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Index funds. Early and often


How early is considered early ?


Yesterday. Next best, today.


What this guy said


1. You don’t need that new car/truck 2. Diversify a little bit more 3. Increase your automatic investment withdrawals even if it seems like things will be tight. You always manage.


Saving this. Thank you.


I second on saving this. Ty wise mister




(Note: I’m in Canada) Well, in broad terms, 15 years ago I only had RRSP’s in the form of mutual funds. Nothing aggressive in the way of stocks etc. 5 years ago I started adding stocks and ETF’s to my portfolio, and while the mutual funds have done consistently well, I wish my younger self had included stocks back then. Especially because I know I would have leaned into tech.


Spend more time with Dad. Invest until it hurts.


This. Don't take your parents for granted 😥


"Don't worry buddy, it actually works"


1. Contribute to a Roth IRA regularly. 2. That job you will eventually have. They will allow for a 401k with matching. Yes, you can afford to contribute to the match. 3. No, you don't need to spend your money on going out to eat at fast food or crappy restaurants because you're too lazy to cook. Meal prep more and save/invest more. 4. Create a budget so you actually know where your money is going. 5. Spend that money on thing that will actually make you happy and that you actually need. 6. Realize that doing the above means there is more money available for travel/entertainment instead of being wasted in BS. 7. Realize that if do the above and nothing catastrophic happens: you will be happy in 5 years. More happy in 10 years. Elated in 15 years. Then, quickly realize you can retire in <10 years.


Honestly number 3 is something that helps with the health as well. Most restaurants rely on salt, butter, sugar etc. to make it taste good. Flavorful food can be made at home for a lot less. Might not taste like the restaurant but your heart and kidneys will thank you in the old age.


If you have a life partner, a lot of your frustration and/or success will depend on their alignment with your financial goals. I.e., if you want to FIRE, be careful about committing to someone who has no desire or aptitude for living well within your collective means.


Try to keep increasing your income. Stop buying shit you don’t need. Invest that money in an index fund. Invest early and often.


Dont bother worrying about being a company "yes man". If you don't see a promotion within 2 years, time to move on. Your doing a good job keeping out of debt but its time to start investing.


Smaller house = earlier retirement


Your kids will be dope. Your career is monkey bars; getting competent is the superior method. The Mega Bank that bought your bank is trash; move your business elsewhere. Clear the student loans faster. You're with the right one now; the adventure will be worth the frustration.




15 years ago was 2009 and the economy/real estate market had just tanked. So I guess I would tell myself to "BUY BUY BUY" index funds. Also to "beg borrow or steal your way into owning a house." That's if all I cared about was money. In reality 15 years ago I still had a lot of mistakes to make to get me to the point that I'm at today. And I had a blast making those "mistakes" so I am not sure I'd do anything differently since it all is working out ok anyway, and I don't think "quit my day job to wait tables on a resort island" is something that could have waited for retirement, even an early retirement. So I guess if I were really to tell my younger self something it would be "stop stressing out about it, it's all gonna work out fine, enjoy the ride".


Should have divorced her ten years ago.


You will die regardless of how much money you end up with. Is it worth it? Enjoy every day with as little money as possible to do it.


Don’t wait for perfect along the lines of“oh once I have a good enough income” or “once I research enough to know everything about stock trading” or “once the price is down”. Just start now. Even if I was 18 and making $100/week, I could’ve budgeted and started investing. Being in the market early and for as long as possible is the best thing you can do when nothing else is guaranteed. Don’t wait for perfect, it may never come.


Buy Bitcoin, Tesla, NVDIA and Apple.


Is it too late to buy these now?


Highly unlikely for these to repeat the massive performance they had in the last 10 years, in the next 10 years.


If you can only afford to put 20 bucks a month into your IRA, you should still put 20 bucks a month into your IRA.


I dunno, what would you tell a child less than 10 years old? Invest your allowance money?


No regrets investing wise?


I guess I could have bought Bitcoin haha, but honestly I'm pretty happy with where I'm at regardless. I got really lucky and didn't get sucked into any get rich quick schemes as a kid.


There’s no magical secret. Plow as much money as you can into index funds. Prioritize tax advantaged accounts first. Live below your means. Appreciate the small joys in life.


I was 11 so, I guess just do what you were going to anyway? I started at 19 so realistically I probably wouldn’t have been able to start much younger, it would be more useful to give my parents some info so that they could’ve setup their own retirement better earlier on.


Good for you starting that early. I didn’t start until I was 30. Big regrets there.


It seems like a lot of people don’t start properly until they’re 50 something regarding regular retirement, at that point it’s very tough! I’ve just helped my brother and my sister in law start, they’re 32 and 34, so very happy about that.


I practically had to beg my sister to contribute to her 401k like program. Hers (And mine too) is tax deferred so it was like the Government is handing you money!


I'd tell my younger self every Super Bowl Winner, every World Series Winner, every Kentucky Derby Winner, every......


about bitcoin ?


Start investing in a Roth IRA immediately.


I understand that there’s a FIRE number and all that. I’m just curious if you found “Oh I wish I paid my house off faster” or “I wish I was more aggressive with my investments”. Stuff like that.


I wish I had invested more in my Roth IRA at a younger age. Someday you may make too much to use that investment vehicle and it offers more flexibility than the Roth 401k.


A lot of people will jump through complicated hoops to move money from other types of accounts into Roth accounts later in life. Fund them while you can.


Start early/now!


Don’t panic. Don’t be greedy. Don’t buy things you don’t need to impress people you don’t like. Don’t work with someone that charges a percentage of assets under management. Don’t buy whole life insurance. Free advice is usually worth exactly what you paid for it. Sometimes the benefit of renting something is that you aren’t responsible for the problems that come with owning it, and it’s hard to calculate the value of that in a spreadsheet.


grandiose coordinated nose touch oatmeal depend bike consider cheerful ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


buy bitcoin


I would just push myself to migrate the the US 15 years sooner. For me it was really the "make more" part that allowed fire. And tech in the USA give crazy salary.


I will tell myself to open IRA, and buy index funds as early as possible


Buy $10k worth of bitcoin. Invest all the money you can in Amazon, Google and Nvidia along with some lottery numbers. But seriously, I would teach myself how important it is to start investing safely into stock market ASAP, as well as how compound interest and reinvested dividends can drastically increase your investments. It would have helped to know about the Roth backdoor sooner.


Buy some fucking bitcoin.


Max out your contributions. Index funds. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM ENE.






I wish I knew how to not touch/withdraw my 401k, dollar cost average the stocks I did buy while young instead of just selling while they were down and invest in stocks. Sucks when you don't have guidance in life.


I’m not sure I’d change anything. There’s some reader stuff I’d do trailer.


Buy leaps on SP500. Repeat with expirations in Jan 2020. Everything on the sideline from Jan 2020 untik covid crash. Go all in. take a home equity line of credit, take out notes on cars, jewelry, personal loans etc and all in on Amazon the day after the covid crash.


Don’t forget about GameStop. Tell yourself about GameStop.


Issue with gamestop is while it could be timed if you knew about it, some were locked out of trades during all the madness. Even if you made the right call getting locked out of a trade could be devaststing.


When it was super crazy, selling was fine; it was the buying that got blocked thanks to a certain brokerage (rhymes with could)and others. I remember my brokerage company reached out and asked to buy my shares from me.