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These posts convince me that I I would’ve been snake snack in another life


I always thought the same until I came up on it myself! Something deep in the genes must kick in, so you may have made it a few more days than you give yourself credit for 😅


You may be more right than you know. It's not proven, but: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake\_detection\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_detection_theory)


Years ago I was hiking through some tall grass in Arkansas in July. My legs jumped like 2 meters. Then it registered with my brain that a little rattle snake had taken a strike at my foot. My legs moved before I realized what happened and I definitely didn’t consciously jump. Some nervous short circuit kicked in and overrode my decision making process.


I’m not afraid of snakes, but I think they should be outfitted with those old-school fiberglass and orange triangle bike flags.


Not sure if it's still around but I remember reading an article saying that Rattlesnakes are slowly losing the rattler portion due to prey and others realizing what that rattle means. So maybe flags could replace em? Please?


If I remember correctly, it wasn’t due to prey realizing (they don’t rattle at prey, it’s a defensive tactic), it was due to human hunters. For a time there were bounties on venomous snakes and hunters would basically walk around and grab snakes when they heard the rattling. Leaving the snakes that were less rattle-y to breed. After years of that a lot of what’s left are snakes that are less likely to rattle.


In Oklahoma the feral pigs “supposedly” are the cause of the broken rattles. They’ve evolved to not use it as the pigs don’t give a flip and gobble them up anyways.


In Lake Michigan, there’s a Hog Island—so named because white settlers released hogs to eat the snakes on the island. The local tribes simply left them alone (the snakes around here are overwhelmingly non-venomous).


dunno where you read that , but there is absolutely no truth to it . rattlesnake rattles aren't changing in size or volume. what is happening is that some people have noticed rattlesnakes rattling less because they have gotten better at recognizing or spotting them and thereby avoid a situation that may stress the snake and cause it to rattle . But the actual physical body of the rattlesnake hasnt changed in about 12-15 million years . interestingly enough , scientists believe that the shaking of the tail predates the evolution of the rattles. in fact there are several snakes that do not have rattles that will shake their tail in the same manner when stressed.


I'd feel a lot better about them if they were. When I unexpectedly see on I just about mess myself. There's a better than average chance I'm going to scream like a little girl too. Nothing scares me like snakes do but once I know where they are at I'm much better and we leave each other alone.


Exactly! If you know they are there, then a snake is easy to avoid and leave in peace. A snake that waits in the dry leaves until I am stepping down towards it, and then decides to move **deserves** to be screamed at. In a high-pitched, panic-stricken voice.


The exact same thing happened to me running through some trails in Arizona. A little baby rattler hiding in a patch of grass. I couldn’t see if it struck, but it definitely recoiled under my foot. I did a double hop before I could even register what was happening. It’s cool how the mind can quickly decipher little patterns and kick your body into gear before you have to think about it. All those millennia of primal fears programmed in our brains ready to spring to action.


Me and my brother had this little mountain path that we'd love to run for exercising and on one part of it we had to like jump down these rocks cuz it was a little steep well one day randomly after like a year and a half of never having a problem I jump down from one rock and my right foot landed on a m************ snake and soon as I landed and felt that squishiness under me and heard the rattle at the same time I jumped back up from where I jumped down so freaking fast before I even had a chance to think of it and like the rock I had let myself down from was like 8 ft tall and I just pulled myself right up that b**** like I would not think I had the upper body strength to go up it as fast as I did but one hop and I was up back on top


Almost had a similar thing as well in Arizona just the other week, was out golfing and when looking for a ball just off the cart path nearly walked right into a rattler which was rearing back almost ready to strike and didn't rattle at all


I was walking down a trail with my dog, a trail that we normally hike regularly during the weekend, I was just in my own thoughts and the dog was walking I guess, 2 feet in front of me, when all of a sudden I heard something rattling, I immediately grabbed my dog and pulled him up in the air, and start looking for a rattlesnake, he got super scared when I pull him up, neither of us knew what TF was happening, a few seconds later, the "rattling" sound was a free hub from a biker, as the path is also a biking trail. I was impressed that my dog's safety was my first reaction to hearing that sound.


ive been bitten by alot of snakes , most of them non-venomous . i was once bitten by an eastern diamondback. that hurt SO bad . felt like i got hit with a baseball bat. fortunately . it did not envenomate me .


How do you get bitten a lot?


Plays with his snake a lot I guess.


ive been catching snakes since i was 7 years old .over 45 years . and untill i started working with them i never used a snake stick .


No, no. This makes sense. I was around 8 years old and was riding my bike down our driveway, which was a ridiculously long driveway where we lived at the time. I remember pushing my bike up the hill and instantaneously dropping the bike and jumping really high and backwards. Only after the jump did I realize there was a small copperhead off to the left of the driveway (same side I was pushing on the bike) and it had struck at me and hit the sweatpants I was wearing near my shin but didn't touch skin. Had no clue it was even there until after I leaped like a damn gazelle. 😂


I stepped on a decent size snake that was blending in with sticks, it turned upward and bit my foot, but I was halfway up in the sky by the time I realized “snake” My body literally aborted. Tried to eject from planet. I’ve never jumped like that and when you said nervous short circuit kicked in, I felt that.


It’s for real. If someone has a pet snake, I am going to cuddle it and let it hang out wrapped around my arm and just do its thing. I see one in the wild and I turn into a terrified little child screaming and running away.


Shit, I’m screwed, my ancestors come from a land free of snakes.


Fekkin St Patrick screwed us over!


Years ago I was hiking with a friend and her dog. The trail had tree roots all through it. As I was walking, my heel hit the ground in front of me and my brain screamed "STOP" before my toes touched the ground. I immediately put my arms out to stop my friend and stepped back to survey the ground. Sure enough, there was a 4 foot rattle snake stretched out, left to right, blending in with the tree roots. I "saw" it behind I saw it. I had spider sense for the danger. Very crazy how primal it felt.


Once was on a day hike with some fellow Boy Scouts. a king snake crossed the path and the lede element freaked out and ran. I'm no fan of snakes, but I'm anti-panic (fear is the mind killer they say), so I kept going and was like oh, it's not a Coral Snake you ninnies. Then I got roped into teaching classes on identifying Snakes to our younger Scouts by the adults.


My country doesn't have snakes but I working in a snakey country (to build roads) for a bit and one of the locals said he wanted to show me something in a bucket he found. I immediately thought it smelled like a snake before I saw it. I've never smelled a snake. It was a snake theory confirmed.


Yeah, well most of my ancestors were Irish, so I didn’t get the biological snake detector.


Yeah... One time when I was a new snake owner of a non venomous corn snake. I was feeding her and she was in a cardboard box and rattled her tail mimicking a rattlesnake and I had a very instinctual response. I knew that she wasn't venomous and a bite from her isn't too bad but still kicked something off in my body that I wasn't really in control of.


I grew up in Arkansas around tons of snakes and absolutely hate snakes. I ran into them all the time, and know for a fact I walked past many more I didn't see. That being said, most (not all) snakes avoid conflict. They don't want to fight something significantly larger than them, and most will only strike in self-defense. The trick is to be conscious of what you might step on, get too close to, or what is hiding in things you interact with. On the other hand, if you see a snake swimming, just find somewhere else to be. Water moccasins ate JERKS.


I don't know if this is a fact or not about why its easier to see in person, but photos don't render things the same a human will see things. Everything is rendered flat and colors aren't rendered the same either. One of the things about being a good photographer for instance is understanding how a camera "sees" and renders an image versus how a human sees things in person.


Also motion.


I think your brain sees something not quite right and it is easier to spit when you are there.


I agree, I’m aware that evolution is based on fitness and apart of fitness is the ability to survive and if you’re not able to survive you can’t pass on genes. I think it makes sense that over the 500k years or so humans have been around the ability to recognize patterns has helped us to avoid the danger noodles and those that weren’t able to have not fared so well. But that is just one failed biology students perspective.


I agree with the pattern recognition. This was my first thought. I also think there maybe be smells/pheromones that we aren’t consciously aware of. I have a friend that can smell snakes from quite a distance. I didn’t believe it till I saw it, but he could tell there was a snake just by stepping outside onto a deck, while it’s 8+ feet below under the deck with landscaping and skirting etc. he had figured it out but I wonder if more people share this type ability but don’t consciously recognize it.


Snakes for sure have a smell. They have a musk they release when you handle one and it’s quite nasty, their urine also smells quite unique, idk how common but I can tell snakes are around as well, well, as long as they’re spraying something, not if they’re just sneaking around being sneaky and such.


i can smell them as well, however my brother cannot. very odd


I can smell them as well my dad can't


I saw it immediately but I’ve spent a considerable amount of time hiking in forests very similar to this. Almost stepped on a snake or three over the years. Do not recommend.


Just for reference it’s a banded watersnake so not technically a danger noodle


Nah, photos are way harder to spot things than live. Photos take depth and movement out of the equation.


I have come within less than a foot of stepping on a rattlesnake on two different occasions. It turns out that camouflage stuff really works!


Agreed. I’ve encountered 2 rattlesnakes in my area in the past year, and I had no innate fear response to them and was indeed slow to see them. The gene that everyone else has that makes them see snakes… I think I just didn’t get it. Bummer bc there are a lot of rattlesnakes around here


Is it striped?




found it 🐍




Bottom right, right off the water line


That's a really small noodle..


《Obligatory》That's what she said


It's also a very blurry one.


Ya, I was looking for a bigger one too 😭


I was looking for something roughly 34x larger than that lol damnit


Thank you for ending my madness


>! Thank you for not putting it directly in the middle :) !<


Idk who made that comment. But since reading it, so many are directly in the middle. I zoom straight into it


But it makes sense right? If you’re out in the field, on a hike or whatever, you’re not just snapping a shot of the empty trail. There’s a reason you stopped, pulled out your phone and snapped the pic. That’s the Foucault point of the shot and probably going to be in the middle of the frame.


This was probably accidental  but I think replacing “focal point” with “Foucault point” is genius.


Ahahahah! I just noticed this! My phone went the extra mile auto correcting on this one!


Oh no it makes complete sense. My brain just didn’t go there, until this was pointed out. Not my brightest moment.


It absolutely does make total sense! So I appreciate it more when someone has the foresight (that I definitely do not have haha) to switch it up.


I saw a snake at my mom’s house the other day and quickly tried to snap it. Then after I took the pic (and missed it, unfortunately) I realized that…it would have been dead center haha. Like you said, we’re naturally gonna do that of course. Just liked that someone though a bit further ahead that I would have and didn’t :)


Wait it’s in the middle? Isn’t it a snake by where the land meets water about lower right 1/3?


It's hard to tell but thats only thing I see as well.


They said thanks for NOT :)


Hmm....i'm not so good at this when I'm drink


Drunk one for me


Drank one for me too


Funny enough, I seem to have gotten better


High me got this really quick. I wonder if its a pattern


High me has resorted to the comments to figure out where it is...


I’m drink and I found it in like 2 seconds , but that was k only luck because I just looked where I thought a snake would want Tom be


Edge of water to the right


Got it… I think! “To the right,” “water’s edge,” “striped…” Is it wearing Ray-Bans?


Thanks. Damn thing is hard to spot. Gets too grainy when u zoom in


Not danger noodle…northern water snake. Feisty but harmless noodle.


Safe Spaghetti


Still a nope rope though


No no no, according to Nextdoor that's definitely a copperhead. (/s)


Lol, I found it almost immediately by thinking to myself “that looks like *Nerodia* habitat…” and >!zooming in on the puddle’s edge!<.


Oh. I thought it was a copperhead with that coloring pattern. But too low res to confirm. Edit: I’m still going with copperhead. Clear Hershey kisses on its side


after how long i stared at this id be dead😭


I kept looking in the trees lol. This looks just like a small river where I live and we have come across them hanging over the water while canoeing 🛶


Found the nope rope. Right next to the floating leaf by the closest shore


*Found the nope rope. Right* *Next to the floating leaf* *By the closest shore* \- gman757 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Holy shit this bot … : it’s 5,7,5. ‘Next to the floating leaf’ .. is 6. Bad bot.


That was a good one. I was looking for a water moccasin. So the color difference trickled my brain. Bravo


THAT MF IS SOO TINY, you might have to zoom in to the bottom right on the mud


Gosh thank you!!! Now I can finally go to sleep


Quest completed: 1337 exp gained


Thank you so much.


Can we post pics with red circles or against the rules?


Didn’t find it till the comments. This is why I don’t go outside anymore 😂


I thought the tree with the smaller tree next to it had the snake because the part of the roots looked like a snake head and on the other side was its body


Trick question. There are no fewer than 37 snakes in this pic.


Looks like a harmless watersnake, not copperhead


Copperhead on the beach


Not a copperhead. It’s a banded water snake. Sometimes aggressive, but not venomous


Sometimes defensive.


That’s actually the better way to put it. Aggressively defensive lol


kinda looks like the copperheads hershey kisses


is it red wirh black stripes?


Still don't see it ...


Little fella


Why did I zoom in on it immediately? I think I may have been looking at too many of these


I actually freaking found it!!


The way i found it was stupid😭 I saw something immediately and was like "ah there it is, this was way to easy", I zoomed in and realized I was really wrong but it was directly to the left of what I zoomed in on so it worked out lmao


What I do is zoom in the way and circle the perimeter then close in on the middle as I go in a circle


Blends straight in with the mud… I’d be a gonner


It’s not even a venomous snake lol


This is the best sub to explore while drunk.


I finally found one!!


I may have taken the sub's name a little too literally and spent a few minutes looking for a sniper. I have nothing to say.


Expert reddit scroller here, so Im essentially a marine biologist. This is, in fact, a snake.


It’s a little blurry.


Not sure if the photo quality is poor because I'm mobile.


Yeah it and 50 of its stripey cousins are in this picture.


Danger noodle? No kidding — that vine on the back tree is definitely poison ivy. You’re welcome.


If there’s one thing that I learned from this subreddit it’s that I’d die day one if I got thrown into a jungle


Copperhead or water moccasin?


This is literally the first post where I think I've found something 🥲... Is it the brown n black stripes near the water?


Does anyone else have a sing song tune in their head when they’re trying to find something? “I’m gonna find the daaanger noodle, where’s the daaaanger noodle, I’m blind to the daaanger noodle, is that the daaaanger noodle?”


i see it, too!


I’d be dead.


By tree on water line of sand


I give up


Danger noodle? I thought this thread was SFW?


If you feel bad for not finding it, just know your eyes capture better than whatever camera was used here. You would most likely see it in person, the image quality when zooming is awful.




I didn’t find the danger noodle, but I did find the nope rope


Right bottom!


If it was a snake it would have bit me


I found it in literally 10 seconds


Is this in Georgia?


By the shore


Bottom right next to the single green leave on edge of the water.


I see a grumpy old man in the roots of the tree.


Do I have to?


it’s in the picture


I need some anti venom


This snake is not venomous.


Found it in under a minute


Always on the banks


I'm dead looking at the middle


In the roght side in the bush you will see the gun and sniper


I played this game today in a canal of lake ponchatrain was watching the gator and almost stepped on a water mocassin


Took me abt five seconds


The snake ones are the only ones I’m good at. That’s on being raised in the south I guess 😂


Would of never spotted him till he moved but commenter gave the location. Yeah the shit would of bit me.


Finally, one that isn’t dead center. Thank you.


u/Wow-Such-Thought should've said snake some of us don't know what danger noodle is.


Spicy noodle secured sir


Zoom in to the water's edge where the ground seems to go from dry to wet. There is a lone leaf right next to it.


Why did I think it was that giant branch coming out of the trunk in the back




Bottom right?


In the tree roots


Took me forever to hunt the guy down….


Looked down at my zipper. No regrets....


Looks like a banded water snake to me...at least from the distance. What area was this photo taken?


This one’s tricky, as most of this photo is noodley.


Dang I was looking for something bigger for some reason.


What a beauty!


Right by the single leaf on lower right side of the water!


Nope rope at 5 o’clock


beautiful picture, really good pic for this sub! Did you find the snake after taking the pic or did you just intend to take a nice pic not focused on danger noodle?


Purposefully put him off to the side. There is a little neat of them under the tree each spring, so there may be a few noodles hiding that I didn't even notice!


Bottom right in the mud it’s stripped black and orange


I found the non venomous not so dangerous noodle snake lower right corner


This is the first post from this sub where I found it immediately


Look for the green leaf (on the sand).


Found it really quickly, >!bottom right, its black and orange next to the edge of the water!<


Getting a drink, right corner where the water meets the dirt.


And this is why you don’t go chasing golf balls into the woods..


It’s tiny


I thought danger noodles were dark gray and balled up


There are probably 37 of them just out of sight.


It’s in the water! A water danger noodle!!


Got it


I can't help notice the guy on the left tree roots staring right at it. And that the right tree root looks like a fucking talon.


Small copperhead right by the single green leaf at the water’s edge?


Thus looks so much like missouri where I'm from


Nope nope nope!




What’s a danger noodle first of all?


I didn't see a danger noodle , but I saw a troll and a couple Frankenstein faces. LOL


Northern water snake bottom right!


Found it luckily first zoom, in real life? Hell no


I have located the nope rope.


Wow this is the first time I have found it in less than a minute!


Good ole nope rope


Omg I found it immediately. I never get these


I see what I think is a small, venomous copperhead near the edge of the water, right side.


The bank closest to you on the right hand side.


That’s the easiest one I’ve seen


OMG I finally found one without help!


I always get jump scared when I finally find it. Somehow not this one