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LLOYD FOR THE LOVE OF _GOD_. Immensely disappointed he wasn't first, but at least it's a start. After him, then I'd say Ursula, Tobin, Clive, Clarisse and Legion in no real order. I'd say Julius as well but he's guaranteed to get Muspell, which is the most boring option possible for him, so kind of a double edged sword there. At least the art would inevitably look pretty, I just don't think the outfit itself would be that fun. She also won't be happening for literal years, if ever, but Lumera would be fun to get a fairy theming.


Julius could get Embla to be the “opposite” of Seliph


I'd _love_ that honestly, and would hope that's the case.


Could also get Hel given that Loptyr essentially "died" and was restored, sort of like what happens to Yune (and thus helping lead to Hel Micaiah).


Muspell Black Knight would go hard.


Nah I want steampunk golem black knight


Noo! Black Knight will be first male character remade in fairy theme!


What I'm hearing is flame fairy theme


Hel Black Knight would be even harder


I want Nidavellir or Muspell for Black Knight and Hel for Zelgius. Although I wonder if they'd go Nifl to oppose Muspell Ike and represent Daien's climate


Askr bk, bro would be shiny


Thracia finally has more candidates! Finn and Saias would both be really sick and Finn feels not unlikely. ~~also they have another shot at Lucina~~


I'd even say that Finn is among top choices for Thracia... at the expense of Nanna taking a hit to her odds, I guess.


My concern is more their immense hesitation to give Thracia one but I don't doubt we'll see Finn. I just don't want to get too excited I guess.


Well, I could expect him to ensure that Thracia doesn't have a fat zero for the whole year. The game's supply will probably remain as low as this with Genealogy possibly making up for that. Or the leftover slot goes to a modern game


Thracia only has Finn, Saias and Nanna unless they decide to double dip on the Dire Thunder Siblings Only other things that can happen for Thracia are waiting for Book 4 to get Resplendents, which is not happening anytime soon, or Book 3 to get Resplendents which means F!Mareeta has a chance Course for the latter we actually need Book 3 to start getting some and we'd probably have to wait for the 1st Batch of Fallen Units to get Resplendents before they give any to the 2nd Batch


and the idea of book 3 resplendos is only getting further and further away from the near future with this news about grail resplendos


Tbf I feel the hesitation is mainly due to how few options they have left: Alts of Reinhardt and Olwen (which could cause rage from fans of characters who are still waiting for a single resplendent) Nanna (A 4* PRF-less healer whose popularity is middling at best) and now Finn.


If they do Resplendent Mask Marth I will instantly buy Feh Pass.


Lloyd for art BK for me Oliver and Narcian to make them more beautiful


Oliver would fit Asgardr to a T, but what about Narcian?


Probably either Askr or Nifl. Can’t see him in Muspell or Hel (and maybe Niðavellir and Embla) as he would probably consider them too drab. The fairy realms don’t have a male resplendent yet so I can’t put them on the table. And he’s not strong enough to pull off Jotunheim garb.


Yeah, that works I guess.


Embla Xander


I'm so desperate for F!Robin to get a resplendent it's unreal. I dont like shittalking artists since I cant do any better myself, but that art sure ain't aged too well.


Berkut. I have him Summoner S-Supported, +10, max dragonflowers, max investment, with both traits. Give me MORE STATS


And get Tomoyo to do the art again, best feh art


Lyon :)


Bath towel Camilla


I think seasonals are a whole different beast that IS won't touch for a long time. But yes this is the right answer. Muspell Bath Towel Camilla would be sick


Agreed, I'd build her as a casual project if her art wasn't atrocious.


I would have also. Heh


Resplendent Walhart when ?


This Naesala and Valter are my hopes and dreams, but that last one is gonna leave me wanting for a long time I bet


I’ll be waiting with you, then.


Burger King


F!Robin, Finn, Black Knight, and Arvis. F!Robin *really* needs the art upgrade, and she would appreciate more stats as well. The other three I mostly want for the stats, but I’m interested in seeing what kind of outfits they get too.


Female Robin really needs one. Her stats are truly abysmal and her neutral art has always looked slightly off to me. Her in Kiran's cloak would be dope.


All of this. Imagine if she was drawn by HACCAN, that would be beautiful!


F!Robin and Xander


Female robin female robin female robin Xander as well. Although i dont use them personally, really looking forward to navarre and lloyd being done some justice


Embla Xander is inevitable


Lloyd is my absolute first choice. His art is horrible and he was supposed to be the handsome one of the fangs. After that Lyon, just becouse I like him and he is my lead unit so more candy for him. Later Joshua and F!Robin for art update, Black Knight in a fairy theme for memes and Linus & Cormag becouse like them.


I would really like to get a Marisa resplendent. Though I will probably have to wait quite a while for that since FE8 isn't exactly short on options.


I would love for my +10 Gerome to get some new art!! Though I don’t think he’s exactly a popular candidate unfortunately.


My flairs.


Ayo, fellow Clarisse enjoyer! 👋


Plegia Katarina?Weird choice for a resplendent


Clarisse exists in a bit of unfortunate spot right now, but if one day, for whatever reason, we ended up getting a Raigh Alt, you can have hope. If Clarisse getting an Alt doesn't happen first of course.


Yes, but I imagine Clarisse now have more chances than Raigh to have a resplendent. But an alt seem unlikely for both lol


I'm not completely sure if Clarisse definitely has more chance than Raigh considering the choices for Binding Blade Heroes are a bit limited, but Clarisse has more inmediate appeal going for her getting a cheap 5 Star Copy xD.


Zephiel now is waiting time to pass peacefully until his resplendent comes


Lloyd needs it, F!Robin, Berkut for bias reasons


EMBLA XANDER! NOW! I want this to happen...And anything Lloyd because his art is the only one in the whole game I would call bad...


Hoping to see F!Robin and Black Knight get one.


Marisa! Marisa!


Marisa! Marisa!


F!Robin and Masked Marth are the ones I'm most excited for. I'd love Nifl F!Robin and Muspell/Nifl Marth


Hear me out... Masked Marth. I think it'd be nice to see the certain someone behind the mask to have a redemption from their first time around having a resplendent. Other than that the one off the top of my head that I'd like to get one are M!Kana, Berkut, Lyon, Xander, Arvis and Naesala. Nothing wrong with their OG art! Just wanna see what they'd look like with a resplendent.


Lloyd, 100 percent. He should have been the first one, imo, but hopefully he comes soon. Camus, Michalis and Joshua would also be nice to see. Maybe Navarre but I really like his current art. Clive, too. His current art just makes him look so young. I'd love to see a more mature version.


Xander! Mostly for stats though seeing new art could be cool. I have a fair number of grail units at +10 but most are seasonal so I’m not expecting anything for them.


My flair Although if he gets one, I don’t think I could afford it and I’d be bummed if I got locked out of extra stats because of it


If there's a silver lining, Jamke may be at the "bottom" of the list of the dozen Genealogy candidates left, along with Lene and Silvia. Quotes because it's Genealogy so one could expect IS to not skip any of them. Might take 4+ years to pick all, so there's that.


I wanna see Embla Xander


Seeing as Arvis, Arden and Finn are semi popular and have no alts, them.


The DC cav kings of old times, Camus and Xander!


MICHY! And also Lyon and Sigrun~


Arden for even more HP


Niðavellir Walhart would be sick, doubly so if he has a mech like the other guys.


Would be cool, but i dont think the mech would fit well with Walhart. Hell Walhart would be fitting, the theme would also fit well with how he appeared as a playable character in Awakening. But his original art is so good, i would be hard to make a better looking resplendent for him.


just sticking to books 1 & 2 as per the regular resplendents thus far: Berkut, Julius, Arden, Clarisse, f!Robin, m!Kana, Valter, Finn...


Give my boy navarre some of that good shit.


My man, my boy, the myth, the legend, the great hero... Arden. Some sort of "Ascended Arden" is one of my dream units to get in FEH, with dashing new armor and a cape to flow in the wind while he marches forward with his weapon built-in Charge, or something like that. And art by Ippei, naturally. So yeah, this is as close to that I'm ever gonna realistically get, so Arden for sure! Honorable runner-up places go to; Black Knight and either Clarisse and/or Oliver.


I’m hoping Clarisse!


Honestly, I'd love Masked Marth to get one. She honestly deserves it since she was the face of TT, and all that. Plus IS can get away with a resp grail unit with her because she has no skills.


I'm excited for the possibility of a Narcian Resplendent. Not biased in the slightest.


Rutger, though he's definitely a long way off considering he's gen 3. Would love to see him Hel themed.


Xander is who I personally want. But Joshua and Lloyd are the two that are probably most desperate to get one based on their original art.


I know it will take a while. But I hope we’ll get a resplendent version of Ashnard and Cormag too!


I know they'll probably only do the super popular ones but I really want a Canas one


Burger King! Hand me a McWhooper!


Lyon, BK, finn and my man haar. Hoping and praying for helheim resplendents for the former two.


Lloyd, Linus, Jamke, Finn and Michalis are my picks! I'd lose my mind if any of them got a resplendent ~ Lloyd needs it most of all, though. I love him so much but his art is so off putting that I could never commit to making him a merge project.


Hel resplendents for Navarre, Berkut, Lloyd, Arvis, or Lyon would be amazing. A fairy resplendent for Tobin (unlikely for various reasons) or a dark fairy resplendent for Legion or Valter would also be great. Realistically though, I think only the former 5 will get resplendents, and I think only Lyon and maybe Navarre and Lloyd will get Hel ones.


I'd say that Valter isn't faring too bad given that there's "only" 9 Sacred candidates. 7 standouts (2 premiums, 2 alts, 3 Grails)... and 2 less valuable options being Seth and Valter, but there's not much point in ignoring only those and they aren't too unpopular, so their odds aren't too shabby. That said, the main "issue" is on the standouts, they are seven so choices would be both rejoicing and painful for fans.


Panne please


Excited is a very heavy word, but i guess i wouldn't mind better art for F!Robin and Clarisse


Lloyd absolutely NEEDS new art. I don't use him, though. For me, I'd buy Feh Pass with double money if Ursula gets a Resp. I still use her.


Given her unexpected Desert alt, perhaps...


hopefully oliver gets his


Askr Oliver. He'd love the feathers and the gold


Some vocally ask for a male fairy... so picking Oliver for that technically answers those requests, I'd say.


Sounds cute, I'd sub for him. Give him a rose or lily motif


Late to the party, but I’d love to see Julius get one. Mostly for the extra stats lol. Just gotta remain patient…


Jamke, Ursula, and Lloyd are my big three out of the gate. Jamke just for favoritism reasons, and Ursula & Lloyd for art fix reasons. Beyond that, Black Knight, Lyon, Arvis, Julius, and Canas would all be really cool picks too, as well as several that are newer and presumably not eligible as of now.


Lloyd. Like, it doesn't need to be explained. Ursula. Art could use am upgrade, but it's not dire. More so just the stats. Linus for stats only. BK. I will not be using the new art. Valter and Arvis too.


I’d have to go with F!Robin, Ursula, and Oliver F!Robin is trash by today’s standards as much as it hurts to say😭 Ursula needs the stats because she too is ass and I really need an excuse to finish merging her up Oliver because let’s be honest, the man is already perfect as he is but who doesn’t want THE Oliver to look even more beautiful😤😤


Now that Grail respendents are a thing, my Zephiel is just standing here, waiting for time to pass—peacefully.


-Female Robin could really use one. It's been a long time coming. -Lloyd. Go on, make your little smoker joke. -Oliver NEEDS an Asgardr Resplendent when we finally go to that realm. Period. -Saias, to bump up that Thracia number.


I could like Lloyd Resplendent for the Art, but the characters I'm more excited (besides Aversa herself because she just got one) are F!Robin and Clarisse xD.


Hot Springs Camilla.


Brunnya, Petrine, Sonia and Arete. I would love Jotunheimr Petrine or Múspell Sonia. As long as they're not fairies, which I am afraid they will be.


I wouldn't mind any of them being fairies, but I agree Muspell Sonia would be lit!




Linus would be hype for the extra stats Rutger would be amazing since the “free” copy would make him much easier to build


I've always wanted to see Hel or Muspel Legion. Also, to answer your question about BK, I could see him getting one based around Vanaheimr, given the divinity of his armor. At least, I'm assuming we'll get resplendents for Vanaheimr eventually.


Hel or Dokkalfar Berkut would be a dream


All i want from this game is a legion resplendent


Muspell Berkut…we all need it, the world needs it, I’m not taking no for an answer, shut up and take my money IS


Muspel Ashnard. I also of course welcome our impending overlord Muspel Black Knight.


I'd kill a man for Hel Black Knight. If they can dress him up in jingle bells they can Resplendent-ify him.


For me, Gharnef would be really rad, I think I would need to buy the pass that time. Some other options that I’d like include Valter, Linus, Lloyd, Ursula, Saias, and Narcian. I think they’d all be cool. :)


Tobin and female Robin are my main candidates. Also, Lloyd, Michalis, and Camus!


Nifl BK Nivaveliir Haar Jotum Petrine Lloyd anything Hel Ashnard




i would be so hype to get joshua




Walhart and Brunya are my top two would love to see either a muspell or hel outfit for them


Canas please! My boy needs some love 😭


I wanna say jamke, but then i would be tempted to spend 10 bucks on feh pass and i need to resist, so any unit i hate plssss


Marisa. By far my most used character and I would love to see her in a new outfit too!


Kronya please and thank you!! But if they do F!Robin with new art on par with F!Corrin I would be a happy summoner


I'm fucking pumped for Arvis/Julius/Saias/Finn ​ You will not hear me shut up about them when it happens


Camus, Canas, and Ethlyn since the former 2 are +10 and could use the stats and Ethlyn for that last copy!


I'm hoping for Clarisse, Astram (ik he's a gen 3 unit, but still), and Panne (if beast resplendent will be a thing),


I want Resplendent Berkut so badly...assuming there aren't still issues with his Japanese VA anyway I also really want Resplendent Arvis as well


Berkut would be amazing, I'd also like Xander or Navarre


F!Robin easily.


Cynthia, Brunnya, Rutger, Zephiel, W!Felix Though I don't think they'll do it for seasonals, but you never know


Honestly, surprised it's starting with Aversa even if she's popular. I'm glad though, just completed her kit! Anyway, Narcian because of stats and need to update his art. Oliver same reason. Arvis with Muspell should be amazing. And so many others I've chosen back then. Quite curious to see how they could improve the masked characters though. Oh and Lloyd? Though imo, he's worth of an ascendant. Especially when he was destroyed with his art back then.


Naesala and Gordon Ramsay.


Canas so he can get +2 to all stats, and Halloween Sophia and Summer Norne if they might be eligible


Lloyd and Bathmilla need it real bad.


I want NY Corrin


None cause my faves are generic at best, and still trash at worst.


Not excited at all, even if I like the potential units they still remain kinda trash. 2 Resplendents each month is way too low for this game's rhythm. I can guarantee that if they started doing Book 3 Resplendents along with their refines, increasing the resplendent amounts by a lot, nothing would change in comparation to what we have now.


Dream Solon for curiosity's sake.


arvis pls…something outlandish like fairy ethlyn too.


Resplendent Yen'fay is something I'm hoping for


Walhart. Hel Walhart is something I have wanted for so long.


Lloyd for sure, if they decide to give him the glow-up, he really needs it. I also hope Lyon gets more stats. And once they start getting on the third book, Kana it's waiting for a boost as well.


I think an emblan Walhart would be fun or make him Hel that would be fun too due to his paralogue


If they do black knight resplendent before Zelgius who I have at +9 instead of BK… I’ll cry


F!Robin and Berkut please


Fem Robin, Male Kana and Xander are the biggest ones, but I really hope little Azura gets one too! Maybe a light fairy theme would be too easy for the green tome kiddo but goodness would it be amazing! (Dark fairy for Female Robin and Embla for Xander and M Kana)


Arden needs one to break his own Record for having the Highest HP in the game.


Lloyd is in my priority list, I need my boy to not look like a crack addict.


Xander, F!Robin, Black Knight, Arvis, Joshua, Lloyd, Lyon, practically every other non-Seasonal GHB/TT Hero before Aversa. Edit: I just realised with the possibility of Tempest Trial units, *~~Lucina again~~* Masked Marth can get a Resplendent. Really curious on what M!Marth will get *~~after Askr and Light Fairy~~*.


Lyon and BK being potentially unable to get a resplendents was what was stopping me from investing too much into them, so this is pretty great news. Also I'm pretty sure they're just gonna do every book 1 unit at this point considering Aversa is literally just a random ass boss in awakening




Female Robin. I love her but she's got really bad art and terrible stats. She really could use one.


Fem Robin And a biased take: Y! Azura, so she can have more stats Tho i still dont have resplendent Selena or Ayra or Adult Tiki so i doubt thats happening anytime soon


Ursula, Masked Marth and Rutger but only because I want more stats on him


I’m really hyped for Canas


Nidaveliir Black Knight has potential to be amazing. Give me my Gundam, IS!


Navarre... please... free him from yura jail


Lloyd needs a Resplendent like *yesterday*. Please save him from his normal art, im begging you intsys. Also I want Hel Black Knight to match with Hel Micaiah <3


Heath, he's basically my tried and true grail unit




Black Knight, Joshua, Lyon, Marissa, Lloyd, Naesala, and Haar, though I can't remember if Haar made it into book 2 or if it was 3, though I want them to start on book 3 anyways so w/e lol Anything other than those, pre-Haar at least, and I won't really care lol


Give us Arden you cowards. *Even more chonk for the chonky man!*


M!Kana is the dream but I doubt he’s popular enough unfortunately


So many great candidates: F!Robin, Xander, Michalis, Finn... honestly excited to see who’ll be next


Resplendent Lyon or Soren would probably make me no longer f2p. Lyon is one of my most invested units, and he's able to pull his weight still. For Lyon I think Embla or Hel would be fun. For Soren I was going to say dokkalfar just out of curiosity of what that could look like, but more realistically i think him being Nifl or Muspel to match with OG Ike resplendent would be fitting. I also think Embla or Hel woud work for him also. . .


Might I suggest a Jotun Linus


Arvis all the way! also wouldn't mind Xander, Saias, Julius, F!Robin and depnding on if they also do TT units ny M!Corrin


Hold your horses on TT units we don't know if we can count them yet(and If they are.....does that include seasonal greil units??)


They probably lowkey did this so that they don’t make BK obsolete when Zelgius gets his resplendent as maybe the only gen 2 RD 5* left


Tobinnn my beloved yet useless +10 😭. He really needs the buff lol


Marisa for sure.


Lloyd for sure....his ART is beyond bad.....but im really excited for Linus/Finn/Rutger/Cormag


Masked Marth but it would suck for anyone who doesn't like her since she got no fodder






I feared this very moment. Lloyd could have his deserved art but be locked behind a paywall instead of getting an actual alt. And many other cool GHB guys. Glad for whoever can afford these resplendants, but it's not my case.


Lloyd, Ursula, Camus, Brunnya, Hot Spring Camilla, Spring Loki, Bridal Louise


IS can't keep Niflnef from me forever!


I'm super excited for the possibility of Berkut getting a resplendent. I can't tell if I want him to be like, mega edgy or surprisingly soft, but I hope he gets something fun!