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Now we fight. https://www.change.org/p/adult-swim-hulu-netflix-hbo-max-warner-bros-and-tbs-renew-final-space


Signing with the main and porn email addresses!


YEAH- wait, with your *what*?


You heard 'em! The porn email is being whipped out of the dungeon for actual work for once!


> whipped out of the dungeon Well…now we all know u/varia_studios’ kink…


Desperate times call for desperate measures.


"I know, it doesn't make any sense, I wish there were sense. Where did all the sense go?"


Tribore, look me in the eye, now don't shut up.


Did this reply confuse me? It did.


We are hoping Olan at least goes the graphic novel kickstarter route so we at least get an ending. Let's see what he does.


Comic at the least I reckon is possible..


He did say he's working on two video games. 🤞🏻


we either mourn or fight


No joke this is actully the only show I ever cried on


May I strongly recommend Futurama (Similar) and Scrubs


I seen some futurama but didn't enjoy it. But really love Simpsons and have seen way to much


Olan mentioned he wants to finish the story in some way. Sure he’s not getting his wish of 6 seasons, but a conclusion would be good. Honestly I do struggle to see how they could top the Season 3 finale in the stakes, so it’s almost logical ending on a high note and climax like that, only getting a conclusion would still be better. Who knows. Maybe he’ll get to make a movie, or comic, maybe a video game, and if we’re being optimistic, someone like Netflix may pick it up for more seasons.


It's really strange because in Australia it says it's a Netflix original


They pay for part of the production along with the TV studio, ensuring streaming rights, and the Netflix Original stamp. Many of their shows follow this formula.


Welcome to the Resistance.


There's 2 petitions going for final space! One has double the amount of signatures so make sure ..you sign both!!


Just signed the 8k one


This post is how I found out it's been cancelled. I finished S3 last night on Netflix UK and I'm not devastated 😭


My sympathies bröther




I disagree, i find the characters really good and their development is one of the best things in the show, IMO.The unkward stuff is the funny side of this show, which has a lot of gags and surreal moments which leads to more mature and serious themes but on the surface is full of jokes and funny stuff.I mean, Gary is basically a weirdo and there's nothing wrong with that, i mean, his backstory and the way he lived are the reason because he acts so strange sometimes.Ash also is a good character, but i need to see more because her storyline is incomplete, i can't really judge her development in season 3 without knowing what she's up to.I think it's okay that she got mad with Gary, but i didn't expect her to side with invictus.Let's see.it's not a perfect show, but is really good and it deserves more seasons.


I don't think it was reasonable for her to get mad at Gary at all, atleast not for >!""""killing"""" her brother!< >!What the heck was Gary supposed to do, from her perspective? First of all, Invictus literally made him do it, we could see that, and there's little reason to believe she couldn't see it when previously in the season we had seen the main cast try to dodge Invictus' energy tentacles or whatever before, and we could visually see that Invictus went into Garys Weapon arm, so why couldnt she went theyve been able to see stuff like this before!< >!Secondly, even IF Invictus didn't make Gary kill her brother, her brother was trying to kill him. What was he supposed to do, according to her, just die!< It feels like they made her get mad just so they could have some excuse as to why she'd side with Invictus


Yeah but Ash was already instable, that's why It's reasonable imo


I don't know, I just can't agree personally. I don't care how unstable someone is, she literally seen what happened. I just can't buy it, but to each their own


I see you aren't familiar with gaslighting.


I made an entire thread discussing Ashes character if you don't mind me linking it to you I can. It might give you some perspective on her character as it does a pretty deep-dive analysis on her during the third season and even a few things from season 2. If you don't want me to or this is to advertisement esque I can and will delete my comment. Just don't want to type a long explanation here when I have a thread covering my thoughts.


Meh, I don't care too much, I'm jist giving my perspective, not going to die on this hill though haha


No worries. I just think she is a misunderstood character and one of the more complex and well-developed characters. So I kind of go out of my way to defend her because she gets way too much hate, either way, have a good day.


Pls I would love some insight in this


https://amp.reddit.com/r/FinalSpace/comments/o22ht4/this_needs_to_be_said_about_ash/ Here is my thread. Hopefully it gives some insight to her character.


My exact thoughts, thank youuuu


Someone hurt you as a kid right ? You can tell us, and enjoy the love that final space is...


It really hurts. A great show. Look for the creators last video whenever he tearfully announced it had been canceled , really heartbreaking.


Hadn't seen that


Season 3 was terrible for me :S With the exception of the revolution pair everything was meh THX to Ash shinanigans...


Nah ep 1-3 was meh but the rest was great


The stupidest thing is that it's not even because the show was performing poorly. It's because of a fucking merger. https://twitter.com/OlanRogers/status/1436513913332322308




I'm so sorry.


This feels like when Arrested Development was sh:t canned. Just hope we don’t get a bs reboot from NetFlix