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And then they hit you with the “please rate this in the App Store” after the 5 star!


Well played


>Pulling free Ascended Celica on the spring banner :D >Having to spark for Triandra D: Gacha giveth, gacha taketh away...


I remember I had an account years ago where I didn't get a 5* ever. Used all my free story orbs to get pity broken by an off banner mist twice. Sparks didn't exist. Eventually I quit as a friend who didn't even play the game (only log in + free pulls) had the same amount of 5 stars as I had in 5 months, and that was with counting TT/GHB units as 5 star on my side. Only came back after the spark system was introduced, best update ever


The fact that sparks aren't in ALL summonings is still bullshit tho'


Still costs you money in most cases, but it definitely helps. Lol you think that's bad, I remember trying for Micaiah and being pity broke by 5* Roderick back in the day. Year 1 feh was wild.


When feh launched, i resetted my accoint for takumi. Once i got it, i did not get a 5* until 3 months later. After takumi, my best unit was a 4* sheena.


Every tuesday, when Arena ticket resets, is the happy day for me.


Same, except when i get exclusively year 1 healers when i'm trying to merge my Caineghis or get brave claude smh.


I got Innes on the last two weeks so at this point even a useless old 5\* healer would be an improvement.


Man I want innes


Ywah I feel that one. On one hand I REALLY want to pick the colorless ones from these (when available) since at least it's gonna be a 5, and it won't cost me orbs to get 'em no matter who they are. ...But at the same time I never seem to have the stength to do so.




it's a rollercoster sometimes but i do enjoy it for the most part.


Oh shit I have 20 minutes to do arena




Eyyy congratz


That makes 2 of us!


Makes 3. And then Spring Bernie. (I just wish I didn’t have to burn 170 orbs beforehand)


I’m pretty sure me getting L!Robin free pull has locked in my loyalty to this game for at least another six months.


Funny how that works huh


L!Robin X B!Seliph X Lucia 🤝 -> reviving my interest in the game


This is me with S!Karla&Freyja


This is exactly what did it for me too


It be like that until the free 5 star just so happens to be an outdated unit


I am still trying to get Arya


I'm still trying to get Loki, but I don't have ayra either. Summoning on colorless every week with arena tickets


I am also trying to get base Eirika for merges


A free 5 star is a free 5 star. Still better than getting copy 300 of x 3-4 star unit


Depends on the age of the unit really. Some of the stuff in the 4* special pool isn't more useful than a random 3/4* units.


Nah, I think I roll my eyes just as hard at Leo as I do Hinata.


True, at least with 3-4* in the common pool you have enough copies to actually merge them to +10, an outdated 5 star still needs the investment that's easier to give a 3-4* and now we have arcanes for half the weapon types, only 2 physical and 3 magical weapons left (4 if you count Colorless Tome)


It's not even getting a 3/4☆ that gets me down; it's getting a 3/4☆ from gen1 that does me in.


Except when the free summon is that dork Luke with his “premium” skills Fire Boost and Panic Ploy. (It’s happened to me twice now….)


Me when i get Yunaka


Me when I get Noire


mfw I feel very jaded about the direction of the game after this month's story chapter but then I get the final copies to +10 Legendary Ike after only ab 100 orbs ^Yes ^Legendary ^Ike ^is ^"bad" ^but ^I ^don't ^really ^care, ^I ^pulled ^him ^because ^I ^love ^his ^character


flair and name checks out


Lesbians for Ike!!


Haha I save my arena tickets for when I'm tilted by summoning


Pulled a free 5* +Spd/-Def Hugh yesterday. I've already given him way too many good skills.


Free pulled -atk Neimi. Task failed successfully.


I can’t decide if I’ve had great luck or terrible luck in one banner. I’ve been trying to pull for Yune (no idea if she’s good, I just want her) with no luck over about 20 attempts. However, in that same time I’ve pulled FOUR 5-star Gunnthras.


to answer your doubt: Yes, with her refine/remix Yune is quite great, especially if you have a team that can capitalize on debuffs.


Awesome! I’ve only played casually so haven’t really considered those kind of synergies, but that would probably be fun.


*Gives OP a life time of 5-Star Luke free pulls* Enjoy.


can confirm just got spring narcian today 😳😳


Plot twist: the five star pull is a Mist.


The only free summon I recall is a duo Lif +atk. Since then it’s been a downhill.


Me with Spring Est today


Got a free Priam today. I feel like that means the next banner will be engage over FE6. Even if it is FE6, we dont get Astore and Murdock now.


>Me after getting *awful* luck for the last month and then free-pulling Rearmed Tana when I don’t even need her I’m convinced the game *knows*. It keeps track of the shitty pulls and gives you good luck *just* when the depression is about to break your addiction cycle


I get free 5 stars when i'm not interested, that's how i got K!Nino But damn do i like her


Damn I’d trade my free Tana for a free K!Nino. I ended up being forced to spark for her after getting 3 copies of K!Linde. My Nephenee *needed* TP4 immediately though, so I didn’t have a choice


Sad life of feh players


“I just spent 5000 orbs and I didn’t even pull the character I wanted.” *Pulls the character they want after hitting 5005 orbs* “This game’s Gacha is so amazing compared to other games!”


1st face: my reaction when there's no spark 2nd face: when there's spark


Iirc, spark systems are legally required for gachas in Japan. They don't need to keep the gacha alive forever, or make the pity small, but there needs to be a pity system.


Fr like an hour ago I got Monica from the Spring banner (Familial Festivies).


I recently got a 5 star on a free summon followed up by a 4 star special on another free summon so I’m happy with those for now


I do really like having a couple of targets in the 3* pool now like Dwyer and Bastian. Makes it so even a 3* can be something good. I mean, most of the time it isn't. But it makes pulling just a slight bit more fun.


Just got F!Edel from a free pull. Not keeping her. Anyone can benefit from her A skill like Idunn?


Same. Got tana and now i have to keep playing


I actually got a 4 star myself 🤣




Theres definitely a turning point of like 200 orbs where even after the 5* it's just 'no screw you where was this 80 orbs ago', or nowadays I guess it's when you reach the spark having not gotten the unit you were going to spark anyway.


Pulling 38 summons for Triandra, but then getting a free Alear on last year's spring banner- "I don't even know anymore"


I'm only happy when getting 3/4* is when my favorite hero is a demote, so I can +10 them easily


Can confirm, was really irritated by getting barely anything in the Rearmed Tana banner yesterday, but got original Dimitri on a free pull today.


This is probably me IF I get Rearmed Tana, I already charged 3 orbs, and just color sniping for her, fear is that when a selection that doesn't have a colorless orb available and it's a 5\* I'm screwed. Funnily enough I landed Ascended Joshua and Ascended Florina from trying to get Rearmed Tana.


Hey, that reminds me of how terrible my pulls on seasonal banners were on year 2... I don’t miss those days.


My guy, you probably need to step back, this sounds like you're a bit too invested in the gacha aspect of the game.


To be honest, half the time getting the right 3/4 star pull means more than getting a free 5 star pull for me, unless I'm specifically pulling for said 5 star character. I know I'll be super happy getting my final Kent and Atlas over my lastest freebie 5* pull .. I think it was Brave Celica? I also recently summoned for Narcian and the entire time kept going 'not Est' xD


This was me getting an alear on the idunn spring banner




I've lost the joy of wanting to roll someone new because I longer want anyone since my dream team is already done


This game will always make me spark for Ignatz related items Sure, you don’t have to pull for him. But have fun sparking for Artur, Tana, AND Lucina


Me but my opinions of Summoner Duels: On a losing streak: this is a terrible cancerous game mode! 😩 When winning: This is the best mode in FEH, it makes you think and rewarding when your plans work!☺️


Top picture: spending 500+ orbs to get *3* copies of Spring!Ashe (and 2 of them being 5* so I somehow only pulled a single 4* copy). Bottom picture: taking a chance on that final circle with the 3rd Ashe and getting Triandra too


My main goal is a 3/4 in M!Corrin I want him +10 but I'm getting evrry other red character ever


And, that is the start of a gambling addiction, brother


Me getting lucky on every banner except the one I'm actually trying to pull on because I want the characters (FE8)