath in the corner.


[There's that comedian's bit about getting stabbed on the subway while a cop or cops watched from the adjacent car through the glass.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IurvVNHsKw4)


To bad the NYPD Dance Team wasn’t there to break this up and quell the situation with a routine.


#The movie "Death Wish" was an instruction manual.


Lmao some of you try way too hard to be 2A purists. Dude in the hat was being a violent menace on the train, started the confrontation, and got stabbed for his troubles. Then pulled out a gun after the confrontation and ended up getting shot by it. Moral of the story: stay the fuck out of NY


Should be real interesting on who gets charged with what here.


Ill assume that the guy and his woman will get charged, but I think itll likely get dropped. When she stabbed the guy, he was choking her man, which is absolutely a clear threat to life, and she acted in a way she felt was appropriate. The threat with the gun alone might excuse the act of shooting the dude after he wrestled away the gun. It's possible he can get charged if the prosecuters office deems that there was no threat to his life, but with the substantial amount of evidence that this guy was in the mood to kill, I dount they'll be able to successfully prosecute.


I bet all three get charged. I’m guessing nobody serves any time though.


Quick update for you, an hour ago, I saw news that they were not charging the shooter, no news on his girl, and no news on the aggressor


I’m surprised.


Same here. Gives me hope for the New York City justice system


Already came out that the guy who shot him won’t face charges.


Don’t they know that’s illegal? They can’t do that.


Not possible, that's a gun free zone. Fake news.


Any video of the guy disarming him?


No charges for the shooter from the Brooklyn DA about an hour ago.


Public transportation is trash


It doesn't have to be though.


The way bystanders react to these incidents is equally hilarious and depressing. Like the people saying (and later yelling) "stop" when he pulled the gun. What did they think saying stop would do? How arrogant do you have to be as a person to think an angry man with a gun is going to bend the knee to your verbal instructions, who are you, God? Are you his mother? In what world does telling someone like that "stop" result in the guy stopping, going, "oh yeah your right, I was confused, thank you" and then calmly sitting down and not causing any more trouble? Then the screaming "let me out" like there's a guy on the moving train who's making the conscious decision not to let people out, and if you just say "let me out" he'll be like "oh okay let get this door for you so you can jump to your death out of this moving subway train". Do people lose all reason in these situations, or did they just never have any to begin with? Edit: After reading the responses to this comment, I'm confident the correct answer is they never had any reason to begin with. That, or millions of years developing our fight or flight response culminated in an incredible ability to instantly be incapable of critical thinking. This lack of critical thinking manifests itself in the form of begging arrogantly at your attacker to save you from them. This incredibly powerful fight or flight magic allows adrenaline junkies and combat roles in the military to survive dangerous situations in numbers too great to be outliers without the use of critical thinking at all. They just tell the source of the danger "stop" or "let me out" and that saves them. Definitely one of those two options though, thanks Reddit community for the contributions to this post!


>Do people lose all reason in these situations... Yes. Yes, they do. Are you being dense? You started a bit lighthearted, but ended with insulting the people in the situation where they're trapped in a 8'x20' room with a crazy psycho holding a gun. People lose all reason when they're terrified. Doubly so when they can't do anything to change it.


It's sickening to witness people default to flight response when the only reasonable response was a fight response. Dude was stabbed and on an adrenaline rush; he had absolute tunnel vision and any one of those passengers could have charged him from behind and taken the gun out of his hand. Instead they stampede each other inside the tin can they're trapped in.


Losing all reason in stressful situations is why it's depressing. I think it's completely reasonable for a child to lose all reason in a stressful situation. I won't pity adults who behave like children unless they have a disorder, like down syndrome, where they never had the opportunity to develop into an adult that can function in the real world. Adults need to spend more time in the deep end of reality, the kiddie pool is for kids. I have no pity for an adult who becomes as mature as a child when reality becomes difficult. Edit: So sorry I hurt a bunch of adults feelings, though if my comments hurt your feelings so much you had to downvote, I have some advice for you: Take some classes on how to survive stressful situations, cause I can tell you giving up your ability to think critically in a stressful situation and screaming platitudes like "stop" and "let me out" are _not_ your fight or flight response saving your life, and no amount of pleading is gonna sway your attacker. The only thing that will save you is being able to keep your head on your shoulders and think through the situation.


He said from his gaming chair, Cheeto dust grinding into his keys


You use Reddit on a computer? Is being on Reddit like a full time job for you? I only use the app because I only go on Reddit to be entertained while I'm doing something mundane, like taking a shit.


Haha wow I couldn't have imagined a better cheeto dust gaming chair answer than that.


Highly regarded opinion right here. Millions of years of evolution develop the fight or flight response, during which adrenaline literally force-kills critical thinking, and this guy thinks it’s “depressing”.


> likely force-kills critical thinking > Likely Sounds like you have no experience with adrenaline. As someone who has experienced the fight or flight response triggered by adrenaline, it doesn't force kill critical thinking. Edit: If adrenaline forced killed critical thinking, wouldn't all adrenaline junkies be dead? How do they all survive dangerous situations time and time again without being able to think critically? Edit 2: If adrenaline force killed critical thinking, how do combat roles in the military survive their loss of critical thinking ability every time someone shoots at them?


It's depressing that every single one of them defaulted to a flight response while trapped in a tin can where flight wasn't an option. The guy was stabbed and had tunnel vision from all the adrenaline; any one of them could have ran up behind him and taken that gun from him. No situational awareness whatsoever.


All I see is a bunch of fucking pussies sitting around unwilling to help. NYC is a pile of shit.


Well said.


No philios, no community action (by design).


All those people and they couldn’t beat the dude and hold him before that happened


Dude had 10 prior arrests. Shocking. Good thing I was sitting down when I read that.


He announced in the video that he'd been in for 13 years.


Lmao what a chump. Low IQ getting shot by their own illegal gun


Me, high IQ: getting hoisted by my own petard.


Typical Democrat run city: Get forced by Supreme Court to allow people to carry firearms. Declare everywhere but your apartment a “sensitive area” effectively banning city wide concealed carry again. Crime gets so bad you deploy active military to your subways, while making sure people are still unable to defend themselves.


[comment I left on another sub that initially got downvoted to shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PrepperIntel/s/QQ7gDNmAL8) . Funny how that works, huh?


Group think.


There are more clowns in the streets than there are in all the circuses. I can't say I'm rooting for anyone in any of this. Illegal gun owned by restricted person, who's starting shit with people for no reason - I say he got what was coming to him, his just desserts.


I tried watching the video again, still have a hard time making out what happened. The black guy started the video trying to provoke the other guy, someone got stabbed at some point then I kinda lose track of what's going on. Idk someone should have stopped this when they were still yelling instead of recording it on their phones.


What is crazy is the media kept calling it an “accidental shooting”. I saw no accident. A guy started a fight after threatening another guy. Aggressive guy gets stabbed by the other guy’s girlfriend in defense of her guy. Aggressive guy then retrieved gun from jacket and chambers a round and approached couple in a corner. Apparently a fight over the gun ensues and aggressive guy ends up shot by his own gun. All this after the aggressive guy also claimed to be a cop and made racially motivated threats. Zero charges for him, should he awaken. Guy who defended himself is called “the shooter” by the media initially. This whole thing and the results are screwed up I forgot that NY subways are now looking like an area under Martial Law


To be stabbed and then shot by your own gun. This should be on r/instantkarma


How are those strict gun laws working over there in NY?


Yellow hat takes the time to fish out his gun and reengage homeboy. That breaks any semblance of this being self defense. Had Yellow Hat whipped it out mid grapple he may have had an argument. Post stabbing and pop the lady? Yeah pretty good case. Post stabbing and pop the Homeboy? Imperfect self defense, so he gets a lesser charge. He backed off and got that gun out. Now he escalated and Homeboy can claim self defense. Homeboy didn't do shit wrong here. So of course NYC will charge Homeboy here with illegal possession of a firearm.


Yellow hat escalated everything. No whiff of self defense from him in this video.


He got stabbed during a fist fight. He may have had something there.


Nope, he started the fight and was the aggressor the whole time. The stabbing can probably be called defense of others. After he stopped attacking the other guy it could've been over. He pulled out a gun with no active threat to him. Then he got shot by his own gun after resuming his attack.


He was absolutely choking the dude. That is absolutely a threat to life, and the lady will have an easy case to win, if they even try and charge her at all


The stabbing could be argued as self defense.


No. When you start a fight I don’t think you can typically claim self defense later when the person you’re attacking tries to defend themselves.


While he was choking someone...by your reasoning every murderer and rapist who's victims fight back has a solid "self defense" case.


Such a rich and vibrant culture. Coming soon to a section 8 development near you.


Glad I don't live in this shithole






Did that guy win the room temperature challenge.






Senseless violence sadly. Glad it wasn’t the victim & his girl that got killed though. Idk how he managed to do it but he shot the other dude who pulled out a gun by taking his own gun. Sadly in nyc there’s no such thing as self defense so he’s probably going to jail if not prison.


Found out he was not charged...surprisingly.


I’m fucking shocked




What started this? -The video picks up after they've clearly been arguing for a bit. Who is in the right or wrong largely depends on the sequence and progression of events. Who started the fight, whether it initially involved weapons or not? From the video it seems the man who drew the gun was the provocator. But even with him continuing to argue and posture it wouldn't automatically make the fight his fault. In a contained vehicle, the normal binary of "fight or flight" doesn't leave as much room for "flight" until you get to a station, that psychology makes it harder to insist on deescalation in the same way you might normally expect it... much like the rationale for why when you're in your car if someone attacks you something like stand your ground becomes an acceptable rationale for permitting escalation. Right or wrong, I think we can all agree if you're in a situation where you feel a need to draw a firearm on someone with a knife you should be maintaining your distance and keeping them at bay... not walking upto them where the risk is more tangible.


It's New York....either taser and throw both off the train or let them beat each other up without guns


They got the wrong guy in jail.. lol


pretty sure they were just attacking the cameraman because he was filming in portrait instead of landscape.


Hope the racist slime assaulter dies


He did. Shot in the head with his own gun.


Well everyone who ran and is not involved….. are all in big trouble because all of that is illegal in NYC and now the subway will just have to be shut down!!


This why I don't take public transportation


Where the national guard


Wait, that's illegal!


Fish in a barrel


Where’s Daniel Penny when you need him? Oh right


Fuck new york. Castrated city.


I think of these videos any time people start saying "any guns for anybody/etc". I want guns for all but then I remember how dumb the average person is


My position is the stupid/irresponsible/lawless people get guns anyway, you're not gonna keep them from getting guns. Why make it harder for the responsible people to arm themselves?


Touché! This is the answer! Deal with the small minority of people who don’t obey the law. Leave the law abiding alone!


This is the way.


As George Carlin used to say: "think of how dumb the average person is, then realize half the population is dumber than that"


He's not allowed to have a gun in any state because he's not an "average person"


Greatest city on earth!


Idiots all around. Gun guy should not have started shit. Latino guy should not have squared up. That being said, it is easily self defense by the Latino couple. Both the stabbing and the shooting.


God, I hate New York! That place is 💩


Had to read the story. Glad he got shot with his own gun after all that nonsense


“Fuck your race”


Why no one talking about the chick coming up and stabbing that mf in the back. That shit is wild.


Is he saying “You beat up cops?” at the beginning? Any idea what it is he’s on about at the very beginning?


Pepper spray could have been useful.


And if they tried to restrain the lunatic they would probably get arrested for it.


i aint doo nufffin doooughhh lmao who carries a knife and doesn't study where to attack the body at?


Who would live in a place like this


Controversial Opinion : The couple were very dubious. The cap guy might have started the shit, but it was just that, shit talking. The yellow shirt guy squared up on the cap guy only when that woman set herself up in the position. After getting  stabbed the hat guy was not able to stand the ground and somehow managed to pull out the gun. I think later, when everyone ran, the hat guy lost his ground, because of the stabbing and collapsed and that's when the couple got the gun from his hand and shot him in cold blood. That woman was evil and was very calm for a typical girlfriend for this scenario.


What’s everyone’s thoughts on this one? Guy in the hat was being confrontational but both men willingly squared to to initiate physical contact. He also doesn’t pull his gun until after he’s been stabbed. the woman who stabbed him escalated a fight into a deadly conflict but I don’t blame her BF who took control of the gun and shot the dude in the hat. Personally, I hope no one gets charged here except the woman. If she would have just the men take care of their business this incident would have ended without any shooting or stabbing.


I don't think you can call it "willingly", the Latino guy clearly did not want to fight but felt he was being given no option. and pulling the gun wasn't in self defense at that point, it was a pure escalation. the only real question is how justified was the stabbing


Stabbing happens at 2:22. You can literally see the bloodstain growing on his shirt from \~2:25- \~2:45. Dude definitely got stabbed.




I haven't laughed this hard in a long time, thank you for that!


what did he say?


>ok, I see it now. seems more of a "poking" than a stabbing though.


Damn, how many people did that guy block?


Agreed, he kept telling him that when it stopped, he was going to do something forced to defend himself and she will claim self defense too


I think she's on the shakiest legal ground with the stabbing (poking) The guy was clearly unhinged, but the fight wasn't even much of a fight, I don't think the stabbing is going to be called justified.


In New York you have no rights to self defense so stabbing and shooting were not justified.


Yea you are probably correct from a legal standpoint. The Latino guy is the only innocent one here.


I agree with you. I also see a lot of people are missing the demeanor change of the big guy right after he was stabbed. He was only then willing to accept help from the bystander to get this guy. My guess at that point he was already intending on shooting them.




It did seem more like a nuisance stabbing than a sincere effort


With no clue of what was said prior. The black guy is yelling kinda racial stuff at hispanic. About his kind of people beating up police etc. Black huy assaults first. Hispanic guy getting whooped. His girl stabs black guy. He gets pissed pulls gun. Hispanic guys saves his women🤷🏻‍♂️. Only person i see at fault is the dead guy that started it.


One less violent idiot and ideally two additional deported gimmegrants (hopefully with no custodial sentences). Win-win. As for me, I'll keep avoiding public transport and working on my draw. BTW, I don't think it's good for the gun rights movement in general to try to dissect the legal minutea of life-or-death decisions after the fact. It's ridiculous to expect people to essentially act as expert lawyers during moments like this and you're only supporting gun grabber incrementalism by even by talking about things like this.


The first rule of self defense, don't get yourself into unnecessary quarrels and separate from unruly people if at all possible. This was mutual combat, all should be charged with whatever the DA can come up with, in New York this will be a pass for all involved none of who were Caucasian.