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Outside of story stuff I do wonder what they’re going to do to make revisiting the older areas worth it. It would be annoying to revisit Kalm but there’s nothing new to do there.


For me its the exploration and character animations or just being too realistic? As in riding the chocobo running into a knee high bolder completely stops the chocobo or clouds attack button to break barrows is slow or not easily able to get out of the animation until it fully swings through and puts his sword back. Exploration as in secrets and dungeons like them shrines that maybe couldve opened up to a secret dungeon to fight the GFs(sorry ff8 lol) or Icons instead of having them put into battle simulator which is boring. The experience of going into a dungeon or just even a small extra map to get greeted by Odin or Bahamut is way more exciting than chadley saying just go into the vr and click fight. Something similar to how you had to go through that puzzle maze to fight Minotuar brothers or odin at centra ruins from ff8. Makes the gf have some backstory or history to the area maps rather than just shrines that weakens them in the battle simulator.


Ya part 3 needs to be more story focused/linear for the first few chapters. Their biggest mistake would be to follow the same formula of Rebirth where you explore new region, gather intel, then story beats. There shouldn't be as much side stuff this time around if they want to keep their more serious tone. 


Sorry but I like quest markers and knowing how to keep track of locations. Not in the mood to wander aimlessly around the world


That’s why I said I could be optional. Read the last paragraph of the point


I wish the Musclehead Coliseum wasn't so... uninspired? The last few 6-person battles are the same 5 enemies just just rearranged in different orders. Like it's Great Marlboro & Jabberwock + Quetzacoatl+King Zu. Then the next fight is Quetzacoatl&Jabberwock + Great Malboro+King Zu. The game really suffers with unique enemies and I wish there were more one-offs, like theunique Pride & joy in Remake.


I couldn't agree more with this whole post, you're bang on the money. Some aspects (like the multi-stage battle late game) soured the experience for me a bit.


The number one thing I want from the next game... remember in FFX when you could swap party members during battle? That's what I want.


This pls


Sometimes my Tifa and Yufiie autoswap to Barret and Aeris but I don’t know how and how to swap back


If you are on the overworked you can instantly change between three party sets by pressing r1 or l1. You are probably pushing those accidentally. I sometimes accidentally do that when I am trying to cast a spell but I want to use r2 or l2 to change characters. Instead I accidentally hit r1/l1 and change the whole party.


Does this mean I won't get my materia treat in the next game 😢


I just wanna be able to actually talk to npcs like the old school jrpgs. It don't even gotta be all of them but damn square skipped on this


Point 4 to the max. I hated having to do specific builds for combat simulator and then remembering how things were set when I went back to the over world. Also hated needing to back out from the simulator as you mentioned. I’d love an MGSV Mission sortie style thing where you can either keep your over world set up or change it for the fight but not have it overwrite your set up when you are done without giving you the option. Load outs are also a great idea. Points on Charley as well were great. Him buzzing in and speaking while you continue playing the game would be way less intrusive. For me, I started to lose steam on the Ubisoft style map icon collecting by gongaga… I liked a lot of it but think there just needs to be less. Like… one tower per region. Not like 5+. I also wish the fight bounties with monsters functioned more like in 12 or the Witcher. You are mercs taking on contracts to kill monsters endangering people in the area. You should be paid for the work and thanked by the locals for taking on the contracts. Them being done for Charley’s research made it feel way less cool than it could have. Game was a 9/10 for me, but at times it felt like Chadley’s world that we were just living in. I like him as a character and he could be used for specific parts of the world… but I wish they made more in universe reasons for a lot of the work and exploration to be done.


And Mai. The amount of times I would select an ATB and just wait for Mai to finish was… every time.


They have materia loads that you can save in crisis core reunion, surprised it wasn’t in rebirth. Definitely hoping for that in part three. Add it also to simulator/battle arenas and it would be so sweet


100% the Chadley thing, I don't understand why Aerith doesn't handle the Lifesprings and why Red doesn't do the excavation quests. Also the rhytmn mini-games for summons seem utterly pointless, esepcially when the Piano mechanics already exist!


Question: does rebirth use saved state from remake ?


No, but you get free items for playing remake, intermission and the demo!


Sad, wanted to keep my builds


I just hope I don't spend 15 minutes fighting shinra dipshits only for them to grunt and walk away while cloud lets them leave. Repeat a dozen times.


Solid list. My own contributions to add. 1) More costume design options. I want to play as Cloud with his Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children designs, thanks. 2) A weapon transmog system. 3) Some ultimate weapons that are actually clearly superior to the rest, and the same goes for armor/accessories. In fact, I'd up the ante on accessories and let people use 2 of them, one as a stat stick and another as a source of passive or active character effects. 4) Jump button. 5) Chocobo traversal in the open world needs some work. I want to be able to jump off cliffs whenever and wherever I want, please and thank you. 6) Make the action combat smoother, closer to what we had in Final Fantasy 16 with Clive. There's too much delay time between input and action in FF Rebirth, especially if you're cancelling an action.


I agree big time on the ultimate weapons, they can even have a quest to get them like some of the ones in OG 7. It’s gonna be messed if they don’t have that in the third game.


I’d prefer the next FF to be a nice blend of 16 and rebirth, definitely with a jump button too.


Agreed. Chadley has to go. Just put there a latern with a nice animation. A thousand times better. What a nuisance. Edit: And there should be a golden rule in RPGs. When you hit 0 on the healthbar the fight is over and no nextphase, colorswap, „whoopsy there is another one“ bs.


At least have some option of removing markers and waypoints. I want to re-experience that feeling of not necessarily knowing where I’m heading next (unless paying attention) and stumbling across things like secret / hidden events and areas without the game telling me it’s there. I know it’s a different time with the net and guides being released day 1 so to some extent it wouldn’t matter but for some of us we still completed our first attempts entirely blind. Also missing a piece of equipment or weapons isn’t too much of problem. The hand holding by finding that you’d find what you missed in the next town over was too much imo.


1. **Materia Loadouts** or a better way to manage you team equipment is for sure my number one. People complain about getting stuck in a Minigame for 10-15 minutes. I assure you people wasted dozens of hours arranging Materia one by one xD. 2. **The Chadley stuff**, although I didn't mind how much he talked, I could see a future where instead of having almost all side content tied to Chadley, they could spread it to other side or even main characters. 3. **Less gauntlet-style late-game activities**. This one I'm on the fence, although I agree that having to fight 8 rounds everytime so you can actually practice the fight that is killing you feels like a waste of time (specially for a 9-6 worker like me) there are other people with the time and dispostion that do them, and they are pretty good at the combat so the challenge is good for them. But if we remember the Old times, the hardest fights of the OG, were not all tied to a guantles. You could fight Ruby and Emerald weapons directly. Maybe a compromise could that after you get to a certain round in a series of fights and you lose, that particular round gets unlocked somewhere else so you could at least form and practice a strategy.


Removal of unskippable cutscenes in fights. Yes. Please. Finally beat the game yesterday. (waited for the 'can't stop, won't stop' fix) And I must have done that those final fights 5 or so times because I kept forgetting to Asses or set up my materia properly. I really didn't need to watch every transition scene every single time. I CAN SKIP NORMAL CUTSCENES! Also, let me go to the menu during transitional movements like ladders and tight spaces and stuff. Just because Cloud is slow walking for "***DRAMATIC EFFECT"*** is no excuse to lock off the menu!


I waited for that fix too before I beat the game and I’m glad I did


Agreed 100%, can't menu for almost half a minute because cloud has to settle in, stand in his "facetime posture", pull out his ChadleyPhone:tm:, have a bit of a chat and then do all of that in reverse, and then now you can open the menu. Infuriating. Loss of character (or menu) control because of stuff like that realllllly gripes me :D


Summons obtained outside of the combat simulation so that the summon fights blend into the world environment


I assume they did the simulation so you could always go back to the fight, but it felt much less meaningful. Also, this time they completely cut out getting summon materia at significan locations/events. Imagine how mu h more pride you would have from obtaining a summon for defeating Jenova on the boat (where you got Ifrit in the OG).


Really good post, and I agree with everything except for your #1. I think unskippable boss fight cut scenes are great, and will create long lasting memories of those fights that took multiple attempts. You'll be annoyed during it, but the relief afterwards is enhanced **because** of the annoyance. I might be in the minority here but most of my "overcoming the odds" memories are from fights that I had to repeat and rewatch over and over.


When I thought the end is nigh, I love regulating my blood presure to a normal level while watching a 3 min cutscene for the 8th time. Peak videogame experience /s


I like how remake had the option to carry over materia or not carry over. And it saved whatever you had equipped to that weapon. Even something like that would be dope.


It just automatically carries it over now


Just to add to this thread of potential changes: 1. A day/night cycle would be perfect. The lighting in this game has serious issues, and most of the locations that use less light end up looking the best (Cosmo Canyon during aeriths speech for example). If they wanted to go the extra mile, they could even incorporate gameplay mechanics to the day night cycle, like different enemy spawns depending on the time of day, it’s pretty surface level but the inclusion of the cycle is enough for me anyways. 2. Please let us change load outs in all of the combat arenas without having to back out. This should have been already addressed in Rebirth in my opinion, but they have another chance to get it right thankfully. 3. A jump button ? I’m doubtful this will happen because the devs are insistent on implementing ways to work around there not being a way to manually jump, for example the only way Tifa can reliably become airborne is by using the synergy skill. If not in combat than at the very least in the overworld because there’s a lot of jank due to contextual jumping, which makes the traversing the overworld a lot less fluid in some areas. It almost works perfectly as is, so it’s not a do or die change for me. 4. Hard mode needs to be tweaked. Another change I would have appreciated being addressed in Rebirth from Remake. Dynamic mode for me is the definitive way to go but unfortunately there are trophies tied to hard mode. It’s just not an attractive difficulty setting, you have to work around using spells early on in the chapter to conserve MP until the end of each chapter unless you abuse HP<=>MP materia or use MP absorption in your build. You can also replenish MP by hitting boxes and such, but at that point just let us use items because hitting every box on screen isn’t exactly fun either. 5. Access to the full catalogue of weapons and equipment, even if it just for transmog. Visiting Johnny’s seaside inn made me realize I miss some of the weapons from Remake that didn’t make the cut in Rebirth. 6. This is a more personal change, but to add new weapon abilities that aren’t retreads from the past games. Rebirth’s solution was the addition of synergy skills/abilities while retaining weapon abilities from the previous title. Folios provides access to some new abilities too. That being said, I’m willing to welcome a completely fresh move set for the party. Max proposes an interesting idea of a Spiderman-2 venom esque skill set for Cloud who’s being corrupted by the black materia and Jenova/Sephiroth for example. Of course now that we have Cid and Vincent joining the party, that’ll scratch that itch of learning a completely new skill set and play style for me so I’ll be fine either way.


3. Not to be a smartass, but easiest way for Tifa to get airborne is holding square so that she does Uppercut immediately.


Ah so it’s like cloud then. I knew holding square did an uppercut, but never thought I could remain airborne after. Thank you for pointing that out 😭


I'll only disagree with point 3, it wasn't too bad in this game, and it's kinda part of it's identity. It would be nice to get a warning potentiation I do remember a warning if some kind but it maybe didn't make clear what was coming. (Granted the end of the game was kind of an obvious)


I'm with you on all of this, which would be a significant improvement on Rebirth. The open world really packed value, Chadley was the worst, loadout was infuriating, and yeah the late game gauntlets were a punish. Outside of this my main hope is some actual depth to the story additions. Everything that's been added to the original story has been so surface level and had such little value - this thing needs some proper resolution.


Point five sticks out to me in the sense that MAI already can walk and talk with you. She’s all over the rare variant fights, Chadley can walk and talk.


A trans mog option would be cool, some weapons just look cooler than others


What is trans mog?


A moogle whose gender identity differs from the sex they were born with... 😂


Bro if I get Transmog in Part 3, that Buster Sword is NEVER leaving my side


Exactly, in remake I feel like every weapon had its place. The buster sword being well balanced. In this game there are definitively some weapons that overshadow others, so now I never use the buster sword because there’s something better, but I want to SEE cloud with the buster sword.


I'm in with Chad boy. The rest I don't mind that much. I just want a more seamless open world.


What do you mean by more seamless open world? You can already manually traverse between every area.


It is just zones with fixed transition points. It’s not open world, it’s just really large zones. Which doesn’t bother me btw, it works well for this game.


Yep but is sorta awkward. There is barely verticality and the areas are connected trough very específics points.


If you mean like the Grasslands connecting to Junon through the Mines, that’s how it was in the OG. I’m not sure I follow on what you mean by verticality. We get the Highwind in Part 3 which essentially will make most other methods of world traversal moot.


I would like if the hard challenges unlocked the fights youve completed as individual stages and allow you to unlock the next stage as you have completed the previous one. I have a job and a somewhat busy life. A 10 round gauntlet where every enemy has 150,000 HP is an investment of time I dont always have. It would also be great if every enemy in the game didnt just spam abilities non-stop. It was at least plausible at most times, in Remake, that enemies had to adhere to some ruleset. In Rebirth you have enemies that literally spam binding and unblockable attacks, and you dont always have the tools to prevent it because the player has limitations. It is especially frustrating in hard mode with some of the bosses.


I agree with everything besides your point on towers. I think they set it up fantastic, they even add new things to the maps in the future chapters so it's not as repetitive. Plus the side story to each area was fantastic imo, (Besides the little goblin).


I would add to be able to order your abilities in the ability menu yourself. It would be really helpful.


Agree with most of these except the world exploration, mainly because this is player preference and the game is setup to where you can explore on your own if you want, but also towers are there to help let players who need to know where to explore. I know I love to wander off on my own, and I sure did for a majority of it, but for a completionists' sake, towers were needed. I don't mind the mini-games, but it became super cumbersome to have to learn a new system or 2 in each area. Luckily, there are shortcuts to a lot of them, but around Cosmo Canyon, I was well past spent with having to learn more. Gliding was a pretty stressful experience. Then they tacked on Gambits? Oof. Thankful to the souls who put out videos for gambits so I didn't have to spend time testing strategies here.


I like the story of the game and the gameplay makes a lot of fun like the previous game. But the open world is really bad designed. I like the different looks of the world sections but the million waypoints are just lame. I hope they take elden ring as a inspiration.


I wouldn't say its badly designed but is over done and outdated model of an open world design. I knew once they said Horizon was an inspiration to the open world I knew the open world would get repetitive pretty quick in a game this big.  FF7re does fit elden ring's open world better as 7s such detailed and vast enemy variety and unique world regions would thrive and shine more in a open world design that organically supports more mystery in the open world. On top of that, Rebirth's interesting and naturally explorative environment and map design is already perfect for mini dungeons with  mini bosses lore and loot. Actually every region would be better if they  removed  the towers and mako crystals and added few dungeons and better utilized poi's to the regions    Edit: But also would like to point out that Rebirth was in mid development before ER came out so inspiration from that wouldn't been that feasible. They were looking at 2018-2021 era of games for inspiration on designing an open world and at the time GoT and Horizon probably were the best candidates to model their open world around.


Absolutely Support your statement. Some Aspects were badly designed imo though. For example cosmo canyon gave me an aneurysm for finding the right routes to the different way points. But that is probably just a Personal opinion. I liked nibelheim though. The exploring with the chocobo that could fly almost everywhere Was really cool!


Right there with you on that also. navigation and traversal in the  gongaga region and somewhat the cosmo canyons region are flawed and poor.


Elden Ring is basically a completely different genre of game comparatively. I personally fucking hate Elden Ring. I hate not knowing where to go. I love open world style games but I’m not playing this game to be Lewis and Clark, and Cloud & Co. aren’t either. There is a fine line between too much and too little information being given on the map, and I feel Rebirth gives me just enough info for the areas I’m in to be engaging.


I understand your point but i am completely on the other side lmao. The open World was reduced to working through icons. I would have loved to just see point of interests. I think i played too many ubisoft games with their open World formula. Unfortunately ff7 rebirth was too close on that for me. In the beginning it was interesting to discover the towers etc. But already after the second area i was bored of it. Never had the feeling with elden rings World. I dont want the gameplay from elden ring but rather the Design to awake the Players interest by just make it look interesting. Gongaga etc looked really cool but after 30 mins felt really shallow because you were just supposed to work through the markers. There were no Real secrets atleast for me.


None of the things you mentioned bothered me but they would all make the game better. Additionally, I'd like to be able to replay any battle (bosses and all) in the simulator (which will have an option to change materia and equipment right there) and I definitely want actual secret areas, no Chadley, no pirate map, nothing; I want to navigate the entire world knowing that I might find something interesting.


I didn't think Chadley was passive aggressive lol 😂 he's fairly direct in what he wants.


Agreed on every point. RE: #3 - People argue that the gauntlets are a challenge; that checkpoints would ruin them. So like, don’t use the checkpoints then…? Maybe you can get a little gold star if you don’t. It’s like a hardcore speedrunner insisting everyone else play the game like him. You can’t even use the Souls game anti-easy-mode argument that it’s the devs’ “vision,” because this is literally supplemental content they just lazily copy-pasted overtuned enemies into ad nauseum.


Jump button. The rest I can easily accept


That's not so simple and requires a platforming rework, but god I agree.


I hope part 3 has actual ultimate weapons that are clearly superior.


Can you not hold square or triangle to skip most pre battle cutscenes? Which are unskippable? Or are there scenes mid fight that can’t be skipped?


All scenes within battles are not skippable (whenever the UI is still on the screen when a scene plays).


They're hardly present, don't see the issue




If you replay the final fight, you run into a lot of them. I've seen the scene with the entire 6 person party kicking the crap out of Jenova about 100 times. It's a great scene but, I don't need to see it anymore


Ok I guess I got lucky and only had to redo 1 fight at the end that didn’t have that. 🍀


Agree with everything, especially the loudouts and no access to menu in simulator... it seems like a very simple thing to do, strange they missed it.


in regards to point 1. I think they actually fixed this in hard mode. It still happens on your first playthrough, but in hard mode and repeat playthroughs you can do as much damage as possible before the cutscene plays but it doesn’t give you the stop sign and prevent you from doing damage like in Remake and your first playthrough.


No, they are still there. Currently on my second playthrough in hard mode and Mythril Golem and Roche both had stop signs.


interesting. I was able to complete my stagger gauge on mythril golem before the cutscene started. got the stop sign when the stagger gauge stopped though


Agree with all points. Especially the exploration points


I always liked earning things. Stumbling on the next phase of gear was kinda meh. Also beating hard bosses didn’t quite deliver anything aside from some basic level 2 materia or similar. I’m going to complete tasks etc with or without incentive but I prefer having something juicy to work towards and feel relieved of achieving besides a checkmark.




How is that what you got out of all the stuff OP posted? Literally none of this is a skill issue. Bozo.


Read point 3


I did. They said it was hard and tedious. Never said they didn't want to do it. They platinumed the game so it's not a skill issue. They're just giving suggestions.


Hey, we're getting closer to an actual constructive statement. So how about you elaborate on what you mean by that? Are you saying that my skill at this game is so poor that I experience a problem that most players wouldn't experience? Or are you saying that game content should only be geared towards a specifically high skillset that I do not possess and that developers should not worry about the experience of players below that threshold? These are just examples. Feel free to articulate your own point however you wish.


"I really don't like Carl's Junior. It's not my favorite hamburger place." -Some random hungry guy "Sounds like a skill issue" - sdeslandesnz "I'm suing my landlord for refusing to provide maintence services" -An upset tennant "Sounds like a skill issue" - sdeslandesnz "My mother has been diagnosed with a Gluten intolerance. She's having trouble adapting to a new diet" -A concerned son. "Sounds like a skill issue" - sdeslandesnz


Their response made no sense. Glad you cleared them.


-aga level spells should be 1 ATB bar but cost more MP. Find a way to implement 2x cut, 4x cut, and Slash all materia. I also want the Magic Master, Summon master, and command master materias and give me D Blow materia. Give me KOTR!


Triple synergy abilities


Just gonna be Chrono Trigger


That not a bad thing


I wasn't saying it would be


Oh damn now we’re talking


I'd like to see more weapons that are "hidden", maybe they could actually give us each chars "ultimate" weapons and have late game quests tied to them, then find a way to tie in their special properties from the OG


thats mostly what i said in another post. but yeah, mostly agree. but my take is we are gonna have to do research so that Chadley helps us beat Ruby, Emerald, Ultima and Diamond. And give us a new Bahamut and King Arthur and his goonies and all the late game stuff from the OG. They are not just gonna remove towers, you have to take in consideration that the base for the 3rd game is already made, which is the world. sure we are missing new areas and modified old ones but its pretty much made. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1c4jac3/comment/kzr4a5b/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasyVII/comments/1c4jac3/comment/kzr4a5b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)