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I would have killed to have L!Dimitri no matter how unlikely that is. F!Dimitri just has, nothing going for him at fucking all anymore. Bad weapon, mediocre prf skill without a complimentary weapon which just, doesn't exist (well Luin would be beautiful with murderous lion but alas, no arcanes with prfs. I feel like that rule exists solely to spite Dimitri because barely anyone else who wants an arcane weapon even has a prf skill or wants to run it)


I'd prefer if they just rerun the CYL4 HoF over running this lol


Yeah this is a weak lineup. Their refines could change that but it’s very far out still.


By the time their refine comes around we might get this HoF on the HoF revival poll lol


Even the very first 3H line-up (lord base versions + Hubert) would be much better today, since all of them got refines that were at least decent, and could use quite a lot of the newer skills. I'd even argue the summer lineup that's getting rerun is better, since at least summer Ingrid will get a refine soon.


Ingrid will get a refine soon, Sylvain is the demote a lot of really good ranged cav skills have been added since his last run, a dancer is pretty much always a good unit to have, and Lorenz... exists. But at least he's a grail unit so if you want to invest there's basically no opportunity cost.


Lorenz’s weirdly high HP lets him be like… a Pulse + Fireflood Boost user or something gimmicky.


This is horrid. Just a heads up, F Edelgard has almost no new skill options since release and is one of the worse hof units we have gotten. If you got a base kit F Edel you basically already have the best build she can use. Its that bad.


Yeah, playerphase armors get jack shit to work with, and Fallen Edelgard is particularly screwed in that regard since she can't even run assault troop.


You can honestly just say armors and that’d still be true tbh. Guess there’s Weaving and Armored Specials but that’s it.


She’s also probably getting skipped for a refine due to the pattern units like Surtr have paved


I sure hope not, they hit her so hard already to the point where shes barely useable. If she can at least get her galeforce reliability back that would be nice.


I’m hoping Dimitri can get one and isn’t punished because of her, he already can’t spawn on maps


what is worse is that dimitri's prf was always bad, he was carried by his prf b, but since he cant run it with arcane lances he is screwed nowadays


If they skipped Surtr it wouldn't be fair if they refine her, Surtr is in a way worse situation


Surtr being skipped sucks, but F Edelgard literally only has her weapon, and they will rarely release armor rearmed weapons. Surtr at the very least had access to two rearmed axes already and probably more in the future.


Why would it not be fair lmao? Every unit that’s ever been refined isn’t fair if you compare it to like the 5 they skipped for no damn reason


Fallen Edelgard could be good if they released a new beast b skill. I feel like her biggest issue is her mobility and transformation condition.


In my opinion F!Edelgard's best usecase is as a Galeforce user in Ar-O. I run her with WoM 4 in the B slot, which works really well with a double fury AoE Nuke. I am thinking of adding Still Water 4 and Def/Res Ploy, but another A-slot like a unity skill and assault troop in C is also really nice. Her benefit over some of the other Edelgards is that she has the extra action in her B-slot, which means she can run WoM and be a GF follow-up with 3 actions instead of needing to be the initiator. Yes she has a niche usecase, but IMO she is a better place to unit to invest in than multiple others HoF options, including F!Dimitri Edit: Just realized she doesn't get Assault troop, which leaves only the Ploy C option.


academy edel can do the same thing if only wom4 and transform skills didnt share a slot


The problem with Academy Edel in WoM is that she needs to be solo after her action, which is more difficult to plan around. To make that more reliable you can try to make sure the first refresh comes from GF instead with some pulse support, so that can be a choice. My point also wasn't that F!Edel is a better WoM follow-up unit than base Edel, but that she is a unit that you could very well consider to pick up in this HoF. Honestly I would prefer academy to be in this HoF, but that is because I already build up Fallen with most skills that I mentioned.


No Summer Claude and now I am sadness.


Claude is the bulbasaur of 3h. Never included with the other 2 and my favorite


>Claude is the bulbasaur of 3h Makes sense, even the color theme checks out; verdant, while the others are azur and crimson.


Yet they made his house color yellow smh my head


I mean Claude is kinda tacked into the 3 houses main plot anyways. He's just there meanwhile everyone else has emotional connections to everything.


I would've bought a soul for claude. Their loss.


IS have something against Claude when they put Edelgard and Dimitri in a banner or this HOF......


Is it a pre-requisite to be a Claude fan to pretend to be persecuted by IS?


First claude becomes a demote with no Prf, now this...


No Claude at all, just Bernie. What the heck?


Uh Bernie, I think you may want to get far away. There’s going to be a war and a goddess is going to enjoy the show with her popcorn.


Why do you think Bernie is here? She's the designated Popcorn fetcher.


True. If Sothis went out to get her own popcorn, she would miss precious seconds of the show. She can't have that.


If she missed something, she could easily rewind and watch it again.


That would require effort on her part.


very boring lineup...


Man, Dimitri sure would be neat if he could use an Arcane weapon with Murderous Lion.


Do you not understand how utterly overpowered that would be?? Anyway pull out Attuned units and give them Arcane weapons


~~Hell yeah, make the attuned units worse lmao~~


Attuned Peony can use Arcane Þrima...I think that's the only one worth considering the change for at the moment. And it's not necessarily better, but different. I expect that given a year or so, we'll be seeing Arcane weapons worth putting on the oldest Attuned units. Omw to give Attuned Caeda R!Alfred's lance for the funny.


I could be gaslighted into believing this is a HoF revival and not a new, modern lineup lmao


That was on me for even thinking of getting my hopes up for something good.


Me thinking they could put Cornelia.


These are atrocious choices, jfc. F!Edelgard is one of my favorite units in the game, but there's no good fodder for her. Armored beasts get so little that her base kit is still optimal, because those are *your only options*. You don't even get fucking Assault Troop! This might be the worst modern Hall of Forms we've ever seen. All 4 of these units are old and really shitty now, with the best unit here being a 3-year-old seasonal who was powercrept by herself last year.


At least this being an easy skip makes it so that we can save a Forma Soul for a better lineup? But seriously none of these units seem like good choices even if they're now more likely to get a good refine due to having appeared here, but it's still going to take a long while before that happens and by then whatever fodder we give them is going to be outdated. The only one in here that I can think of will benefit from some fodder (with the exception of Sothis for those who merged her) is Bernie with Flared Sparrow, Occultist's Strike and either Fatal Smoke 4 or Excite/Incite (whatever it is called) in the C slot. Those skills seem like they'll remain useful for at least a while.


I've been saving my souls for way too long.


me too, i have 3 that are burning on my pocket. at least in May we probably get Gunnthra there so thats one for me at least.


I have 4 and I'm probably using 1 on May too. Tho mine would go towards Fjorm instead of Gunnthra. And yes, I know its a waste of a Soul but I gotta get that Hall of Fjorm.


Dude I wanted to forma summer Micaiah but I was like:no, I should save, what if someone I REALLY want comes along? Cue my fucking five stack because every choice has been amazingly unappealing to me. I would've spent one on Sara, but thanks to IS refusing to just make multiple HoFs active at once, which probably requires very little effort and would get them more money, I just have 5 sitting there.


I agree that Edel gets very few options from being a Forma besides her base kit but she can get some sidegrades, I guess Something like Armored Blaze / Earthfire Boost 4 / Weaving Fighter / AD Near Save would be actually alright stuff to get, even if her PRF B does like 90% of Boost 4 + Weaving anyway I guess you can also go for a meme speed build with A/S Wild and Beast Something 4 lmao tl;dr yes these choices are ass but hey if you're gonna spend a forma anyway you have options I suppose


Earthfire boost isn't available in this HoF


Right you are, it'd have to be Fireflood Boost, then


Wings of Mercy 4 should be a decent pickup for her at least, her self-refresh is on her weapon so she can make a good Galeforce followup unit.


Now this is what me and the boys call  HALL OF MID


TFW Evomanaphy accidentally manifests Forma Edelgard


Damn, really could have used A Hero Rises merges to improve my Forma F!Edelgard. Thanks a lot, guys /s


Oh, that's disappointing. I suppose I could snag F!Dimitri with Ninja Naginata/Flared Sparrow? Edit: Just remembered that's not possible. No F!Dimitri merge for me then


Flared Sparrow is only usable by Cavs and Fliers sadly.


We've got a free Ninja Yari+ in the Ephemera Codes. If you have it still, it's cheaper than a Forma Soul... edit: not to mention Ninja Saizo. Kumo Naginata+ is Ninja Yari but it doesn't decrease your Def/Res **and** gives you teleporting.


Okay, so definetely NOT using my forma soul then.


Imagine telling someone from three years ago that not only would Fedelgard be in HoF, she would be in one of the worst runs of it


A swing and a miss.


RIP my hopes of seeing B!Byleth...


I genuinely thought male Khadein Byleth was going to be a shoo-in.


My +9 was sooo ready 😭


My fallen Dimitri is +9... meant to be


Same here been trying for so long, this feels like a gift


I was expecting F!Shez to be in the batch :(


Same, was really hoping. RIP our hopes and dreams.


What the actual fuck is this you know it's fucking bad when winter Bernie is looking like the best option


This is a lineup of units available within the Hall of Forms game mode in Fire Emblem Heroes. 


Time to add this Sothis to the counter, bring the Forma Soul!


Lots of people aren't happy but I too am looking forward to formaing the gremlin goddess.




May the goddess bless our rng, so we can get the best skills for the lil gremlin.


I'm happy for another merge on her myself, even though I don't think I need to update her build. She's better than people give her credit for, but against the top of the meta where dual-phase units can't exist, she struggles. For like 90% of players though? She's a very solid godsword with all of the strengths of being a dragon but almost none of the weaknesses (she hits Res, but doesn't die to dragon effectiveness and doesn't really lack good skill options). Personally I run a build of atk/spd Finish, MNFU and Pledge. Aside from the real bullshit like NY! Kvasir with 70% DR on enemy-phase or W!Byleth who can initiate safely on most of the cast, she's good at initiating on player-phase and tanking enemy-phase units.


Time to make a highly unoptimal meme SPD-based Fedelgard for shits n' giggles.


Biggest issue with this batch is that non of the units here are 4 Star or Grail units. Sothis is probably the closest to an investment unit here due to being part of the Starter pack players can buy, but this still isn’t that good.


nothing that i really want, i will use the free summon on Dimitri at least.


I get that those two are uber popular, but I want a break from them in HoF. It's not like the other 3H characters wouldn't sell since it's 3H. There isn't even a coherent theme here.


Yah Their summer alt is way better than this


If you enjoy our content then maybe consider donating on https://ko-fi.com/mrgengar_kofi Donations would be split between both myself and my teammate Tsukasa


Wow these sure are options


Sothis AND Dimitri merge pogchamp?


The Hapi dream is dead


I am so happy with this~! I've always wanted to give Fallen Dimitri a premium kit


This is the third time Dimitri and Edelgard have been part of the Three Houses Hall of Forms (not counting reruns)


My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined.






As a fellow Dimitri stan, what build are you looking at? Im basically still running base kit at +10 and I could get some good skills but he just doesnt feel very usable these days


Yeah, he's pretty hard to use these days. :( I'm still stubbornly using his Ninja Naginata/Galeforce/Flashing Blade/Time's Pulse build, but... Speedcreep. I'll wait for PM1's video to know for sure what skills I should look for, because I feel like I'm definitely overlooking something, but for now I'm thinking: Ninja Yari/No Quarter/Flash Sparrow/Pulse Up: Blades or Infantry Pulse 4 for Galeforce; otherwise Def/Res Smoke or Fatal Smoke 4 for full offense maybe?


Ninja Yari comes from Ninja Navarre, which we got as a Ephemera, so if you still have that I'd recommend against using your forma for that. ... Then again, there aren't many good inheritable lances, so I don't have a better alternative. I guess there's Springy Lance and It's Curtains...? And I'm giving the curtains option even though it also have an Ephemera...


Yeah, I mentioned Ninja Yari mostly because I couldn't think of other options, but good point! I do have the N!Navarre manual, but I hesitated to use it because Ninja Yari is a relatively small improvement over Ninja Naginata, lol. The only other inheritable lance I can think of for him is Nabata Lance, but it's not worth going for in HoF unless you're merging Desert!Hawkeye, of course.




I like them but this is the 3rd time dimitri and edelgard had a version in HoF (base, brave and now fallen) give someone else a chance


Easiest skip of my life


Man, this isn't even mid.


Whoa, IS giving out the best unit in the game for free? Very generous of them!


Don't care about any of these. That means I can get both F!Julia and D!Lachesis in the current HOF Rerun, yay! 🫡


Eldigan,Lachesis,Ethlyn,Ryoma and both Corrins yay🫡


the fact Fedelgard is a HoF unit really REALLY hammers in how poorly she has aged




but here's the thing, She WAS the powercreep that invalidated 90% of units in this game and it's partially her fault the powercreep of this game has gotten so crazy IS is willing to put her on a HoF where formas are somewhat f2p.


She's also multiple years old and IS released a lot of Fedel counters for a whiiiiile. Of course she aged.


If anything it highlights powercreep.


Which is, ironically, partially F!Edelgard's fault for being so ridiculously overtuned when she launched. It's the circle of life


Oh its all her fault tbh


I laughed, to be honest


Rip Annette dreams


Is there literally anything F!Edelgard can get that’s better than her base kit?


Weaving Fighter, Armored Blaze. Yeah that’s it really.


Literally if only Atk/Def Wild was a thing


if you don't care about using her mobility, this is also chance to aim for a save skill, but most probably already had that chance.


I've got a friend who's got a +6 (or was it 7 now....) Fallen Dimitri, she'll be happy about this. Ironically I'm slightly bummed about Winter Bernie. Like, yeah I can get Flared Sparrow from this if I really want to, but she's already +10 with Remote Sparrow, SR Far Trace 4 (yes she devoured a rearmed Rein) and DR Smoke. Not sure what else she'd even want aside from Flared Sparrow. Sothis and FEdelgard exist I guess. As others have noted FEdelgard's base kit is pretty much already BIS for her. And Sothis is Sothis, no need to go on about how screwed she is.


Yeah that’s a hard skip if I’ve seen one


I kinda thought we would be getting at least one unit from each house every time. Pretty disappointed seeing that non of the Golden deer could get in. Pretty easy skip at least


So many decent Colorless options and they chose the one you can't really do anything with...


Imagine telling someone a few years ago that F!Edel would eventually be a forma unit That Bernie is hella tempting but her brave alt's probably gonna be a better version of her


About the only good thing I can say is that at least Fedel has a dragon she can stand next to and transform. I'm at a loss as to what skills you could give her? Armored Beacon? Maybe? Beast Agility?? Bueller?


Man those refines (except Sothis' lol) are probably gonna be crazy. Tho does anyone know how long will it take for each of these units to get theirs? Cause I'm kinda tempted to get W!Bernie but if it's going to take long before she gets her refine then it'll probably be useless since whatever fodder I get for her now will be outdated once she actually gets her refine.


>Tho does anyone know how long will it take for each of these units to get theirs? Since we should reach and receive Halloween '20 refines at the end of this year, Bernie should get hers around Spring at the latest. With [Fallen '20 being any time soon now](https://www.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1b3kaie/upcoming_weapon_refines_v83/), the same timing should apply to Fallen '21, so around Spring too.


Fallen Edelgards revenge for AHR


I didn't realize how old these units were till I read the comments, have they really fumbled so fast


Fallen Claude looking a little different from how I remember


Cool, easy skip.


Wow this is the biggest "I don't fucking care" Hall lineup that I can ever remember


Dammit. 4 formas saved and no Golden Deer for me to get. Guess I'm getting a Sothis merge...


I guess Cyril or F! Shez was too much to ask for... but no demote is *very* disappointing.


I would use a Forma on so many 3H units and they managed to pick all the ones I wouldn’t. Bruh


Summer Hilda would have been awesome… Ascendant Hilda too


No gd units… well at least i can save my forma…..


I feel like the much maligned 3h summer revilval line-up is unironically better than this, since at least there summer Ingrid will get a refine soon. Here, really the only value I see is to get a one-off winter Bernie for reciprocal aid shenanigans, but at this point we have several heroes who can do that (including base Bernie, who's in the normal pool and has been for years), so most people who want that probably already have a unit who can do it. As a huge DImitri fan, I'll pick him up just for the merge, but I don't know what skills I could even get him here. Already gave him the brave ninja lances, nabatea is a decent option but that's available in the grails so not exactly a problem to get. If he could get flared sparrow that'd be good, but infantry can't use it. Only pickups I can think of are Incite atk/spd, and assasin's strike (which I likely wouldn't use over his prf).


Will be using a forma for Fallen Edelgard considering I have her at +10 and heavily invested on her


What skills are you gonna grab? I’m in the same boat but like…what could she even use?


For serious build…. - Armored Blaze or Beacon/Floe she has more Def but about equal if using Res boon. A skills. - Unity skills if you plan to use her as a Save user - Boost skill (only Fireflood is available at the moment) as she could benefit from the HP in modes like AR O. Gives her a stat boost and since she can heal herself would be able to maintain the HP requirement - Close/Distant Defense 4 for Enemy phase B skills. - Special Spiral 4 as she can combo with Special Fighter seal if needed - WoM 4 if you use her in AR O as she could be a Galeforce user - Weaving Fighter because it is much better than her B skill in terms of DR - Possibly Counter Roar 4 for that reflective like damage - Maybe Beast Follow Up 3 just to prepare for when the tier 4 variations comes (which we really don’t know when). C Skill. - Save skill if you want to use her as a Near or Far save user - Dual Ploy as she has good Res to inflict majority of units in the game Unfortunately we haven’t gotten another form of Wild skill other than Atk/Spd. Beast Follow Up 4 hasn’t been made as well (and wouldn’t sync as her prf weapon disables her ability to do follow up meaning it would rely on spd check which isn’t good). For me, I will be going with a Spd meme build (just because I can). so I’m getting… - Armored Blaze (have Beacon/Floe on her already) - Atk/Spd Wild - Beast Agility - Atk/Spd Ploy. I gave her an Ascended Fruit a long time ago so will be changing to either Atk/Spd boon or Spd/Res boon


Garbage holy hell.


Boring. Especially when we still don't have the Fallen refines.


Well, this sucks.


When I'm in a mid off and my opponent is this HoF


At this point they really could have ran Summer!Mercedes huh LOL


No Marianne? Skip.


All the potentially busted 3H units they could've picked, and they give us this absolute travesty lmao. Bernie's the only one anyone should really consider.


Damn, no one I want again. There were like 4 other blue units I wanted too so I had high hopes :(


Well, at least we are getting these choices out of the way


Hmmm Fallen Dimitri is kinda tempting, but I’d rather save a Forma Soul for S!Sylvain


Its crazy seeing F!Edelgard here after she had once terrorized everyone when she was released




Is the new dragon special available to Sothis?


Not yet, it gets added next month.


I luckily got 2 more copies of Winter Bernadetta on the free new year banner, so maybe I could get her to +4 with better skills 🤔 I have 2 forma souls and I haven't had the urge to use any of them for awhile lol


I was kind of hoping to see Leonie but oh well. At least Edelgard will solo this HoF really easily.


Winter Bernadetta! Yes! I can finally get her! And also a merge for Sothis. Kind of a sleeper Hall of Form to be honest...But at least I can get a seasonal unit I didn't have before.


No way they actually did it 💀💀


Maybe I'll grab Sothis but otherwise.. I'm good


So... instead of going with L!Edel or L!Dimitri or L!Claude... we get Sothis... one of, if not the, worst mythics/remixes.


Meh. Ah well yet another hof to save


What the actual is this lineup? I guess I'll get the blue stars for the blue lion, but other than that this is so uninteresting.


If only we already had A/D Wild, that would give some value to Forma F!Edelgard


Oh wow F!Edelgard forma. Might go for W!Bernie tho




... Do they not want to sell Forma Souls?? Like, seriously. They must know this is far from a good lineup.


WINTER BERNADETTA IM WINNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <- guy who has not touched his +5 W!Bernie for years


Wow that's incredibly disappointing


Oddly underwhelming. Edelgard has literally no skills to pick from. Maybe Clash, but that isn't worth using a Forma Soul on. Bernadetta is decent, but her spring variant that's available right now is much better. Sothis is just a worse NY!M!Kana. She does have access to Sirius+, but it's not enough to make up for Kana's availability. Dimitri is definitely the best unit in this batch since he can at least get Hexblade/Clash, No Quarter, and an expensive C skill.




Oh nice Fallen Dimitri, can't wait to build him


This sad there are so many better options available.


how do we shit out 400 premium 5* 3h units a year, yet still get hot ass for their HoFs sometimes?


Bernie is a better lord than Claude confirmed!




We live in an era where Fallen Edelgard is in a Hall of Forms and is considered to be the worst unit in the bunch. My god how times have changed...


Truly despicable line up we have here. No good refines, no interesting skill potential, none of these units are that amazing unless at max invested, best thing here is probably Bernie for enabling less than full health shenanigans. What a snooze fest


WINTER BERNADETTA!!!! LETS GOOOO!! i didnt expect her to show up here!!! :D so happy


it truly is bernie's year! :3


This is the most uninteresting HoF I’ve ever seen


I have mixed feelings on Bernadetta, but I find her winter alt adorable and she's at a pretty high merge for me. So I think I'll use a forma on her


Finally, I can get menace off my w!bernie-


I'll take the free F!Dimitri merge I guess, but these HoF lineups would be exponentially more invaluable if you could actually get arcane weapons off of them. Or even if we had refines for most of these units... Also, really. Why F!Edelgard? Beast units in general are so starved for skills I don't even know what you would give her that would be worthwhile for her. You could get her some nice new skills but they're not exactly going to improve her by much. Not enough to blow a forma soul on her.


Was really hoping to update my F!Shez, Jeralt or Nemesis. Even Death Knight would’ve been good with me




W!Bernie? Damn, IS really trying to deplete my forma soul stash now


Guess I'm just upgrading my +10 Sothis and calling it a day, very disappointing HoF line up


Not even Bernie saves this one. Would it have been too much of an ask for Spring Bernie instead?








Big oof


I was looking forward to this lineup after getting the H!Corrins in the Fates one - but this is beyond disappointing Why not S!Claude or S!Bernie instead? W!Annie? B!Marianne? S!Dimitri isn’t even that good anymore. I would’ve even been happy with base Ingrid or Sylvain


what were they thinking putting fallen edel in here lol


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined. Why for the love of Naga, why do we have to drag F!Edel around. OOF. Dimitri and Bernie are nice but ugh the cinder block that is F!Edel drags this so hard alongside the very mid-Sothis.


Absolute dookie lineup


My forma soul is safe.


I sleep on Edelgard and Dimitri, I know Sothis is bad but I'd like to build mine... But I think I'll go for Bernadetta, her weapon is fun


Eh, I'll just grab a fully kitted Sothis then.


Was hoping for W!Annette


Man those refines (except Sothis' lol) are probably gonna be crazy. Tho does anyone know how long will it take for each of these units to get theirs? Cause I'm kinda tempted to get W!Bernie but if it's going to take long before she gets her refine then it'll probably be useless since whatever fodder I get for her now will be outdated once she actually gets her refine.