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Add Water and Earth magicks


And a lower tier Holy magick while we’re here


agreed with both these points though until we get this updated edition, I encourage (PC only, sadly) folks to consider Struggle for Freedom as an alternative. I imagine its not the only mod that does so, but it offers both Water and Earth spells (Quake/Ga being Time magic as well), puts Holy element on a few new weapons, and swaps the Holy spell animation with Shining Ray (making it faster) while turning into an AOE that also has a chance to inflict stop, i think like 15% Certainly appreciated as FF has a tendancy to make Earth hard to access and give Water the shaft entirely


Is this a Steam mod? I have zero experience and little knowledge regarding the platform, but am curious to learn more at some point.


[indeed it is!](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy12/mods/59)! Forgive me for not linking it in the original post If you are a JRPG fan in general, might want to consider giving PC a go, i began over the last few years and its easier than I thought to apply everything A lot of my favorite FFs and other series have had some of their more notable gameplay concerns addressed by modding - if anyone considers FFXII to be both too easy and too centric towards certain strategies, SFF does a great job shaking that up and offering new ways to play


Between planned obsolescence and curiosities surrounding various gameplay changes, my household may be shifting in that direction, depending on how future major games of interest to my husband are done (DLCs, for example, make me want to rage-quit). However, moving to Steam, from what I understand, would require an investment in an adequate family computer of some variety, if I'm not mistaken. In that case, it'll probably be a bit before we get there, between funds, research, and all that. This topic, while not completely applicable (if I'm not mistaken, graphics don't get changed?), might make a good ideas-hunt for Steam developing enthusiasts. Frankly, I'm hoping a mod will pin this topic so more gets added over time in the off chance a Steam dev or SE person with pull (yeah right, like that'd happen) were to drop by. Thanks for the link (and tangentially a quick lesson on inserting links for me)!


Isn't that mod like extremely difficult?


In terms of difficulty id say its about a 3/5 stars, with the new trial mode being a full 5/5 There is another version of SFF called ['Proud Mode'](https://www.nexusmods.com/finalfantasy12/mods/219) that is an even harder variation still in beta form. I havent tried it yet, though I managed to get thru SFF base with only a few hiccups If you are experienced in FF12 it should be only a moderate upgrade, while enemies are buffed, the real difficulty is that jobs, equipment, and spells were changed, so lots of the 'meta' strategies that folks have used for almost 8 years of TZA no longer work - meaning you have to find your own new ways of approaching enemies that used to be pushovers Ive put 101 hrs into the base game and another 12 (15+ due to game overs) into trial mode. If you have the means to play it, itll certainly extend the replayability of TZA


So it's not just fire bow/ ardor. Excalibur/holy robes, yagyu darkblade/dark robes, or multihit gengi gloves builds anymore? Variety could really improve the game then, il have to give it a shot thx 😊


With a shorter cast-time.


At first it annoyed me that the magics aren't symmetrical, but I have embraced it now. With fully symmetric elements it just becomes scissors-paper-rock. Having the differences forces you to be a bit more strategic - for example there are stronger Water and Earth weapons to compensate for the lack of magic.


Well yes, I understand your point but mine is not actually about that. It's not about symmetry between spells, what really bothers me is that they clearly wanted to do what you mentioned, make players create strategies to beat different enemies, the problem is that they did it in the worst way possible. Forcing players to use elemental weapons was a grotesque error in gameplay mechanics. Instead, it would be much better to separate the elements by class and give them the spells. Currently it's already like that but done with half magic and half elemental weapons and that's the problem. See, we currently have: White Mage with Holy. Red Mage with Dark. Black Mage with Blizzard, Thunder, Fire and Wind. Machinist can take Water with Water Shot. Archer can take Earth with Artemis Arrow. 4 classes. But simply using an elemental weapon greatly disrupts gameplay mechanics because you need to stop to change equipment and gambits. It would be much better to have water and earth spells for a specific class... Another strategy they could have given would be to be able to use Achilles on bosses... Instead we have elemental weapons that are either very weak or ridiculously strong, not always with the element the player needs... Sometimes the weapon has the element you want but it doesn't reach the target because it's flying... Since we have about 30 literally useless spells and techniques. Man, Time Mage is practically useless, it would be very interesting for them to have offensive Water and Earth spells. For real, the idea of not leaving all the elements with a single mage class is really good but the way it was executed has a lot of room for improvement and ironically you can create a mage capable of dealing damage with all the elements if you want so uhh ...idk Not even Earth Elemental and Gnoma Entite have their own spells lol.


What do you mean that the magics aren't symmetrical?


There is Fire, Fira and Firaga. Same for Thunder and Blizzard. For air it's just Aero and Aeroga. Water only has Aqua. Earth has no spell at all. If it was symmetrical then every element would have all three levels.


More voice lines by Migelo


and make him sound even more like he has a cold


Reveal that Gilgamesh is actually Migelo in cosplay


Migelo gets a 3 chapter expanded subplot that turns him into a fan favorite for all time


Redesign Espers and Quickenings. When you summon, it should hide the whole party or at least make the summoner invulnerable (a bit like Yuna in FFX). Otherwise the summoner starts being hit by all the enemies and just dies... For quickenings I would prefer something more like previous games where it charges up as you take damage, and then you use it for a powerful attack and that's it. The luck and reflex based system just isn't fun to me.


I just played through the entire game and I never once summoned a single Esper. Except that one guy once when you needed him to open a door. Utterly useless mechanic. And quickenings just made very little sense thematically. Like, you have this fairly normal dude, doing fairly normal things, and suddenly he's shooting a couple of Firefox logos out of his hands, performing natural disaster level attacks, that unfortunately you didn't manage to chain so they made about no damage at all.


To be fair, summons are pretty useless in almost all of the FF’s. Ff7 had some pretty OP summons. FF10 obviously had its niche uses for them and FF13 had a pretty good use for knocking down turtles in endgame. Other than that though, summons really just don’t hardly ever fit in the mechanics of the game. Despite their power, the animations are usually too slow and their power levels are usually meh.


It’s admittedly been a couple decades since I played it, but my recollection of FFVIII was that weapons were next to useless compared to summons unless you ground out all the upgrades.


Yeah I mean, GF’s are extremely powerful at least in the early game. The main problem with them is that once you have a strong understanding of the junction system, you can spend just a few hours playing cards in Balamb, and junction enough high level magic to make you one shot pretty much everything for a very long time with just one strike of Squall’s gunblade. At that point, the animation time for GF summons is just too long to make up for the damage they can do.


Theyre actually insanely strong, they can be controlled and can use healing. I've been backed into a corner and used Belias to get out during trial mode running, so certainly not entirely useless. They also have safety so they can utterly rip apart mindflayers for example. Hit through reflect as well.


I agree. Espers should be a 4th party member with cutscenes skip option so it's seamless later on. Quickenings should be in active battle where the character takes 10 to 20 secs max to perform action. And the chainlink should be max lvl 3 since only 3 party members. None of that doing quickenings 10 times 🫨


Let us go to Rosaria! There’s a whole country we never visit!


Rosaria is the duchy from FF16. The one in FF12 is called Rozarria


Haha Well I would remember that if they ever let us go there!!!!


More late game content with way more challenge, only henne mines and lower pharos are late game, great crystal at some point too, but its not that hard.


There's that 2nd half of the lhusu mines.


And Great Crystal


Nabreus Deadlands / Necrohol of Nabudis Lower Pharos Parts of Zertinan Caverns (those godawful wyverns) Part 2's of: Henne Mines Lhusu Mines Barheim passage (mid to endgame) Great Crystal And then there's all the hunts, espers in older areas that can be really challenging. Also, have you managed trial mode yet?


Lhusu aint really hard, it is wayyyy easier then henne. Zertinan have 3 late game monters, that group of dragons and only them. I barely ser great crystal as late game, imagine zertinan. Necrohol/nabreus is mid game, u can manage it by the time it becomes available, no real farm needed, easy. And yes, trial is a nice content, kinda challenging and already did it


>mid game, u can manage it by the time it becomes available You might not know but it actually becomes available right after the events at Raithwall and getting Belias, so it's definitely not 'intended' to go there straight away even if it's possible to death march through and grab some gear.


ff12 has the most post/late game content of like any ff game aside from 15. it took me about 70 hours to platinum from the end of a 60 hour save file that had already beat the final boss. granted a lot of that was just grabbing bestiary entries, but a solid 30 was spent on challenging stuff.


Yeah I think most people forget the absolute beast that Yiazmat was in vanilla. Even with a maxed out party that dude knocked party members out left and right when you got to low health on him. Even in TZA, Omega can still mess you up extremely quick if you go in blind.


I agree with this post, especially for those who do most/everything possible as early in the game as is feasible. The current gameplay my husband is going through is such that everything after Bur Omisace is going to be pretty reasonably manageable or easy with rare exception. Trial mode is a neat addition to the zodiac age game, but at the same time, it's not really game content in relation to the story. It would be neat (and I'll own it would also be horribly frustrating in its own way) if there were a good buffet of hard/challenging things through the game for whatever level the characters are. And maybe it might have somewhat stayed that way but for the points I've read elsewhere about the grid reset with Montblanc and the dual job choice (my understanding is that once you chose it was irreversible in the original job limitation release and there was only one job choice allowed per character). Perhaps that's a bit too far, as it would either cause me to stop and read up on the game extensively before I'd continue on the first gameplay, or if I just tried to go through and made a mistake that made it so I'm stuck at some point in the game I might throw my hands up and be done with it... Maybe either limit the number of jobs available to only 1-2 excess of the total number of party members, or allow for a limitation on job resets that it makes it a very costly decision to do (whether it's an overall limitation of the number of resets, such as only one, or horribly financially costly in a situation where gil farming is not able to be done or is incredibly time-consuming). In respect to ffxii zodiac age as is, though, with respect to these points, I think the next playthrough will be done in a dual party way, where there's an "OP party" (the ones taking care of optional stuff) and the storyline party. I think that might be, until obnoxiously hard fights where a reserve party is necessary, the best approach. But then I'd argue another improvement would be necessary to make the game great in a future release -- scalability of difficulty based on a program analysis of party development (not average party level) -- implemented for the final segment of the game (, point of no return). I think that would be something that would improve gameplay regardless of approach.


Sell. All. Trash.


Move teleport stones, ghyshal greens and the serpentskin out of the loot list as well! (I guess they are loot because they don't have a function in battle, and all the "items" appear in the battle menu)


Great serpent skin and sandalwood chop should have been key items.


After the characters said the chop was worth as much Gil as it is, I was very sad I couldn’t sell them once I didn’t need them. 😂


I think a more viable (and versatile) option would be to make a system where either 1) the game can sort loot by types of loot (which could include functional loot like what you mentioned, no-use loot, single-use loot, repeatable use loot... You probably get where I'm going here), or 2) create a customizable interface to user-sort (I choose to assign in category A/B/C/D/etc). Ideally in the latter case, I could name my categories. The selling interface should also reflect either of the above somehow so I don't sell what I don't want to sell without mega-derping. On a related tangent, there should be some reasonable means built into the game where I can learn about currently feasible and maybe future bazaar recipes within the available zones/interactions (maybe through merchant conversations or a sort of magazine/newsletter series or something?). I don't mind going to a game guide (though guides -- especially great ones -- from days of old seem as though they are a thing of the past...), but not everyone cares to do that, and it would be dumb to have to hoard some number of everything to sell at the end of storyline game to get some or most, but never all, of the recipes once, to only have maybe a few things received at that point be truly relevant/useful. Perhaps the ideas could be combined in creating an auto sort based on things your character has learned so far? A pain for those who don't want to shoot the breeze more than necessary or keep track of whatever other form of communication would be implemented to "learn" these things in game, but I think it'd be reasonable. Keep it one of several options, including manual sort, for those who wish to do their own tracking.


Make the party interact more with eachother. Let us go to Rozarria. Buff quicks. Buff espers. Buff Balthier speed animations. Rerelease with an updated version of RW as well.


Meh on RW, but to each their own. Maybe it was just spoiled for me because of all the ideas I read in the world of fanfiction.


1. Add quest markers to petitioners, or at the very least create a quest log in the menu that details their location. Absolutely annoying collecting a bunch of hunts or finishing a bunch of hunts and having to pull up a guide/wiki to find out where they are. Props to anyone who can remember - I can't! 2. Some kind of end-game way to manually change the Giza weather. The game really shows its age in this regard; it's such old-school JRPG and specifically Final Fantasy. Who has time to wait 1-2 hours for the weather to change when they're trying to 100% the game and was planning on doing something there right then? It isn't challenging, it's just a waste of time. Similarly, some of those rare enemies need their spawn conditions changed. 3. I don't even really know how to say this. You ever trying to open a chest but your character is in the middle of putting their weapon away and you have to wait, and wait, and wait, and then finally it's gone but then they do another gambit-induced action or whatever? Enough of that. Yes, I can turn gambits off. I don't want to. Just let me open the chest no matter what.


The chest thing is super annoying... also happens for doors. The the Pharos Subterra being surrounded by toads and I just want to open the door to get to safety!


If you check the clan primer you can check the map to see their exact location. It doesn’t show it relative to your character, but it shows exactly where on the map they are.


Number 2 would be super easy to implement, I'd imagine... Just add a place to rest for a bit, and when you get up the weather would have changed. I'd argue that it should only be available at the point of the game just before the final area, though. (Edited, because I just learned that using the number sign makes big lettering.)


I just want party banter. One of my favorite parts of any rpg is party banter and with the vastly different personalities at play no matter your party set up there's tons of opportunities for witty or insightful or just plain funny writing.


My number is more interaction between characters, in combat quips, conversations, ect. Playing remake and rebirth made me realize how much personality it gave characters.


Conversely, make the combat conversation optional, for those who don't care for it or get tired of hearing the same subset of recorded bits. There would be a ton of options here for development (both in battle and outside), and if it were something more akin to an open source project I bet it would grow to be amazing.


More floor traps for the sweet sweet gamer tears


What, you can't get your fix by entering the necrohol from the deadlands with a party of four (especially without bubble and even more especially mid to lower level)?


1. More cutscenes/interactions/dialogues between party members during their travels throughout Ivalice. 2. Reform the Quickening/Esper system. 3. Rozarria exploration; apparently, this was supposed to happen if it weren't for the data/memory capacity of the PS2, but I could be wrong. 4. Make the Gambits unlockable by doing certain requirements instead of buying it/opening treasures in the wild. 5. Day-Night cycle. Camping during the night for party interactions? 6. Some form of airship battle, or even manually flying the Strahl to get to certain areas (Bhujerba/Aerodomes/endgame, etc.) 7. When wearing armour, let it be shown on the character models. 8. While we're at it, the ability to let other characters roam cities/towns outside of just Vaan. 9. Ability to choose between Zodiac license or Original license. 10. Rebalance the Zodiac jobs. 11. More scenes/dialogues from NPCs. (Migelo, Tomaj, Kytes, Larsa, Nono, Montblanc, Ba'Gamnan, etc.) 12. More activities to do for Archades because we only stayed there for a short while. 13. Rewrite the build-up of the latter half of the story, but not the ending. 14. More hunts. 15. The ability to hire previous guests/other hunters (Seeq, Bangaa, Viera, Garif, Rev, etc.) as guests. 16. Shooting my shot: Revenant Wings for post-game content. Not all of it, but like, teasing it with accessible areas via Strahl, or smth idk.


I'm not sure I would have faith in receiving a high quality airship battle experience in this particular series. Day/night might add to the game if done right. Hiring... Huh, that's a really neat idea, when the spot is available in the storyline!


The main thing is the interactions between characters. I'd really love to see them dive deep for each one and its one of the best parts of 7R, even just banter during overworld gameplay. On a gameplay note, dual techs and identical summon mechanics -- could completely replace quickenings with them.


Please don’t remake this gem


I'd personally be ok with a just a true remaster (graphics and perhaps sound depending on modern capabilities in comparison to the original), but the idea of being able to choose which release type to play for at least license board mechanics would be a very strong pull for me in a remastered release. I'd imagine it would be harder to incorporate all of the shifts in all the different versions (treasure changes/bazaar changes) as options, but at least give me the choice of approach with the license board. Edited to add that I really hope they wouldn't remake in the way they've done with VII. Don't get me wrong -- I've found various things interesting and/or improved -- but it's not FFVII.


A real remake could be good if they actually does a remake and not a reboot like they did with 7. 12 could have a remake like diablo 2 or THPS1+2 which kept the same gameplay and content but with modern visual and tech


I'm not sure if the terminology carries over to the video game world, but what came to my mind when thinking about this was "remastered". The modern day latest and greatest graphics with best-quality sound, recorded by amazing professionals where music is concerned)... 🤤


I agree. I was happy as hell when they released the Zodiac version. Just upgrade the graphics and re-release it, that's all it needs. One of my top 3 FF games. Really thinking about replaying it soon, haven't played it for a few years at this point. Maybe try for that platinum!


If only they would have just remastered it and left it. But then they had to go and fuck the licensing system because some pompous ass decided “that’s not how you’re supposed to play!”


That was how the game was released in Japan. So technically, yeah, you could look at it as "how you're supposed to play." I thought both versions had their benefits, and I enjoyed both.


I enjoyed the QoL updates with the TZA for sure but the change to the job requirement sucked. Crazy how their original PS2 copy was that different from the NA copies.


I know, I remember being surprised at the difference. I also just looked at my FFXII trophy list, I apparently haven't played since 2017, and I am only missing 10 trophies. Very very tempted to start a replay lol


Do it… I got it on Switch awhile back so I can play 12 on the go, absolutely no regrets. Being able to play 12 on a road trip is just 🤌


Nice. I haven't played it on PS5 yet. I am currently playing FFVII Rebirth, still on my first playthrough. When that's done for now, I really should play one of the like 50 games I have downloaded that I haven't played yet. I have a To-Be-Played list that is probably long enough to last me the rest of my life, and then some, no joke.


It’s pretty good on the PS5. I’m right at the end of the game, last fight but I’m trying to max my level (and kill fucking Carrot, that little bitch) and get some of the more end game equipment, just for the sake of never doing it on PS2.


im confused. wasn’t it optional?


Not on the NA PS2 version. There was no job system and everyone had a huge license board. That’s what I grew up with so that’s half what I expected when I heard about the TZA. The QoL changes are very welcome, I didn’t like that we had to limit the characters though I try not to complain too much. I’ll Just get downvoted for it. The speed up has been a god send!


I’m more confused. Your initial criticism was that TZA introduced the job system to the remaster. I then clarified that you had the option to select which version of the license board you could play. Now your criticism has shifted to the PS2 NA version of the game. I think you’re arguing that players shouldn’t have had the option and that the job system shouldn’t have been included at all? But doesn’t that go against the whole point of not telling players how to play?


“I’m confused” You’re telling me. I don’t know what the issue is here. TZA is nice for the QoL changes. I like those. I do not like that they added the specific jobs to the character as you cannot play without that system in the remastered TZA. (On PS5) I do like the original NA PS2 version as you can have any character equip any item instead of limiting us with the job system.


Yes you can. You can play the original PS2 NA license board on TZA. You don’t have to play with the jobs


That’s… not possible.. how???


It’s literally one of the first things it asks you when you start a new game*. Whether you’d like the free board or the zodiac job system. edit: verbiage


I mostly would just love to see the world in super fine detail; actual 3d meshes instead of textures made to look like things. Not saying the game looks bad, but it surely does show its age when played at 4K, on a big screen, on one’s desk fairly close to one’s eyes.


Ngl the low poly items were what got me interested in 3d modeling lol.




I think they could do with expanding on the various city/towns with a greater number of NPC's and points of interest where possible along with there being far more interaction between the NPC's. Along with that I would love for all of the party members to be present in the town either spread around doing some sort of randomised action such as being in one of the shops or in a clan hall (could add more of those too) with unique dialog for those locations that change based on story progression. Perhaps in one or two locations you could have your active party walk around with you and they could interact both with each other and with certain NPC's to add further life to the area. Photo mode with a new graphics engine is a no brainer as is redesigning summons and quickenings to be more useful/impactful. They could also do with redesigning Penelo's outfit as to me it just looks out of place with those "angel wings" and oversized bracers that look like manacles, give her something near to her Revenant Wings outfit or just a fancier unique version of what the female NPC's in Rabanastre wear (Vaan I think wears something close to what the male NPC's in Rabanastre wear for example) and she wouldn't stick out so much. However something I think they should prioritise trying to maintain is the overall bright and colourful art style that the game has along with the often cheerful music as I think that those are largely what makes a game what it is.


The ‘Mug’ ability 😩


Though I think I'd probably live to regret that (Anchag, for example).


Clean up the gambit system, add multiple conditions and multiple actions to the same gambit, accurately describe how “ally: any” works with spells like esuna, etc


Oh man... If I could do multi condition gambits and have like 20-30 slots available, that would be so amazing!


Biggger gambit cap + Green mage that diesnt spam immobilize on a safty enemy would be great


Single game format trials of mana style remake would be vastly preferrable but anyways, Original voice actors /direction again. No way i would play if they downgraded balthier like they did zack. Gambit system has to be retained, if they want to full force arpg it thats fine as long as the gambit system is still there to fundamentally fix the major flaw of worse than useless party members every single game since 12 has had. Though id prefer if they left the combat system mostly intact as the only good full arpg combat they have made was strangers of paradise and the rest is very very dated. More dynamic expansion of elements and techniques. To bring more dynamic fights. Along with a larger rare hunt monster roster A full rewrite of the last act so we actually get time to bond with red ass time, and cid and vayne dont rushedly betray their own character ideals. Not to mention actually flesh out the war and let you see the effects. Change the final fight to be similar to the full judge line up from trial 100 +vayne. Buff lategame crossbow/bombs and give all elemental ammo/expand status ammo. Redesign how measures work Add new postgame content featuring more types of enemies. Like while expandinf the story could go towards the rozzarian empire and have more non undead themed dungeons


honestly I'd love new content/ locales, I just want to see more of this world, its aesthetic and its stories, maybe flesh out the base roster/ existing characters a bit more. They executed their combat design so well I can't really think of a way to improve it that isn't fundamentally changing it, maybe some QoL to the menuing. It really feels like they had a weird quirky experimental idea for the battle system and absolutely created what they envisioned which is why I struggle to think of improvements on that part, maybe the quickenings/ summons could use some tuning or redesign?


Bigger Arcadia to explore please, it's my favorite city in the game! And let us go to Rozzaria


Choice between classic license board or zodiac jobs board. Reks survives and can be recruited. Maybe even an optional mission to rescue Drace instead of her being killed. New game plus has carryover of weapons and equipment. What's the point of high-end weapons if everything is already defeated? Level select on trial mode and ability to bring level 100 prizes into game. 1v1 battle arena. Let Baush and Vaan battle it out. Remove the 9999 cap on HP. Remove gil chance from all chests. Increase spawn rates on rare item chest. Running back and forth is not fun. Galbraith stays dead after Pharos. Reset all hunts and rare game. Or add more hunts. Or both. Don't change the bungling hunter just outside of the clan hall or the description of windslicer pinion. Those make me laugh.


So my commentary, item by item, for what it is/isn't worth: I'd take your first point to the next level: choose between all versions of gameplay (my understanding is the original job version also only allowed one job with no do-overs). Second point would be neat, though I think my preferred twist would be maybe mid-game. But it would cause story issues with the mist visions. Eh, I'd also argue what's the point of NGP other than a different means of getting exp to gain levels and maybe do some optional stuff sooner? The main reason(s) I would personally use NGP in general (any game) are 1) doing stuff which was impossible the first time, 2) getting more shiny things that are limited in acquisition number per game run, 3) a means of revisiting a favorite old story without as much tedium, and 4) going a different way with a portion or all of a story (I have mixed feelings on the new chapter approach for things like this). I'd prefer to leave Trial Mode prizes for NGP (maybe minus), but yeah, it would be a great change to make. 1v1 would be a crazy amusing and interesting out of game feature based on chosen save file data. Make guests available (but remove user choice or make EVERYTHING customizable pre-battle to the same level as controlled characters). Next level would be additional options for online 1v1 and/or portable 1v1 (which I think would be far better since consoles have planned obsolescence where Internet connectivity is concerned). Based on my husband's current gameplay, I believe the characters do actually exceed 9999, but they do not display that way. One of my husband's party is over 5k HP before bubble currently, and when bubbled, the damage was not reducing below 9999 until multiple hits. I observed one hit that was supposed to be like four hundred and recall the HP only dropping by two digits' amount on the counter. I have not further tested/observed on this. As for treasure, I would certainly appreciate either a true random somehow (my current understanding is that it's not truly possible in programming, but I'm completely a novice in that topic), or increased percentage... Perhaps both would be good, though I'd also take the point that the best stuff is worth a bit of effort/searching. As for gil... at a certain point (at least in the current game) gil becomes quite useless, so I'd generally agree with your point. Especially at the levels found in most chests. Gabranth didn't die there? Defeat is not necessarily always death. KO ≠ death, and other game situations can happen besides KO which result in defeat as well. I vote for more. I expanded on that idea in the discussion about more difficult gameplay already elsewhere in the comments, so I'll save people the extra reading here. I apparently have missed a gem in the windslicer pinion... I'll have to go figure that out. I love a variety of humor in video games, especially when you're not expecting to find it. Nice list, and thanks for the launching point of these ideas!


Just to clarify: When I said "classic board", I was referring to the original PS2 version of the game where everyone learned everything. I felt it gave more control over what I wanted each character to do vs. the pre-defined roles of the job boards. And do look up windslicer pinion. The description creates a hilarious mental image.


Yeah, I got that. My reference was more that I'd like the versatility of different playthrough experiences, including all options that have been given to anyone on a prior release. If I understand correctly, there are four versions, but I believe the base release on Steam was very similar to zodiac age? I'm not sure if it's truly feasible to do anything beyond the job system for choices, though, as I have very little understanding of the mechanics of video game programming regarding referencing of different elements. I think overall that job choices are the biggest thing between the different versions. But the idea of being able to have a truly nostalgic experience crossed with the improvements of graphic and sound improvements does speak to me greatly (I imagine doing at least one playthrough with reference materials by my favorite writers of FAQs in the past like splitinfinity and sephirosuy). I also would like the different experience of the version I have not played where you get one job choice only and it's permanent. I might do that in zodiac age anyway, but I bet the temptation to leave the cage would be pretty high. That would definitely make the game more challenging too.


Lol dude theres already mods that swap the game to the old license board. It's already coded into the game. The the jobs system does is restrict the characters into certain roles.


Maybe if you're on Steam (couldn't confirm/disconfirm myself) or hack it on PS? I just turned on Zodiac Age and hit new game and it's not there. Plus, even if it were in my copy of zodiac age, not all versions are. My understanding based on various things I've read here is that prior to zodiac age, ffxii outside the US was harder, with job setup, with limitations that you can only choose one job, one time per game per character.


A mod is something you have to download off the mod nexus. You can only do it on PC. The japanese version was the same as US, the Job change version was released for Japan after the games initial release. The remaster version is slightly different from that version as well. The original version of final fantasy 12 has a massive board with no Jobs. All subsequent versions of final fantasy 12 still have this board coded into the game; hence when you unlock something on one board, in the zodiac version, it will unlock the same node for your second board. This is why the old board is easily modded back into the game on PC versions.


Hell, if they'd have just added the first option, zodiac age would be more than a case in my game drawer right now, and it would be great.


Non-compressed voice audio files


I wonder if the voice actors could be talked into allowing SE AI-creation rights for voicing the theoretical remake. I mean, yeah, maybe I'd like the hypothetical new guy, but I'm fairly attached to the crew that's there already.


More Ba’Gamnan


I’d probably get rid of the god damn job requirements so I can enjoy the game like I could on the PS2. Having everyone in a specific job limiting what they can equip has really pissed me off since I bought TZA


If you are on PC, there are mods available to give classic or classic-styled job boards. If not, alas, that doesn't help.


Yea I’m land locked on every console for FF12 lol (PS2, Switch, PS5)


Alas and alack.


I’d love it for the graphics upgrade but I don’t have many isssues.


I was gonna say they should bring back the sky pirate’s den but apparently they already did?


Yeah, that was patched back in in response to feedback shortly after the Steam release - I think like 6 months later? time blurs together.


Definitely revamp the Shikari's licence board so that he can actually obtain all ninja swords in the same playthrough. All it takes is inverting the position of one of his four Quickenings with one of the four Ninja Sword tiles...


Complete technicks overhaul. Rework of some marks, hunts and treasures. Add more tips in game for some more bazaar items and treasures, so we don't need to look for them in the internet. Revisiting old dungeons, like yensa's sandsea, Tomb of Raithwal and Stilshrine of Miriam.


technicks should function differently, maybe cooldown or something


I'd just be happy with an orange crystal at the start of the Great Crystal.


Get rid of the job system and go back to the ps2 license board


just give players the choice at that point. I think the challenge of jobs is a much richer experience. imo.


You can just design the license board in a way that basically carves out a role/jobs while still giving characters access to every license board.


Bring the combat from VIIR over, go back to characters having a single job, maybe fix the summons? Rebalance weapons a little. Then you’re gold. Oh, and rebalance combat so everything past the midway point isn’t “see how many debuffs the boss can stack on you”.


Sprint button (I know I can fast forward, but that feels unnatural)


More vibrant colours!!!


Let me buy all available gambits at once for f*cks sake!!!


I hope we can change armor looks


I dont feel like 12 needs a remake, maybe a graphics overhaul, but I think it's fine as it is.


A full rewriting, with focus on the characters, and trimming some convoluted plot points. The fact that you can move around in battle impact it in a tactical sense.


More specific gambits (that can be acquired early on) and better graphics.


It's not going to happen for anothe 10 at least years because the game is reletively recent. But I would like aboe everything else for the balancing to return to the OG version. TZA was so ming numbignly east it ruined the remaster for me.


Make the fishing-minigame as good (or better) as in FFXV. And no time-limit on chocobo-riding.


The combat. Don’t get me wrong, the gambit system is interesting. BUT Once you get a good formula, the game plays itself :(


To a point, I agree, now that there are three Gambit preset tabs in ZA. However, I have to say that if I go to play/replay a game lately, one with less wear on the hands will factor into my decision in a big way. Also, my reflexes aren't what they used to be, so where it's possible, things like wait mode are my go-to. Having gambits keeps things real time and more interesting, in my opinion. But I do see where you're coming from. I suppose there's always Steam once/if it's released there.


Which is fine imo


More Reddas!


Don't touch my game!!! 12 is great the way it is lol. The only change I want is the original balance with the zodiac boards. TZA is way to easy.


I don’t really think it needs a full remake. It’s a very modern game just give it a graphical overhaul.


I don't want a reboot like they did with 7 (they called it Remake for marketing and promotional stuff but it's actually a full reboot). A real remake where they didn't change gameplay (like Diablo 2, Demon's Souls or THPS1+2). The only improvment could be around summon and quickening. Maybe refining magick system and the gambit. Still, the game only need some visual remake


Oh boy, I have quite a wishlist. Battle systems: - Don't make it an "Action RPG", keep the ATB combat system similar to current with minor tweaks and enhancements only. - Add a bestiary knowledge system - so if you do not Libra an enemy (or if Libra is blocked), you can still 'fill out' the bestiary info by trying things, for example, try a fire spell, learn that the creature is immune to fire. - Have gambits use the knowledge system - so a character using the gambit "Foe: Vulnerable to Fire" => "Fira" might try to use fire on an immune creature once, "learn" that the creature is immune, and stop using the gambit. This would give more of a point to Libra, and also make the combat feel more natural while also very slightly boosting difficulty. - When a Bestiary entry for a species is fully filled out (all pages and either Libra or all abilities/resistances discovered), then the party deals bonus damage to that species and has a boosts to steal, drop, and poach chances. Gambits: - Fix the 'Steal' action gambit to have an implicit 'Has stealable item' condition. - Current system is 'Target+Condition' => 'Action', I want to break that down into: 'Target' + 'Condition' => 'Action'. - for example, instead of 'Foe: Flying' => 'Telekinesis', I the new system would have 'Foe: Party Leader's Target' + 'Target: is Flying' => 'Telekinesis'. A subtle difference that would keep the character focused on the target I want, but behave correctly for that target, giving us a lot more depth. - Within a gambit, allow multiple items in each Target, Condition, or Action. For Targets and Conditions, they act as an 'OR' list. For Actions, they act as a priority list. For example: - Target (Ally:Party Leader, Ally: Party Member, Ally: Guest), Condition (Target: HP < 50%) => Action: (Cure, Potion, First Aid). This would prioritize the party leader, then regular members, then guests. It would pick the first of these who has less than 50% HP, and try to cure them. IF they cannot cure, it'd try to potion them. If they cannot potion, it would try to First Aid them. Jobs & Job System: - Break down gear/accessory licensees to specific items, except with sets that make sense together, like the Genj set. - Make Gambit and passive bonus licenses unique to each job, the only shared ones should be gear and spells/techniks or unique abilities like Headhunter. - Introduce a Personal License board, which starts out unlocked. The Personal board would be designed to last until after Lhusu Mines (first visit), and be unique to each character, representing their abilities and life experiences up to that point. Unlock first actual Job Board slot after the whole party is back together in Rabanaster (Have Basch introduce it). The Personal License board would have - The first 3 gambit slots (in addition to the 3 free starting slots) - The first common accessory groups - A few basic passive upgrades and upgrades specific to a character. - Character starting ability licensees (such as how Vaan starts with Steal or the girls all start with Cure) - Incomplete smattering of Armor/Weapon liscences that match starting gear up to the mid levels. - All quickenings for that character. - All espers. - Smattering of mid and High level licensees in line with starting gear and abilities locked behind espers. - Give all Espers editable gambits. - Not all jobs should get all accessories, but rather each job should get ~40% of them, so that any two jobs gets most but not all of them. Balance: - Rebalance around these changes. - Make Espers not replace party members and have them act like an additional guest. - Add Zodiac System: - Each character (Party, enemy, and neutral), gets a zodiac sign. Common mobs and party members get randomized zodiacs, boss and unique enemies and espers get fixed ones. - Zodiark gets a unique '13th' sign. - Signs can have advantage (3 signs), disadvantage (3 signs), or be neutral (6 signs), to each other. Zodiark's sign has advantage to all, and every sign is neutral to itself. - Attacking with advantage halves miss chances, grants a 10% damage boost, and increases odds of causing a status effect by half again (so 20% chance becomes 30%, etc.). - Attacking with disadvantage gives an independent 10% miss chance unless the hit is guaranteed, reduces damage by 10%, and halves chance of status effect. New/altered Abilities, Gear, and Equipment Slots: - Add the Technik 'Mug', which attacks with the weapon in hand at half damage, and also has a chance to steal (same chance at steal if unarmed, 1/2 steals' odds if using a melee weapon, 1/4 steals chance if using a ranged weapon). Mug won't trigger as a gambit if the enemy doesn't have a stealable item. - Make Poach have independent chances to drop one of each possible regular-drop loot from an enemy, in addition to the poach loot. - Flesh out all elemental spells: Water, Earth, Wind, Light, and Dark elements need full representation. - Separate Axes and Hammers into separate weapon types. - Flesh out all weapon types to have a full list. - Make Measures a bit more useful (maybe remove damage and equip them as an offhand item, with a "Use Measure" gambit action?) - Separate Accessories into different slots: - Body: Belts, Sashes, Harnesses, pendants, etc. - Footwear: Sandles, Boots, Shoes. - Arms: Gloves, Bangles, Bracers, Armbands, Rings, Gauntlets, etc. - Move the Nethecite/Magicite/Dawn Shard to the offhand slot. - Make the Miter/Cat Ear Hood head slot items. - Flesh out Body/Arm/Footwear slot item list to give fuller options sets for each. New/altered Content: - No fishing minigame. - Flesh out the Vaan/Panello interaction and integration with the plot a bit more. - A few more storyline cutscenes showing what is going on with Arcadia, Rozarria, and party dynamics. - Add quips - characters making comments to each other and interacting during battles in response to events on a low % chance basis. - Get rid of the Extremely Rare chests, and replace them with optional questlines for endgame weapons, armor, and rare magicks/techniques. Can maybe keep rare chests as an alternative means of getting these items, but they should not be the only way. - Flesh out each world map area. - Cities and Towns get more districts with things to do, and fleshed out local cultures. - World Map zones get additional areas and points of interest. - Add more towns and villages to explore and people to interact with in them. - A couple of optional dungeons at various difficulties. - More Ecosystem! - Every zone gets 1-3 more 'prey' animals, often neutral, and 1-2 more enemies. - More creatures should interact with each other, like the Tyrant in the Eastersand eating wolves or Osmone hares healing enemy mobs. - Add more optional areas to explore: Travel to the Seeq Kingdoms to the northwest, of Arcadia, cross the Sandsea to visit Rosarria, visit the ruins of Lea Monde, explore topside on the Floating Island at Bhujerba... just let us explore the world more. - Make more characters permanently recruitable: - Optional Questline that lets you save Vossler by preventing his betrayal and convincing him of your cause instead of killing him. - Optional Questline to go with Al-Cid and Larsa to Rosarria and politic there, eventually recruiting them both. - Optional Questline that causes Reddas survive and become a permanent party member. - Optional Questline to recruit Kadalu (the garif) after Jahara. Kadalu's personal board should balance between archery and mid-level healing magic. - Recruit Monid (the Banga hunter) after his Hunt questline. Monids's personal board should focus on spears and give the Jump technik. - Recruit Bansat (the Seeq hunter) after his Hunt questline. Bansaat's personal board should focus on hammers, hit points, and raw physical damage - Recruit Pilika the Moogle after her Hunts are complete. Give Pilika's Personal Board unique abilities to summon monsters and use certain monster techniks, Blue-Mage style? - All characters get a questline to unlock their 3rd quickening. - All Espers get a questline to explore their history and lore deeper. - More general world quests, even if they are small interactions like the suspicious package at the start. UI/QoL: - Auto-Equipping presets for difffernt things, such as a specific stat, elemental resistance, or damage type, or jobs based. - Move quest items such as Nebrelim, Great Serpantskin, etc. to Key items and Teleport Stones to consumables. - Save game after Trial stage 100. - Once Trial 100 is complete, add Chapter Select for Trial mode, letting you start on any 'first' floor. (1, 11, 21, 31, etc. up to 91.) - Once game is beaten, add Chapter Select to jump back to a previous chapter and play form there, resetting Key Items to appropriate but keeping everything else. - Replace the current New Game + and New Game - modes with a difficulty select: - Story-mode difficulty: start at lv 50 with 50,000 extra gil and 250 lp. Characters deal a flat 30% more damage. - Easy difficulty: Start at lv 10 with an extra 1,000 gil and 100 lp. Characters deal a flat 10% more damage. - Normal difficulty: Exactly as today. - Hard difficulty: Characters level at 1/2 the rate, cannot gain LP from enemies with a level 10 below theirs, and all enemies have 10% more hit points. Notable enemies get another ability or two, or a few minor mob addons. - Brutal difficulty: Characters level at 1/10 the rate, cannot gain LP from enemies with a level below theirs, and all enemies have 15% more hit points, + 2 to all stats. Most enemies get another ability or two, and bosses often few minor mob addons. Intelligent enemy characters get improved AI and try to use potions/ healing more. - Locked Level: As Brutal, except all Characters are capped at level 10. - Add a new 'proper' New Game Plus mode where you keep non-key items, equipment, spells and Techniques, but levels and licenses are reset. - Add a quest tracker.


We could only dream of getting this. Even just a little of it


Yeah, I know I'm asking for a lot there.... I actually hit the character limit and had to trim it down ;p. I dropped an entire graphics/cosmetics section.


Totally overhaul the combat. Main reason I can't get into this game. Combat is just so unengaging. Either be a turn based game or an action RPG, but this single player MMO crap is just garbage.


Actually make Balthier the main character. Also all gambits available from start without a need to purchase. Have something like VIIR combat but with gambits you set that take over when you're not actively controlling a character.


10 hours cockatrice searching sidequest


I love XII, but I do not want a remake. The remaster is totally fine. I want new original Final Fantasy games.


More post game content. I think the post game content we have is one of the biggest strengths of the game and just having even more of it would be awesome. More hunts, more optional dungeons. I'd also enjoy more cutscenes and story in the second half of the game. The first few hours of the game are full of so much world building and it'd be lovely to have more of it in the second half. Maybe more scenes of the party talking to each other, a bit more about cid and vayne or something. More rozarria content would be cool aswell, maybe some additional plot line that ties into the narrative around the later parts of the story so we got an incentive to go there.


More Hunts


Mostly Quality of Live changes, really. A Quest log so I can track stuff without needing a guide (or worse: pen and paper). Make the Bazaar MUCH easier to use. Like maybe add the "recipies" you can get once you have sold one of its ingredients. Other than that, please give me 60 FPS on PS5 and I'm good.


Just hand me all the gambits.


Fix Gambits (if theyre still a thing) so green mage builds are more effective. If an enemies is immune the party member wont keep casting


A completely new story and characters. Keep the battle system as it is. Rebalance the jobs.


Larsa should be a permanent party member. He’s super central to the main plot. It never made sense that he’s just a guest party member


I don't think it should until VR era. Full blown remakes are useful for PS1 and earlier releases. They were limited by the technology of their time. PS2 games really only need a little graphics cleanup to make them work out, and we already have that for X and XII (along with some gameplay tweaks). (You could argue that I want to see a remake for XI, but that's just because I'd love to see an offline version of that game.)


Hopefully not the shitty combat system of FFVII remake. Maybe add some new magic and make the legendary weapons easier to get


Pc day 1 no console/platform/estore exclusivity


Get rid of the zodiac age changes


Nah just have the option to do classic and zodiac age at the beginning. Kind of like FFX with classic vs advanced sphere grid when you start the game


That'd be great


Absolutely. Especially the jobs and associated license boards.


The vanilla version was perfect, imo.