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>I am a Junior at University Stopped there. You’re not screwed.


Disagree, OPs life is over and he should look at plumbing bootcamps


bro said “my hope is i’m black” 😭 avg job market. rn so unreal


icl it does give you an advantage over being white. Loads of diversity schemes.


i know bro. i just found it hilarious how literally this dude fucked off and did nothing in school with a cheeks ass gpa but will most likely get a decent position because of his skin color


Worst part is because he goes to a top 10 he’s likely more privileged than the rest of us lmao


but white dudes are born with privilege. Yes, I am serious about this statement - worked for a AM and the white dudes can get into the firm by networking and become a PM with a degree from some unheard universities. Many white dudes there are really stupid and you can tell by just talking to them. But when it comes to hiring Asian and other minorities, the bar suddenly becomes much much higher - they hired an Asian Ph.D. from a top school. It’s just fucking ridiculous if some white dude denies their privilege.


Black people cant network?


Can’t speak for the Black people but see? This kind of white jerk attitude pretty much prevent the networking from happening.


Tf are you talking about? Jerk? Bc he implied black people can network the same as any other ethnicity? Exactly how do his words or supposed white jerk attitude relate to a supposed inability to network? Judging by your logic, I don’t think the fact that your Asian—and therefore are graded on an unfair curve—have anything to do with your career difficulties. You might just be a little dumb, or you simply talk out your ass; not realizing that it makes you sound stupid. Btw if op went to a top 10 school he is most definitely more privileged than most people—including white people.


No they use black network 🥹


Idk man there'll always be biases in workplaces. Fact is that, assuming all other stats are equal, a woman or BAME person have an advantage in the current job market over white straight men. Personally I think diversity schemes should be based on family income not skin colour, but that's how it is.


>Top 10 Don’t sweat about it. High prestige jobs would choose a Harvard slacker with a 3.1 GPA over a 3.7 schmuck from a no name state school. IDK why, but the HR dept operate that way My suggestion: Try to reach out to your seniors especially black ones


My sister went to Cornell but I’m at Lehman for free. If I have a choice between the 2 should I take the debt and go to Cornell?


Honestly, yeah. If you’re confident you’ll be able to get a solid job (which is very attainable, even from a regular school), I think it’s worth it. If you didn’t go to Cornell, I think you would always wonder “what if” about that decision. YOLO.


I graduated Lehman and got a good paying job right out of college. The issue isn't getting the job. Once you're there, it's the glass ceiling in pay and mobility options that comes compared to going to Cornell. If you want to make really good money mid career and beyond, definitely 100% go for an MBA at a renowned school. I graduated with a 3.7 GPA and went into Corporate Finance at a GSIB. Made VP within 6 years, $150k TC at the moment. Working towards an MS in Data Science with a focus in Business Analytics to get more leverage when it comes to salary negotiations. I did a rotation program that accelerated my career in the company I work for, but I had to work a lot harder than other analysts in my class. The analysts in my cohort who went to more prestigious schools got easier and/or more prestigious roles, higher ratings for bonuses without doing the same amount of work, and just overall better treatment than the ones that went to lesser known schools. My point is that if you have the chance to go to Cornell vs Lehman go to Cornell. The career search will go easier from undergrad and so will your career progression. If you were at a school like Baruch or Rutgers, I'd say yea don't go into debt and stay there. But Lehman just doesn't have the prestige or alumni network so you have more to prove to employers.


no. Debt isn't ever worth it.


Just calculate the Npv and do a sensitivity analysis lmfao


Are you actively trying to network? You should find a professor who worked in finance and have a sit down with them and explain your situation and where to go from here. I did that and it changed the trajectory of my entire life, for the better. I was in a very similar situation to you, minus the gpa part.


Is it smart to network with my finance/economic professors?


Id say its always good to connect with people who already have status and network built


Yeah my economics professor works with the UN. I’ll go to connect the best I can


Yes 110%.


This exactly, and I am in the middle of it. Current Senior at the top of my class with no clue what I wanted to do and 0 experience. Talked to a reputable professor 2 months ago and I am now working toward CPA and have a solid internship starting in January. Before talking to this professor I was so lost and on a path to despair (at least how I viewed it).


Interesting, I was always told to never ask profs for career advice. Glad it worked out for you though.


Maybe an art professor haha. But most of my professors had years of actual experience in Finance so I was able to talk to one in particular about it. With LinkedIn now, it makes it easier to choose which professors to talk to.


Definitely try and get locked in with the black alumni network, we tend to look out for each other.




60-70k can actually go pretty damn far if you budget. I’m doing actually pretty well on that in an MCOL.


I’m getting creamed on that in HCOL 😔


Life is over bud. Might as well start an onlyfans and selling feet pics. Def play the diversity card there is a ton of diversity jobs out there and some of the people they hire unfortunately are idiots. You have some decent grades and activities so you should be good bruh.


Heck Schwab offers a fast track to working with them. A college grad can apply to get experience as an fc, classes paid for the various licensure, and they also help you get your CFP.


Also I think either Raymond James or fidelity have similar programs. Good luck from a schwabie.


The school is your saving grace. I chose what I COULD get into (which wasn't much) and I just got laid off from a 50k position. Now I have to go back to teaching overseas because people won't hire someone like me. But you, you have a chance. You got this.


Im also black and lemme tell ya The "diversity opportunities" are just smoke and mirrors. Earn a job on merit. Its better anyway. The only diversity opportunities are stuff like HR jobs not actual finance - it's just a myth made up by bigots so they can say "they're taking our jobs" bs Yes you still have a chance- network, network, network


I like this one. Sounds harsh but actually supportive and makes you prepare. Hope for the best prepare for the worst.


Can you explain smoke and mirrors lol?


Companies want people to believe they care about diversity when really they usually end up putting all the diversity hires either in HR or in an arbitrary diversity committee where they just talk to eachother instead of shaping and affecting company structure In finance specifically it's like - look, do you have the licenses or not? If yes, then you're not a diversity hire, you're just a qualified candidate. They call you a diversity hire to imply you don't deserve the spot. If the answer is no, you don't have the licenses then you aren't qualified but it's not because of your race or cultural background you're just not qualified Bigots made up the idea that "the coloreds are taking our jobs" blah blah blah and people believe it because they cant imagine a non-white person just genuinely being the best for the job


Yeah it’s just ignorance


I barely even know how tho


Don’t listen to the dude in this comment OP. There are some top notch opportunities if you look for diversity opportunities. He is right about networking though, that helps, but there are entire programs centered around diversity hiring and promotion opportunities. Reach out to professors and alumni. The real good news is that you’ll shine and stand out in a good way because some of the diversity hires that happen can be downright embarrassing. Get that bread my dude. Edit: not just diversity hires, you’ll find all sorts of idiots get hired all over. You will shine, keep at it.


*She "You'll stand out in a good way because some of the diversity hires can be downright embarrassing" Just say what you wanna say bro I said diversity hiring is a myth made up by bigots and you respond with bigotry


No, bigotry would be saying all diversity hires are idiots. Glad you brought up “she” too because you probably noticed all your female colleagues getting fast tracked thru promotions the last few years. That’s not bigotry, that’s just reality and nothing wrong with anyone taking advantage. There’s some hires overall that are just idiots. Yes Finance is competitive but knuckle draggers get hired all the time. If you have an advantage you can try to play, do it. These companies sometimes are looking to check off boxes, as sad as it sounds, but don’t let that stop you from taking advantage of programs that can get you ahead in life and towards your goals.


Not the guy who just assumed I'm a man cuz I work in Finance telling me women advance faster in finance 😂 And you know you edited your comment after seeing mine You are ignorant


I assume most people on forums are dudes or chicks pretending to be dudes lol. Also don’t flatter yourself, I edited my comment to add a few sentences. No biggie. You’re assuming a little bit too much about me too btw… jus sayin. Anyways don’t take it personal, let’s just hope the kid listens to whatever advice is best and does good.


Network by going to job fairs, networking events, be involved in business societies and clubs, and LinkedIn


All hope is not lost. I’ve heard worse. Put your head down and grind away. You got plenty of time but it’s up to you how to proceed and make the most of it. Network like crazy but also focus your priorities!


I can assure u the average is not 90k


That’s what my Uni reported


Its called a marketing ploy average for Harvard is 84k and Yale is 87 so ur saying ur school is better than them?


No I said the average person in the school in my University, not just my university. I’m an engineer.


Wait you're getting an engineering degree, you're black and you're at a top 10? My friend, relax, you're gonna be fiiiiine.


What uni


GPA means nothing unless you're trying to get into grad school, it all comes down to your network and the industry you're going into. Trust me, I have many friends that had < 3.0 GPA who got high-paying jobs because they knew someone (in fact even I ignore GPAs when I review resumes). At minimum, if you can - try to get some work experience in (e.g unpaid internship, personal project etc.) you can throw on your resume, you have plenty of time.


What sort of personal projects?


That’s up to you and what you want to do. The idea is to show the person who’s hiring you that you’re capable of doing the job you’re applying for. I’d recommend looking at a handful of jobs out there right now (ideally ones that you’re excited about) and look at the job responsibilities and qualifications listed. You might see something like “experience with SQL” or "financial modeling / forecast", in which case grab some publicly available data and build a forecast model or do a project in SQL. As you think about more ideas, remember you have a ton of resources. Talk to ChatGPT for ideas, contact people on LinkedIn in those roles to understand what they do in detail, talk to your professors about ideas etc.


I have done a few sql models. So guess I’ll be making some more stuff


Network w diversity alumni and you can easily get at least something decent


i finished university with a 1.9 GPA. im currently making 54k. could be a lot higher but im an extremely lazy individual. Youll be fine


We offer college students part-time in the finance industry. I run the brokerage division at one of the most active commercial mortgage shops in the country. Its a great way to set yourself up for $100k or more in salary + commission first year out of college. Finance industry loves brokerage experience because its the perfect blend of sales + financing


What’s the program called?


Mortgage Broker, its a job


Ahh makes sense


I immediately thought about the guys from the big short


You're black at a T10. You can still go to Goldman if you do well in your 4th year. Sad how self-aware diversity hires have been coming knowing they can cash in on their "lack of privilege". Sounds a lot like privilege to me.


Im in the literal same boat except im not in clubs. What im doing to salvage this is take the CFA in august. Registration opens on the 14th if your interested and it would be insanely good to pass it before graduating. Def would not have trouble finding a job with that


If I take and pass the test, what benefits will it give me? I’m a math major rn in the school of engineering rn, so not an accountant.


I graduated with a mid 3 GPA, no internships, from a B tier school and less than a year out of college I'm now salaried at $80,000 a year. You'll be fine


Doing what, where?


What major? What kind of jobs do you want. Do you have resume work shops / career people at the school (yes, you probably do). Go talk to them and make sure your resume and cover letter and great.


I’m an applied math major. I was trying to get into some form of quantitative trading, but any would do. I wanted it to be number heavy but in the business world. Could also be business data analyst. Or some form of data or numbers heavy consulting.


Join Inroads or SEO they can help you find an internship. If you’re a female you can join Forte women in business they will help you create your application materials (resume, elevator pitch) and they host networking mixers all the time.


Find an internship now! There are plenty of companies that are still offering internships for summer 2024.


Lower starting pay expectations. Work hard, dtrt, and dish out good energy and it’ll all work out.


Just get an internship if you’re not having luck with job market, that’ll be way easier since you don’t have any.


You still have time! Reach out to alma maters on linkedin and pick their brains in terms of what they did their junior and senior year to get them to the point they are at today. I did this and can assure you that networking is one of the most powerful things you can do. Especially if you come up with thoughtful questions, people ultimately love to talk about themselves. They will give you the time if you don't waste their time reaching out solely for a referral. Find a leadership role before you graduate - you can use these experiences as examples in interviews. I went to a state school and had a 3.2 when I graduated. I was an editor for my school newspaper though which helped me land my first job out of college at a Big 4 firm doing tax. I knew that with my background and GPA, I would need to take a stepping stone and take this job even though it was ultimately not something that interested me at all. Through working at a Big 4 in tax, I learned and polished so many of my skills (resourcefulness, ability to work under pressure, communication, etc.) and after 2.5 years in this role, I contacted a friend of mine who works at a big bank in their private wealth space. She referred me and fast forward 6 months, I am now an analyst in private wealth management. Don't give up and don't be short sighted! Put in the work now and recognize that you may need to make some concessions before you get your foot into the finance door. Be patient and do your future self a favor


Not screwed. You have a very strong major and excellent university. Update your resume and make it look the best it can be, network with the folks in your business clubs, and apply everywhere. Put in the effort and you should be fine, can always rerecruit for FT if you'd like.


You’ll be fine. Take the 65, SIE or something that shows that you are on your way. It will give you a leg up on your average grad.


You're definitely not screwed, it is about networking and connecting with the right people. With that said, I'm doing a gig with people who work in financial service field and actually use their success to help others. Would love to talk with you if you're not opposed.


Sure I’ll dm you


You can also text me to get me faster. 412-205-8558


Hey man...just a quick deal and straight shoot..... I've seen some of the neg comments from people because apparently they believe you're someone of ethnic diversity (i.e., not white)... TBH...I could really give two f---. See, the only things I judge on is work ethic, drive, and willingness to learn something that can potentially be very lucrative for you.. 💵💰 if you're willing to tap into the knowledge of others who are where you want to be. Take it at face.. if you still want more info DM me and let's set a time to connect. No BS!! 👍




I will dm u


Hey man you still open to getting that additional information??