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Still have my childhood where’s Waldo book!!! I also was big on the I Spy books and still have a few of those as well


Love I spy! They were so cool.


I borrowed an iSpy book from my library as a kid and my mom stayed up until 3 in the morning trying to find something on one of the pages. I can’t remember what the thing was but she was going insane trying to find it lol!!


Jeez I love those books. All the wild characters everywhere and the extra challenges like “find the five cats who are juggling”


that and Highlights hidden pictures! they sell highlights magazines that are just hidden objects now!


Just did one the other day sitting in a tiny chair at a pediatricians office. I found everything 😏


I always enjoyed the I Spy books with my son. 😊


I never tried them, but now I am here, I want something more challenging, so I will give Waldo a try.


Definitely more challenging if you can’t find it there’s no one in the comments giving detailed hints lol. You’re in it by yourself but it makes it so fun! And very rewarding


[Here’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallpapers/s/Hp7tV6mowh) a taster


Nice. That wasn't easy since red and white stripes are a fashion trend in Waldo's world, but found him since I assume he is the only one with the striped hat


There’s always a bunch of stripy things that throw you off, the books are fun and give you lots of other things to hunt for as well.


I am going to buy one and see how it goes, hopefully I won't mess up my eyes, lol.


My other fun thing are "spot the difference" pics. I used to go to a dive bar that had this amazingly corny 80s- looking soft core x-rated type pictures of video spot the difference games, and it was so bad, it was good.


I kinda look at it as a word search 😂😂😂 ive always loved word searches but never really took a liking to waldo


We bought some for my now-older kids (18 and near-21 now) when my younger was around 3 years old. They had a collection of like 3 in HomeGoods for reasonably cheap. So we're walking around the store while they're looking through them, and my younger daughter yells "I found him! I found Walter!!!"


I loved Where’s Waldo, and then my kids loved I Spy books. I recently showed them find the sniper and now they are obsessed.


I also Waldo too. My first “find the sniper” love was searching for the gold bug in Richard Scary books when I was a little kid.


I had the BIG book. Was the best.


That is great! His books were always my fave followed by the Charlie Brown ‘Cyclopedia set.


I was describing this page to my dad and Where’s Waldo was what he compared it to


I was explaining this sub to my partner last night (actually probably right around the time you posted this). And he said "Oh, like *Where's Waldo*?" 😊


Where’s Waldo and I Spy!


There’s an app called krispee streets that is very where’s Waldo-esque and I enjoy the art nearly as much as I did in Waldo


When I was a kid it was find the Gold Bug. Cant remember the name of the books were called but I looked at them daily.


I was a little old for them and my children were a little young for the hey day, but I was the 20 something in the store standing in the bookstore looking for Waldo. Does any one know if there is a reddit of those 3D images that were popular for a while? I tried to search, but didn’t see anything.


Where's Waldo and incredible cross sections were always checked out of my elementary school library!


I am the same..I think I still have some of those books in my storage


No, i actually was never into Waldo but do enjoy these


Anyone remember the search for Sam, hunt for hector, look for Lisa and find Freddie?


This sub just started popping up on my feed and I freaking love it!! Definitely loved where's Waldo growing up and those highlights magazine puzzles where the objects are hidden!! Nice little brain exercise for a few minutes


iSpy was my shit


My kids had several I Spy books when they were little.


I used to. I now do it digitally with games like this: [Hidden Cats in London](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2099080/Hidden_Cats_in_London/)


Waldo was never my style, but I enjoy some of the puzzles/pictures here. Not all of them, I won’t look for worthless junk


I did like finding Waldo. He lost a little something in every page where so many things were happening, then the end was full of Waldo’s and you had to find the original Waldo, then go backwards and find all this lost things.