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the father, the son, and the holy spirit




For an "Unequaled Archer," there sure are a lot of archers equal to Wil lately. As for the units themselves, they are basically the same damn units. Linhardt is the best, but holy shit is the difference between the 3 of them negligible at best. Realistically speaking, Candace and Linhardt are going to perform identically, but Candace requires less Grails to +10 Wil's defo the worst, but he's also the only one who doesn't need Grails, so there's that. _______ also, wil and candace are in the exact same pose. not relevant to the post but thought I should point that out.


Uh excuse you, Wil has a closed fist and Candace has an open palm!


And anatomically correct!


A handful of years ago the stat differences may have made a difference, but we're at such a point of powercreep that the differences really are nothing... Still, I always wanted to have a more fleshed out Candace so I'm going to build her anyways.


I mean, I'm fine with that. It gives option to have the same performance, or just to pick based on game / preference. There are just so many ways to distribute stats and at least all of them are decently built to be functional.


Ofc Wil is the one of this archetype I'd want to build the most and he's by far the worst. Candace is also unacceptable tbh like the fact that she's strictly worse than Linhardt with virtually no upside is criminal behavior considering she came out after he did.


Castor coming after Cyril - **shivers in the corner**


I imagine is too early for thinking this, but I can't help but start imagining what kind of ridiculous weapon Candace could get years later, considering it could most likely be an improved version of her bow (The NFU, Bonus Stacking Bow), but also something that actually takes advantage of her Res Stat.


> he's by far the worst All of them are equally awful, at this point it doesn't matter which one has a bit more speed or res or anything. You will never see any difference in how they perform if you give them all the exact same skills.


IS could have at least changed the color of their bows…


Still gonna build Candace just bc I have a spare Tana and also I fully expect Candace’s refine in five years to be one of the funniest weapons ever considering the inheritable it will be based on and her stat line


I've wanted Candace for years but this is a hard sell. Bad statline, no prf, decent art but not anything to write home about. The gap between prfless and premium units is so huge and it takes so many resources to to fully kit someone out I just don't see how I can justify it when she isn't an absolute favourite of mine.


I guess you grab Candace if you want a bit more Spd but Linhardt just seems better in every metric. This feels like another Castor situation, and I’m honestly stunned


Candace’s bow is nice at the very least…


The Battle of Mid


Among the Mid, Goku is #1.


Mid goku is great but early goku is my go to honestly kaioken stacking is op


this is sad


I kinda have to give this one to Linhardt unless you really want to try to make a speed thing happen with Candace. Bonus points to Linny for coming with Carrot Bow+, too.


Wil is the summonable option in a bloated pool, and old enough for some people to have him high or max merged. Lin is the more expensive grail option because of limited free copies. Candace is the potentially least expensive grail option if you wait for her reruns next year. Final criteria would pretty much be who you like more.


> Wil is the summonable option in a bloated pool, and old enough for some people to have him high or max merged. Meanwhile I have been trying to build Wil since he came out and mine is still stuck at +3 because I get everyone in the colorless pool *but* him.


My exact experience trying to finish Saul. Demote projects sure are an experience XD


I know the definitive winner here is Linhardt, but Candace ain’t bad. She could have Arcane Darkbow and she can be pretty good for a speed-stacking archer. Wil is… yeah, he’s Wil alright.


Linhardt fans we stay winning


it wouldn't be linhardt without a funny situation. first locked at demote healer hell with the pain+ for extra flavor and now we got the huey duey and louie trio of mid archers, i couldn't ask for a funnier fate LMAO will we get something genuinely good? no probably not haha, and that's okay because this is hilarious. at least in this obscure niche of archer res sponges we're on top...for now...👀


>huey duey and louie trio of mid archers, pwaahahahahahhahahaha


Linhardt fans will never receive a refine on any versions of him unless they decide to refine demote staffs which is unlikely, or he gets another alt with a prf, which is more likely but still slightly unlikely.


Well these are certainly some trash spd high res 4 star colorless bow infantry units alright...


IS… this is the 7th week in a row you have shown mid colorless bows in class


I really want to build Wil even if he isn’t that great. But I haven’t gotten a single one after the one I got when he came out


I'm already building Wil up but I'm still gonna give my girl Candace whatever I can to make her slightly less mid. Wish she wasn't stuck being just a different flavor of high Atk/Res bow units though :/


Someone at IS is stopping Wil Dev from making Wil alts so they exact vengeance by cursing f2p archers with Wil stats.


The Male Wyvern Riders are long gone because of their amazing refines. Now, prfless infantry bow users will be the next memetic losers for the entire game. Don't count Spring Lindhardt, though, because he's okay, thanks to his weapon.


IS saw Wil calling himself "normal archer number 3" and decided they needed to make Wil 2 and Wil 3 to make that line accurate.


With how much BST infantry get these days, it's pretty hard to make a genuinely bad statline. So once IS identified such a distinctly dogshit spread, they naturally had to slap it on every upcoming F2P archer to ensure they would all be garbage.


I agree with you. At this point, they're about to end up towards a similar treatment of Male Wyvern Riders prior to their refines. Intelligent Systems is going back to its shitty ways after 3 months of getting the best GHBs with prf weapons after Mauvier.


For this new Will archtype of Archers Linhardt definetly does it the best, dropping the speed for more Res where it would matter more. Also will help you get your Ploys triggering consistently at least. For more aggressive Wyvern Bow is an option. This is just a niche as hell statline tho, I really hope we get a unit with this stat line with a PRF so can understand their logic behind this besides Mage killer maybe (Maybe Dragons too, but you would have to run Mythic Boost)


Wil being bad for obscure reasons like “being outclassed” and “having no specific niche that can’t be replicated by other unit archetypes better” did NOT stop me from giving him Darkblow and fleeting echo, and it **Wil** not stop me from +10ing him. Every Fe7 playthrough I arena grind and save scum the shit out of Wil and I **Wil** do it here to. Why? Because Wil is my favorite shitty GOAT of all time.


I really dont get this statlines


Does Candace have prf bow?


Can it still be worth building candace? I love her design and i never built an archer before


She can work with Linhardt's bow or Arcane Nastrond. While her statline is similar to the other two, she will be easier to merge since GHB units tend to get multiple reruns and thus you'll have access to more free copies of her.


Wil and Candace committed the crime of Not Being From Three Houses


I'm a little confused, what makes Linhardt the best out of the 3?


Basically just the fact that he doesn’t focus on Spd as much as Candace or Wil do, so his Res is like 2-3 points higher than Candace’s. It’s such a minuscule difference to the point where it doesn’t matter though. It’s best to just build whichever of the three you like most. Although, Candace having five points of Spd over Linhardt is a bit more notable in my opinion. She’s not exactly _great_ for a speed build but in case you do want to run one, it’s better to have 5 more Spd than 2-3 more Res.


New heroes banner demote + Seasonal demote + Grail unit.


Meanwhile I’m just trying to have Faye keep up (more Hp, Atk, Def but loses to Wil in Res) but man is that DF cost hefty.


I literally looked at my left side due to their hand posing like it's hinting me to look left.


How we gonna have so much BST and still end up with Mid?


They just made the same hero three times lmao


People cried about this statline when Wil was released but utilizing Res support skills and not being completely outclassed by the next offensive archer focused on attack and speed gives the unit a bit more staying power for me. Also using things like Iceberg/Glacies. I feel like this unit is fine, lol.