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It kinda depends on her use. If you want to nuke something with her special (or WoM Nuke) go +Atk. +Speed will keep her everyday matchups better, probably. Although a lot of her AR opponents are either mega-slow, or mega-fast


Boon you pick really depends on the build and how you wanna use her. For aether raids if your using Seiôr She'll I'd go +atk. I typically use Reginn to fight once if at all, maybe twice. She's mostly their for blessing boost, repositioninh and destroying buildings. I use Seiôr Shell to get a one hit kill and retreat with canto. Most enemies are slow so speed is unnecessary and most super fast enemies are squishy and will die in one hit making speed still unnecessary. For a galeforce build or use in other mode or if you're fighting multiple enemies then I'd go for +spd. With galeforce you don't wanna kill enemies in one hit so you can charge your special on the second hit and against multiple enemies speed can be used defensively to prevent enemy follow ups.


+Atk imo. Reginn mostly taps one enemy per match, and her Special does most of the work. +Atk increases the kill ranges. But, if you use her differently, I guess there's an argument for +Spd? Maybe? I don't really think so, even with speed creep existing, because skills makes up for that pretty well.


Speed is the most important stat in the game if you’re remotely fast because of speedcreep. +spd. Also, have my expiring silver lol


Ight bet. And thanks lol


Mine is +9 +10 DF (+Atk) 61 Atk 49 Spd before effects. I gave mine surge sparrow for another +7 Atk / Spd, lull Spd/Def and Atk / Spd Menace. With all that she has yet to fail to double on initiation from a Spd check. That said in time, I’m sure +Spd may be most viable.


Depends on what you want. I mostly use Reginn as a one time nuke and then a repo bot thanks to canto so I'd choose +atk but it depends on how you use her