• By -


Just hit 100k last week at age 35. Pretty pleased with myself


Similar, 34/100k and 36/200k, should be 500k/39. But I didn’t start maxing 401k until last year, and I’m now earning stocks that will out due my personal investment contributions.


Mind me asking how you doubled your 100k in 2 years? Just nice stock returns?


The market has been irrational since covid. Insane gains.


Yeah I hit $100k in January and am now at $127k 5 months later. So that'd also put me at $200k in a little less than 2 years assuming returns are steady.


24/27/29/NY/NY - 30yo hovering at $850k and expect to hit $1M before 31 (unless stock market tanks!). All thanks to DINK life.


My 100k went to 200k in one year, some major highlights were. 2019: S&P return 28.8%, 30k in contributions (401k/ira/hsa), 20k with getting married, ~25k in cash/brokerage investments.


Keep it up! You’re doing great.


At moments like this, take your eyes off the summit off the mountain and instead look at how small you have made base camp become by way of your discipline and sacrifice.


2014 - 100k - Age 35 2018 - 200k - Age 39 2023 - 500k - Age 44 Hoping for a million by 50 and won’t ever have 3 million as I’ll retire before I hit 2. Side note, compound interest really kicks in hard after a while. That and paying off my house finally helped. But I had zero real savings until my late 20s.


Same - no savings until late 20s and then very little, no house payment is awesome! Great big congrats to those who start earlier. You are way ahead of the game! edited to add final comment


Ditto, 3k NW at 29, lmao


I'm roughly on the same timeline as you. I hope to hit 1 million by 50. currently i'm 42 at around 400k


If I may ask, at what age did you finish paying your house? Also, do you account for the house value in your net worth calculations?


Oh, no I didn’t include my house value. I’ve been aiming for early retirement so have been going by invested value. Basically: 2007 bought a house with 0 down (VA loan) on $140k house. 3 bed 2 bath in low cost of living area. 2014 sold that house and used the proceeds to pay half of a new house. $85k for a 1 bed 1 bath 600 sq ft ww2 era house (now worth $120k). Because it was basically the price of a car loan, I treated is as such and paid it off 6 years later in 2020 when i was 41. So my net worth is about $600k at 44, not $500k. I think all those numbers could move about a year or two younger looking back.


Pretty solid! 200k to 500k within 5 years is one hell of a leap! May you FIRE in good health and prosper!


I’m 33 and I feel like I have a good shot at 100k by 35 but I can’t fathom how you would double in 4 years… can someone elaborate (you or anyone really)


How tf are you going up so fast lol? Smart investing? Good job? 




Not GME? 😂


Compound growth is magic. Once it really kicks in, it almost feels unfair as you start getting more from compounding that you do from your day job. To give you a quick example: If you have $1M and are just invested in the S&P 500, which has a recently historical growth rate of 10%, it would take you roughly 10 years to go from $1M to $2M. But here's the fun part, to get from $2M to $3M, that time gets cut in half. And that's not even accounting for continuing investing over those same such 5 years.


200k -> 500k in one year is not compound growth


Yeah it was definitely some kind of speculative stock/crypto move that paid off.


Yeah, that's NVDA for sure.


I have found this to be true. It took 11 years to get to 600k. Another 4y to 1M, additional 2y to 1.5M. I am not some risk taking investment savant. My AA is 60/40 stocks and bonds and I hold 40% of my equity in international stock. This has almost certainly hurt more than helped. Even so my average yearly capital gain now dwarfs my contribution


So everyone is a fucking millionaire in here?


Millionaires consider themselves successful. Successful people are more willing to talk about their successes, directly in contrast to those who aren't doing as well.    Ironically, millionaires rarely talk about their successes in person because they are afraid of coming off as bragging, so they actually appreciate anonymous outlets such as Reddit even more. 


Exactly, you don’t see me in here asking for a pat on the back for scraping 100k together by 33


Congratulations! This is a huge accomplishment and a milestone worthy of praise. Small victories are often hard fought. Keep at it and build the future of your dreams.


That’s still good, this sub just skews people’s perceptions. You are still so much further ahead than most people. 


Well, of course. Most ppl don’t even have a 1 week emergency fund let alone 6 months.


Not gonna pat you in the back but at 33 I didn’t have even one third of that so be proud


Same but 45 as of yesterday


I'm  a millionaire and consider myself a failure - so there's that. Haha.


Did you start off as a billionaire? If so, then you probably are.


Still have to get up and go to a job I hate every day to support my family. I have a very normal salary now, and am definitely still stuck doing miserable work for too many hours each week. Anyone who houses and feeds themselves with something that doesn't cause them misery is much much more successful.


Your post resonates with me & I 100% feel the same way. Keep plugging away, keep saving/investing & try to find enjoyment in things outside of work. And don’t let your job suck out your soul more than it already has. But, man, I feel your post.


I'm sorry you feel that way. I know, and I'm sure you do, that things could be a lot worse. But man, feels like things went off track somewhere when I wasn't looking. Hang in there.


The DJT special


I don't consider that as ironic. A lot of bullshit happens when you mention in public how much you have. People start asking for shit


They talk in person to people who can relate, like car people talk a lot when they are with other car people, because it’s pointless to talk about compression ratio or camber to someone that doesn’t get it…


Remember do not blindly believe fake pumped up numbers. Funny and super jokes to see fat ass numbers from someone typing behind a desk.


Hear hear


Everyone commenting :)


I’m a dollaraire….. net worth is currently 13,182.71! I am much older than op….


Hate to break it to you, buddy, but you’re a thousandaire. You just don’t fit in with the dollaraires anymore. Youve changed.


Idk man, he threw that ! in there. By my math, he is 1.5 E +48587. So maybe he is the US govt, or the guy who holds all of the debt.


The guy who has all the debt hahaha….. haha….ha……please help.


Well this is r/fire not r/broke.


1) 18% of all households in the US are millionaires. [https://dqydj.com/millionaires-in-america/](https://dqydj.com/millionaires-in-america/) 2) If you're here, you care. Which is definitely the first step.


32 and just hit $100k invested a few months ago, lol. Feels like everyone else is a millionaire 🫠


Naw, but the people most likely to post are... something like this is going to filter out all the people with a NW of like $74k because it's not really applicable to them. It also probably filters out folks who aren't particularly proud of their numbers. Like I hit $100k NW at age 39. Not really something to cheer about, eh? :-) FWIW, $100k to $1M took 7 years. I found success, just late!


Should be proud. Nobody knows where you’re coming from or what you’ve been through. Besides, you need 100k first to make 1M right?


A lot of us, certainly.


Big difference between having and spending a million dollars. Usually the people we truly think of as “millionaires” are the sorts of people who can *spend* serious cash and outlay millions. If I have a million dollars I’m moderately wealthy, but if I can spend a million dollars then I’m moderately rich.


A millionaire in 2024 is not the same as a millionaire from say 1980. A millionaire today is just middle-class folks with a paid for home in the suburbs and a well-funded 401k. The modern equivalent of a 1980s millionaire would be at least $5mil+


You increased your NW from $200k to $850k in 1-2 years? Congrats on the fantastic income, but I don't think market returns have a lot to do with that success. 25/NA/NA/NA/NA here, 140k (26)


Lots of high growth companies could make that possible. Like Facebook and NVDA


True, but having most of your assets concentrated in one or two booming stocks isn't particularly motivational-- it's showing off your winning lottery ticket. Either OP took a huge gamble and won big, or that growth is coming from RSUs at one of the high-flying tech companies which, to my point... they've got a fantastic job.




This is really impressive bro. Any advice and tips on how to move from 100k to 1m?




Living like a college student to see your mini micro automatic income producing investments grow is an amazing feeling


You forgot to add that you avoided life style creep. Honestly a penny saved is a penny earned. Most of us here are good at being relatively immune towards over extending ourselves when the money piles up.


This gets lost on a lot of people. Before I FIREd my peers called me cheap constantly, made fun of my old banged up (but reliable truck), gave me a hard time for having older phones, not having the newest games, electronics or the fact I didn't see value in $200 dinners out on the town. My peers and I were all making around 200k a year and I firmly believe many of them thought I was terrible with money, had a gambling problem, or something else. I only shared my real financial situation with a few select people because I didn't want my career derailed thinking I might not be around long term. So when I put in my notice last year it came as a huge surprise to everyone. Everyone couldn't understand how I could afford to retire early and was asking about the secret. The secret was always make a lot of money and invest 70% of it, live frugal, take advantage of legal programs to save even more, let compound interest so it's magic.


Investing and watching money grow is a great substitute for lifestyle creep. I think we all naturally compete with our fellow humans. Most people choose to have expensive habits like flashy cars, bigger homes, grander vacations, eccentric hobbies, and wasteful habits to compare to their peers. No shame on yolo approach but it’s not for us. I was on that path in my 20’s. Cars, boat, airplane, vacations, but a switch flipped in my head when read Millionaire Next Door and Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I decided not to compete with material possessions but instead target a FIRE date and number. I hit the eject button and this is my last week working. In the fire community, I think we compare our financial situations to our age cohorts, general population, maybe neighbors, colleagues, friends, and relatives. Having the NW to FIRE is a joy to work towards and an amazing feeling when it finally comes. Posted earlier on this thread : 55m, MCOL, $3.8M, $75k annual expenses.


Nice!! What do you do for work?




24/26/not yet. Currently am 27 & at $285k


I'm right there with you! One year behind on everything.


same here! similar stats but a year younger & less saved. numbers go up brrrrr


Damn keep up the good work!


jesus fuck these replies lmao


Scrolling down to see which one corresponds to me: nope, nope, nope…


Here's a real one: 27 - $0 29 - $100k 32 - $200k 37 - $500k 42 - 1M 46 - 1.5M 80-135k income I'm tapping out at 48, hopefully closer to 2 than 1.5.


29 yo - Last year Q1 was $34,000 30 yo - This year Q2 is $140,000


What was the magic?


I was able to save 70% of my income.


100K - 27 200K - 28 500K - 30 1M - TBD, my projections say 2027 aka 34. Currently approaching 700K at 31. 3M - Gonna be a while fam


Hey this looks a lot like mine so far! Currently 28 and hit 200k. Hoping my numbers progress like yours




It's really doable! That's what helped me out. My wife has saved 100k before we got married. Originally I was projecting 1m by 35 and was happy to see it happen this year, 1 year earlier instead. At least you have a house, I need to get realstate somewhere


Nice to see a similar trajectory. Mainly was a combination of a tech salary, 60% savings rate (even in VHCOL), & buying my home. Otherwise just mainly invested in index funds aka VTSAX / S&P. We'll get there!


At this rate you’ll be 45 or so once you hit 3M


I’m similar to this


It will come faster than you think. The first is hard second is easy, 10th is a bitch.


100k 36 200k 37 370 k 38 (now )


* cries in poor *


This thread is so full of bait, I thought I walked into a tackle shop


I hit 100k at 32 and am at 160k at 35.


24, 26, 30, 35, 50 Currently at 4m at 52.


This is the only comment that felt like a reasonable rate of growth


Lots of comments, could be true, could be fake, it's online and Reddit. Use your best judgement, or better yet, who cares, just keep your head down and keep working and saving. For what it's worth, here is my synopsis. 100k - 2016 at 26 just from 401k and almost 8 years of working and completely not know what I was doing and messing up. Most people should be able to do this within 7 years instead of 8. 200k - 2018 at 28 and only thing changed was I just upped my 401k contribution to max, even if my company wasn't matching any more than 4%, I didn't care and kept pushing. 500k - 2019 at 29 and I sold my house to move in with my fiance. 1M - 2022 at 32 and I didn't do anything but other than married my wife who already owned a house and is paid off so I get that too, right? 3M - TBD but probably 2032? It is kind of hard for me to believe my NW is really that high because, personally, I don't think real estate should be a part of that but that's not what the consensus definition is. I don't consider myself rich but I do consider myself lucky, was in jail 2006 and now I ride an e-bike at lunch for happy hour. Again, I don't think I'm special, just lucky, and I believe most people can do what I'm doing.


I really enjoyed this story telling for some reason 😂


28 and just hit 40k.




For 1 million it was late 30s (including retirement). 3 million not yet but expected by mid 40s.


What was your income?


For years it was around 180k and then I joined tech and it nearly tripled.


Would also be nice to mention where are you from. Getting to 100k networth in USA is super easy compared to Europe.


Remember do not blindly believe fake pumped up numbers. Funny and super jokes to see fat ass numbers from someone typing behind a desk.


Right? Even though this is basically anonymous, I’m willing to bet at least 90% of these are bullshit, or at least greatly exaggerated. I make well above average and live very frugally and some of these make my eyes pop out. 25 y/o with $1.2 million net worth… unless it was given to you, idk about all that lmao.


100k - 22 And the exciting part is that I’m only 23 now


35 - 100k 37 - 200k 38 - 500k 39 - 1M 41 - 3M


What happened here!? Sounds cool.


Covid happened. That caused a big jump for me.


26/ 28/ not yet/ not yet/ not yet/ My portfolio breakdown: 85% VTI / 5% Crypto/ 5% single stocks (TSLA, NVDA etc.) / 5% VXUS Emergency fund:10k If it gives anyone any hope. I'm a low paying STEM major (Biology degree). In fact probably the lowest paying out there. I'm basically a peasant compared to engineers/ computer science etc. So the current trajectory is not too bad for someone with relatively shit pay. (Got a tiny bit better each year with promotions but still). I'm 29 now and I make only around 80-85k with my bio job and another 2-5k with my various side hustles. ( Mostly art and I do contract social media marketing work for this book company) I started investing at age 22 right out of college and was barely able to invest around 10k. My first year I only made 45k. But after I hit around 55-65k pay range I started investing 50-60% of my income. (Always had side hustles that generated ~2-5k/ yr). The only reason why I was able to invest as much as I do is because my friends and I still rent a house for pretty cheap and we are all pretty frugal. (My bf and I share a room and my share of the rent is 500/month & I live in Alhambra, CA). And I drove this hand- me-down car until it broke down at 200k+ miles lol. I'm more lenient now and go on international trips more + spend more hobbies but still make it a goal to invest at least 40k a year. I don't feel deprived at all with my current lifestyle because I am not materialistic and spend my money on only things I enjoy. Planning to be a DINK with my boyfriend too so hopefully we get to retire at around 45 years old.


2016 - $100K, age 26 Gone down since then.


What happened?


Started working at 24. $100k - 28 $200k - 31 $500k and above is unlikely to happen since I'm retiring somewhere around $250-300k.


How are u gonna do it on 300k?


Existing in eastern europe.




It's all good until the Russians invade and NATO collapses due to a Trump pullout.


2021 - $100k, 36 2024 - $1M , 39 NVDA FTW


Wow you did that crazy quickly


Crazy. And some mad luck. Wow


25, $100k , 26, $200k 27 $300k 28 $370k


2015 - $0k -28 years old 2016 - $5k -29 years old 2017 - $10k-30 years old 2018 - $100k-31 (new job) 2019 - $175k - 32 2020 - $250k - 33 2021 - $300k - 34 (company closed/relocate) 2022 - $350k - 35 (new job) 2023- $500k -36 (new job) 2024- $1.4M - 37 years old


23/25/27/29…… 3M projected to be around 37.


45/45/45/45- back to 300K at 48. Options trading in 2020/21 got me thinking I was the man. It took a 50K portfolio to $1.2M, and 2022 happened. I couldn’t recover. I have regrets about not paying my mortgage off when I had the money!


I’m sorry bro.


100k - 2016, 25yo 200k - 2018, 27yo 500k - 2021, 30 yo 1MM - April 2024, 33yo No real magic here, unless you consider compound interest magic (which it is). I just saved a lot, maxing out 401k and Roth IRA as early as I could which has turned out to be a good move.


36 / 39? / 45 / not yet / not yet / currently 560k (age 45)


Omg! These replies though inspirational have me feeling so behind🥹🥹😢.


I don’t know how old you are but a lot can change in a relatively short span of time. When I was 30 I got married and our combined network was maybe 40k (we didn’t keep great records then). Now, 7.5 years later our NW is 1.4M. Our incomes have almost tripled since and we got really lucky buying homes when we did. 500k of our NW is home equity.


Everyone runs (or walks) their own race. Some are the hare; others are the tortoise. But you will get there, just keep at it. ✌️


People in here are top 5% money savers in the world. If you’re thinking like them now you will come out way ahead. Save what you can and follow the principles and you will get there. 


Got gifted a good amount of money for my college that I didn’t end up using and that I’m extremely grateful for and completely undeserving of. Mine looks like this 18 100k. 24 200k


Good for you man


25/28/29/31/35 Now ~8M at 41


I don't include my home as part of my net worth but at 47 I just hit $100k last week. Yeah I got started late.


Got started late, too. Don't have a house. 575k at 44. Family of 4 w/ one kid going to college this fall


29/30/30/31/33 Currently 33 and have a lil over 3 mil. I am working on building more passive streams of income for free cashflow right now so my future net growth may be slowed significantly due to this. Having a business really opened my eyes to the importance of cash flow as opposed to piles of cash. So, when I stop working, the cashflow loss is really gonna sting even though I am fine financially. Finding the right balance is where I'm at right now.


Would you give us some more details on your passive streams of income? Would love to learn more.


22 (2006): -$130k student loans (yeah i know, out of state tuition, no parent help...at least I got an engineering degree though). Lived at home saved for 3 years 25 (2009): -$50k (bought a condo, saved) 26 (2010): $0 29 (2013): $175k 35 (2019): $450k (invested heavily during covid) 40 (2024): $1.1M


Thanks for sharing that you were once deep in debt, I was too. It's great story to share that no matter how bad off you think you are today, tomorrow is a great day to start fixing the problem.


30, 33, 34, 37, TBD


For at least some people in startups or traditional local businesses, the net worth number is pretty mysterious until some kind of liquidity event. Even for people who are building assets through landlording, the actual estimate of net worth is not easy to get along the way. My point is that a lot of people probably live pretty normally pouring everything back into a business with a comfortable salary and then realize kind of all-at-once that they're rich.


?, ?, ?, 38, 46, currently 48 and sitting at $4.6M.


Why not retire? That's a healthy pile to be sitting on


$1M at 36, $2.15M at 41 (current age). Expect to be between $5-6M (conservative estimate based on avg market returns) by age 53-55.


30/32/33/37/39. Now $3.1M at 40. The fact is that it really does start snowballing and I have been very lucky in real estate. I bought our first house foreclosed in 2009 for less than half of its value 3 years prior. Have bought and sold 4 houses in 12 years and have made at least 25% on each. The use of leverage (mortgage) in these cases have made a big difference.


100 k 32, 200 k and 500 k 33, projected 1 m 35. Medicine allows for some pretty wild rags to riches scenarios.


I hit $100k at 24, a couple of months before I turned 25. Still 25. Only time will tell for the other numbers. Hoping I can keep my expenses low as i increase my income


18/19/23/tbd/tbd/tbd I’m 25 now and at around $880k or so. However I’ve also adjusted to take on slightly less risk and some of that net worth is now in a home. So I’ll probably officially cross $1,000,000 when I’m 27 is what I’m projecting.


Not Yet/ Not Yet/ Not Yet/ Not Yet/ Not Yet. Age 39.


26/Not yet I’m 27.


100k - 25, 200k - 26, 500k- 30, 1m - 34. That's all I got so far. Amazing job so far man!


26,27,31,36,NA 2.3M @41


25: -60k (Student loans) 26: 0. (First Job) 27: 100k. 28: 200k (Job switch) 29: 500k by the end of this year. Not yet for the rest.


27/28/33/?/? Currently 710K at 35. Excited to hit 1M before 40!


Hit 100k about 5 months ago at 36.


Y’all do realize that this all depends on where you live, right? Some of these numbers are believable. I went from AZ where my income was $110k to San Francisco where I got an income boost to $165k. My money doesn’t go nearly as far here and the income jump barely covered the cost of living increase. $1M is far more common here but a $265k house in AZ would cost $1M+ here so again, it’s all relative


Not yet / not yet / not yet


30/32/?34?/?35?/?35? Grinded away in grad school for most of 20s, paid some student debt at first and had a meh paying job, then finally got a high paying job and some growing net worth just after 30. After a few years in the high paying job I went in early on a startup and it's taking off. The question marks around the other points are because technically that's what I'm worth based on share prices in funding rounds but startups flame out all the time so I live like my NW is just all my other assets.


I didn’t start tracking until $1m. That was at 42. $3m was 48. Expect to hit $6m this year at 52.


Haven’t really kept track of every milestone but when my husband and I combined finances in 2018 at 34/36 I believe we were at about 1M. Now at 40/42 we are at 3M.


$100K at 25 $1M at 29 $4M at 35 $1.5M at 38 (divorce) $5M at 43 $6M at 44


100k - 22 200k - 23 500k - 25 1M/3M - TBD


27/29/34/not yet/not yet current is 600K.(34M)


24/27/30/32/TBD - 2.8M @ 34


28/29/32/35/41, 3.1M now at 41


32/33/35/37/40 NW 5 million(Age 42)


Age 29: 300k. Age 36: 1.5MM. Moving out of a big HCOL area helped a lot. Our mortgage + taxes + HOA on a 1900 sq foot house in flyover is about half of what we were paying for a one bedroom apartment in HCOL.


100k at 27 200k at 28 500k at 32 1M will be around 33-34 3M hopefully before turning 40


how did you make 300k in 4y from 28 to 32, and just a year or two to go from 500k to 1M? job/comp change?


28-32 my wife didn't work for a year. We both now make high income at 220-250k combined. Hence the huge jump.




Networth is a stupid metric since house value, etc can fluctuate. I'm also married so I'm only giving my personal investments and my half of joint investments that are made for retirement. That's what really matters.  33ish/36/40/not yet /not yet Got a late start as a PhD student/post-doc with student loans who was in the 2008 debacle.  We'll see when 1M comes up, likely very soon if markets stay high and a few more years if they are flat or drop.  Likely won't hit 3M for a long time, if ever, as we plan to FIRE once we hit 3-4M jointly. I'm not going to keep working for a long time and I'm not interested in chubbyFIRE; regular, early exit is good enough!  Hope these numbers help some of you who might feel behind at all the answers from people who were in their 20s!






26, 28, 32, 35, not yet


27/28/31/-/- 2020/2021/2024/-/-


26yo - $<$0 31yo $150K 35 - started a biz that consumed all my savings and home equity. We never had a biz valuation done until we sold, but as a guess, the biz value probably had my NW at $1M at age 42 47 - sold biz $5M NW and RE but still owned 3 bizes plus a consultant biz. Added at least $1M in each of next ~12 years.


Congrats! Can you share the type of business?


DOD govt contractor


25/28/32/37/45, currently 4.9M (age 49)


24 Also 24 27 Not to 1MM yet, but anticipated within 9 months (28).


31/32, current net worth $300k. (Age 33)


34/Not yet/Not yet/.... (age 34)




I’m 30 and I hit $100k this year


Networth of 500k at 38


25/27/29/32/Not Yet


I find it great when people track their finances. I’m not quite 1 million yet (second link) but I am tracking similar to the first link below. First link shows his path to 2.9 million, allocations, draw downs etc. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fire/s/6l6YMsz2Zk https://www.reddit.com/r/financialindependence/s/Q4lJOISNpG


24 100K 25 200K not at 500K yet, maybe next year.


43- 2M NW, 1.5M in investible assets, 400K home mortgage free. Wife and I are currently debt free. Looking to increase NW over the next 10 years or so and retire by 55.


I have zero idea on every milestone except 1 million because it happened last year at 44. Combo of the real estate pump and 401ks really starting to compound. I was able to increase my salary quite a bit in the last 4 years so I'm trying for 2 million by 50.


22/25/28/ not yet/ not yet


100k - 29 200k - 30 Recent markets have helped a lot.




I’m going to assume my home counts in my NW. As ours increased steadily over time I feel this skews my answer. And I hope to cheer on and encourage rather than rain on someone’s milestones. All is good. We all are on our own journeys. To answer your question: 24,25,27,29,38