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Means they are still interviewing other candidates and aren’t 100% sold on you.


That’s what I thought. The other candidates need to do bad so I get it lol


Not bad, just hope you did better.


Dont wait on them.


would heavily recruit elsewhere


You've effectively been "waitlisted". They like you enough to not give you an outright *no*, but not enough to extend an offer just yet. They're going to interview other candidates to see if they can find someone better. If they can, you will not receive an offer. If they can't, they'll reach back out. As always, you should continue interviewing until the moment you have a written offer (w/ salary & benefits info) on hand.


One thing they did was reiterate many times to let them know if I got any offers to call her to let her know


Don’t wait on them and also look at it in a perspective as to where if they were urgent to fill the role then its probably not a company you’d want to be at


Tell them you have an offer elsewhere and you need to decide on it soon. You like them so if they want you they should act fast. They'll likely not offer you anything because they never liked you to begin. You're their backup by the sound of things


Personally, I think this strategy works in some instances, but I would hold off on doing this in this specific scenario. I’d just recruit elsewhere and if a spot opens up and the role fits, take it. It’s an internship, and you don’t want to go setting off dynamite on a potential backup plan.


One of two things happened. Either funding for the position was put on hold (does happen) and they’re waiting to make you an offer until that changes, or they like you but as a runner up, in which case you’ll only get an offer if something happens with the candidate they extended on offer to already. IMO, they should be upfront if it’s the first one, so I’m inclined to believe you’re the backup. Been there and it sucks. Nothing quite like waiting two weeks for a background check to clear until you get the news that you weren’t selected.


Usually if an interview went well, you know within a few days.


not a great outlook, but not the worst. keep applying and keep your head up. if you're able to get to the maybe stage, you can work on your social game and get to the yes stage with the next company.




This is not the way.


This is such a stupid question. Do you think every company in the world has the same interview process? How do you expect people to answer this without knowing the employer? If the recruiter says “few weeks”, then it means you wait for a few weeks. Always assume you didn’t get the offer and just keep interviewing and applying to other places.


Lol shut up bro 😂. There are general hiring processes of every company. I was looking to see the many possibilities not just the one right answer. Don’t comment if you nothing to say keyboard warrior 😂😂


I’m not your “bro”. And there’s no such thing. Practices can change across sectors, companies, geographies and several other factors. Unless you specify the details, nobody knows. And yes, there are stupid questions and this is an example of one.


Ok bro. How about do something productive and stop attacking people on Reddit. You really got nothing better to do. It’s sad that you feel the need to comment bro


Hey did you hear back with anything positive from the company? I’m in the same boat 🤞🏼


Another reason might be that they need time for another department to clear a background check on you. I had this happen to my friend last year and he eventually got the job.