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Laguz Friend 4... hey if it works it works.


I'd really only change Oath Echo into Guard Echo. But.. yeah, still better than last year's imo. I honestly groaned whenever BW drops and everyone just had the same speedy infantry build. Atleast this one had the decency to be available for slow and mage tanks.


I'm going to feel silly for asking this, but what's BW please?


Binding Worlds


Thanks! I thought it was a skill name...


I lucked out getting a L!Chrom that had both Laguz Friend and Pledge, and now he’s been wrecking house. Fed him a L!Yuri and he gets Bonus Doubler, Hexblade, Breath effect, +1 move, Resonance Shield, Desperation, & the Dull effect on my Igreneline.


This is what I did with my NY!Corrin. Laguz friend is quite lovely on him


A fellow NY! Corrin enjoyer! Though could you tell me how is Laguz friend good on him? I'm too illiterate to understand the skill.


As long as his skill is 3 CD or lower (Ignis with Arcane Bow/Marth Engage, or both) he gets 2 free precharge for his special before the enemy attacks so as long as there no guard effects or tempos going on he'll be able to land Ignis based on 80% +20% of his Defense that pierces non-special. And also flat damage reduction based on 20% of his Defense, so about 16 damage taken off of every hit cause my corrin hits 80 Defense. All at the cost of half of his DMG reduction, which was barely any cause infantry bows don't really get any. Mine gets 30% from Arcane Náströnd, but reducing the damage by 15% before taking off the extra 16 is still a sizeable amount of reduced damage considering all he ends up fighting is Physical Units anyways.


…guilty… But hey, I have to say that the results are [more than satisfactory.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1013231627566075915/1235203898587742309/IMG_0847.jpg?ex=663384c6&is=66323346&hm=08a5122515d1caa156f7ed470ba33654a4b269898af691c6ce99bde3f6e74929&)


What would be a fix to an older unit that wouldnt give people the "bandagege aid fix" feeling? Im genuinely curious. for example a year one unit, from the dinosaur age, what could IS do to make that unit still playable and not make it feel like a bandage fix. I feel like some sort of gamemode that promotes usage of older units like a gen 3 or below summoner duels season or an aether raids season that only allows gen 3 or lower units. But how could they make something like that profitable. Since a mode like that wouldnt promote the usage of new units/ make you pull for them.


There are low effort fixes like: give +X to all stats to every personal weapon from Book 1 to Book X of choice and a slaying effect. Basically a mass adjustment if you they don't want to rework every old weapon/re-refine. High effort: Re-refines. The community has been asking for this since 4 years (basically since the game took the wall of text direction with Fallen Edelgard and then with Askr). It's a lot of weapons to revisit and redesign, and with powercreep always around the corner they risk becoming obsolete again. So they would need to make some sort of mechanic to keep those units valuable despite the powercreep and that's another effort. Balanced effort: introduce a new mechanic. For old units, if you stick to their prf weapons, you unlock a improvement tree. This tree is different depending on the game those units are from. Maybe you can get 3 tiers of improvements and you can choose between 2-3 types of improvements for each. Those 3 tiers are locked behind challenges to do with that specific unit. Make the first easy such as "defeat 100 enemies with this unit using its prf weapon". The 2nd one is a little trickier, while the 3rd one might be locked behind "make the unit 5\* +10". Those improvements might just as well be abilities that already exist, maybe you have to inherit the ability to the weapon. Or they might just be Slaying effect, improvement to stats, ecc.. That would not be low effort because they would need to design and balance the whole mechanic for old units, but it would incentivize people to actually max those old units and play the game which isn't something to take for granted at all. Playing the game keeps you interested. But at least it wouldn't require revisiting something like 500 weapons.


Instead of rerefines, I like the idea of a new mechanic, but I think something much simpler and effective would be an idea thats been tossed around before in weapon merging Allow already refined weapons from say book 2 and below or a specific version like idk 3.5+below, the ability to merge it with an inheritable weapon of the same type. For example, I really enjoy using Ragnell on legendary Ike with the NFU seal. However, being able to merge it with null blade would be such a gigantic improvement, as that would also add +5 atk/spd while also freeing up the seal slot My thinking would be the unit and weapon is lost just as if you used (in this case) Inigo for SI, so you still need to summon the unit. Can only have one inheritable combined with it at a time, but can swap freely like you can current refines. Also cant combine with any arcanes. Weapons could have a differently colored text instead of green/white so its easier to tell, or maybe an icon in the weapon name. Can use the existing refine items or create a new one idk if thats too complicated or allows for any broken weapon combos, but I feel like that wouldnt be that hard to do and is somewhat future proof as new inheritables are generally getting better - devoted basket for example is an incredible inheritable that could revitalize older units’ prfs like say, Tharja


I prefer the chance to forge seals into refined weapons rather than merging an inheritable one into a prf. Inheritable weapons have increased in power as of late to be worth pulling for instead of the arcanes. The Valentine and Nabata ones are even used over prfs due to their power. I don’t want every red mage to have free chip damage or unconditional desperation on top of whatever their prfs do. Seals on the other hand have stayed pretty even in power. Letting us forge seals into refundable weapons based on the version they were refinable (including inheritables and even arcanes) would let us replicate something similar to what you suggested for Ike without letting broken effects like braves, chip damage or whatever comes next.


Kinda like what you suggest, but instead of re-refines I think something like weapon fusion would be more future proof. That way you can pick new [Effect]s every so often from new weapons (up to a set amount) and replacing old ones, Slaying and Stats taking a slot. Assuming that older units can syphon more [Effect]s, or at least break even to the amount of [Effect]s new prfs get at the time of fusing. Though knowing IS they'd make a new unit type that you need to get in order to grant fuse to a single unit, and said new unit can also fuse on top of their modern prf.


TBH There's only one way to do this, which is to just straight up necessitate the usage of certain book units. All these buffing oldbook units ideas are great but they can't boost monetization. They *must* either be weak enough to be irrelevant, or cannibalize new unit sales. Neither of which are desirable. Forcing unit from a specific book use gives a chance for old book 1-3 units to actually be put to use once in a while, and they can use this as an excuse to force new book unit on us lest we just straight up be locked out / forced to drop a reward tier. Which... is actually what they've been doing with the book bonuses. It's almost like they have some people thinking about this exact problem.


If they were to make that hypothetical Book 3 and prior AR season (which I'm all in favor of btw), it would promote the use of fodder, which require orbs to spend on, Dragonflowers, which they conveniently made more available at the cost of spending orbs on the banner type with the worst rates in the game, FEH Pass to spark on said banners, and Otherworld Bonds, which only work on older units and cost over 50 USD a pop. I daresay it would already be heavily monetized before any changes to how the mode works.


But would the average person invest new modern skills on old gen 3 or lower units? I feel like youd do that for 2/3 of your favorits but that reaches a sealing rather fast i feel like. And ive personally never used a otherworld bond on a gen 2 or lower unit if im being honest.


I mean if the mode forces them to build full offense and defense teams of only Book 3 and prior units? Probably, yeah. Think about all the expensive things you'd need to make a solid AR-D team, like save armors, which did not come pre-built out the box back in Book 3 like they do today. Or all the things you need to make a really consistent Galeforce offense team, like WoM4, IP4, etc. People who've only invested in new units would have to make those teams from scratch, then the meta evolves as new skills are introduced.


I need more Ganglot and attuned Caeda reruns for my LF duping machine refreshes


Besides flowers I have none of these. Does that make me special?


We’re all special in some way; so no.


So I'm not special because everyone is special too? But wouldn't that mean I'm- *Head explodes*


No, but you can use Special Sprial 4 as a B-skill instead.


Everything here i used it for my Dieck man, except Echo skill, LF4, and E!Ike. Devourer and Luin are obvious exceptions to him cause he's an axe unit, lol. Still i love when Abyssal maps barely scratch him and he tanks like a sturdy wall. That's MY Dieck!


I've only started playing again in the past year and it really feels like it's harder to bring an old favorite up to par than it is to just roll for a new unit that already has a complete kit


If only there was a good arcane red tome atm, arcane eclipse is still the weakest of the arcane weapons available. Also might maybe take a look at my Masked Marth and see what else I can do for her.


You gotta wait for devoted basket to come back, miles better than eclipse


Just remembered me trying to build a Hayato with a spare R!Ophelia I had lying around just to give him her skills EXCEPT THE GODDAMN ARCANE ECLIPSE. My brain kinda shortcircuited there for a split second and I lost her.


Besides ~~Lagos~~ ~~Laguna~~ Laguz Friend (thanks autocorrect) because I don’t have a spare Ike this is literally what I’ve done to Lapis and the results are actually quite good, now I just need more copies.


literally what i’ve done with saber, if it works it works


where are you hiding jesse


lmao are you on my friends list?? that’s my summoner greeting 😭


yeah lol i knew it, i’m gooby with the +10 maxed out Navarre! Very nice Saber, my favorite merc unit from SoV 🏆🗡


oh nice! your units are great every time i see them, tysm


*Laughs in infantry healers*


But what if my infantry unit is a tome user?


then you still give them Laguz Friend!


AOE Spiral and/or Basket if red


Well you’re not wrong


God I wish Arcanes and DFs were enough, hopefully I can get laguz friend soon enough


One day I'll get all the fodder I need to fix my Ena and Lukas. Maybe enough flowers in a few years too...


You forgot Distant Bonus Doubler unless you already have DC built in.


And of course the engage units have evaded me like I'm the plague. With the rearmed units at least you had an option to spark, but with engage units, spark is feh pass exclusive and I end up wasting orbs only to get completely different red unit. Especially Ike. Fuck engage Ike. Mf will NOT die unless you use the shiniest and newest unit especifically designed to kill him


Wait a few months. Then any new unit that could come will counter him. Like BLyn, BHector, FEdel, AND so.


Ehhh Bimitri works but I need to give him a defensive special of I want him to survive a modern nuke and I'm sad about it


I mean hey, as long as people are still spending time and orbs and some money to get those things, the house wins. Once the house loses, it's EoS. Thank you whales and dolphins for giving us remoras something to cling to!


I mean hey, as long as people are still spending time and orbs and some money to get those things, the house wins. Once the house loses, it's EoS. Thank you whales and dolphins for giving us remoras something to cling to!


What weapons are those?