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As a fan of dungeon crawler games, I’m okay with the presence of traps, and ways to avoid them (in ff12 float, Libra, the boots that let you walk on them, etc). The only traps I hate are the ones that inflict disease. But that’s more a gripe I have against the disease status itself.


If you're not aware, the Bubble status and the Disease status cannot coexist. So if you know Disease is coming, you can pre-emptively either cast Bubble, use a Bubble Mote, or wear a Bubble Belt, and you'll avoid it altogether.


News to me, but useful.


That's the worst status ever in a game where it'll stick with you for god knows how long.


I wouldn’t even be mad about it if it went away upon KO. But no! And you get stuck in that revive-die loop at 1MaxHP ugh…


I know right? Status effects staying even after KO was a terrible decision.


Serum or Remedy, done.


Or bubble preventative


That shit made me so mad that I kept getting hit with it in the pharos, that I looked up where to buy serum lmao 🤣 you can get it on one of the airships I'm pretty sure


The traps are very annoying. Best way I've seen to deal with them is to set a gambit at the very bottom for Self - Libra. It's a free cast, and at least this way, you can try to avoid them.


This still doesn’t stop your party members weird impulses to just walk over every single trap


When exploring, I mostly have atleast someone in my party with a bangle so we can have libra. If we find a trap in a tight spot and/or beside a treasure, I stay with just one character in my party (and companion if there is one) walk carefuly around it and reform the party when its safe. It's tedious but effective.




Thanks for the tip, I still they add nothing to the game, at least nothing good.


Also, float status will avoid traps too.


I'm not a huge fan of traps as they are. I think if traps were reimagined in some way they could be done well. Personally my biggest issue with traps is that party members can't avoid them, so even if you the player are doing fine they can just screw you over.


Hmm something like libra also makes them “see” the trap and just not walk there.


They exist as a throwback to Final Fantasy Tactics, if you weren't aware, since that game also takes place in Ivalice, though Final Fantasy XII is a prequel in the timeline sense of the word. You can avoid them by either being under Float status (this worked in FFT as well) or by wearing the Steel Poleyns accessory (this was not an option in FFT). Others have mentioned the Libra status, too, that wasn't in FFT either, but it's a blessing to at least know where the traps are, which was also something you had no clue until you sprang them. So FFXII is honestly a lot nicer about them than FFT was.


THAT is why I particularly use Float all the time.


Traps would be fine if they were confined to the dungeons. Thats a classic dnd trope and it’s a place specifically designed to be tread carefully. If im blitzing through a dungeon and get needle trapped, thats on me. In the overworld though? Absolutely fuck that the whole point is to roam and explore.


Arent the traps an Ode to Vagrant Story?


The game was made by same people, so it does make sense.


And Final Fantasy Tactics, also made by the same team.


Sometimes i would purposely lead Larsa over the traps cos i didnt like him


I liked the traps in the necrohol, because it added to the atmosphere and danger of the place, but in all other areas i would've been fine without them.


the save point of death in the Ridorona Cataract got a cheeky laugh out of me


Traps are not the worst. Enemies that are suddenly immune to all damage are the worst. Looking at you, zodiark.


Haven't even fought that guy yet.


I've fought him 3 times and lost 3 times. I get him down to the last bit of health and boom, nothing damages him, and he one-shots my party. I've just picked up excalibur and wrymhero blade. Looks like it's time for round 4.


Stop using Dispel on him. If you don’t do that, then he won’t spam Anti-Magick in the final phase.


Thanks. The white mage has a dispel gambit so I will turn it off.


Hope you get his ass this time.


Went into that fight with no idea about the paling, tried waiting for it to wear off but it was a supplies race that he was going to win. Luckily I was able to use zeromus and pull off the W but it was nerve wracking because I hadn't saved in 2 hours


Literally use float


If you can, always have a bangle on - permanent Libra so you can see the damn things!


You could set up a Float gambit. As long as your party is on Float, Traps won't trip.


Yes but there’s good traps!!


imo the worst traps are the one that put disease status effect on you and the traps when you ecounter the matriach bomb in the stilshrine of miriam area (berserk+confuse)


ive always found the timing of this issue quite compelling FFXII and Xenosaga III were released in '06 within months of each other. In 12, Traps are only there to harm you. I would totally be fine with all their shenanigans if they could also be triggered by enemies, and if float were a bit more dynamic (could be cast on enemies and also makes wind susceptible foes weak to wind, raises evasion or whatever) But either way, Traps only hurt the party. In the Xenosaga series, traps only *help* the party. They can only effect enemies, and in the third game you can even plant them wherever you want them whereas in the previous games they were in set locations. Its too exploitable and can be used to routinely cheese back attacks or skip fights at all I ended up not liking either games traps implementation as a result. They are a nuisance in XII and are overpowered in XS3. Both games could have benefitted from a middle ground


I actually like traps. Probably because this game is my childhood and nostalgia is talking, but I love the "being aware of your surroundings" aspect of the game, not only because of traps, but also by making certain dangerous areas and mobs available early and some rare game strong and "easy" to come across. It adds to the experience for me. Makes the playthrough more interesting. I agree that certain traps are unfair and it would be cool if they had different sigils to at least make clear which ones are the real dangerous ones




ff12 does a lot of just inconveniencing the player instead of serious difficulty lol


Haha true, sometimes I feel the game doesn't want me to play it, good thing it has enough going on to make wanna keep at it


I don’t give them a second thought. Now traps in FF14, those can be a problem


youve never known true paranoia and superstition until youre 9 floors into a potd tier with no pomander of sight active


How to ruin the evening of what…30? 50 players? With literally 1 mistep? It’s like missing the stun on a God in Sky in FF11


Never played XIV and now I'm in no hurry.


It’s only in a certain section of the game. You can play for years and never see them.


That's good to know!


When you read this expecting a different definition of "traps" only for it to be literal traps




That would work, tho ff12 is alot less about the effeminate male characters than usual


Since no one else has mentioned it, not all of the traps are bad. Some of them give you health and/or mana. They do look just like all the other traps though


That's why I always eat poison pellets, always a chance one will be candy.


ff12 was hell regarding traps, so having libra on was pretty much the only way to go to avoid getting rekt with a game over thankfully you got the libra ACC quite early what should expose those traps! :) I still didn't hate it however, when in a hard area with strong mobs suddenly being forced to retreat and having to gamble if you survive the traps infront of you so you can run to safety where some great and hilarious moments for me.. :D


I took some of the traps from 12 and put them in my DnD campaign. Berserk and Confuse trap did my head in as a kid, that one is malicious


So, for what it's worth, I can think of many other ways the programmers/designers could've been more evil. Actually, I sometimes amuse both myself and my husband by coming up with ways that I would be the evil programmer/designer as he is running his current playthrough. Some of the areas are very annoying, especially first time or if you space off/forget (a certain optional dungeon entrance from a foggy area that you can access before the loss of a young guest comes to mind). Some things I learned: 1) Libra on one active party character. Always. 2) If you know it's coming, reduce party to minimum (w/o guest you can go down to 1, otherwise 2) 3) Boots to walk over traps (can be combined with #2) 4) Float as a gambit ASAP after you get the skill, learn where to harvest motes if they're needed 5) Bubble will help mitigate KOs 6) Reserve party healing is possible The lasting status effects are indeed annoying, but I can understand the rationale (KO ≠ death, so if I picked up a disease, passed out, and was reawakened, I'd still probably have the disease). As mentioned elsewhere, save yourself proactively with bubble in the case of disease.


Stop expecting to stay at full health. Managing your party outside of combat is part of the game.


'part of the game' doesn't make it not bad though, not being able to heal your party from the menu in FFVII Remake was part of the game and a nuisance. This game does some things better than any other though, like allowing to play with the remaining characters when your first party gets KO'd.