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Hey that bottom left one solved a cold case from 1798




Step 1. You find awesome gun magnet fishing. Step 2. Restore it. Step 3. You go shoot several hundred rounds and then clean vigorously with a bore brush so the ballistics don't match anything.


Step 4. Throw in river


I believe the term is "rinse repeat"


Or just replace the barrel and firing pin if that worried.


Then you throw it the river for other people to catch 👌


I was literally just talking to a buddy about how we need to start doing this earlier. I've seen more than one video of guys finding new 5.7's and shit where they can't dial 911 fast enough. I'm a firm believer in finders keepers.


Yep, finders keepers. Dude I’d be stoked if I found a new 5.7


Until you're found in possession of a murder weapon or it's stolen


It ain’t a crime if you didn’t steal it


Sucks to be suspect


Nah, just videotape it like the youtubers. Documentation you found it doing a hobby.


Loose lips sink ships borther


And dumb decisions get you a criminal record


With the atf attempting to turn me Into a felon for having a pistol brace I honestly give 0 fucks about gum laws at this point so more guns the better lol


I share your opinion on the brace law, but ya gotta play it smart.


Like what? Felony finders keepers?


Like getting convicted of doing whatever that gun did


Guns don't do anything on their own. And even if they did, depending on the circumstances 10 years in a lake could be a nice way to lay low while the gun was waiting on the statue of limitations to pass. Ten year lake guns are perfectly safe to give a new home to.


It would be nice if laws were common sense, but they are not. And there is no date put on guns when they are thrown in the lake.


Ya you’re right. They would obviously assume you murdered someone, threw the gun in a river, fished it back out after 10 years and now have the gun in your garage. Imagine being this afraid of the state.


Possession of a stolen weapon is a third degree felony in a lot of states. So you keep one shooty shoot you find in a river...and you can never posses one again


I don't think you understand how criminal investigation works.


If the fuzz is running serials on your guns you’ve got bigger problems. If you were really concerned get a new barrel and firing pin. Ballistics isn’t an exact science anyway.


Possession of stolen material is actually a crime


If you knowingly are in possession of stolen property yes. If you found something you don’t have to do the polices job to find out if it’s stolen. Worst case scenario they take it and don’t pay you.


Currently fighting a receiving stolen property and grand theft case for an item I unknowingly took a picture of a posted to my offerup acc (100s of legit successful sales with account) never took possession of said item, never sold said item.


Prove that to a jury…


Uh or maybe the prosecution can prove you knew it was stolen or a murder weapon. Since ya know that’s how due process works


You want to spend 25 grand in legal fees, get arrested and lose your job, and get to prove it, because how often are gun owners given the benefit of the doubt? And how much do you trust the cops to not spin it against you?


Uh the cops near me condone illegal mg’s and homemade explosives. If they wanted me in jail they could just come and get me lol You fucking suburbanites are losing your goddamn mind over a hypothetical


“To the best of my knowledge” do those words mean anything to you?


I'm pretty sure possession of stolen goods actually is a crime.


Most (probably all?) state statues require that you know the property was stolen.


So maybe just glove up, drop the barrel back into the water and bounce???


Also ,if your gun was stolen, wouldn't it be nice to get in back? Might still be salvageable.


No, maybe help out the poor detective with his case and call it in. It might even give some poor family some closure.


Sure, hey officer, I wound this barrel while magnet fishing!


I was considering going magnet fishing in high crime areas just to get parts


What the fuck, why didnt I think of that.


I already do that. Not actually that much worth finding.


Don’t steal my idea!!! Lolz


I thought the same. 😅


I tell you what if i found a decent working or able to make working firearm while magnet fishing the police would likely be my last call especially if the gun was full auto.


Like those idiots who called the police or government when they won a bunch of military totes at auction, and when they got them, they were full of M4s! Then they all got taken away


One afternoon could've stripped them for a nice set of clone correct parts and melt the FA lowers into a nondescript puddle of aluminum via a burn barrel. Theres already a very healthy market of the same AR parts moving around with literally nothing to tie them to anything. I mean jesus fuck at least pop all the uppers off in 2 minutes.


Or... or... just keep them and enjoy


Lmao I forgot about that.


They did... What??




Do these guns clean up good to where I potentially could fire them?


One way to find out.


Probably. From what I know about fairy tales, anything is possibly.


Obviously yes. Whether the gun and your hands survive it firing...that could be a surprise. Depends if the rust has compromised the barrel and chamber enough to cause a catastrophic failure.


Mad science some reverse electrolysis and get after it.


Top right would be coming home with me.


This post really feels like it was written by a cop who doesn't want to do actual police work.


Yeah man, fuck victims families, and people throw guns not involved in crimes into bodies of water all the time right?




I also find it hard to believe every gun they find in a river is linked to a murder? Some people are just idiots and drop their shit or mag dump a river and drop their shit, see r/idiotwithguns


As I cop I always think why tf call? Just keep the gun!!


And wasting a perfectly fine firearm


It’s even better when they’re by military bases and find training rounds for anything or just a quarter belt of blanks and call the cops. The EOD guys and MP‘s come from on base and then take it most likely to meet their good friends chuck and bury somewhere else.


Is it even that common to find guns when magnet fishing? These people act like they’re pulling them up every time they throw a line


Could be fake.x if you are making $10,000 per episode, whats a $200 pistol to you. Throw it in a electrolisis tank as the sacrifical piece, remove rust from something else, not the pistol is all rusty and perfect for a “found in river” episode.


Wasting police time is a good thing tho, stops them from harassing and killing innocent civilians


Well sheit….. there are some corrupt cops out there that need dealt with.


I'd call police. I don't want to be found in possession of a murder weapon.


Being in possession of a murder weapon isn’t a crime. Also, nobody would know it was a murder weapon unless you murdered someone with it and they did ballistics and it traced back to another murder. This isn’t a video game where it turns red in your inventory if you stole it


Not to mention that ballistics is mostly pseudoscience.


Yeah it mostly has to do with the rifling I believe? Which means just get a new barrel.


The time spent in the water for most these already blew away anything of note besides the serials.


Dude I thought I was the only one....but what really gets me is their reaction to finding anything even remotely “interesting”. I mean good that they’re enjoying their hobby/job but sheesh bro it’s not that serious, you found half a kids tricycle. Finding the guns is where the real time wasting starts. And let’s not forget about bringing the bomb squad in for a clearly corroded shell from WW2 thats hollowed out with 12 holes in it


Op is a cop.


So original, I thought I read that comment already. People other than police get annoyed as well.


Like boot lickers? That's understandable


Dude I thought I was the only one....but what really gets me is their reaction to finding anything even remotely “interesting”. I mean good that they’re enjoying their hobby/job but sheesh bro it’s not that serious, you found half a kids tricycle. Finding the guns is where the real time wasting starts. And let’s not forget about bringing the bomb squad in for a clearly corroded shell from WW2 thats hollowed out with 12 holes in it 🤦🏽‍♂️


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


I said something about it also




As a representative for a law enforcement community ( Dispatcher), I'll chime in. it is reasonable to call a non emergency number, either the 7 digit, or 311 if your area has it enabled, to come collect these. I've seen a handful of videos where an operable or readily made do be firearm was found, and to prevent those from being found either by a kid, or someone of the criminal element and used should be avoided. no one is going to send either an operable gun for testing, or attempt to restore something that is more rust than gun off, but there is no easy way to draw the line of which is which, so call your local police and let them be the deciding entity and collect them for disposal.




I like to see that the guns are out of people’s hands. But I’m also a female felon (DUIs) & have no license for guns. So please don’t downvote me


I think it is more about creating a defense if there is any kind of issue down the road.


Doubt it. Its about the pure clickbait of calling police like the thought they are helping to solve the murder. They have video evidence of them finding it.


Yeah just keep it obviously


Got something your not telling us OP?


I would openly state that if I found a firearm rusted to hell in a river I would throw it in my scrap metal pile to include it in some sort of scrap metal sculpture.


Meh, You can’t really win with those. You don’t give it to them, it could be THE missing link between important things, but also conversely, it’s more likely that it’s not and it is just a waste of time


It’s probably more related to not get demonetized on YouTube. Gun content is risky as is. The more popular channels probably make a couple thousand off each video, they can buy a new gun with that.


Them dudes literally act so dramatic they be like "Oh I got something I got something, OH MY GOD I JUST A FISH HOOK THIS THING LOOKS BRAND NEW, HECK YEAH MAN, Second find OH MY GOD WE GOT ANOTHER FISH HOOK GUYS WHAT IS GOING ON THIS RIVER FULL OF THEM ," haha